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oatkiller edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 3 revisions


returns a new function that does the same as the first, but is bound to the passed execution context


(function () {// an object with a 'name' property
var person1 = {
	name: 'Robert'

// another object with a 'name' property
var person2 = {
	name: 'Roy'

// a function that returns the name of the object it belongs to. 
// only it doesnt belong to an object!
var get_name = function () {

// with bind, a function acts like its on an object, even tho its not
var get_person1s_name = get_name[o.bind](person1),
get_person2s_name = get_name[o.bind](person2);

get_person1s_name(); // returns 'Robert'
get_person2s_name(); // returns 'Roy'
