PHP SDK for Publitio API. This SDK works with PHP version 5.5 and up.
Version 1 of this SDK has been deprecated and its use is discouraged. You can find the deprecated version on the deprecated branch.
This SDK is installed via Composer.
Install Composer if you haven't already:
curl -sS | php
Install the Publitio SDK:
php composer.phar require publitio/publitio
If you have already installed Composer globally, use:
composer require publitio/publitio
After installing, require the Composer autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
The \Publitio\API
class presents the main interface to the Publitio RESTful API.
You can find more documentation about Publitio here.
To instantiate the API
class, provide your
API key and API secret (which you can find
on your Publitio dashboard):
$publitio = new \Publitio\API('<API Key>', '<API Secret>');
To Make an API call, use the call
$response = $publitio->call($call_url, $method, $args);
For a list of available calls, see the docs.
$call_url is the API call URL, for example '/files/list'.
$method is the HTTP method, for example 'GET' or 'DELETE'. Which of these you need depends on what kind of call you are making. The method for each API URL is documented at the docs.
$args is an array of URL query parameters, such as
array('public_id' => 'foo')
. -
$response will be the response JSON parsed using
. Note: this is a PHP object, not an array.
Use the call
method when you aren't going to be uploading any files with the call.
If you wish to upload a file, use the uploadFile or uploadRemoteFile methods:
$publitio->uploadFile(fopen('path/to/file.png', 'r'));
For complete documentation of this SDK, see this page.
For plenty more usage examples, see the examples directory.
$publitio = new \Publitio\API('<API Key>', '<API secret>');
$response = $publitio->call('/files/list', 'GET', array('offset' => '0', 'limit' => '10'));