All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- AspectJ version updated to
- downgrade to Java 11, tested under Java 21
- dependency to commons-logging reduced (used only for testing in patterntesting-check-rt)
- dependencies updated
- OSGi support
- AspectJ version updated to 1.9.21
- Java 17 required
- better output for @Broken annotation (#43)
- AssertArg is now deprecated
- update to xstream 1.4.20 (CVE-2022-41966)
- tested under Java 17
- Localhost.matches(..) accepts now timout parameter
- NetworkTester.isOnline(..) accepts also timeout parameter
- switched to SLF4J as logging framework
- update to xstream 1.4.19 (CVE-2021-43859)
- AspectJ version updated to
- Classloader of OpenJDK is supported
- ClassTester supports module concept of Java 9+
- NamingConventionsAspect was deleted because of conflicts with Java 11
- update to Log4J 2.17.1 (CVE-2021-44832)
- switch to Java 11 as development and build environment
- v2.1.2: update to Log4J 2.17.0 to fix next Log4J vulnerability
- v2.1.1: update to Log4J 2.16.0 to fix Log4J vulnerability CVE-2021-45046_
- update to Log4J 2.15.0 to fix Log4J vulnerability CVE-2021-44228
- ClasspathMonitor and ResourcepathMonitor is deprecated and moved to patterntesting-compat
- v2.0.2: NetworkTester provides now for each assert method also a boolean method
- v2.0.1: dependencies updated
- move from SoureForge (CVS) to GitHub (GIT)
- ObjectTester and other XxxTester classes will no longer try to instantiate private classes (patterntesting-rt)
- last version with CVS
- depends now on Java 8