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typemod: improve error message illegal shadowing of included items
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trefis committed Jul 13, 2018
1 parent 9d947a0 commit 4f6eae0
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Showing 8 changed files with 98 additions and 72 deletions.
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions parsing/
Expand Up @@ -333,11 +333,6 @@ let print_compact ppf loc =

let show_loc msg ppf loc =
let pos = loc.loc_start in
if List.mem pos.Lexing.pos_fname [""; "_none_"; "//toplevel//"] then ()
else Format.fprintf ppf "@\n@[<2>%a:@ %s@]" print_loc loc msg

let print_error ppf loc =
Format.fprintf ppf "%a%t:" print loc print_error_prefix

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion parsing/location.mli
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ val input_lexbuf: Lexing.lexbuf option ref

val get_pos_info: Lexing.position -> string * int * int (* file, line, char *)
val print_loc: formatter -> t -> unit
val show_loc: string -> formatter -> t -> unit
val print_error_prefix: formatter -> unit
val print_error: formatter -> t -> unit
val print_error_cur_file: formatter -> unit -> unit
Expand Down
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
File "", line 22, characters 2-19:
Error: The type name t coming from this include cannot be shadowed as it is used later on by value print

File "", line 23, characters 2-36:
Shadowing of type name t
Error: Illegal shadowing of included type t/1141 by t/1145
File "", line 22, characters 2-19:
Type t/1141 came from this include
File "", line 13, characters 2-43:
The value print has no valid type if t/1141 is shadowed
28 changes: 20 additions & 8 deletions testsuite/tests/shadow_include/
Expand Up @@ -99,8 +99,11 @@ end
Line _, characters 2-11:
include S
Error: The type name t coming from this include cannot be shadowed as it is used later on by value ignore

Error: Illegal shadowing of included type t/1155 by t/1172
File "", line 2, characters 2-11:
Type t/1155 came from this include
File "", line 3, characters 2-24:
The value ignore has no valid type if t/1155 is shadowed

module type Module = sig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,8 +139,11 @@ end
Line _, characters 2-11:
include S
Error: The module name M coming from this include cannot be shadowed as it is used later on by value ignore

Error: Illegal shadowing of included module M/1247 by M/1264
File "", line 2, characters 2-11:
Module M/1247 came from this include
File "", line 3, characters 2-26:
The value ignore has no valid type if M/1247 is shadowed

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,8 +180,11 @@ end
Line _, characters 2-11:
include S
Error: The module type name T coming from this include cannot be shadowed as it is used later on by module F

Error: Illegal shadowing of included module type T/1336 by T/1354
File "", line 2, characters 2-11:
Module type T/1336 came from this include
File "", line 3, characters 2-39:
The module F has no valid type if T/1336 is shadowed

module type Extension = sig
Expand All @@ -188,8 +197,11 @@ end
Line _, characters 2-11:
include S
Error: The type name ext coming from this include cannot be shadowed as it is used later on by extension constructor C2

Error: Illegal shadowing of included type ext/1372 by ext/1389
File "", line 2, characters 2-11:
Type ext/1372 came from this include
File "", line 3, characters 14-16:
The extension constructor C2 has no valid type if ext/1372 is shadowed

module type Class = sig
Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions testsuite/tests/typing-sigsubst/
Expand Up @@ -22,11 +22,14 @@ module type PrintableComparable = sig
include Comparable with type t = t
[%%expect {|
Line _, characters 2-19:
include Printable
Error: The type name t coming from this include cannot be shadowed as it is used later on by value print

Line _, characters 2-36:
include Comparable with type t = t
Error: Illegal shadowing of included type t/1152 by t/1156
File "", line 2, characters 2-19:
Type t/1152 came from this include
File "", line 3, characters 2-43:
The value print has no valid type if t/1152 is shadowed

module type Sunderscore = sig
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions typing/
Expand Up @@ -558,15 +558,20 @@ let modtypes env m1 m2 =

open Format

let show_loc msg ppf loc =
let pos = loc.Location.loc_start in
if List.mem pos.Lexing.pos_fname [""; "_none_"; "//toplevel//"] then ()
else fprintf ppf "@\n@[<2>%a:@ %s@]" Location.print_loc loc msg

let show_locs ppf (loc1, loc2) =
Location.show_loc "Expected declaration" ppf loc2;
Location.show_loc "Actual declaration" ppf loc1
show_loc "Expected declaration" ppf loc2;
show_loc "Actual declaration" ppf loc1

let include_err ppf = function
| Missing_field (id, loc, kind) ->
fprintf ppf "The %s `%a' is required but not provided"
kind Printtyp.ident id;
Location.show_loc "Expected declaration" ppf loc
show_loc "Expected declaration" ppf loc
| Value_descriptions(id, d1, d2) ->
fprintf ppf
"@[<hv 2>Values do not match:@ %a@;<1 -2>is not included in@ %a@]"
Expand Down
91 changes: 46 additions & 45 deletions typing/
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,16 @@ module Kind = struct
| Class_type -> "class type"

type hidding_error = {
shadowed_item_id: Ident.t;
shadowed_item_kind: Kind.t;
shadowed_item_loc: Location.t;
shadower_id: Ident.t;
user_id: Ident.t;
user_kind: Kind.t;
user_loc: Location.t;

type error =
Cannot_apply of module_type
| Not_included of Includemod.error list
Expand All @@ -66,7 +76,7 @@ type error =
| Recursive_module_require_explicit_type
| Apply_generative
| Cannot_scrape_alias of Path.t
| Cannot_hide_id of Kind.t * Ident.t * Kind.t * Ident.t * Location.t
| Cannot_hide_id of hidding_error

exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
exception Error_forward of Location.error
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -684,7 +694,7 @@ let check cl loc tbl id info =
| Some (Shadowable (shadowed_id, shadowed_loc)) ->
Hashtbl.replace tbl name info;
Some (shadowed_id, (cl, shadowed_loc, loc))
Some (shadowed_id, (cl, shadowed_loc, id, loc))
| Some Exported ->
raise(Error(loc, Env.empty, Repeated_name(cl, name)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -755,39 +765,44 @@ let check_sig_item names loc = function
keep only the last (rightmost) one. *)

type signature_simplification_info =
(Kind.t * Location.t * Location.t) Ident.Map.t
(Kind.t * Location.t * Ident.t * Location.t) Ident.Map.t

let simplify_signature env to_remove sg =
let ids_to_remove =
Ident.Map.fold (fun id (kind, _, _) lst ->
Ident.Map.fold (fun id (kind, _, _, _) lst ->
match kind with
| Kind.Value
| Kind.Extension_constructor -> lst
| _ -> id :: lst
) to_remove []
let aux component sg =
let item_kind, id =
let user_kind, user_id, user_loc =
match component with
| Sig_value(id, _) -> Kind.Value, id
| Sig_type (id, _, _) -> Kind.Type, id
| Sig_typext (id, _, _) -> Kind.Extension_constructor, id
| Sig_module (id, _, _) -> Kind.Module, id
| Sig_modtype (id, _) -> Kind.Module_type, id
| Sig_class (id, _, _) -> Kind.Class, id
| Sig_class_type (id, _, _) -> Kind.Class_type, id
| Sig_value(id, v) -> Kind.Value, id, v.val_loc
| Sig_type (id, td, _) -> Kind.Type, id, td.type_loc
| Sig_typext (id, te, _) -> Kind.Extension_constructor, id, te.ext_loc
| Sig_module (id, md, _) -> Kind.Module, id, md.md_loc
| Sig_modtype (id, mtd) -> Kind.Module_type, id, mtd.mtd_loc
| Sig_class (id, c, _) -> Kind.Class, id, c.cty_loc
| Sig_class_type (id, ct, _) -> Kind.Class_type, id, ct.clty_loc
if Ident.Map.mem id to_remove then sg
if Ident.Map.mem user_id to_remove then sg
let component =
match ids_to_remove with
| [] -> component
| ids ->
try Mtype.nondep_sig_item env ids component
with Ctype.Nondep_cannot_erase id' ->
let (kind, def_loc, shadow_loc) = Ident.Map.find id' to_remove in
raise (Error(def_loc, env,
Cannot_hide_id (item_kind, id, kind, id', shadow_loc)))
try Mtype.nondep_sig_item env ids component with
| Ctype.Nondep_cannot_erase shadowed_item_id ->
let (shadowed_item_kind, shadowed_item_loc, ser_id, ser_loc) =
Ident.Map.find shadowed_item_id to_remove
let hidding_error =
{ shadowed_item_kind; shadowed_item_id; shadowed_item_loc;
shadower_id = ser_id; user_id; user_kind; user_loc }
raise (Error(ser_loc, env, Cannot_hide_id hidding_error))
component :: sg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2224,34 +2239,20 @@ let report_error ppf = function
fprintf ppf
"This is an alias for module %a, which is missing"
path p
| Cannot_hide_id (item_kind, id, kind, id', shadow_loc) ->
fprintf ppf
"The %s name %s coming from this include cannot be shadowed as it is \
used later on by %s %s@ %a"
(Kind.to_string kind) ( id')
(Kind.to_string item_kind) ( id)
(Printf.sprintf "Shadowing of %s name %s"
(Kind.to_string kind) ( id')))

let show_locs ppf (loc1, loc2) =
show_loc "Expected declaration" ppf loc2;
show_loc "Actual declaration" ppf loc1
let include_err ppf = function
| Missing_field (id, loc, kind) ->
fprintf ppf "The %s `%a' is required but not provided"
kind Printtyp.ident id;
show_loc "Expected declaration" ppf loc
| Value_descriptions(id, d1, d2) ->
| Cannot_hide_id { shadowed_item_kind; shadowed_item_id; shadowed_item_loc;
shadower_id; user_id; user_kind; user_loc } ->
let shadowed_item_kind = Kind.to_string shadowed_item_kind in
fprintf ppf
"@[<hv 2>Values do not match:@ %a@;<1 -2>is not included in@ %a@]"
!Oprint.out_sig_item (Printtyp.tree_of_value_description id d1)
!Oprint.out_sig_item (Printtyp.tree_of_value_description id d2);
show_locs ppf (d1.val_loc, d2.val_loc)
"@[<v>Illegal shadowing of included %s %a by %a@ \
%a:@;<1 2>%s %a came from this include@ \
%a:@;<1 2>The %s %s has no valid type if %a is shadowed@]"
shadowed_item_kind Ident.print shadowed_item_id Ident.print shadower_id
Location.print_loc shadowed_item_loc
(String.capitalize_ascii shadowed_item_kind)
Ident.print shadowed_item_id
Location.print_loc user_loc
(Kind.to_string user_kind) ( user_id)
Ident.print shadowed_item_id

let report_error env ppf err =
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () -> report_error ppf err)
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion typing/typemod.mli
Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,16 @@ module Kind : sig
val to_string : t -> string

type hidding_error = {
shadowed_item_id: Ident.t;
shadowed_item_kind: Kind.t;
shadowed_item_loc: Location.t;
shadower_id: Ident.t;
user_id: Ident.t;
user_kind: Kind.t;
user_loc: Location.t;

type error =
Cannot_apply of module_type
| Not_included of Includemod.error list
Expand All @@ -100,7 +110,7 @@ type error =
| Recursive_module_require_explicit_type
| Apply_generative
| Cannot_scrape_alias of Path.t
| Cannot_hide_id of Kind.t * Ident.t * Kind.t * Ident.t * Location.t
| Cannot_hide_id of hidding_error

exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
exception Error_forward of Location.error
Expand Down

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