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Add option to dump the output of e.g. -dlambda in a file
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v-gb committed Jul 26, 2018
1 parent 429f42d commit b37d42c
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Showing 44 changed files with 253 additions and 185 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Changes
Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ Working version
returns a syntax tree, to replace the print that was there already
(Valentin Gatien-Baron)

- GPR#1913: new flag -dump-into-file to print debug output like -dlambda into
a file named after the file being built, instead of on stderr.
(Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Thomas Refis)

- GPR#1921: in the compilation context passed to ppx extensions,
add more configuration options related to type-checking:
-rectypes, -principal, -alias-deps, -unboxed-types, -unsafe-string
Expand Down
82 changes: 41 additions & 41 deletions asmcomp/
Expand Up @@ -74,73 +74,73 @@ let raw_clambda_dump_if ppf
if !dump_cmm then Format.fprintf ppf "@.cmm:@."

let rec regalloc ppf round fd =
let rec regalloc ~ppf_dump round fd =
if round > 50 then
fatal_error(fd.Mach.fun_name ^
": function too complex, cannot complete register allocation");
dump_if ppf dump_live "Liveness analysis" fd;
dump_if ppf_dump dump_live "Liveness analysis" fd;
if !use_linscan then begin
(* Linear Scan *)
Interval.build_intervals fd;
if !dump_interval then Printmach.intervals ppf ();
if !dump_interval then Printmach.intervals ppf_dump ();
end else begin
(* Graph Coloring *)
Interf.build_graph fd;
if !dump_interf then Printmach.interferences ppf ();
if !dump_prefer then Printmach.preferences ppf ();
if !dump_interf then Printmach.interferences ppf_dump ();
if !dump_prefer then Printmach.preferences ppf_dump ();
dump_if ppf dump_regalloc "After register allocation" fd;
dump_if ppf_dump dump_regalloc "After register allocation" fd;
let (newfd, redo_regalloc) = Reload.fundecl fd in
dump_if ppf dump_reload "After insertion of reloading code" newfd;
dump_if ppf_dump dump_reload "After insertion of reloading code" newfd;
if redo_regalloc then begin
Reg.reinit(); Liveness.fundecl newfd; regalloc ppf (round + 1) newfd
Reg.reinit(); Liveness.fundecl newfd; regalloc ~ppf_dump (round + 1) newfd
end else newfd

let (++) x f = f x

let compile_fundecl (ppf : formatter) fd_cmm =
let compile_fundecl ~ppf_dump fd_cmm =
Proc.init ();
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "selection" Selection.fundecl
++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_selection "After instruction selection"
++ pass_dump_if ppf_dump dump_selection "After instruction selection"
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "comballoc" Comballoc.fundecl
++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_combine "After allocation combining"
++ pass_dump_if ppf_dump dump_combine "After allocation combining"
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "cse" CSE.fundecl
++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_cse "After CSE"
++ pass_dump_if ppf_dump dump_cse "After CSE"
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "liveness" liveness
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "deadcode" Deadcode.fundecl
++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_live "Liveness analysis"
++ pass_dump_if ppf_dump dump_live "Liveness analysis"
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "spill" Spill.fundecl
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "liveness" liveness
++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_spill "After spilling"
++ pass_dump_if ppf_dump dump_spill "After spilling"
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "split" Split.fundecl
++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_split "After live range splitting"
++ pass_dump_if ppf_dump dump_split "After live range splitting"
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "liveness" liveness
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "regalloc" (regalloc ppf 1)
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "regalloc" (regalloc ~ppf_dump 1)
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "available_regs" Available_regs.fundecl
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "linearize" Linearize.fundecl
++ pass_dump_linear_if ppf dump_linear "Linearized code"
++ pass_dump_linear_if ppf_dump dump_linear "Linearized code"
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "scheduling" Scheduling.fundecl
++ pass_dump_linear_if ppf dump_scheduling "After instruction scheduling"
++ pass_dump_linear_if ppf_dump dump_scheduling "After instruction scheduling"
++ Profile.record ~accumulate:true "emit" Emit.fundecl

let compile_phrase ppf p =
if !dump_cmm then fprintf ppf "%a@." Printcmm.phrase p;
let compile_phrase ~ppf_dump p =
if !dump_cmm then fprintf ppf_dump "%a@." Printcmm.phrase p;
match p with
| Cfunction fd -> compile_fundecl ppf fd
| Cfunction fd -> compile_fundecl ~ppf_dump fd
| Cdata dl -> dl

(* For the native toplevel: generates generic functions unless
they are already available in the process *)
let compile_genfuns ppf f =
let compile_genfuns ~ppf_dump f =
| (Cfunction {fun_name = name}) as ph when f name ->
compile_phrase ppf ph
compile_phrase ~ppf_dump ph
| _ -> ())
(Cmmgen.generic_functions true [Compilenv.current_unit_infos ()])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,41 +173,41 @@ let set_export_info (ulambda, prealloc, structured_constants, export) =
Compilenv.set_export_info export;
(ulambda, prealloc, structured_constants)

let end_gen_implementation ?toplevel ppf
let end_gen_implementation ?toplevel ~ppf_dump
(clambda:clambda_and_constants) =
Emit.begin_assembly ();
++ Profile.record "cmm" Cmmgen.compunit
++ Profile.record "compile_phrases" (List.iter (compile_phrase ppf))
++ Profile.record "cmm" (Cmmgen.compunit ~ppf_dump)
++ Profile.record "compile_phrases" (List.iter (compile_phrase ~ppf_dump))
++ (fun () -> ());
(match toplevel with None -> () | Some f -> compile_genfuns ppf f);
(match toplevel with None -> () | Some f -> compile_genfuns ~ppf_dump f);

(* We add explicit references to external primitive symbols. This
is to ensure that the object files that define these symbols,
when part of a C library, won't be discarded by the linker.
This is important if a module that uses such a symbol is later
dynlinked. *)

compile_phrase ppf
compile_phrase ~ppf_dump
(List.filter (fun s -> s <> "" && s.[0] <> '%')
( Primitive.native_name !Translmod.primitive_declarations))
Emit.end_assembly ()

let flambda_gen_implementation ?toplevel ~backend ppf
let flambda_gen_implementation ?toplevel ~backend ~ppf_dump
(program:Flambda.program) =
let export = Build_export_info.build_transient ~backend program in
let (clambda, preallocated, constants) =
Profile.record_call "backend" (fun () ->
(program, export)
++ Flambda_to_clambda.convert
++ flambda_raw_clambda_dump_if ppf
++ flambda_raw_clambda_dump_if ppf_dump
++ (fun { Flambda_to_clambda. expr; preallocated_blocks;
structured_constants; exported; } ->
(* "init_code" following the name used in
[Cmmgen.compunit_and_constants]. *)
Un_anf.apply expr ~what:"init_code", preallocated_blocks,
Un_anf.apply ~ppf_dump expr ~what:"init_code", preallocated_blocks,
structured_constants, exported)
++ set_export_info)
Expand All @@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ let flambda_gen_implementation ?toplevel ~backend ppf
definition })
(Symbol.Map.bindings constants)
end_gen_implementation ?toplevel ppf
end_gen_implementation ?toplevel ~ppf_dump
(clambda, preallocated, constants)

let lambda_gen_implementation ?toplevel ppf
let lambda_gen_implementation ?toplevel ~ppf_dump
(lambda:Lambda.program) =
let clambda = Closure.intro lambda.main_module_block_size lambda.code in
let preallocated_block =
Expand All @@ -235,11 +235,11 @@ let lambda_gen_implementation ?toplevel ppf
let clambda_and_constants =
clambda, [preallocated_block], []
raw_clambda_dump_if ppf clambda_and_constants;
end_gen_implementation ?toplevel ppf clambda_and_constants
raw_clambda_dump_if ppf_dump clambda_and_constants;
end_gen_implementation ?toplevel ~ppf_dump clambda_and_constants

let compile_implementation_gen ?toplevel prefixname
~required_globals ppf gen_implementation program =
~required_globals ~ppf_dump gen_implementation program =
let asmfile =
if !keep_asm_file || !Emitaux.binary_backend_available
then prefixname ^ ext_asm
Expand All @@ -248,18 +248,18 @@ let compile_implementation_gen ?toplevel prefixname
compile_unit prefixname asmfile !keep_asm_file
(prefixname ^ ext_obj) (fun () ->
Ident.Set.iter Compilenv.require_global required_globals;
gen_implementation ?toplevel ppf program)
gen_implementation ?toplevel ~ppf_dump program)

let compile_implementation_clambda ?toplevel prefixname
ppf (program:Lambda.program) =
~ppf_dump (program:Lambda.program) =
compile_implementation_gen ?toplevel prefixname
ppf lambda_gen_implementation program
~ppf_dump lambda_gen_implementation program

let compile_implementation_flambda ?toplevel prefixname
~required_globals ~backend ppf (program:Flambda.program) =
~required_globals ~backend ~ppf_dump (program:Flambda.program) =
compile_implementation_gen ?toplevel prefixname
~required_globals ppf (flambda_gen_implementation ~backend) program
~required_globals ~ppf_dump (flambda_gen_implementation ~backend) program

(* Error report *)

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions asmcomp/asmgen.mli
Expand Up @@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ val compile_implementation_flambda :
string ->
required_globals:Ident.Set.t ->
backend:(module Backend_intf.S) ->
Format.formatter -> Flambda.program -> unit
ppf_dump:Format.formatter -> Flambda.program -> unit

val compile_implementation_clambda :
?toplevel:(string -> bool) ->
string ->
Format.formatter -> Lambda.program -> unit
ppf_dump:Format.formatter -> Lambda.program -> unit

val compile_phrase :
Format.formatter -> Cmm.phrase -> unit
ppf_dump:Format.formatter -> Cmm.phrase -> unit

type error = Assembler_error of string
exception Error of error
Expand Down
25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions asmcomp/
Expand Up @@ -203,11 +203,12 @@ let scan_file obj_name tolink = match read_file obj_name with

(* Second pass: generate the startup file and link it with everything else *)

let force_linking_of_startup ppf =
Asmgen.compile_phrase ppf (Cmm.Cdata ([Cmm.Csymbol_address "caml_startup"]))
let force_linking_of_startup ~ppf_dump =
Asmgen.compile_phrase ~ppf_dump
(Cmm.Cdata ([Cmm.Csymbol_address "caml_startup"]))

let make_startup_file ppf units_list =
let compile_phrase p = Asmgen.compile_phrase ppf p in
let make_startup_file ~ppf_dump units_list =
let compile_phrase p = Asmgen.compile_phrase ~ppf_dump p in
Location.input_name := "caml_startup"; (* set name of "current" input *)
Compilenv.reset "_startup";
(* set the name of the "current" compunit *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,11 +243,11 @@ let make_startup_file ppf units_list =
compile_phrase (Cmmgen.spacetime_shapes all_names);
if !Clflags.output_complete_object then
force_linking_of_startup ppf;
force_linking_of_startup ~ppf_dump;
Emit.end_assembly ()

let make_shared_startup_file ppf units =
let compile_phrase p = Asmgen.compile_phrase ppf p in
let make_shared_startup_file ~ppf_dump units =
let compile_phrase p = Asmgen.compile_phrase ~ppf_dump p in
Location.input_name := "caml_startup";
Compilenv.reset "_shared_startup";
Emit.begin_assembly ();
Expand All @@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ let make_shared_startup_file ppf units =
( (fun (ui,_) -> ui.ui_symbol) units));
if !Clflags.output_complete_object then
force_linking_of_startup ppf;
force_linking_of_startup ~ppf_dump;
(* this is to force a reference to all units, otherwise the linker
might drop some of them (in case of libraries) *)
Emit.end_assembly ()
Expand All @@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ let call_linker_shared file_list output_name =
if not (Ccomp.call_linker Ccomp.Dll output_name file_list "")
then raise(Error Linking_error)

let link_shared ppf objfiles output_name =
let link_shared ~ppf_dump objfiles output_name =
Profile.record_call output_name (fun () ->
let units_tolink = List.fold_right scan_file objfiles [] in
Expand All @@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ let link_shared ppf objfiles output_name =
Asmgen.compile_unit output_name
startup !Clflags.keep_startup_file startup_obj
(fun () ->
make_shared_startup_file ppf
make_shared_startup_file ~ppf_dump
( (fun (ui,_,crc) -> (ui,crc)) units_tolink)
call_linker_shared (startup_obj :: objfiles) output_name;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ let call_linker file_list startup_file output_name =

(* Main entry point *)

let link ppf objfiles output_name =
let link ~ppf_dump objfiles output_name =
Profile.record_call output_name (fun () ->
let stdlib =
if !Clflags.gprofile then "stdlib.p.cmxa" else "stdlib.cmxa" in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ let link ppf objfiles output_name =
let startup_obj = Filename.temp_file "camlstartup" ext_obj in
Asmgen.compile_unit output_name
startup !Clflags.keep_startup_file startup_obj
(fun () -> make_startup_file ppf units_tolink);
(fun () -> make_startup_file ~ppf_dump units_tolink);
(fun () ->
call_linker ( object_file_name objfiles)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions asmcomp/asmlink.mli
Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@

open Format

val link: formatter -> string list -> string -> unit
val link: ppf_dump:formatter -> string list -> string -> unit

val link_shared: formatter -> string list -> string -> unit
val link_shared: ppf_dump:formatter -> string list -> string -> unit

val call_linker_shared: string list -> string -> unit

Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions asmcomp/
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ let check_units members =

(* Make the .o file for the package *)

let make_package_object ppf members targetobj targetname coercion
let make_package_object ~ppf_dump members targetobj targetname coercion
~backend =
Profile.record_call (Printf.sprintf "pack(%s)" targetname) (fun () ->
let objtemp =
Expand All @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ let make_package_object ppf members targetobj targetname coercion
if Config.flambda then begin
let size, lam = Translmod.transl_package_flambda components coercion in
let flam =
Middle_end.middle_end ppf
Middle_end.middle_end ~ppf_dump
Expand All @@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ let make_package_object ppf members targetobj targetname coercion
prefixname ~backend ~required_globals:Ident.Set.empty ppf flam;
prefixname ~backend ~required_globals:Ident.Set.empty ~ppf_dump flam;
end else begin
let main_module_block_size, code =
components (Ident.create_persistent targetname) coercion in
prefixname ppf { Lambda.code; main_module_block_size;
prefixname ~ppf_dump { Lambda.code; main_module_block_size;
module_ident; required_globals = Ident.Set.empty }
let objfiles =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,20 +220,20 @@ let build_package_cmx members cmxfile =

(* Make the .cmx and the .o for the package *)

let package_object_files ppf files targetcmx
let package_object_files ~ppf_dump files targetcmx
targetobj targetname coercion ~backend =
let pack_path =
match !Clflags.for_package with
| None -> targetname
| Some p -> p ^ "." ^ targetname in
let members = map_left_right (read_member_info pack_path) files in
check_units members;
make_package_object ppf members targetobj targetname coercion ~backend;
make_package_object ~ppf_dump members targetobj targetname coercion ~backend;
build_package_cmx members targetcmx

(* The entry point *)

let package_files ppf initial_env files targetcmx ~backend =
let package_files ~ppf_dump initial_env files targetcmx ~backend =
let files =
(fun f ->
Expand All @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ let package_files ppf initial_env files targetcmx ~backend =
let coercion =
Typemod.package_units initial_env files targetcmi targetname in
package_object_files ppf files targetcmx targetobj targetname coercion
package_object_files ~ppf_dump files targetcmx targetobj targetname coercion
with x ->
remove_file targetcmx; remove_file targetobj;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion asmcomp/asmpackager.mli
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
original compilation units as sub-modules. *)

val package_files
: Format.formatter
: ppf_dump:Format.formatter
-> Env.t
-> string list
-> string
Expand Down

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