diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/winging-it.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/winging-it.yml deleted file mode 100644 index cc9a284f8..000000000 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/winging-it.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -name: Winging It 2.0 -description: Issue form template for Winging It Episodes -title: 'Winging It - ' -projects: ['oddbird/7', 'oddbird/13'] -body: - - type: markdown - attributes: - value: '*Include the episode number and topic in the issue title*' - - type: checkboxes - id: expert - attributes: - label: Who is the expert? - options: - - label: David - - label: Ed - - label: James - - label: Jonny - - label: Miriam - - label: Sondra - - label: Stacy - - label: Other (for Guests, add name to Episode Description) - - type: checkboxes - id: cohosts - attributes: - label: Who are the co-hosts? - description: 'Select all that apply' - options: - - label: David. - - label: Ed. - - label: James. - - label: Jonny. - - label: Miriam. - - label: Sondra. - - label: Stacy. - - label: Other. - - type: input - id: notes - attributes: - label: Show Notes Link - description: '[Show Notes Template](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sp_-JSzoFoqq8IdTqaQl6oNSEbWlxNfuqZ6fKE14ELQ/edit?usp=sharing)' - - type: input - id: date - attributes: - label: Recording Date - - type: markdown - attributes: - value: '## After Recording' - - type: input - id: streamyardlink - attributes: - label: Video File Link (Streamyard) - - type: input - id: youtubelink - attributes: - label: YouTube Link - - type: input - id: oddsitelink - attributes: - label: OddSite Link - - type: textarea - id: episodetitle - attributes: - label: Title Suggestions for Episode - description: 'Will be used on YouTube and OddSite' - - type: textarea - id: episodedesc - attributes: - label: Episode Description for YouTube (and OddSite) Post - description: 'Will be used on YouTube and OddSite' - - type: textarea - id: chapters - attributes: - label: Chapters - description: 'Include a 4 digit timestamp & short chapter title per line' - value: | - 00:01 Chapter Name - - type: textarea - id: production - attributes: - label: Production Checklist - value: | - - [ ] [Create Video thumbnail](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/46qduwbgrq1z294yaoad3/winging-it-thumbnail-template.psd?rlkey=7i5yf7uw4o3960nk0kt4c80bq&dl=0) for YouTube - - [ ] [Create OddSite Hero image](https://www.dropbox.com/home/OddBird/oddbird%20%3A%20oss%20projects/winging%20it/thumbnails) - - [ ] Create OddSite Post - - [ ] Edit Video - - [ ] Upload Video to YT and add unlisted video link to this issue - - [ ] Review Video - - [ ] Make OddSite Post - - [ ] Review OddSite Post PR - - [ ] Publish video/ Publish PR (at the same time) - - [ ] Promote video (on all the socials) - - [ ] Add to Playlist (if applicable)