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Meeting 2023.05
Place: Stuttgart, Germany; see below for detailed venues and rooms
Date: 24.05-26.05.23
Wednesday meeting will take place at Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart.
Thurday/Friday will take place at Curiestraße 4, 70563 Stuttgart.
To register, you can write an email to meetings@oemof.org. Please tell your name and (if applicable) your institution, your nationality, your GitHub user name, and if you want to present something.
- Deadline for registrations has passed.
- Note that meals are self-paid as there is no conference fee.
Protocol: https://yopad.eu/p/oemof-user-meeting-may-23
Online participation for registered users only.
Place: Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart Plenary Room: DLR Hörsaal
(optional joint lunch beforehand at around 12:30)
14:00 - 14:30 Welcome, presentation of the agenda, introduction round
14:30 - 15:40 User presentations 1 & poster teasers
- Rohith Bala Krishnan, Hochschule Nordhausen: "Projects with oemof-solph at HS Nordhausen"
- Heidi Hottenroth, Hochschule Pforzheim: “Multi-Objective Investment Optimization of Energy Systems Considering Life-cycle Environmental Impacts”
- Julian Fleischmann, RLI: "OWEFE - open modeling framework for integrated water, energy, food, and environment systems"
- Poster teasers: 2 min each
- Nachiket, Gaikwad, DLR: "Transition from high to low temperature district heating"
- Max Hillen, DLR: "Integration of a 5RC thermal building model from ISO 13790 with an interface to the tabula building data bank"
- Johannes Kochems, DLR / TU Berlin: "Modelling aspects of pommesdata and pommesinvest"
- ...
15:40 - 16:00 Coffee break + poster session 1
16:00 - 17:10 User presentations 2
- Lennart Schürmann, Fraunhofer UMSICHT: "An approach to cellular modelling with oemof-solph"
- Fuqiang Zhuang, SPIE Industrie: "Off-grid with solar prediction"
- Carlos Munoz, DLR: "Development paths for decentralized energy systems in the residential sector"
17:10 - 17:30 Coffee break + poster session 2
17:30 - 18:30 User presentations 3
- Uwe Krien, Fraunhofer IFAM: "Combination of DHNx (with solph) and pandapipes to design heating networks"
- Johannes Kochems, DLR / TU Berlin: "pommesdata & pommesinvest. Data processing and multi-period investment optimization modelling using oemof-solph"
- Matteo Catania, Politecnico di Milano, "Experiences in Oemof multi-period and snapshot analyses"
~18:30 - 18:40 Wrap-Up and leaving for dinner
~19:15 Dinner (self-paid)
Dinner venue: Wirtshaus Lautenschlager,
Lautenschlagerstraße 24, 70173 Stuttgart,
Website: https://www.wirtshaus-lautenschlager.de/
Place: STEP 4 Curiestraße 4, 70563 Stuttgart
- Plenary Room: large meeting room "Sol/Ventus", 3rd Floor
- Breakout Groups: smaller meeting rooms / offices, mostly 2nd Floor
09:00 - 09:45 Welcome and report from the packages (remote participants: Plenary)
09:45 - 10:15 Remote contributions (remote participants: Plenary)
- Marie Gering, RLI: "Facades in oemof"
10:15 - 12:00 Breakout groups: Parallel sessions 1 (focus: user tutorials)
- Tutorial 1: Elaborated modelling of heat pumps in solph @p-snft (remote participants: BREAKOUT 1) instructions
- Tutorial 2: Multi-Period Programming with oemof.solph @jokochems (remote participants: BREAKOUT 2) instructions
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (self-paid)
Lunch venue: Timeout, Wankelstraße 12, 70563 Stuttgart,
Website: https://timeout.center/
13:00 - 14:00 Plenary: general assembly of the oemof association (remote participants: Plenary)
14:00 - 15:00 oemof strategy meeting (remote participants: Plenary)
15:00 - 16:00 Plenary: enabling new devs (remote participants: Plenary)
- Brief intro
- Forking & cloning oemof.solph
- Installing the dev version and necessary dependencies
- Overview on contribution guidelines
- Individual troubleshooting
- Collection of feeback: What do you miss in the docs?
16:00 - 18:00 Breakout groups: Parallel sessions 2 (focus: mixed: user tutorials & dev)
- Presentation/Discussion: Modelling of cellular energy systems (@lensum)
- Transition to dev part: Open sessions (see list below)
18:00 - 18:30 Plenary: recap from parallel sessions
~18:30 - 18:40 Wrap-Up and leaving for dinner
~19:15 Dinner (self-paid)
Dinner venue: Brauhaus Schönbuch,
Bolzstraße 10, 70173 Stuttgart,
Website: https://www.brauhaus-schoenbuch.de/stuttgart
Place: STEP 4 Curiestraße 4, 70563 Stuttgart Plenary Room: large meeting room "Sol/Ventus", 3rd Floor
9:00 - 13:00 Focus on Dev (open for interested users)
09:00 - 10:00 Scanning of open issues + discussion
10:00 - 12:00 Hackathon: parallel development
12:00 - 12:30 Wrap Up & Feedback session
(optional joint lunch afterwards at around 12:30)
- Open sessions (see list below)
Please write down if you can prepare and share a short report
- Solph (@p-snft and @jokochems)
- Network (@p-snft)
- DHNx (?)
- Thermal (?)
- Tabular (?)
- Demandlib (?)
- Feedinlib (?)
- Windpowerlib (?)
- TesPy (input prepared by @fwitte)
- Marketlib (new lib)
Please add your session ideas here:
Types: user tutorial, dev, presentation, discussion
- Multi-Period Programming with oemof.solph @jokochems (user tutorial)
- Elaborated modelling of heat pumps in solph @p-snft (user tutorial)
- Presentation/Discussion: Modelling of cellular energy systems (@lensum)
- Hands on sessions (maybe for new users and /or expierenced users)
- Discussion of short topics:
- Units in oemof.thermal (documentation says MW but we mostly focus on single buildings, @p-snft)
- Add flows between two existing Nodes (discussion after short presentation of use case, @p-snft)
- Investment API (https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/917)
(Incomplete list, please register using email. Feel free to add your name if you have registered.)
- Johannes Kochems, DLR / TU Berlin (@jokochems)
- Patrik Schönfeldt, DLR (@p-snft)
- Pierre Krisam, Fraunhofer UMSICHT (@krpium)
- Lennart Schürmann, Fraunhofer UMSICHT (@lensum)
- Max Brahms, HTW Berlin (@Hempel-x)
- Heidi Hottenroth, Hochschule Pforzheim (@hehott)
- Matteo Catania, Politecnico di Milano (@catania-matteo)
- Diana Maldonado, DLR (@juncienf)
- Funquiang Zhuang, SPIE Industrie (@FUFUzzzzz)
- Rohith Bala Krishnan, Hochschule Nordhausen
- Theresa Reinhardt, Hochschule Nordhausen
- Maximilien Hillen, DLR
- Carlos Munoz Robinson, DLR
- Jacob Fengler, Green Wind Innovation
- Etienne Ott, siz energieplus
- Christoph Schmidhamer, Consolinno Energy GmbH
- Antonella Giannitelli, Consolinno Energy GmbH
- Elif Turhan, DLR