The OGEMA widgets framework provides a small web framework for building OGEMA user pages.
Follow the steps below to run OGEMA with the widgets framework. Prerequisite: Java 8
- Download the demokit
- Go to the demokit rundirectory and execute the (for bash compatible shells) script or the start.cmd (Windows shell)
- Open the site https://localhost:8443/ogema/index.html in your Browser and accept the warning about the untrusted certificate
- Login with default credentials master/master
Documentation: Tutorials and resources about OGEMA are available on the OGEMA Wiki and the community Wiki
For widget-specific information see
Example apps can be found in the subfolder src/widget-apps and in the tutorial repository.
Prerequisite: Maven 3
Go to the src folder and execute mvn clean install -DskipTests
- ogema-gui-api
- ogema-js-bundle (+ extended API)
- widget-collection (The base widgets)
- widget-extended (Widgets adapted to OGEMA Resources and ResourcePatterns)
- widget-experimental (Widgets in even more experimental stadium)
- icon-service-impl (Retrieve icons associated to OGEMA Resource types)
- name-service-impl (Defines naming rules for OGEMA Resources)
- messaging (Tools for messaging, and implementation of basic messaging services)
- widget-tools: A set of useful OGEMA tool apps that provide a GUI, mostly based on widgets
- simulations: Provides an API for simulation providers, and a GUI that shows all available simulations in the system (based on widgets)
- widget-exam-base: Test base and tests for the widgets framework
- widget-apps