Username validation methods extracted from django-registration for use outside of django apps (no dependency on django).
James Bennett's post Let’s talk about usernames is a great write-up of both why and how to perform username validation.
This library performs both reserved name checking as well as confusable homohomoglyph checking.
An Exception
will be thrown if the name is confusable or reserved.
from username_validator import UsernameValidator
# checks both reserved names and confusable
from username_validator import UsernameValidator
UsernameValidator().validate_confusables('j\u0430ne_doe') # will throw exception
from username_validator import UsernameValidator
You can add to the reserved list with domain specific names or replace it completely. The default list is broken into categories and exposed, so you can pick and choose if you like.
UsernameValidator(additional_names=["myspecialname", "myothername"]).validate_reserved("myname")
from username_validator import UsernameValidator, PROTOCOL_HOSTNAMES, SENSITIVE_FILENAMES
UsernameValidator(reserved_names=(PROTOCOL_HOSTNAMES + SENSITIVE_FILENAMES)).validate_all("my_name")
This code is pretty much a straight copy-paste of django-registration, removing django utility methods. Thank to James Bennett for the excellent work.