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Frontier User Guide

System Overview

Frontier is a HPE Cray EX supercomputer located at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility. With a theoretical peak double-precision performance of approximately 2 exaflops (2 quintillion calculations per second), it is the fastest system in the world for a wide range of traditional computational science applications. The system has 74 Olympus rack HPE cabinets, each with 128 AMD compute nodes, and a total of 9,408 AMD compute nodes.

Frontier Compute Nodes

Each Frontier compute node consists of [1x] 64-core AMD "Optimized 3rd Gen EPYC" CPU (with 2 hardware threads per physical core) with access to 512 GB of DDR4 memory. Each node also contains [4x] AMD MI250X, each with 2 Graphics Compute Dies (GCDs) for a total of 8 GCDs per node. The programmer can think of the 8 GCDs as 8 separate GPUs, each having 64 GB of high-bandwidth memory (HBM2E). The CPU is connected to each GCD via Infinity Fabric CPU-GPU, allowing a peak host-to-device (H2D) and device-to-host (D2H) bandwidth of 36+36 GB/s. The 2 GCDs on the same MI250X are connected with Infinity Fabric GPU-GPU with a peak bandwidth of 200 GB/s. The GCDs on different MI250X are connected with Infinity Fabric GPU-GPU in the arrangement shown in the Frontier Node Diagram below, where the peak bandwidth ranges from 50-100 GB/s based on the number of Infinity Fabric connections between individual GCDs.



The 8 GCDs contained in the 4 MI250X will show as 8 separate GPUs according to Slurm, ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES, and the ROCr runtime, so from this point forward in the quick-start guide, we will simply refer to the GCDs as GPUs.

Frontier node architecture diagram


There are [4x] NUMA domains per node and [2x] L3 cache regions per NUMA for a total of [8x] L3 cache regions. The 8 GPUs are each associated with one of the L3 regions as follows:


  • hardware threads 000-007, 064-071 | GPU 4
  • hardware threads 008-015, 072-079 | GPU 5


  • hardware threads 016-023, 080-087 | GPU 2
  • hardware threads 024-031, 088-095 | GPU 3


  • hardware threads 032-039, 096-103 | GPU 6
  • hardware threads 040-047, 104-111 | GPU 7


  • hardware threads 048-055, 112-119 | GPU 0
  • hardware threads 056-063, 120-127 | GPU 1

By default, Frontier reserves the first core in each L3 cache region. Frontier uses low-noise mode, which constrains all system processes to core 0. Low-noise mode cannot be disabled by users. In addition, Frontier uses SLURM core specialization (-S 8 flag at job allocation time, e.g., sbatch) to reserve one core from each L3 cache region, leaving 56 allocatable cores. Set -S 0 at job allocation to override this setting.

Node Types

On Frontier, there are two major types of nodes you will encounter: Login and Compute. While these are similar in terms of hardware (see: :ref:`frontier-nodes`), they differ considerably in their intended use.

Node Type Description
Login When you connect to Frontier, you're placed on a login node. This is the place to write/edit/compile your code, manage data, submit jobs, etc. You should never launch parallel jobs from a login node nor should you run threaded jobs on a login node. Login nodes are shared resources that are in use by many users simultaneously.
Compute Most of the nodes on Frontier are compute nodes. These are where your parallel job executes. They're accessed via the srun command.

System Interconnect

The Frontier nodes are connected with [4x] HPE Slingshot 200 Gbps (25 GB/s) NICs providing a node-injection bandwidth of 800 Gbps (100 GB/s).

File Systems

Frontier is connected to Orion, a parallel filesystem based on Lustre and HPE ClusterStor, with a 679 PB usable namespace (/lustre/orion/). In addition to Frontier, Orion is available on the OLCF's data transfer nodes and on the Andes cluster. Orion is not available from Summit and Frontier does not mount Summit's Alpine2 filesystem. Frontier also has access to the center-wide NFS-based filesystem (which provides user and project home areas). Each compute node has two 1.92TB Non-Volatile Memory storage devices. See :ref:`frontier-data-storage` for more information.

Project's with a Frontier allocation also receive an archival storage area on Kronos. For more information on using Kronos, see the :ref:`kronos` seciton.

Operating System

Frontier is running Cray OS 2.4 based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) version 15.4.


Each Frontier compute node contains 4 AMD MI250X. The AMD MI250X has a peak performance of 47.8 TFLOPS in vector-based double-precision for modeling and simulation. Each MI250X contains 2 GPUs, where each GPU has a peak performance of 23.9 TFLOPS (vector-based double-precision), 110 compute units, and 64 GB of high-bandwidth memory (HBM2) which can be accessed at a peak of 1.6 TB/s. The 2 GPUs on an MI250X are connected with Infinity Fabric with a bandwidth of 200 GB/s (in each direction simultaneously).


To connect to Frontier, ssh to For example:

$ ssh <username>

For more information on connecting to OLCF resources, see :ref:`connecting-to-olcf`.

By default, connecting to Frontier will automatically place the user on a random login node. If you need to access a specific login node, you will ssh to that node after your intial connection to Frontier.

[<username> ~]$ ssh <username>

Users can connect to any of the 17 Frontier login nodes by replacing login01 with their login node of choice.

Data and Storage

Transition from Alpine to Orion

  • Frontier mounts Orion, a parallel filesystem based on Lustre and HPE ClusterStor, with a 679 PB usable namespace (/lustre/orion/). In addition to Frontier, Orion is available on the OLCF's data transfer nodes. It is not available from Summit.
  • On Alpine, there was no user-exposed concept of file striping, the process of dividing a file between the storage elements of the filesystem. Orion uses a feature called Progressive File Layout (PFL) that changes the striping of files as they grow. Because of this, we ask users not to manually adjust the file striping. If you feel the default striping behavior of Orion is not meeting your needs, please contact
  • As with Alpine, files older than 90 days are purged from Orion.  Please plan your data management and lifecycle at OLCF before generating the data.

For more detailed information about center-wide file systems and data archiving available on Frontier, please refer to the pages on :ref:`data-storage-and-transfers`. The subsections below give a quick overview of NFS, Lustre, abd archival storage spaces as well as the on node NVMe "Burst Buffers" (SSDs).

LFS setstripe wrapper

The OLCF provides a wrapper for the lfs setstripe command that simplifies the process of striping files. The wrapper will enforce that certain settings are used to ensure that striping is done correctly. This will help to ensure good performance for users as well as prevent filesystem issues that could arise from incorrect striping practices. The wrapper is accessible via the lfs-wrapper module and will soon be added to the default environment on Frontier.

Orion is different than other Lustre filesystems that you may have used previously. To make effective use of Orion and to help ensure that the filesystem performs well for all users, it is important that you do the following:

  • Use the capacity OST pool tier (e.g. lfs setstripe -p capacity)
  • Stripe across no more than 450 OSTs (e.g. lfs setstripe -c <= 450)

When the module is active in your environment, the wrapper will enforce the above settings. The wrapper will also do the following:

  • If a user provides a stripe count of -1 (e.g. lfs setstripe -c -1) the wrapper will set the stripe count to the maximum allowed by the filesystem (currently 450)
  • If a user provides a stripe count of 0 (e.g. lfs setstripe -c 0) the wrapper will use the OLCF default striping command which has been optimized by the OLCF filesystem managers: lfs setstripe -E 256K -L mdt -E 8M -c 1 -S 1M -p performance -z 64M -E 128G -c 1 -S 1M -z 16G -p capacity -E -1 -z 256G -c 8 -S 1M -p capacity

Please contact the OLCF User Assistance Center if you have any questions about using the wrapper or if you encounter any issues.

NFS Filesystem

Area Path Type Permissions Quota Backups Purged Retention On Compute Nodes
User Home /ccs/home/[userid] NFS User set 50 GB Yes No 90 days Yes
Project Home /ccs/proj/[projid] NFS 770 50 GB Yes No 90 days Yes


Though the NFS filesystem's User Home and Project Home areas are read/write from Frontier's compute nodes, we strongly recommend that users launch and run jobs from the Lustre Orion parallel filesystem instead due to its larger storage capacity and superior performance. Please see below for Lustre Orion filesystem storage areas and paths.

Lustre Filesystem

Area Path Type Permissions Quota Backups Purged Retention On Compute Nodes
Member Work /lustre/orion/[projid]/scratch/[userid] Lustre HPE ClusterStor 700 50 TB No 90 days N/A Yes
Project Work /lustre/orion/[projid]/proj-shared Lustre HPE ClusterStor 770 50 TB No 90 days N/A Yes
World Work /lustre/orion/[projid]/world-shared Lustre HPE ClusterStor 775 50 TB No 90 days N/A Yes

Kronos Archival Storage

Please note that the Kronos is not mounted directly onto Frontier nodes. There are two main methods for accessing and moving data to/from Kronos, either with standard cli utilities (scp, rsync, etc.) and via Globus using the "OLCF Kronos" collection. For more information on using Kronos, see the :ref:`kronos` section.

Area Path Type Permissions Quota Backups Purged Retention On Compute Nodes
Member Archive /nl/kronos/olcf/[projid]/users/$USER Nearline 700 200 TB* No No 90 days No
Project Archive /nl/kronos/olcf/[projid]/proj-shared Nearline 770 200 TB* No No 90 days No
World Archive /nl/kronos/olcf/[projid]/world-shared Nearline 775 200 TB* No No 90 days No


The three archival storage areas above share a single 200TB per project quota.


Each compute node on Frontier has [2x] 1.92TB Non-Volatile Memory (NVMe) storage devices (SSDs), colloquially known as a "Burst Buffer" with a peak sequential performance of 5500 MB/s (read) and 2000 MB/s (write). The purpose of the Burst Buffer system is to bring improved I/O performance to appropriate workloads. Users are not required to use the NVMes. Data can also be written directly to the parallel filesystem.


The NVMes on Frontier are local to each node.

NVMe Usage

To use the NVMe, users must request access during job allocation using the -C nvme option to sbatch, salloc, or srun. Once the devices have been granted to a job, users can access them at /mnt/bb/<userid>. Users are responsible for moving data to/from the NVMe before/after their jobs. Here is a simple example script:

#SBATCH -A <projid>
#SBATCH -J nvme_test
#SBATCH -o %x-%j.out
#SBATCH -t 00:05:00
#SBATCH -p batch
#SBATCH -C nvme


# Change directory to user scratch space (GPFS)
cd /gpfs/alpine/<projid>/scratch/<userid>

echo " "
echo "*****ORIGINAL FILE*****"
cat test.txt
echo "***********************"

# Move file from GPFS to SSD
mv test.txt /mnt/bb/<userid>

# Edit file from compute node
srun -n1 hostname >> /mnt/bb/<userid>/test.txt

# Move file from SSD back to GPFS
mv /mnt/bb/<userid>/test.txt .

echo " "
echo "*****UPDATED FILE******"
cat test.txt
echo "***********************"

And here is the output from the script:

$ cat nvme_test-<jobid>.out

This is my file. There are many like it but this one is mine.

*****UPDATED FILE******
This is my file. There are many like it but this one is mine.

Using Globus to Move Data to and from Orion


After January 8, the Globus v4 collections will no longer be supported. Please use the OLCF Kronos and OLCF DTN (Globus 5) collections.

The following example is intended to help users move data to and from the Orion filesystem.

Below is a summary of the steps for data transfer using Globus:

1. Login to using your globus ID and password. If you do not have a globusID, set one up here: Generate a globusID.

  1. Once you are logged in, Globus will open the “File Manager” page. Click the left side “Collection” text field in the File Manager and type “OLCF DTN (Globus 5)”.
  2. When prompted, authenticate into the OLCF DTN (Globus 5) collection using your OLCF username and PIN followed by your RSA passcode.
  3. Click in the left side “Path” box in the File Manager and enter the path to your data on Orion. For example,`/lustre/orion/stf007/proj- shared/my_orion_data`. You should see a list of your files and folders under the left “Path” Box.
  4. Click on all files or folders that you want to transfer in the list. This will highlight them.
  5. Click on the right side “Collection” box in the File Manager and type the name of a second collection at OLCF or at another institution. You can transfer data between different paths on the Orion filesystem with this method too; Just use the OLCF DTN (Globus 5) collection again in the right side “Collection” box.
  6. Click in the right side “Path” box and enter the path where you want to put your data on the second collection's filesystem.
  7. Click the left "Start" button.
  8. Click on “Activity“ in the left blue menu bar to monitor your transfer. Globus will send you an email when the transfer is complete.

Globus Warnings:

  • Globus transfers do not preserve file permissions. Arriving files will have (rw-r--r--) permissions, meaning arriving files will have user read and write permissions and group and world read permissions. Note that the arriving files will not have any execute permissions, so you will need to use chmod to reset execute permissions before running a Globus-transferred executable.
  • Globus will overwrite files at the destination with identically named source files. This is done without warning.
  • Globus has restriction of 8 active transfers across all the users. Each user has a limit of 3 active transfers, so it is required to transfer a lot of data on each transfer than less data across many transfers.
  • If a folder is constituted with mixed files including thousands of small files (less than 1MB each one), it would be better to tar the smallfiles. Otherwise, if the files are larger, Globus will handle them.


The AMD Instinct MI200 is built on advanced packaging technologies enabling two Graphic Compute Dies (GCDs) to be integrated into a single package in the Open Compute Project (OCP) Accelerator Module (OAM) in the MI250 and MI250X products. Each GCD is build on the AMD CDNA 2 architecture. A single Frontier node contains 4 MI250X OAMs for the total of 8 GCDs.


The Slurm workload manager and the ROCr runtime treat each GCD as a separate GPU and visibility can be controlled using the ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable. Therefore, from this point on, the Frontier guide simply refers to a GCD as a GPU.

Each GPU contains 110 Compute Units (CUs) grouped in 4 Compute Engines (CEs). Physically, each GPU contains 112 CUs, but two are disabled. A command processor in each GPU receives API commands and transforms them into compute tasks. Compute tasks are managed by the 4 compute engines, which dispatch wavefronts to compute units. All wavefronts from a single workgroup are assigned to the same CU. In CUDA terminology, workgroups are "blocks", wavefronts are "warps", and work-items are "threads". The terms are often used interchangeably.

Block diagram of the AMD Instinct MI200 multi-chip module

The 110 CUs in each GPU deliver peak performance of 23.9 TFLOPS in double precision, or 47.9 TFLOPS if using the specialized Matrix cores. Also, each GPU contains 64 GB of high-bandwidth memory (HBM2) accessible at a peak bandwidth of 1.6 TB/s. The 2 GPUs in an MI250X are connected with [4x] GPU-to-GPU Infinity Fabric links providing 200+200 GB/s of bandwidth. (Consult the diagram in the :ref:`frontier-nodes` section for information on how the accelerators are connected to each other, to the CPU, and to the network.


The X+X GB/s notation describes bidirectional bandwidth, meaning X GB/s in each direction.

AMD vs NVIDIA Terminology

Work-items or Threads Threads
Workgroup Block
Wavefront Warp
Grid Grid

We will be using these terms interchangeably as they refer to the same concepts in GPU programming, with the exception that we will only be using "wavefront" (which refers to a unit of 64 threads) instead of "warp" (which refers to a unit of 32 threads) as they mean different things.

Blocks (workgroups), Threads (work items), Grids, Wavefronts

When kernels are launched on a GPU, a "grid" of thread blocks are created, where the number of thread blocks in the grid and the number of threads within each block are defined by the programmer. The number of blocks in the grid (grid size) and the number of threads within each block (block size) can be specified in one, two, or three dimensions during the kernel launch. Each thread can be identified with a unique id within the kernel, indexed along the X, Y, and Z dimensions.

  • Number of blocks that can be specified along each dimension in a grid: (2147483647, 65536, 65536)
  • Max number of threads that can be specified along each dimension in a block: (1024, 1024, 1024)
    • However, the total of number of threads in a block has an upper limit of 1024 [i.e. (size of x dimension * size of y dimension * size of z dimension) cannot exceed 1024].
    • And the total number of threads in a kernel launch has an upper limit of 2147483647.

Each block (or workgroup) of threads is assigned to a single Compute Unit i.e. a single block won’t be split across multiple CUs. The threads in a block are scheduled in units of 64 threads called wavefronts (similar to warps in CUDA, but warps only have 32 threads instead of 64). When launching a kernel, up to 64KB of block level shared memory called the Local Data Store (LDS) can be statically or dynamically allocated. This shared memory between the threads in a block allows the threads to access block local data with much lower latency compared to using the HBM since the data is in the compute unit itself.

The Compute Unit

Block diagram of the AMD Instinct CDNA2 Compute Unit

Each CU has 4 Matrix Core Units (the equivalent of NVIDIA's Tensor core units) and 4 16-wide SIMD units. For a vector instruction that uses the SIMD units, each wavefront (which has 64 threads) is assigned to a single 16-wide SIMD unit such that the wavefront as a whole executes the instruction over 4 cycles, 16 threads per cycle. Since other wavefronts occupy the other three SIMD units at the same time, the total throughput still remains 1 instruction per cycle. Each CU maintains an instructions buffer for 8 wavefronts and also maintains 256 registers where each register is 64 4-byte wide entries.


The Heterogeneous Interface for Portability (HIP) is AMD’s dedicated GPU programming environment for designing high performance kernels on GPU hardware. HIP is a C++ runtime API and programming language that allows developers to create portable applications on different platforms, including the AMD MI250X. This means that developers can write their GPU applications and with very minimal changes be able to run their code in any environment. The API is very similar to CUDA, so if you're already familiar with CUDA there is almost no additional work to learn HIP. See here for a series of tutorials on programming with HIP and also converting existing CUDA code to HIP with the hipify tools .

Things To Remember When Programming for AMD GPUs

  • The MI250X has different denormal handling for FP16 and BF16 datatypes, which is relevant for ML training. Prefer using the BF16 over the FP16 datatype for ML models as you are more likely to encounter denormal values with FP16 (which get flushed to zero, causing failure in convergence for some ML models). See more in :ref:`using-reduced-precision`.
  • Memory can be automatically migrated to GPU from CPU on a page fault if XNACK operating mode is set. No need to explicitly migrate data or provide managed memory. This is useful if you're migrating code from a programming model that relied on 'unified' or 'managed' memory. See more in :ref:`enabling-gpu-page-migration`. Information about how memory is accessed based on the allocator used and the XNACK mode can be found in :ref:`migration-of-memory-allocator-xnack`.
  • HIP has two kinds of memory allocations, coarse grained and fine grained, with tradeoffs between performance and coherence. Particularly relevant if you want to ues the hardware FP atomic instructions. See more in :ref:`fp-atomic-ops-coarse-fine-allocations`.
  • FP32 atomicAdd operations on Local Data Store (i.e. block shared memory) can be slower than the equivalent FP64 operations. See more in :ref:`performance-lds-atomicadd`.

See the :ref:`frontier-compilers` section for information on compiling for AMD GPUs, and see the :ref:`tips-and-tricks` section for some detailed information to keep in mind to run more efficiently on AMD GPUs.

Programming Environment

Frontier users are provided with many pre-installed software packages and scientific libraries. To facilitate this, environment management tools are used to handle necessary changes to the shell.

Environment Modules (Lmod)

Environment modules are provided through Lmod, a Lua-based module system for dynamically altering shell environments. By managing changes to the shell’s environment variables (such as PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PKG_CONFIG_PATH), Lmod allows you to alter the software available in your shell environment without the risk of creating package and version combinations that cannot coexist in a single environment.

General Usage

The interface to Lmod is provided by the module command:

Command Description
module -t list Shows a terse list of the currently loaded modules
module avail Shows a table of the currently available modules
module help <modulename> Shows help information about <modulename>
module show <modulename> Shows the environment changes made by the <modulename> modulefile
module spider <string> Searches all possible modules according to <string>
module load <modulename> [...] Loads the given <modulename>(s) into the current environment
module use <path> Adds <path> to the modulefile search cache and MODULESPATH
module unuse <path> Removes <path> from the modulefile search cache and MODULESPATH
module purge Unloads all modules
module reset Resets loaded modules to system defaults
module update Reloads all currently loaded modules

Searching for Modules

Modules with dependencies are only available when the underlying dependencies, such as compiler families, are loaded. Thus, module avail will only display modules that are compatible with the current state of the environment. To search the entire hierarchy across all possible dependencies, the spider sub-command can be used as summarized in the following table.

Command Description
module spider Shows the entire possible graph of modules
module spider <modulename> Searches for modules named <modulename> in the graph of possible modules
module spider <modulename>/<version> Searches for a specific version of <modulename> in the graph of possible modules
module spider <string> Searches for modulefiles containing <string>


Due to the implementation of the module heirarchy on Frontier, module spider does not currently locate OLCF-provided Spack-built modulefiles in /sw/frontier.


Cray, AMD, and GCC compilers are provided through modules on Frontier. The Cray and AMD compilers are both based on LLVM/Clang. There is also a system/OS versions of GCC available in /usr/bin. The table below lists details about each of the module-provided compilers. Please see the following :ref:`frontier-compilers` section for more detailed inforation on how to compile using these modules.

Cray Programming Environment and Compiler Wrappers

Cray provides PrgEnv-<compiler> modules (e.g., PrgEnv-cray) that load compatible components of a specific compiler toolchain. The components include the specified compiler as well as MPI, LibSci, and other libraries. Loading the PrgEnv-<compiler> modules also defines a set of compiler wrappers for that compiler toolchain that automatically add include paths and link in libraries for Cray software. Compiler wrappers are provided for C (cc), C++ (CC), and Fortran (ftn).


Use the -craype-verbose flag to display the full include and link information used by the Cray compiler wrappers. This must be called on a file to see the full output (e.g., CC -craype-verbose test.cpp).


The MPI implementation available on Frontier is Cray's MPICH, which is "GPU-aware" so GPU buffers can be passed directly to MPI calls.



Cray, AMD, and GCC compilers are provided through modules on Frontier. The Cray and AMD compilers are both based on LLVM/Clang. There is also a system/OS versions of GCC available in /usr/bin. The table below lists details about each of the module-provided compilers.


It is highly recommended to use the Cray compiler wrappers (cc, CC, and ftn) whenever possible. See the next section for more details.

Vendor Programming Environment Compiler Module Language Compiler Wrapper Compiler
Cray PrgEnv-cray cce C cc craycc
C++ CC craycxx or crayCC
Fortran ftn crayftn
AMD PrgEnv-amd amd C cc amdclang
C++ CC amdclang++
Fortran ftn amdflang
GCC PrgEnv-gnu gcc-native or gcc (<12.3) C cc gcc
C++ CC g++
Fortran ftn gfortran


The gcc-native compiler module was introduced in the December 2023 release of the HPE/Cray Programming Environment (CrayPE) and replaces gcc. gcc provides GCC installations that were packaged within CrayPE, while gcc-native provides GCC installations outside of CrayPE.

Cray Programming Environment and Compiler Wrappers

Cray provides PrgEnv-<compiler> modules (e.g., PrgEnv-cray) that load compatible components of a specific compiler toolchain. The components include the specified compiler as well as MPI, LibSci, and other libraries. Loading the PrgEnv-<compiler> modules also defines a set of compiler wrappers for that compiler toolchain that automatically add include paths and link in libraries for Cray software. Compiler wrappers are provided for C (cc), C++ (CC), and Fortran (ftn).

For example, to load the AMD programming environment, do:

module load PrgEnv-amd

This module will setup your programming environment with paths to software and libraries that are compatible with AMD host compilers.

When loading non-default versions of Cray-provided components, please see :ref:`understanding-the-compatibility-of-compilers-rocm-and-cray-mpich` for information about loading a set of compatible Cray modules.


Use the -craype-verbose flag to display the full include and link information used by the Cray compiler wrappers. This must be called on a file to see the full output (e.g., CC -craype-verbose test.cpp).

Exposing The ROCm Toolchain to your Programming Environment

If you need to add the tools and libraries related to ROCm, the framework for targeting AMD GPUs, to your path, you will need to use a version of ROCm that is compatible with your programming environment. ROCm can be loaded with: module load rocm/X.Y.Z, or to load the default ROCm version, module load rocm.


Both the CCE and ROCm compilers are Clang-based, so please be sure to use consistent (major) Clang versions when using them together. You can check which version of Clang is being used with CCE and ROCm by giving the --version flag to CC and amdclang, respectively. Please see :ref:`understanding-the-compatibility-of-compilers-rocm-and-cray-mpich` for information about loading a compatible set of modules.


The MPI implementation available on Frontier is Cray's MPICH, which is "GPU-aware" so GPU buffers can be passed directly to MPI calls.

Implementation Module Compiler Header Files & Linking
Cray MPICH cray-mpich cc, CC, ftn (Cray compiler wrappers) MPI header files and linking is built into the Cray compiler wrappers
-L${MPICH_DIR}/lib -lmpi
${PE_MPICH_GTL_DIR_amd_gfx90a} ${PE_MPICH_GTL_LIBS_amd_gfx90a}


hipcc requires the ROCm Toolclain, See :ref:`exposing-the-rocm-toolchain-to-your-programming-environment`


To use GPU-aware Cray MPICH with Frontier's PrgEnv modules, users must set the following modules and environment variables:

module load craype-accel-amd-gfx90a
module load rocm



There are extra steps needed to enable GPU-aware MPI on Frontier, which depend on the compiler that is used (see 1. and 2. below).

1. Compiling with the Cray compiler wrappers, cc or CC

When using GPU-aware Cray MPICH with the Cray compiler wrappers, most of the needed libraries are automatically linked through the environment variables.

Though, the following header files and libraries must be included explicitly:

-L${ROCM_PATH}/lib -lamdhip64

where the include path implies that #include <hip/hip_runtime.h> is included in the source file.

2. Compiling without the Cray compiler wrappers, e.g. hipcc

To use hipcc with GPU-aware Cray MPICH, the following is needed to setup the needed header files and libraries.

-L${MPICH_DIR}/lib -lmpi \
  ${PE_MPICH_GTL_DIR_amd_gfx90a} ${PE_MPICH_GTL_LIBS_amd_gfx90a}

HIPFLAGS = --offload-arch=gfx90a

Understanding the Compatibility of Compilers, ROCm, and Cray MPICH

There are three primary sources of compatibility required to successfully build and run on Frontier:

  1. Compatible Compiler & ROCm toolchain versions
  2. Compatible ROCm & Cray MPICH versions
  3. Compatibility with other CrayPE-provided software


If using non-default versions of any cray-* module, you must prepend ${CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH} (or the path to lib64 for your specific cray-* component) to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH at run time or your executable's rpath at build time.

Compatible Compiler & ROCm toolchain versions

All compilers in the same HPE/Cray Programming Environment (CrayPE) release are generally ABI-compatible (e.g. code generated by CCE can be linked against code compiled by GCC). However, the AMD and CCE compilers are both LLVM/Clang-based, and it is recommended to use the same major LLVM version when cross-compiling. CCE's module version indicates the base LLVM version, but for AMD, you must run amdclang --version. For example, ROCm/5.3.0 is based on LLVM 15.0.0. It is strongly discouraged to use ROCm/5.3.0 with CCE/16.0.1, which is based on LLVM 16. The following table shows the recommended ROCm version for each CCE version, along with the CPE version:

CCE CPE Recommended ROCm Version
15.0.0 22.12 5.3.0
15.0.1 23.03 5.3.0
16.0.0 23.05 5.5.1
16.0.1 23.09 5.5.1
17.0.0 23.12 5.7.0 or 5.7.1
17.0.1 24.03 6.0.0
18.0.0 24.07 6.1.3


Recall that the CPE module is a meta-module that simple loads the correct version for each Cray-provided module (e.g. CCE, Cray MPICH, Cray Libsci). This is the best way to load the versions of modules from a specific CrayPE release.

Compatible ROCm & Cray MPICH versions

Compatibility between Cray MPICH and ROCm is required in order to use GPU-aware MPI. Releases of cray-mpich are each compiled using a specific version of ROCm, and compatibility across multiple versions is not guaranteed. OLCF will maintain compatible default modules when possible. If using non-default modules, you can determine compatibility by reviewing the Product and OS Dependencies section in the cray-mpich release notes. This can be displayed by running module show cray-mpich/<version>. If the notes indicate compatibility with AMD ROCM X.Y or later, only use rocm/X.Y.Z modules. If you are loading compatible ROCm and Cray MPICH versions but still getting errors, try setting MPICH_VERSION_DISPLAY=1 to verify the correct Cray MPICH version is being used at run-time. If it is not, verify you are prepending LD_LIBRARY_PATH with CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH or ${MPICH_DIR}/lib. The following compatibility table below was determined by testing of the linker and basic GPU-aware MPI functions with all current combinations of cray-mpich and ROCm modules on Frontier. Alongside cray-mpich, we load the corresponding cpe module, which loads other important modules for MPI such as cray-pmi and craype. It is strongly encouraged to load a cpe module when using non-default modules. This ensures that all CrayPE-provided modules are compatible. An asterisk indicates the latest officially supported version of ROCm for each cray-mpich version.

cray-mpich cpe ROCm
8.1.23 22.12 5.4.3, 5.4.0, 5.3.0*
8.1.25 23.03 5.4.3, 5.4.0*, 5.3.0
8.1.26 23.05 5.7.1, 5.7.0, 5.6.0, 5.5.1*, 5.4.3, 5.4.0, 5.3.0
8.1.27 23.09 5.7.1, 5.7.0, 5.6.0, 5.5.1*, 5.4.3, 5.4.0, 5.3.0
8.1.28 23.12 5.7.1, 5.7.0*, 5.6.0, 5.5.1, 5.4.3, 5.4.0, 5.3.0
8.1.29 24.03 6.1.3, 6.0.0*
8.1.30 24.07 6.1.3*, 6.0.0


OLCF recommends using the officially supported ROCm version (with asterisk) for each cray-mpich version. Newer versions were tested using a sample of MPI operations and there may be undiscovered incompatibility.

Compatibility with other CrayPE-provided Software

The HPE/Cray Programming Environment (CrayPE) provides many libraries for use on Frontier, including the well-known libraries like Cray MPICH, Cray Libsci, and Cray FFTW. CrayPE also has many modules that operate in the background and can easily be overlooked. For example, the craype module provides the cc, CC, and ftn Cray compiler drivers. These drivers are written to link to specific libraries (e.g. the ftn wrapper in September 2023 PE links to, which may not be needed by compiler versions other than the one they were released with.

For the full compatibility of your loaded CrayPE environment, we strongly recommended loading the cpe module of your desired CrayPE release (version is the last two digits of the year and the two-digit month, e.g. September 2023 is version 23.09). For example, to load the September 2023 PE (CCE 16.0.1, Cray MPICH 8.1.27, ROCm 5.5.1 compatibility), you would run the following commands:

module load PrgEnv-cray
# Load the cpe module after your desired PE, but before rocm -- sometimes cpe attempts to set a rocm version
module load cpe/23.09
module load rocm/5.5.1

# Since these modules are not default, make sure to prepend CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH to LD_LIBRARY_PATH


This section shows how to compile with OpenMP using the different compilers covered above.

Vendor Module Language Compiler OpenMP flag (CPU thread)
Cray cce C, C++
cc (wraps craycc)
CC (wraps crayCC)
Fortran ftn (wraps crayftn)
-fopenmp (alias)
AMD amd
cc (wraps amdclang)
CC (wraps amdclang++)
ftn (wraps amdflang)
GCC gcc
cc (wraps $GCC_PATH/bin/gcc)
CC (wraps $GCC_PATH/bin/g++)
ftn (wraps $GCC_PATH/bin/gfortran)

OpenMP GPU Offload

This section shows how to compile with OpenMP Offload using the different compilers covered above.


Make sure the craype-accel-amd-gfx90a module is loaded when using OpenMP offload.

Vendor Module Language Compiler OpenMP flag (GPU)
Cray cce C C++
cc (wraps craycc)
CC (wraps crayCC)
Fortran ftn (wraps crayftn)
-fopenmp (alias)
AMD amd
cc (wraps amdclang)
CC (wraps amdclang++)
ftn (wraps amdflang)
hipcc (requires flags below)


If invoking amdclang, amdclang++, or amdflang directly for openmp offload, or using hipcc you will need to add:

-fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -Xopenmp-target=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -march=gfx90a.


This section shows how to compile code with OpenACC. Currently only the Cray compiler supports OpenACC for Fortran. The AMD and GNU programming environments do not support OpenACC at all. C and C++ support for OpenACC is provided by clacc which maintains a fork of the LLVM compiler with added support for OpenACC. It can be obtained by loading the UMS modules ums, ums025, and clacc.

Vendor Module Language Compiler Flags Support
Cray cce C, C++ No support    
Fortran ftn (wraps crayftn)
-h acc
Full support for OpenACC 2.0 Partial support for OpenACC 2.x/3.x
UMS module PrgEnv-cray ums um025 clacc C, C++ clang
Experimental. Contact
Joel Denny
Fortran No support    


This section shows how to compile HIP codes using the Cray compiler wrappers and hipcc compiler driver.


Make sure the craype-accel-amd-gfx90a module is loaded when compiling HIP with the Cray compiler wrappers.

Compiler Compile/Link Flags, Header Files, and Libraries
Only with
CFLAGS = -std=c++11 -D__HIP_ROCclr__ -D__HIP_ARCH_GFX90A__=1 --rocm-path=${ROCM_PATH} --offload-arch=gfx90a -x hip
LFLAGS = --rocm-path=${ROCM_PATH}
-L${ROCM_PATH}/lib -lamdhip64
Can be used directly to compile HIP source files.
To see what is being invoked within this compiler driver, issue the command, hipcc --verbose
To explicitly target AMD MI250X, use --offload-arch=gfx90a


hipcc requires the ROCm Toolclain, See :ref:`exposing-the-rocm-toolchain-to-your-programming-environment`


Information about compiling code for different XNACK modes (which control page migration between GPU and CPU memory) can be found in the :ref:`compiling-hip-kernels-for-xnack-modes` section.

HIP + OpenMP CPU Threading

This section shows how to compile HIP + OpenMP CPU threading hybrid codes.


Make sure the craype-accel-amd-gfx90a module is loaded when compiling HIP with the Cray compiler wrappers.

Vendor Compiler Compile/Link Flags, Header Files, and Libraries
CFLAGS = -std=c++11 -D__HIP_ROCclr__ -D__HIP_ARCH_GFX90A__=1 --rocm-path=${ROCM_PATH} --offload-arch=gfx90a -x hip -fopenmp
LFLAGS = --rocm-path=${ROCM_PATH} -fopenmp
-L${ROCM_PATH}/lib -lamdhip64
Can be used to directly compile HIP source files, add -fopenmp flag to enable OpenMP threading
To explicitly target AMD MI250X, use --offload-arch=gfx90a
The GNU compilers cannot be used to compile HIP code, so all HIP kernels must be separated from CPU code.
During compilation, all non-HIP files must be compiled with CC while HIP kernels must be compiled with hipcc.
Then linking must be performed with the CC wrapper.
NOTE: When using cmake, HIP code must currently be compiled using amdclang++ instead of hipcc.


hipcc requires the ROCm Toolclain, See :ref:`exposing-the-rocm-toolchain-to-your-programming-environment`


This section shows how to compile SYCL codes using the oneAPI DPC++ compiler.


Setup and load the oneAPI and ROCm modules:

module use /sw/frontier/ums/ums015/modulefiles
module load oneapi/tbb oneapi/oclfpga oneapi/compiler-rt oneapi/compiler
module load rocm/5.4.3
Compiler Compile/Link Flags, Header Files, and Libraries
icpx CFLAGS = -fsycl -fsycl-targets=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -Xsycl-target-backend --offload-arch=gfx90a, or CFLAGS = -fsycl -fsycl-targets=amd_gpu_gfx90a

Additional documentation on the DPC++ support for AMD can be found on Codeplay's developer website, in particular the pages covering common optimizations or troubleshooting can be helpful.

Running Jobs

Computational work on Frontier is performed by jobs. Jobs typically consist of several componenets:

  • A batch submission script
  • A binary executable
  • A set of input files for the executable
  • A set of output files created by the executable

In general, the process for running a job is to:

  1. Prepare executables and input files.
  2. Write a batch script.
  3. Submit the batch script to the batch scheduler.
  4. Optionally monitor the job before and during execution.

The following sections describe in detail how to create, submit, and manage jobs for execution on Frontier. Frontier uses SchedMD's Slurm Workload Manager as the batch scheduling system.

Login vs Compute Nodes

Recall from the System Overview that Frontier contains two node types: Login and Compute. When you connect to the system, you are placed on a login node. Login nodes are used for tasks such as code editing, compiling, etc. They are shared among all users of the system, so it is not appropriate to run tasks that are long/computationally intensive on login nodes. Users should also limit the number of simultaneous tasks on login nodes (e.g. concurrent tar commands, parallel make

Compute nodes are the appropriate place for long-running, computationally-intensive tasks. When you start a batch job, your batch script (or interactive shell for batch-interactive jobs) runs on one of your allocated compute nodes.


Compute-intensive, memory-intensive, or other disruptive processes running on login nodes may be killed without warning.


Unlike Summit and Titan, there are no launch/batch nodes on Frontier. This means your batch script runs on a node allocated to you rather than a shared node. You still must use the job launcher (srun) to run parallel jobs across all of your nodes, but serial tasks need not be launched with srun.

Simplified Node Layout

To easily visualize job examples (see :ref:`frontier-mapping` further below), the compute node diagram has been simplified to the picture shown below.

Simplified Frontier node architecture diagram

In the diagram, each physical core on a Frontier compute node is composed of two logical cores that are represented by a pair of blue and grey boxes. For a given physical core, the blue box represents the logical core of the first hardware thread, where the grey box represents the logical core of the second hardware thread.

Low-noise Mode Layout

Frontier uses low-noise mode and core specialization (-S flag at job allocation, e.g., sbatch). Low-noise mode constrains all system processes to core 0. Core specialization (by default, -S 8) reserves the first core in each L3 region. This prevents the user running on the core that system processes are constrained to. This also means that there are only 56 allocatable cores by default instead of 64. Therefore, this modifies the simplified node layout to:

Simplified Frontier node architecture diagram (low-noise mode)

To override this default layout (not recommended), set -S 0 at job allocation.


Frontier uses SchedMD's Slurm Workload Manager for scheduling and managing jobs. Slurm maintains similar functionality to other schedulers such as IBM's LSF, but provides unique control of Frontier's resources through custom commands and options specific to Slurm. A few important commands can be found in the conversion table below, but please visit SchedMD's Rosetta Stone of Workload Managers for a more complete conversion reference.

Slurm documentation for each command is available via the man utility, and on the web at Additional documentation is available at

Some common Slurm commands are summarized in the table below. More complete examples are given in the Monitoring and Modifying Batch Jobs section of this guide.

Command Action/Task LSF Equivalent
squeue Show the current queue bjobs
sbatch Submit a batch script bsub
salloc Submit an interactive job bsub -Is $SHELL
srun Launch a parallel job jsrun
sinfo Show node/partition info bqueues or bhosts
sacct View accounting information for jobs/job steps bacct
scancel Cancel a job or job step bkill
scontrol View or modify job configuration. bstop, bresume, bmod

Batch Scripts

The most common way to interact with the batch system is via batch scripts. A batch script is simply a shell script with added directives to request various resoruces from or provide certain information to the scheduling system. Aside from these directives, the batch script is simply the series of commands needed to set up and run your job.

To submit a batch script, use the command sbatch

Consider the following batch script:

#SBATCH -J RunSim123
#SBATCH -o %x-%j.out
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH -p batch
#SBATCH -N 1024

cd $MEMBERWORK/abc123/Run.456
cp $PROJWORK/abc123/RunData/Input.456 ./Input.456
srun ...
cp my_output_file $PROJWORK/abc123/RunData/Output.456

In the script, Slurm directives are preceded by #SBATCH, making them appear as comments to the shell. Slurm looks for these directives through the first non-comment, non-whitespace line. Options after that will be ignored by Slurm (and the shell).

Line Description
1 Shell interpreter line
2 OLCF project to charge
3 Job name
4 Job standard output file (%x will be replaced with the job name and %j with the Job ID)
5 Walltime requested (in HH:MM:SS format). See the table below for other formats.
6 Partition (queue) to use
7 Number of compute nodes requested
8 Blank line
9 Change into the run directory
10 Copy the input file into place
11 Run the job ( add layout details )
12 Copy the output file to an appropriate location.

Interactive Jobs

Most users will find batch jobs an easy way to use the system, as they allow you to "hand off" a job to the scheduler, allowing them to focus on other tasks while their job waits in the queue and eventually runs. Occasionally, it is necessary to run interactively, especially when developing, testing, modifying or debugging a code.

Since all compute resources are managed and scheduled by Slurm, it is not possible to simply log into the system and immediately begin running parallel codes interactively. Rather, you must request the appropriate resources from Slurm and, if necessary, wait for them to become available. This is done through an "interactive batch" job. Interactive batch jobs are submitted with the salloc command. Resources are requested via the same options that are passed via #SBATCH in a regular batch script (but without the #SBATCH prefix). For example, to request an interactive batch job with the same resources that the batch script above requests, you would use salloc -A ABC123 -J RunSim123 -t 1:00:00 -p batch -N 1024. Note there is no option for an output are running interactively, so standard output and standard error will be displayed to the terminal.


Indicating your shell in your salloc command is NOT recommended (e.g., salloc ... /bin/bash). Doing so causes your compute job to start on a login node by default rather than automatically moving you to a compute node.

Common Slurm Options

The table below summarizes options for submitted jobs. Unless otherwise noted, they can be used for either batch scripts or interactive batch jobs. For scripts, they can be added on the sbatch command line or as a #BSUB directive in the batch script. (If they're specified in both places, the command line takes precedence.) This is only a subset of all available options. Check the Slurm Man Pages for a more complete list.

Option Example Usage Description
-A #SBATCH -A ABC123 Specifies the project to which the job should be charged
-N #SBATCH -N 1024 Request 1024 nodes for the job
-t #SBATCH -t 4:00:00 Request a walltime of 4 hours. Walltime requests can be specified as minutes, hours:minutes, hours:minuts:seconds days-hours, days-hours:minutes, or days-hours:minutes:seconds
--threads-per-core #SBATCH --threads-per-core=2
Number of active hardware threads per core. Can be 1 or 2 (1 is default)
Must be used if using --threads-per-core=2 in your srun command.
-d #SBATCH -d afterok:12345 Specify job dependency (in this example, this job cannot start until job 12345 exits with an exit code of 0. See the Job Dependency section for more information
-C #SBATCH -C nvme Request the burst buffer/NVMe on each node be made available for your job. See the Burst Buffers section for more information on using them.
-J #SBATCH -J MyJob123 Specify the job name (this will show up in queue listings)
-o #SBATCH -o jobout.%j File where job STDOUT will be directed (%j will be replaced with the job ID). If no -e option is specified, job STDERR will be placed in this file, too.
-e #SBATCH -e joberr.%j File where job STDERR will be directed (%j will be replaced with the job ID). If no -o option is specified, job STDOUT will be placed in this file, too.
--mail-type #SBATCH --mail-type=END Send email for certain job actions. Can be a comma-separated list. Actions include BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, INVALID_DEPEND, STAGE_OUT, ALL, and more.
--mail-user #SBATCH Email address to be used for notifications.
--reservation #SBATCH --reservation=MyReservation.1 Instructs Slurm to run a job on nodes that are part of the specified reservation.
-S #SBATCH -S 8 Instructs Slurm to reserve a specific number of cores per node (default is 8). Reserved cores cannot be used by the application.
--signal #SBATCH --signal=USR1@300
Send the given signal to a job the specified time (in seconds) seconds before the job reaches its walltime. The signal can be by name or by number (i.e. both 10 and USR1 would send SIGUSR1).

Signaling a job can be used, for example, to force a job to write a checkpoint just before Slurm kills the job (note that this option only sends the signal; the user must still make sure their job script traps the signal and handles it in the desired manner).

When used with sbatch, the signal can be prefixed by "B:" (e.g. --signal=B:USR1@300) to tell Slurm to signal only the batch shell; otherwise all processes will be signaled.

Slurm Environment Variables

Slurm reads a number of environment variables, many of which can provide the same information as the job options noted above. We recommend using the job options rather than environment variables to specify job options, as it allows you to have everything self-contained within the job submission script (rather than having to remember what options you set for a given job).

Slurm also provides a number of environment variables within your running job. The following table summarizes those that may be particularly useful within your job (e.g. for naming output log files):

Variable Description
$SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR The directory from which the batch job was submitted. By default, a new job starts in your home directory. You can get back to the directory of job submission with cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR. Note that this is not necessarily the same directory in which the batch script resides.
$SLURM_JOBID The job’s full identifier. A common use for $SLURM_JOBID is to append the job’s ID to the standard output and error files.
$SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES The number of nodes requested.
$SLURM_JOB_NAME The job name supplied by the user.
$SLURM_NODELIST The list of nodes assigned to the job.

Job States

A job will transition through several states during its lifetime. Common ones include:

State Code State Description
CA Canceled The job was canceled (could've been by the user or an administrator)
CD Completed The job completed successfully (exit code 0)
CG Completing The job is in the process of completing (some processes may still be running)
PD Pending The job is waiting for resources to be allocated
R Running The job is currently running

Job Reason Codes

In addition to state codes, jobs that are pending will have a "reason code" to explain why the job is pending. Completed jobs will have a reason describing how the job ended. Some codes you might see include:

Reason Meaning
Dependency Job has dependencies that have not been met
JobHeldUser Job is held at user's request
JobHeldAdmin Job is held at system administrator's request
Priority Other jobs with higher priority exist for the partition/reservation
Reservation The job is waiting for its reservation to become available
AssocMaxJobsLimit The job is being held because the user/project has hit the limit on running jobs
ReqNodeNotAvail The requested a particular node, but it's currently unavailable (it's in use, reserved, down, draining, etc.)
JobLaunchFailure Job failed to launch (could due to system problems, invalid program name, etc.)
NonZeroExitCode The job exited with some code other than 0

Many other states and job reason codes exist. For a more complete description, see the squeue man page (either on the system or online).

Scheduling Policy

In a simple batch queue system, jobs run in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order. This can lead to inefficient use of the system. If a large job is the next to run, a strict FIFO queue can cause nodes to sit idle while waiting for the large job to start. Backfilling would allow smaller, shorter jobs to use those resources that would otherwise remain idle until the large job starts. With the proper algorithm, they would do so without impacting the start time of the large job. While this does make more efficient use of the system, it encourages the submission of smaller jobs.

The DOE Leadership-Class Job Mandate

As a DOE Leadership Computing Facility, OLCF has a mandate that a large portion of Frontier's usage come from large, leadership-class (a.k.a. capability) jobs. To ensure that OLCF complies with this directive, we strongly encourage users to run jobs on Frontier that are as large as their code will allow. To that end, OLCF implements queue policies that enable large jobs to run in a timely fashion.


The OLCF implements queue policies that encourage the submission and timely execution of large, leadership-class jobs on Frontier.

The basic priority mechanism for jobs waiting in the queue is the time the job has been waiting in the queue. If your jobs require resources outside these policies such as higher priority or longer walltimes, please contact

Job Priority by Node Count

Jobs are aged according to the job's requested node count (older age equals higher queue priority). Each job's requested node count places it into a specific bin. Each bin has a different aging parameter, which all jobs in the bin receive.

Bin Min Nodes Max Nodes Max Walltime (Hours) Aging Boost (Days)
1 5,645 9,408 12.0 8
2 1,882 5,644 12.0 4
3 184 1,881 12.0 0
4 92 183 6.0 0
5 1 91 2.0 0

batch Partition (queue) Policy

The batch partition (queue) is the default partition for production work on Frontier. Most work on Frontier is handled through this partition. The following policies are enforced for the batch partition:

  • Limit of four eligible-to-run jobs per user. (Jobs in excess of this number will be held, but will move to the eligible-to-run state at the appropriate time.)
  • Users may have only 100 jobs queued across all partitions at any time (this includes jobs in all states) i.e. jobs submitted in different partitions on Frontier are added up together to check if its within the 100 queued jobs limit. Additional jobs will be rejected at submit time.

extended Partition (queue) Policy

The extended partition (queue) is designated for smaller long-running jobs on Frontier. The following policies are enforced for the extended partition:

  • 24-Hour maximum wall time for each queued job.
  • 64-Node maximum job size for each queued job.
  • Each user will be allowed 1 running job and 1 eligible-to-run job at a given time. Any additional queued jobs will be held in an ineligible state until the previous job runs.
  • Users may have only 100 jobs queued across all partitions at any time (this includes jobs in all states) i.e. jobs submitted in different partitions on Frontier are added up together to check if its within the 100 queued jobs limit. Additional jobs will be rejected at submit time.

debug Quality of Service Class

The debug quality of service (QOS) class can be used to access Frontier's compute resources for short non-production debug tasks. The QOS provides a higher priority compare to jobs of the same job size bin in production partitions. Production work and job chaining using the debug QOS is prohibited. Each user is limited to one job in any state at any one point. Attempts to submit multiple jobs to this QOS will be rejected upon job submission.

To submit a job to the debug QOS, add the -q debug option to your sbatch or salloc command or #SBATCH -q debug to your job script.

Allocation Overuse Policy

Projects that overrun their allocation are still allowed to run on OLCF systems, although at a reduced priority. Like the adjustment for the number of processors requested above, this is an adjustment to the apparent submit time of the job. However, this adjustment has the effect of making jobs appear much younger than jobs submitted under projects that have not exceeded their allocation. In addition to the priority change, these jobs are also limited in the amount of wall time that can be used. For example, consider that job1 is submitted at the same time as job2. The project associated with job1 is over its allocation, while the project for job2 is not. The batch system will consider job2 to have been waiting for a longer time than job1. Additionally, projects that are at 125% of their allocated time will be limited to only 3 running jobs at a time. The adjustment to the apparent submit time depends upon the percentage that the project is over its allocation, as shown in the table below:

% of Allocation Used Priority Reduction
< 100% none
>=100% but <=125% 30 days
> 125% 365 days

System Reservation Policy

Projects may request to reserve a set of nodes for a period of time by contacting If the reservation is granted, the reserved nodes will be blocked from general use for a given period of time. Only users that have been authorized to use the reservation can utilize those resources. Since no other users can access the reserved resources, it is crucial that groups given reservations take care to ensure the utilization on those resources remains high. To prevent reserved resources from remaining idle for an extended period of time, reservations are monitored for inactivity. If activity falls below 50% of the reserved resources for more than (30) minutes, the reservation will be canceled and the system will be returned to normal scheduling. A new reservation must be requested if this occurs.

The requesting project’s allocation is charged according to the time window granted, regardless of actual utilization. For example, an 8-hour, 2,000 node reservation on Frontier would be equivalent to using 16,000 Frontier node-hours of a project’s allocation.


Reservations should not be confused with priority requests. If quick turnaround is needed for a few jobs or for a period of time, a priority boost should be requested. A reservation should only be requested if users need to guarantee availability of a set of nodes at a given time, such as for a live demonstration at a conference.

Job Dependencies

Oftentimes, a job will need data from some other job in the queue, but it's nonetheless convenient to submit the second job before the first finishes. Slurm allows you to submit a job with constraints that will keep it from running until these dependencies are met. These are specified with the -d option to Slurm. Common dependency flags are summarized below. In each of these examples, only a single jobid is shown but you can specify multiple job IDs as a colon-delimited list (i.e. #SBATCH -d afterok:12345:12346:12346). For the after dependency, you can optionally specify a +time value for each jobid.

Flag Meaning (for the dependent job)
#SBATCH -d after:jobid[+time] The job can start after the specified jobs start or are canceled. The optional +time argument is a number of minutes. If specified, the job cannot start until that many minutes have passed since the listed jobs start/are canceled. If not specified, there is no delay.
#SBATCH -d afterany:jobid The job can start after the specified jobs have ended (regardless of exit state)
#SBATCH -d afternotok:jobid The job can start after the specified jobs terminate in a failed (non-zero) state
#SBATCH -d afterok:jobid The job can start after the specified jobs complete successfully (i.e. zero exit code)
#SBATCH -d singleton Job can begin after any previously-launched job with the same name and from the same user have completed. In other words, serialize the running jobs based on username+jobname pairs.

Monitoring and Modifying Batch Jobs

scontrol hold and scontrol release: Holding and Releasing Jobs

Sometimes you may need to place a hold on a job to keep it from starting. For example, you may have submitted it assuming some needed data was in place but later realized that data is not yet available. This can be done with the scontrol hold command. Later, when the data is ready, you can release the job (i.e. tell the system that it's now OK to run the job) with the scontrol release command. For example:

scontrol hold 12345 Place job 12345 on hold
scontrol release 12345 Release job 12345 (i.e. tell the system it's OK to run it)

scontrol upda