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Free form note taking and follow up tasks using task statuses and tagging.

  • A task is a single line in a text file containing a status string (e.g. TODO or DONE)
  • Tag lines by adding #string
  • Notes are plain text files that contain both notes and zero or more tasks
  • Interactive task listing with fuzzy search
  • Sync Notes to a remote git repository

Dun commercial video


Clone the repo.

git clone

Ensure dun command is executable.

chmod u+x <path to cloned repo>/dun

Ensure dun command is in the PATH, for example make a symlink to ~/.local/bin.

ln -s <path to cloned repo>/dun ~/.local/bin/dun

Warning Dun requires that fzy is installed

Getting started

Create a new note.

dun new-note <note name, optional>

Configured editor opens note, add some text and some tasks then and close.

Hello world:)

TODO Call boss
TODO Review X

View all open tasks from all note files.

dun tasks


To change the default configuration copy the example config file and edit it.

cp <path to cloned repo>/dun.conf_example ~/.config/dun.conf


Dun uses vim as default editor, but changing that can be configured by adding a bash function to ~/.config/dun.conf.

_dun_open_editor() {

  # If line_number (second argument) is present, use it to open editor on
  # the correct line, this is dependent on you editor
  [ $# -eq 2 ] && line_option="+$2"

  # Open the file
  #emacs $line_option "$filename"
  nano $line_option "$filename"

Support for syntax highlighting in other editors is not implemented.

Vim support

Vim supports provides:

  • vim highlighting of statuses and tags
  • Key bindings (type in quick succession)
    • ds set status of current line from popup list
    • df fold lines based on status
    • dn create new line with default todo status
  • Dictionary completion(Ctrl+p) of both statuses and tags
  1. Set VIM_SUPPORT=enabled in ~/.config/dun.conf.
  2. Add the following to ~/.vimrc, essentially it says source .dun_vimrc if it exists in the same directory as the file vim has opend.
" Dun vimrc
let g:dun_notes_dir = $HOME.'/dun'
let g:dun_vimrc = g:dun_notes_dir.'/.dun_vimrc'
let g:current_file_path = expand('%:p:h')
" If current file path starts with dun_notes_dir, then load dun vimrc
if g:current_file_path[0:len(g:dun_notes_dir)-1] ==# g:dun_notes_dir
  if filereadable(g:dun_vimrc)
    exec printf('source %s', g:dun_vimrc)
" End Dun vimrc
  1. If the notes directory is also a git repository, add the following to .gitignore

Bash completion

To enable bash completion of arguments, statuses and tags use the suppied _dun_bash_completion.

How this is done is distro dependent, but on Ubuntu it could be enabled by creating a symlink in the bash-completion.d directory.

$ ln -s <path to dun>/_dun_bash_completion /etc/bash-completion.d/dun_completion

Reboot, source or restart to enable.

Task statuses

Dun uses three status categories. Each category must have at least one, or more, statuses configured. The first status defined for each category is considered the default status.

  1. TODO statuses are considered in progress/need work
  2. BLOCK statuses indicate the task cannot proceed
  3. DONE statuses mean this task needs no more work or attention

Default statuses are:

  • TODO statuses: TODO
  • BLOCK statuses: WAIT
  • DONE statuses: DONE and WONT


Meeting notes and todo tasks CLI







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