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File metadata and controls

59 lines (37 loc) · 1.85 KB

Use input templates for OMERO.mde

** only available from OMERO.insight v5.5.11** You can save your inputs for MDE objects in a template file for reused the inputs for another import.


Save input:

  1. Start OMERO.importer and login.
  2. Select your files for import and add it to the queue.
  3. Click on the MDE Button mde_button1 at the right bottom pane.
  4. Add your inputs.
  5. Select in the middle bottom pane mde_SaveTemp to get the Save Template dialog


  6. Select the object types for which the input should be saved. To do this press the button mde_SaveTempl_filterObj and select the types.
  7. Choose the location and file name for your template file.
  8. Press ok to save the file.

Loading the template file for another import:

  1. In the MDE Pane select the dir or file for which the input should load.
  2. Select in the middle bottom pane mde_LoadTemp to get the Load Template dialog


  3. Select the object types for which the input should be loaded. To do this press the button mde_LoadTempl_filterObj and select the types.
  4. Choose the location and file name of your template file.
  5. Press ok to load the values.