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updated to-do task list (for week of 24 march), adding skeleton of ja…
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omgpotatoes committed Mar 22, 2013
1 parent 9bb1446 commit 093adca
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Showing 252 changed files with 65,148 additions and 170 deletions.
143 changes: 0 additions & 143 deletions VisualizationInterfaceReports/Design2/bioviz_design2_report.bbl

This file was deleted.

36 changes: 19 additions & 17 deletions VisualizationInterfaceReports/task_notes_current-todo.txt
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@

Alex's emr-vis-nlp to-do list
(last update: mar 12)
(last update: mar 22)
(FYI: code available at
(FYI: open issues being tracked at

document-grid view:
-- (backburner idea) on mouseover of terms in blown-up doc: highlight other docs which contain term? highlight sections of other docs that are relevant to the same issues? (or simplification: other terms that are strongly associated with whatever indicator the hovered term is)
-- (backburner idea) highlight piece of text before moving doc to indicate to back-end which terms are relevant
-- todo: finish fixing glyph auto movement wrt. boundary lines: regions too small to accomodate pieces?
-- (backburner todo) run force-layout before drawing to the screen (to eliminate jitter?)
- (lower priority) revising histogram interactions: highlight on hover, or color-code all visible docs on hover of single attr's histogram? (as opposed to individual bars)
-- (low-priority backburner) rename "skew" column
- representing multiple documents per patient:
-- idea: box around glyphs for single patient? or, patient starts as single glyph, interacting causes it to be split into constituent glyphs representing each report for patient? (constituent docs organized temporally)
- bugfix: ensure consistent attribute ordering! indicate max cert vs min cert indicators in visualization!
- (idea: possibly have a details pane for active document?)
- (top priority) revisit layout: implement sorted-grid-within-grid layout, in place of the current scatterplot-within-grid layout
-- grid-aware distortion, to control/eliminate occlusion and disorientation
-- incorporate lightweight animation, if possible
-- keep all document text in thumbnails w/ highlights, as opposed to only including highlights
- (secondary priority) enhance interactive histograms: update histograms to indicate % included for active search query
- (secondary priority) enhance term highlighting:
-- for active query, pulling out text snippets in which query occurs?

- take the dead code out of the master, put it in another branch
- renaming indicators & vars; explicit/textual/?, inferred/? (backburner: how to display rules?)
-- for attr names: move from jtable to jtree? root -> vars, indicators, meta -> [specific attrs]
- continuing to work on documentation, general refactoring
- with respect to annotated bibliography: think about pieces of tool we're building and where it fits in with these other projects
- (top priority) discuss interface between back-and-front-ends; refactor my ML/NLP interface, and discuss the feasibility of its implementation with Phuong
- (secondary priority) continuing to work on documentation, general refactoring
-- ensure that we have some high-level, big-picture documentation!

other low-priority items:
- rename "skew" column; possibly reorganize attribute selection table as a tree?
- renaming indicators & vars; explicit/textual/?, inferred/?
- think about: how to display rules?
- representing multiple documents per patient; think about how to handle this?
-- idea: box around glyphs for single patient? or, patient starts as single glyph, interacting causes it to be split into constituent glyphs representing each report for patient? (constituent docs organized temporally)
- (idea: possibly have a details pane for active document?)
- keeping bibliography up-to-date: think about pieces of tool we're building and where it fits in with these other projects

8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions build.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" name="emr-vis-nlp" default="run" basedir=".">
<description>Builds and runs the project emr-vis-nlp.</description>
<import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>

<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="lib.dir" value="lib" />
Expand All @@ -16,13 +17,8 @@
<path location="${build.dir}" />

<!-- retrieve libraries via ivy -->
<target name="resolve" description="--> retrieve dependencies with ivy">
<mkdir dir="${lib.dir}" />
<ivy:retrieve />

<target name="compile" depends="resolve" description="--> compile the source" >
<target name="compile" description="--> compile the source" >
<!-- Create timestamp -->
<!-- Compile the java code from ${src.dir} into ${build.dir} -->
Expand Down

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