Feel free not to read completely, but pay attention when installing the Pro Micro!!!!!! Note: The below diagrams are for rev 1.1. For rev 1.2. and up, the part placement is slightly different.
Translated, with extra build notes (From: build.md https://github.com/omkbd/ErgoDash/commit/d12e8f7fd414fe89d38b77b3b0e6a0af4b639a47)
Remove extra thumb key section if desired.
carefully break by hand
Note: Components in steps 3-6 and 10 must be inserted on the bottom of the board. Components in steps 1 and 2 can be installed on the top or bottom.
When installing diodes the black stripe is towards the square pad
(diodes are all 1 square 1 round pad)
(resistors are all both round pad)
Note the positions of diodes and resistors to avoid mistakes
Rev 1.2 positions are changed as below.
Install the MOSFET (Install note/suggestion: pre-soldering the single pad worked well)
Install 1kΩ resistor in silk rectangle as noted 。(Silk screen notation is improved on rev 1.2 [BL1k])
-Note: Photo has a few surface mount resistors combined with through-hole (Rev 1.1) For the resistor found under the pro-micro: a surface mount resistor, or installing resistor on opposite side may be preferred to prevent interference (moved in rev 1.2)
On the underside of the board, install the TRRS Jack as indicated by the silkscreen.
The reset switch needs to go the underside of the board. At the top of the board there are 2 locations for the pro-micro. Pro Micro will be installed where the rectangular outline is printed Reset switch is installed where the rectangular outline is not seen Compare with photo on Step 6
The latest firmware is as follows.
There is no need to decide on a master.
Jump from the back as follows.
Attach the LED chip so that the cut on both sides matches the silk.
The firmware before 2019/5/5 is implemented as follows.
Choose which of the pair (left or right) will be master (where the USB cable will be attached), and solder the jumpers as below.
The board in the photo below has the jumpers soldered for left hand master. The left hand board is on the right, and the right hand board is on the left.
In the two diagrams, the upper image is for left hand master (labelled 左マスター), and the lower image is for right hand master (右マスター).
Install LED WS2812B
-On Master half, LED corner will Match the silkscreen
-On Slave half, LED corner needs to be 180 from silkscreen
-Installation notes: -use tape to hold in place, solder one side, remove tape, then solder other -Notes from first time soldering with these LED: -I attempted to pre-solder pads with bad results (As recommended for other surface mount I did before) -Leaving iron on too long appeared to melt the casing of the LED (Use fine tip if you have it? I didnt) -1sec on pad to pre-heat, then off and come back with iron and solder is what worked best for me
On the underside, attach Headers where you see the rectangular outline on silkscrean (It is in the correct position on each side of the board) Do Not attach Pro Micro Yet When using spring headers, soldering the header to the board is unnecessary.
(I used Rev 1.1 without Stabilizers, translation below)
If you will be using 2U keycap(s), then attach the stablizer(s). (If necessary; it's not always required).
Note: Once the switch is installed, it's no longer possible to attach the stabilizer.
Put together and attach as shown below.
If you're concerned about the noise of the stabilizer then apply grease (not included in kit).
Make sure all other components are installed before adding switches. Place the plate with keyholes over top the PCB and snap in and solder switches. Start with 4 corners in the plate to ensure alignment. After the first 4 are soldered in, install remaining switches. Just above the "ergoDash Rev 1.2" sign, there is two possible locations for the switch. The recommanded location is at the right side for the right part of the keybord (to use it as arrow keys). And at the left side for the left part of the keyboard (as a modifier) See this picture (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/omkbd/picture/master/Ergodash.jpg)
Install the LEDs from the top on each switch Round Pad anode(+)(Long LED Leg) Square Pad cathode(-) (Short Leg) -Can be installed later (Except for the LED under pro-micro)
Before proceding connect the Pro Micro to a PC via USB and confirm it's working. -Confirm the TX0 lines up (USB port sandwiched between both PCBs) -Check that all solder connections underneath the Pro Micro are done. -Confirm no contact between Pro Micro and components (add insulating tape if desired) -For spring headers, solder is required on the Pro Micro side. -After installation, confirm the Pro Micro is properly seated. If not, cut the legs of the switch under the Pro Micro slightly. -Trim headers after testing.
Install the 5mm screws and 6mm spacers from the top。
Install 5mm and 8mm screws according to the diagram。
Install Rubber feet
QMK Build Guide https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_build_tools
ErgoDash Firmware https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/ergodash
If the right hand side is the master, you need to build the firmware by specifying MASTER_RIGHT
in the config.h file in the key map of qmk.
To turn on Backlight and Underglow, add the following to rules.mk in the keymap.
As the default setting, Underglow LEDs turn on, but Backlight LEDs don't turn on. If you want to confirm whether Backlight LEDs work normally or not, press the BL_TOGG
key (this key is assigned to Lower + Raise + S
on the default key map).
If you used firmware 5/5/2019 or earlier in step 5, comment out the following line in rev1 / config.h.
#define RGBLED_SPLIT { 12, 12 }
Attach the keycaps, and you're done!!!!!