Omni Compiler Software RELEASE NOTES
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Add Python module for Fortran.
- Add some benchmarks in samples/XMP.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Remove XcodeML-tools as a separate project (
- Be able to omit iteration list of loop directive for nest loop statement
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- XcalableACC official release.
- Remove round brackets tests in XMP/C.
- Support the reduce_shadow directive.
- Add benchmarks in ./samples directory.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Python module for C supports master-worker pattern
- Improve performance of XMP/C on for-loop statement.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Add Python module for C.
- Support KNL : "./configure --target=KNL-linux-gnu".
- Improve performance of XMP/C on for-loop statement.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Fix xmp_init() and xmp_finalize() to call an XMP program from an MPI program.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Change to 0-origin from 1-origin for coindex in XMP/C for the XMP specification 1.3.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Support square bracket in XMP/C directives.
- Add xmpc_all_node_num(), xmpc_node_num(), xmpc_this_image(), and xmp_num_images().
- Support -xacc=pgi option in XACC/Fortran.
- Improve compile speed.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Support charactor type for bcast operation in XMP/F.
- Support allocatable array for reduction operation in XMP/F.
- Add option --disable-fjrdma to use MPI3 instead of FJRDMA on FX100.
- Improve performance in for-loop statement in XMP/C.
- .mod files generated by Fujitsu's Fortran compiler are accepted if you specify the --enable-mod2xmod option for configure.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Fix of bug of coarray features in The K computer/FX10/FX100.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Include Javadoc in docs/javadoc.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Remove automake from build system.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Support the in and out clauses of the gmove directive.
- Support xmp_atomic_define()/xmp_atomic_ref() functions.
- Support max/min loc in reduction directive.
- Support array section in bcast directive.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Improve performance of the task directive on a single node.
- Support a full shadow for multi-dimensional arrays in XMP/F.
- Support coarray Fortran features on NEC SX-ACE.
- Support Fortran2013 intrinsic functions co_brroadcast(source, source_image), co_sum(source, result), co_max(source, result) and co_min(source, result).
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Support the async clause of the gmove directive.
- Support MPI3 coarray features.
- Support xmp_sync_images in XMP/C.
- .mod files generated by gfortran 4.4, 4.7, or 4.9 are accepted if you specify the --enable-mod2xmod option for configure.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Support major features of Coarray Fortran 1.0.
- Refactoring xmpcc command.
- Refactoring build system (without requiring ant).
- Support stride coarray on the K computer and FX10.
- Support the xmp_malloc function for multidimensional global arrays.
- Support the async clause on the bcast and the reduction directives.
- Support the pack/unpack, gather/scatter, and sort_up/sort_down intrinsic procedures.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Support post/wait operations for the K computer and FX10.
- Support the XMP_NODE_SIZEn environment variable to specify an extent of a non-primary. node array at runtime.
- Support elemental functions in array constructs.
- Support way to call MPI programs from/to XMP programs.
- Support xmp_matmul and xmp_transpose intrinsic functions.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Support Coarray communication for the K computer and FX10.
- Support the gblock distribution.
- Support the template_fix directive.
- Support the array directive (with some restrictions).
- Support clauses of the reflect directive in XMP/C.
- Support the xmp_malloc built-in function in XMP/C.
- Support clauses of the bcast, barrier, reduction directives in XMP/F.
- Support fully the node directive in XMP/F.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Improve shadow/reflect directive.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Supports stride Coarray function. (only by using GASNet).
- Supports coarray function on the K computer and FX10.
- Initial release of XcalableMP Fortran compiler.
- (Coarray feature will be added soon).
- Supports block-cyclic distribution in distribute directive.
- Fixed problems with rewriting expressions.
- Fixed bugs in runtime.
- gmove between aligned array and duplicated array using array section is suppoted.
-- #pragma xmp align a[i] with t(i)
#pragma xmp gmove
local[:] = a[:];
- full shadow reflect is implemented.
- This is the first release of Omni Compiler.