See for reference.
name | RGB | Hex |
Black | 0, 0, 0 | #0000aa |
Red | 170, 0, 0 | #aa0000 |
Green | 0, 170, 0 | #00aa00 |
Brown/yellow | 170, 85, 0 | #aa5500 |
Blue | 0, 0, 170 | #0000aa |
Magenta | 170, 0, 170 | #aa00aa |
Cyan | 0, 170, 170 | #00aaaa |
Gray | 170, 170, 170 | #aaaaaa |
name | RGB | Hex |
Darkgray | 85, 85, 85 | #555555 |
Red | 255, 85, 85 | #ff5555 |
Green | 85, 255, 85 | #55ff55 |
Yellow | 255, 255, 85 | #ffff55 |
Blue | 85, 85, 255 | #5555ff |
Magenta | 255, 85, 255 | #ff55ff |
Cyan | 85, 255, 255 | #55ffff |
White | 255, 255, 255 | #ffffff |
- Wikipedia info:
- Font explainer:
- TTF with incorrectly mapped bullet and pointers:
- Background: dark blue #0000aa
- Foreground: yellow #ffff55
- Keywords: white #ffffff
- Comments: light gray #aaaaaa
- Strings: light green #55ff55
- Numbers: light cyan #55ffff
- Selection background: light gray #aaaaaa