Social Login allows your users to login and register with 30+ social networks. It increases the user registration rate of your app by simplifying the registration process for new users and provides permission-based social data retrieved from the social network profiles.
You need to setup your OneAll Subdomain in
the www/js/app.js file before being able to use the app.
adb logcat | grep `adb shell ps | grep sociallogin | cut -c10-15`
- Amazon
- BattleNet
- Blogger
- Draugiem
- Dribbble
- Disqus
- Foursquare
- LinkedIn'
- LiveJournal
- Odnoklassniki
- OpenID
- PayPal
- StackExchange
- Steam
- Vimeo
- VKontakte
- Windows Live
- Yahoo
- YouTube
Social Login is maintained by OneAll. OneAll, a technology company offering a set of web-delivered tools and services for establishing and optimizing a site's connection with social networks.