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chrismear edited this page Jun 16, 2011 · 1 revision
Founding Actions

Goal 1 - Initial Founder Actions (FounderFoundsOrganisation)

Tag 1 (PAGEVIEW): Form an association:
Tag 2 (ViewsNewOrganisationTnC): Create Draft constitution hoverbox
Tag 3 (EntersPendingStage) Landing for the first time onto the draft const (page after hoverbox):
Tag 4: (PAGEVIEW) Invite Founding Member/send invitation: (anding on the page at invite founding member stage)
Tag 5: (InvitesFoundingMember) Founding Member/send invitation: (submitting a founding member/or on page reload?)
Tag 6: (ViewsStartFoundingVoteConfirmation) Click hold the founding vote.
Tag 7: (StartsFoundingVote) Founding Vote hover box
Tag 8: (FounderSupportsFounding) Click support
Tag 9: (PAGEVIEW) Land on Confirm Membership:
Tag 10: (FounderAcceptsConstitution) click on accept constitution

Goal 2 - Initial Founder Pre Founding Amendments (Note - ideally we have this as initial founder only - as he/she is the only person able to carry out actions) (FounderMakesAmendments)

Tag 1: (FounderViewsAmendmentsForm) Pre founding mods - going to the amendment page:
Tag 2: (FounderMakesAmendments) Pre founding mods - saving changes:

Goal 3 - Invited Founder Actions: (FoundingMemberFoundsOrganisation)

Tag 1: (ViewsInvitationForm) Landing on password screen: 
Tag 2: (ViewsFoundingMemberTnC)
Tag 3: (AcceptsFoundingMemberTnC)
Tag 4: (FoundingMemberSupportsFounding) Click on support for founding
Tag 5: (FoundingMemberViewsMembershipConfirmationPage) Land on Confirm Membership:
Tag 6: (FoundingMemberAcceptsConstitution) click on accept constitution

Day to Day Actions

Goal 4 - Voting (ProposesVote)
Tag 1: click on propose a vote
Tag 2: click on Create proposal

Goal 5 - New Members (ProposesNewMember)
Tag 1: click on propose a new member
Tag 2: submit on Invite a new member

Goal 6 - Amendments (ProposesAmendments)
Tag 1: click on propose an amendment button
Tag 2: click on propose changes (on amendments page)

Goal 7 - Eject Members (ProposesEjection)
Tag 1: submission of propose ejection of member

Goal 8 - General Voting (VotesFor)
Tag 1: Selecting Support from

Goal 9 - General Voting (VotesAgainst)
Tag 1: Selecting Oppose from

Goal 10 - Existing Group Comments (Comments)
Tag 1 - save comment (