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FCL Contracts

FCLCrypto.cdc and FlowInteractionTemplateAudit.cdc are contracts which revolve around Interaction Templates and can be used by the Flow Client Library (FCL).
Interaction Templates are a concept to alleviate interacting with a contract by handing out descriptive information in a defined textual data structure. Further information can be obtained by following the link above.

FCLCrypto.cdc allows to verify the signatures for an account and check that the combined weight of the account keys reaches signing power.
It provides the function verifyUserSignatures for user signatures and the function verifyAccountProofSignatures for account proof signatures.
These functions are accessible by the provided scripts verifyUserSignatures.cdc and verifyAccountProofSignatures.cdc.

In order to add Interaction Templates which shall be audited, use the FlowInteractionTemplateAudit.cdc contract and add the template by executing the transaction add-audit.transaction.cdc and provide the template id string.
In order to revoke added audits, call the revoke-audit.transaction.cdc transaction.

It's important to note that by executing add-audit.transaction.cdc, you've become an Interaction Template Auditor, and own an AuditManager resource. All audits which you add are bound to this resource.

You can find two scripts, get-audits-from-audit-manager.script.cdc returns a string array containing the keys for all the audits bound to the AuditManager resource, while get-has-audited-from-audit-manager.script.cdc returns a Boolean signaling if the audit manager has audited the given template id.
Further utility functions in the contract are getAuditsByAuditor which takes an auditor address and returns the audits done by that auditor, and getHasTemplateBeenAuditedByAuditors, which allows to check for multiple auditor addresses if the given template id has been audited by them.

Contract Addresses

Name Testnet Mainnet Sandbox
FCLCrypto 0x74daa6f9c7ef24b1 0xb4b82a1c9d21d284 0x57b2b89759200677
FlowInteractionTemplateAudit 0xf78bfc12d0a786dc TBD TBD