Current Version: v0.4.1dev (2011-??-??)
License: MIT (see included LICENSE file)
Author: Kevin P. Albrecht
Web Site:
A concatenative, functional programming language, with the goal of being a superset of the Joy language, originally created by Dr. Manfred von Thun.
- ode
- about -- Ode website pages
- bin -- compiled JavaScript files, generated from source
- build -- build scripts
- docs -- documentation, generated from source
- editor -- Ode's online development environment
- lib -- required third-party JavaScript libraries
- other -- unorganized pages
- src -- source code
- styles -- CSS, images, and fonts
- tests -- unit and other tests
- Google Closure Compiler
- Node
- Distillery
Ode is set up to be easily minified and combined into a single JavaScript file using Google's Closure Compiler. In order to compile it, you will need to have the following directory structure:
- root
- closure-compiler
- compiler.jar (downloaded from
- ode (this folder)
- build
- compile-ode.bat
- build
- closure-compiler
In the Windows command line prompt, change directory to build, then run this command:
> compile-ode.bat
To generate the language documentation, you need the following directory structure:
- root
- distillery
- ode (this folder)
- build
- docs
- odelang.html (will be created)
- changelog.html (will be created)
- build
In a bash shell which can run Node, change directory to the build directory. Then run this command:
> .