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handle two or more consecutives empty phases in the launcher
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nniclausse committed Aug 24, 2011
1 parent 2be6155 commit 83f7aa1
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 21 deletions.
55 changes: 34 additions & 21 deletions src/tsung/ts_launcher.erl
Expand Up @@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ wait({launch, [], Seed}, State=#launcher{static_done=Static_done}) ->
case ts_config_server:get_client_config(MyHostName) of
{ok, {[{Intensity, Users, Duration}| Rest], StartDate, Max}} ->
?LOGF("Expected duration of first phase: ~p sec ~n",[Duration/1000], ?NOTICE),
?LOGF("Expected duration of first phase: ~p sec (~p users) ~n",[Duration/1000, Users], ?NOTICE),
NewState = State#launcher{phases = Rest,
nusers = Users,
phase_nusers = Users,
start_date = StartDate,
phase_duration = Duration,
intensity = Intensity, maxusers=Max },
nusers = Users,
phase_nusers = Users,
start_date = StartDate,
phase_duration = Duration,
intensity = Intensity, maxusers=Max },
case Static_done of
true ->
wait_static({static, 0}, NewState);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,16 +149,9 @@ wait({static,0}, State) ->
?LOG("Wow, static launcher is already sending me a msg, don't forget it ~n", ?INFO),
{next_state, wait, State#launcher{static_done=true}}.

wait_static({static, Static}, State=#launcher{nusers=0,phase_duration=Duration,phases=Phases}) ->
wait_static({static, _Static}, State=#launcher{nusers=0}) ->
%% no users in this phase, next one
{change, NewUsers, NewIntensity, PhaseLength,Rest} = change_phase(0, Phases, 0, {Duration, 0}),
{next_state,launcher,State#launcher{phases = Rest,
nusers = NewUsers,
phase_nusers = NewUsers,
phase_start = now(),
intensity = NewIntensity}, 1};


wait_static({static, Static}, State=#launcher{maxusers=Max,intensity=Intensity,
nusers=Users,start_date=StartDate}) when is_integer(Static) ->
Expand All @@ -185,11 +178,11 @@ launcher(_Event, State=#launcher{nusers = 0, phases = [] }) ->
?LOG("no more clients to start, stop ~n",?INFO),
{stop, normal, State};

launcher(timeout, State=#launcher{nusers = Users,
phase_nusers = PhaseUsers,
phases = Phases,
started_users = Started,
intensity = Intensity}) ->
launcher(timeout, State=#launcher{nusers = Users,
phase_nusers = PhaseUsers,
phases = Phases,
started_users = Started,
intensity = Intensity}) ->
BeforeLaunch = now(),
case do_launch({Intensity,State#launcher.myhostname}) of
{ok, Wait} ->
Expand All @@ -200,9 +193,12 @@ launcher(timeout, State=#launcher{nusers = Users,
Duration = ts_utils:elapsed(State#launcher.phase_start, BeforeLaunch),
case change_phase(Users-1, Phases, Duration,
{State#launcher.phase_duration, PhaseUsers}) of
{change, 0, _, PhaseLength,Rest} ->
%% no users in the next phase
{change, NewUsers, NewIntensity, PhaseLength,Rest} ->
ts_mon:add({ count, newphase }),
?LOGF("Start a new arrival phase (~p ~p); expected duration=~p sec~n",
?LOGF("Start a new arrival phase (~p users, ~p); expected duration=~p sec~n",
[NewUsers, NewIntensity, PhaseLength/1000], ?NOTICE),
{next_state,launcher,State#launcher{phases = Rest,
nusers = NewUsers,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,6 +293,23 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, StateData, _Extra) ->
%%% Internal functions

%%% @spec skip_empty_phase(record(launcher)) -> {next_state, launcher, record(launcher)}
%%% @doc if a phase contains no users, sleep, before tryinh the next one @end
?LOGF("No user, skip phase (~p ~p)~n",[Phases,Duration],?INFO),
case change_phase(0, Phases, 0, {Duration, 0}) of
{change, 0, _, PhaseLength, Rest} ->
%% next phase is also empty, loop
{change, NewUsers, NewIntensity, PhaseLength,Rest} ->
{next_state,launcher,State#launcher{phases = Rest,
nusers = NewUsers,
phase_nusers = NewUsers,
phase_start = now(),
intensity = NewIntensity}, 1}

%%% Func: change_phase/4
%%% Purpose: decide if we need to change phase (if current users is
Expand Down

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