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Repository files navigation is a web app interface to a kitten-playing robot. The purpose of is to provide research into Feline-Robot Interaction and build relationships between the human operators and the cat subjects. As the robot will be placed in an animal shelter, the ultimate objective is to boost adoption rates of sheltered cats.

The site is not available to the public yet, but the code is available now.

Preview (Don't worry, I have hired a UX designer to help):

Screenshot of

Table of Contents

Architecture strives to take advantage of the latest best practices in large-scale JavaScript web applications, including using an MVC-like framework, Asynchronous Module Definitions, WebSockets, an event-driven architecture, and BDD testing.

Ros.js utilizes the new ros.js API. The new ros.js provides a convenient abstraction from the WebSocket communication with rosbridge.

The new ros.js follows the Observer pattern, listening for events like when a message was published or a connection error occurred and responds accordingly. This event-oriented implementation allows for a decoupled, responsive interface to ROS.

Model View Controller is meant to be a large-scale JavaScript web application. Instead of rendering and client logic occurring server side, the only interaction with the server happens through REST and WebSocket calls.

Backbone.js provides the basic MVC structure for The key components include:

  • Models - Most ros.js topics or services are wrapped in Backbone models. For example, the Navigator model creates a cmd_vel ROS topic in the background. The Navigator model provides convenient functions like forward() and backward() instead of other models or views interacting with the ROS topic directly.

  • Views - Every visual component of the web app is represented as a Backbone view. The views are responsible for listening to user events like clicks and passing interacting with an underlying model.

    The Treat Dispenser button view, for instance, is backed by a TreatDispenser model. The view listens for when a user clicks the "Treat" button and when clicked, calls the TreatDispenser model's dispenseTreat().

    The Treat Dispenser button view also listens for changes from the model. If the user is no longer allowed to access the TreatDispenser, the TreatDispenser emits an disabled event that causes the button view to automatically changed the HTML button to disabled.

  • Templates - Backbone views are more like "view controllers". The actual HTML templates are separated as individual HTML files.


The directory structure for is dozens of small files laid out like so:

  libs/    - Third-party libraries like Backbone and ros.js
  models/  - All app models, like Navigator, User, and TreatDispenser
  views/   - All app views, like button views or the video player view
  main.js  - require.js configuration and app entry point
  app.js   - The app bootstrap logic, including which initial views to load.
  ros.js   - Wrapper around the ros.js library so all modules can load the same
             ros instance.
templates/ - HTML template files

The models and views follow the Asynchronous Module Definition(AMD). Using require.js, an AMD loader, each module, view, or other JavaScript file can specify only the JavaScript modules they depend on. Require.js handles these dependencies and loads in the correct JavaScript files and even HTML templates as needed.


A big advantage of separating the view logic from the models is easier testing. While not yet implemented, I have had good luck using mocha.js to test Backbone models independently of presentation level changes.

How To Run

A TurtleBot is the feline-robot companion of choice. Though the ROS cat packages are not yet ready for open-sourcing, the web app can still operate with the following ROS launch files:

roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup kinect.launch
rosrun rosbridge
rosrun mjpeg_server mjpeg_server

A static server will need to be set up to serve the site and the video URL should point to the IP address of the mjpeg_server.

What's Next is still early and very much a Work In Progress. A few of the upcoming features and goals:

  • User Experience overhaul - I have hired a UX designer to come up with wireframes for
  • Improve Backbone.js structure - SoundCloud's talk on how they're using Backbone.js has some excellent ideas, like a model instance store. I'm currently thinking a combination of SoundCloud's ideas and Addy Osmani's widget approach has the most potential.
  • User Authentication - The idea is only logged in users will be able to play. Debating on integrating with Facebook and/or Twitter.
  • A permission system is needed to specify which actions which users can perform and when. The current idea is for an Access Control List on the server that can update continuously as users are queued up.

About is a web app interface to a kitten-playing robot.






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