From 3ff9268cd264012d6d82664b257bd7aa38de6bde Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2022 17:38:45 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/15] support ava-kinetics --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 114 +++++++++++ tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 147 ++++++++++++++ tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 181 ++++++++++++++++++ tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 125 ++++++++++++ tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 83 ++++++++ 5 files changed, 650 insertions(+) create mode 100644 tools/data/ava_kinetics/ create mode 100644 tools/data/ava_kinetics/ create mode 100644 tools/data/ava_kinetics/ create mode 100644 tools/data/ava_kinetics/ create mode 100644 tools/data/ava_kinetics/ diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d75eed649 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +# Preparing AVA-Kinetics + +## Introduction + + + +```BibTeX +@article{li2020ava, + title={The ava-kinetics localized human actions video dataset}, + author={Li, Ang and Thotakuri, Meghana and Ross, David A and Carreira, Jo{\~a}o and Vostrikov, Alexander and Zisserman, Andrew}, + journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00214}, + year={2020} +} +``` + +For basic dataset information, please refer to the official [website]( +AVA-Kinetics dataset is a crossover between the AVA Actions and Kinetics datasets. You may want to first prepare the AVA datasets. In this file, we provide commands to prepare the Kinetics part and merge the two parts together. + +For model training, we will keep reading from raw frames for the AVA part, but read from videos using `decord` for the Kinetics part to accelerate training. + +Before we start, please make sure that the directory is located at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`. + + +## Step 0. Prepare Kinetics700 dataset + +The Kinetics part of the AVA-Kinetics dataset comes from Kinetics-700 videos. Best if you already have this dataset locally (only video is needed). If not, see [preparing_kinetics]( You can just download part of the Kinetics-700 dataset if you do not have enough storage space. + +After finishing downloading the videos, please generate a text file showing the paths to all videos: + +``` +Path_to_video1\n +Path_to_video2\n +... +Path_to_videon\n +``` + +The timestamp (start and end of the video) must be contained in the file name. For example: +``` +class602/o3lCwWyyc_s_000012_000022.mp4\n +``` + +It means that this video clip is from the 12th to the 22nd second of the original video. It is OK if some videos are missing and we will ignore them in the next steps. + +## Step 1. Download Annotations + +Download the annotation tar file (the directory should be located at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`). +```shell +wget +tar xf ava_kinetics_v1_0.tar.gz && rm ava_kinetics_v1_0.tar.gz +``` +You should have the `ava_kinetics_v1_0` folder at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`. + +## Step 2. Cut Videos + +Use `` to find the desired videos from the Kinetics-700 dataset and trim them to contain only annotated clips. Currently we only use the train set of the Kinetics part to improve training. Validation on the Kinetics part will come soon. + +You need to specify `avakinetics_anotation` which is the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. By default it should be `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. You need to specify `kinetics_list`, which is the path to the text file containing the paths to all videos as mentioned in Step 0. You need to specify `avakinetics_root`, which is the directory to save the cutted ava-kinetics videos. By default it should be `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. + +Here is an example. + +```shell +python3 --avakinetics_anotation='./ava_kinetics_v1_0' \ + --kinetics_list=KINETICS_LIST \ + --avakinetics_root='../../../data/ava_kinetics' +``` + +There should be about 100k videos. It is OK if some videos are missing and we will ignore them in the next steps. + + +## Step 3. Prepare Annotations + +Use `` to prepare the training annotations. It will generate a `kinetics_train.csv` file containning the spatial-temporal annotations for the Kinetics part. This csv file will be written to the same directory as the trimmed video specified by `avakinetics_root`. + +You need to specify `avakinetics_anotation` which is the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. By default it should be `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. You need to specify `avakinetics_root`, which is the directory to save the cutted ava-kinetics videos. By default it should be `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. + +Here is an example. + +```shell +python3 --avakinetics_anotation='./ava_kinetics_v1_0' \ + --avakinetics_root='../../../data/ava_kinetics' +``` + +## Step 4. Fetch Proposal Files + +The pre-computed proposals for AVA dataset are provided by FAIR's [Long-Term Feature Banks]( For the Kinetics part, we use `Cascade R-CNN X-101-64x4d-FPN` from [mmdetection]( to get the proposals. You can also use other human detectors to get the pre-computed proposals, and the final action detection performance is similar (since the ground truth bounding bboxes are added to the proposals by default). + +The proposal file is saved at `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/annotations/kinetics_proposal.pkl`. +You need to use `--rawframe_path` option to specify the path for rawframe. The default rawframe path is `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/rawframe/`. +You can use '--num_gpus' option to specify the number of GPUs used to extract proposals. +```shell +python3 --rawframe_path=RAWFRAME_PATH --kinetics_proposal_path=KINETICS_PROPOSAL_PATH +``` + + + +## Step 5. Merge AVA and Kinetics + +Now we have finished the preparation of the Kinetics part. We need to merge the AVA part to the ava_kinetics folder (assuming you have already prepared the AVA dataset). Firstly we need to merge the rawframes of AVA part. If you have enough storage, just need to copy (or move) them. + +You can also use soft links: +```shell +python3 --absolute_ava_path=ABSOLUTE_AVA_PATH --kinetics_path=KINETICS_PATH +``` +The `--absolute_ava_path` option specifies the **absolute path** for the rawframes of AVA dataset. +The `--kinetics_path` option specifies the path for the rawframes of the Kinetics part. + +If the path for the rawframes are not located at $MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/rawframe/$, you need to make a soft link to this path. + +Next we merge the anotation files. +```shell +cp ../../../data/ava/annotations/* ../../../data/ava_kinetics/annotations/ +python3 +``` + diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..114f80a5e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. +model = dict( + type='CascadeRCNN', + data_preprocessor=dict( + type='DetDataPreprocessor', + mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], + std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], + bgr_to_rgb=True, + pad_size_divisor=32), + backbone=dict( + type='ResNeXt', + depth=101, + num_stages=4, + out_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3), + frozen_stages=1, + norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True), + norm_eval=True, + style='pytorch', + init_cfg=dict( + type='Pretrained', checkpoint='open-mmlab://resnext101_64x4d'), + groups=64, + base_width=4), + neck=dict( + type='FPN', + in_channels=[256, 512, 1024, 2048], + out_channels=256, + num_outs=5), + rpn_head=dict( + type='RPNHead', + in_channels=256, + feat_channels=256, + anchor_generator=dict( + type='AnchorGenerator', + scales=[8], + ratios=[0.5, 1.0, 2.0], + strides=[4, 8, 16, 32, 64]), + bbox_coder=dict( + type='DeltaXYWHBBoxCoder', + target_means=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], + target_stds=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), + loss_cls=dict( + type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=True, loss_weight=1.0), + loss_bbox=dict( + type='SmoothL1Loss', beta=0.1111111111111111, loss_weight=1.0)), + roi_head=dict( + type='CascadeRoIHead', + num_stages=3, + stage_loss_weights=[1, 0.5, 0.25], + bbox_roi_extractor=dict( + type='SingleRoIExtractor', + roi_layer=dict(type='RoIAlign', output_size=7, sampling_ratio=0), + out_channels=256, + featmap_strides=[4, 8, 16, 32]), + bbox_head=[ + dict( + type='Shared2FCBBoxHead', + in_channels=256, + fc_out_channels=1024, + roi_feat_size=7, + num_classes=80, + bbox_coder=dict( + type='DeltaXYWHBBoxCoder', + target_means=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], + target_stds=[0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]), + reg_class_agnostic=True, + loss_cls=dict( + type='CrossEntropyLoss', + use_sigmoid=False, + loss_weight=1.0), + loss_bbox=dict(type='SmoothL1Loss', beta=1.0, + loss_weight=1.0)), + dict( + type='Shared2FCBBoxHead', + in_channels=256, + fc_out_channels=1024, + roi_feat_size=7, + num_classes=80, + bbox_coder=dict( + type='DeltaXYWHBBoxCoder', + target_means=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], + target_stds=[0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1]), + reg_class_agnostic=True, + loss_cls=dict( + type='CrossEntropyLoss', + use_sigmoid=False, + loss_weight=1.0), + loss_bbox=dict(type='SmoothL1Loss', beta=1.0, + loss_weight=1.0)), + dict( + type='Shared2FCBBoxHead', + in_channels=256, + fc_out_channels=1024, + roi_feat_size=7, + num_classes=80, + bbox_coder=dict( + type='DeltaXYWHBBoxCoder', + target_means=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], + target_stds=[0.033, 0.033, 0.067, 0.067]), + reg_class_agnostic=True, + loss_cls=dict( + type='CrossEntropyLoss', + use_sigmoid=False, + loss_weight=1.0), + loss_bbox=dict(type='SmoothL1Loss', beta=1.0, loss_weight=1.0)) + ]), + test_cfg=dict( + rpn=dict( + nms_pre=1000, + max_per_img=1000, + nms=dict(type='nms', iou_threshold=0.7), + min_bbox_size=0), + rcnn=dict( + score_thr=0.05, + nms=dict(type='nms', iou_threshold=0.5), + max_per_img=100))) + +test_dataloader = dict( + batch_size=1, + num_workers=2, + persistent_workers=True, + drop_last=False, + sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), + dataset=dict( + type='CocoDataset', + data_root='data/coco/', + ann_file='annotations/instances_val2017.json', + data_prefix=dict(img='val2017/'), + test_mode=True, + pipeline=[ + dict( + type='LoadImageFromFile', + file_client_args=dict(backend='disk')), + dict(type='Resize', scale=(1333, 800), keep_ratio=True), + dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True), + dict( + type='PackDetInputs', + meta_keys=('img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', + 'scale_factor')) + ])) + +test_evaluator = dict( + type='CocoMetric', + ann_file='data/coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json', + metric='bbox', + format_only=False) + +test_cfg = dict(type='TestLoop') diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a5b6ba905 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. +import argparse +from collections import defaultdict +from typing import List +import multiprocessing +import os + +import decord + + +def get_kinetics_frames(kinetics_anotation_file: str) -> dict: + """ + Given the AVA-kinetics anotation file, return a lookup to map the video id + and the the set of timestamps involved of this video id. + Args: + kinetics_anotation_file (str): Path to the AVA-like anotation file for + the kinetics subset. + Returns: + dict: the dict keys are the kinetics videos' video id. The values are + the set of timestamps involved. + """ + with open(kinetics_anotation_file) as f: + anotated_frames = [i.split(',') for i in f.readlines()] + anotated_frames = [i for i in anotated_frames if len(i) == 7] + anotated_frames = [(i[0], int(float(i[1]))) for i in anotated_frames] + + frame_lookup = defaultdict(set) + for video_id, timestamp in anotated_frames: + frame_lookup[video_id].add(timestamp) + return frame_lookup + + +def filter_missing_videos(kinetics_list: str, frame_lookup: dict) -> dict: + """ + Given the kinetics700 dataset list, remove the video ids from the lookup + that are missing videos or frames. + + Args: + kinetics_list (str): Path to the kinetics700 dataset list. + The content of the list should be: + ``` + Path_to_video1\n + Path_to_video2\n + ... + Path_to_videon\n + ``` + The start and end of the video must be contained in the filename. + For example: + ``` + class602/o3lCwWyyc_s_000012_000022.mp4\n + ``` + frame_lookup (dict): the dict from `get_kinetics_frames`. + Returns: + dict: the dict keys are the kinetics videos' video id. The values are + the a list of tuples: + (start_of_the_video, end_of_the_video, video_path) + """ + video_lookup = defaultdict(set) + with open(kinetics_list) as f: + for line in f.readlines(): + video_path = line.split(' ')[0] # remove lable information + video_name = video_path.split('/')[-1] # get the file name + video_name = video_name.split('.')[0] # remove file extensions + video_name = video_name.split('_') + video_id = '_'.join(video_name[:-2]) + if video_id not in frame_lookup: + continue + + start, end = int(video_name[-2]), int(video_name[-1]) + frames = frame_lookup[video_id] + frames = [frame for frame in frames if start < frame < end] + if len(frames) == 0: + continue + + start, end = max(start, min(frames) - 2), min(end, max(frames) + 2) + video_lookup[video_id].add((start, end, video_path)) + + # Some frame ids exist in multiple videos in the Kinetics dataset. + # The reason is the part of one video may fall into differnet categories. + # Remove the duplicated records + for video in video_lookup: + if len(video_lookup[video]) == 1: + continue + info_list = list(video_lookup[video]) + removed_list = [] + for i, info_i in enumerate(info_list): + start_i, end_i, _ = info_i + for j in range(i + 1, len(info_list)): + start_j, end_j, _ = info_list[j] + if start_i <= start_j and end_j <= end_i: + removed_list.append(j) + elif start_j <= start_i and end_i <= end_j: + removed_list.append(i) + new_list = [] + for i, info in enumerate(info_list): + if i not in removed_list: + new_list.append(info) + video_lookup[video] = set(new_list) + return video_lookup + + +template = 'ffmpeg -ss %d -t %d -accurate_seek -i %s -avoid_negative_ts 1 %s' + + +def generate_cut_cmds(video_lookup: dict, data_root: str) -> List[str]: + cmds = [] + for video_id in video_lookup: + for start, end, video_path in video_lookup[video_id]: + start0 = int(video_path.split('_')[-2]) + new_path = '%s/%s_%06d_%06d.mp4' % (data_root, + video_id, + start, + end) + cmd = template % (start - start0, + end - start, + video_path, + new_path) + cmds.append(cmd) + return cmds + + +def run_cmd(cmd): + os.system(cmd) + return + + +def remove_failed_video(vide_path: str) -> None: + """ + Given the path to the video, delete the video if it cannot be read or if + the actual length of the video is 0.75 seconds shorter than expected. + """ + try: + v = decord.VideoReader(vide_path) + fps = v.get_avg_fps() + num_frames = len(v) + x = vide_path.split('.')[0].split('_') + time = int(x[-1]) - int(x[-2]) + if num_frames < (time - 3 / 4) * fps: + os.remove(video_path) + except: # noqa: E722 + os.remove(video_path) + return + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + p = argparse.ArgumentParser() + p.add_argument('--avakinetics_anotation', type=str, + default='./ava_kinetics_v1_0', + help='the directory to ava-kinetics anotations') + p.add_argument('--kinetics_list', type=str, + help='the datalist of the kinetics700 training videos') + p.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=-1, + help='number of workers used for multiprocessing') + p.add_argument('--avakinetics_root', type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', + help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') + args = p.parse_args() + + # Find videos from the Kinetics700 dataset required for AVA-Kinetics + kinetics_train = args.avakinetics_anotation + '/kinetics_train_v1.0.csv' + frame_lookup = get_kinetics_frames(kinetics_train) + video_lookup = filter_missing_videos(args.kinetics_list, frame_lookup) + + root = args.avakinetics_root + os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True) + video_path = root + '/videos/' + os.makedirs(video_path, exist_ok=True) + all_cmds = generate_cut_cmds(video_lookup, video_path) + + # Cut and save the videos for AVA-Kinetics + if args.num_workers > 0: + num_workers = args.num_workers + else: + num_workers = max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, 1) + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_workers) + _ =, all_cmds) + + # Remove failed videos + videos = os.listdir(video_path) + videos = ['%s/%s' % (video_path, video) for video in videos] + _ =, videos) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c51c95670d --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. +import argparse +import multiprocessing as mp +import os + +import decord +import numpy as np +import pickle + +from mmdet.utils import register_all_modules +from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, init_detector + + +def get_vid_from_path(path): + video_id = path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + video_id = video_id.split('_')[:-2] + return '_'.join(video_id) + + +def prepare_det_lookup(datalist): + with open(datalist) as f: + records = f.readlines() + det_lookup = {} + for record in records: + record = record.split(',') + video_path = record[0] + video_id = get_vid_from_path(video_path) + frame_id = int(record[1]) + for idx in range(frame_id-1, frame_id+2): + proposal_id = '%s,%04d' % (video_id, idx) + det_lookup[proposal_id] = video_path + return det_lookup + + +def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): + detect_list = list(det_lookup) + detect_sublist = [detect_list[i] for i in range(len(detect_list)) + if i % args.num_gpus == rank] + + model = init_detector(args.config, + args.checkpoint, + device='cuda:%d' % rank) + + lookup = {} + for key in enumerate(detect_sublist): + video_path = det_lookup[key] + start = int(video_path.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-2]) + time = int(key.split(',')[1]) + frame_id = (time - start) * 30 + 1 + frame = decord.VideoReader(video_path).get_batch([frame_id])[0] + H, W, _ = frame + try: + video_path = det_lookup[key] + result = inference_detector(model, frame) + bboxes = result._pred_instances.bboxes.cpu() + scores = result._pred_instances.scores.cpu() + labels = result._pred_instances.labels.cpu() + + bboxes = bboxes[labels == 0] + scores = scores[labels == 0] + + bboxes = bboxes[scores > 0.7].numpy() + scores = scores[scores > 0.7] + if scores.numel() > 0: + result_ = [] + for idx, (h1, w1, h2, w2) in result: + h1 /= H + h2 /= H + w1 /= W + w2 /= W + score = scores[idx].item() + result_.append((h1, w1, h2, w2, score)) + lookup[key] = np.array(result_) + except: # noqa: E722 + pass + + with open('tmp_person_%d.pkl' % rank, 'wb') as f: + pickle.dump(lookup, f) + return + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + p = argparse.ArgumentParser() + p.add_argument('--datalist', type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_train.csv', + help='the list for kinetics videos') + p.add_argument('--config', type=str, + default='', + help='the human detector') + p.add_argument('--checkpoint', type=str, + default='' + 'cascade_rcnn/cascade_rcnn_x101_64x4d_fpn_1x_coco/' + 'cascade_rcnn_x101_64x4d_fpn_1x_coco_20200515_' + '075702-43ce6a30.pth', + help='the human detector checkpoint') + p.add_argument('--picklepath', type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_proposal.pkl') + p.add_argument('--num_gpus', type=int, default=8) + + args = p.parse_args() + + # register all modules in mmdet into the registries + register_all_modules() + + det_lookup = prepare_det_lookup(args.datalist) + + processes = [] + for rank in range(args.num_gpus): + ctx = mp.get_context('spawn') + p = ctx.Process(target=single_worker, args=(rank, det_lookup, args)) + p.start() + processes.append(p) + + for p in processes: + p.join() + + lookup = {} + for k in range(args.num_gpus): + one_lookup = pickle.load(open('tmp_person_%d.pkl' % k, 'rb')) + os.remove('tmp_person_%d.pkl' % k) + for key in one_lookup: + lookup[key] = one_lookup[key] + + with open(args.picklepath, 'wb') as f: + pickle.dump(lookup, f) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ed9b90131 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. +import argparse +import os +import multiprocessing +from collections import defaultdict + +import decord + + +def get_video_info(video_path): + filename = video_path.split('/')[-1] + filename = filename.split('.')[0].split('_') + video_id = '_'.join(filename[:-2]) + start = int(filename[-2]) + vr = decord.VideoReader(video_path) + length = len(vr) // vr.get_avg_fps() + return (video_id, start, start + length, video_path) + + +def get_avaialble_clips(video_root, num_cpus): + videos = os.listdir(video_root) + videos = ['%s/%s' % (video_root, video) for video in videos] + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_cpus) + outputs =, videos) + lookup = defaultdict(list) + for record in outputs: + lookup[record[0]].append(record[1:]) + return lookup + + +def filter_train_list(kinetics_anotation_file, lookup): + with open(kinetics_anotation_file) as f: + anotated_frames = [i.split(',') for i in f.readlines()] + anotated_frames = [i for i in anotated_frames if len(i) == 7] + + filtered = [] + for line in anotated_frames: + if line[0] not in lookup: + continue + flag = False + for start, end, video_path in lookup[line[0]]: + if start < float(line[1]) < end: + flag = True + break + if flag is False: + continue + video_path = os.path.abspath(video_path) + string = '%s,%d,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,-1\n' % (video_path, + int(float(line[1])), + float(line[2]), + float(line[3]), + float(line[4]), + float(line[5]), + int(float(line[6]))) + filtered.append(string) + return filtered + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + p = argparse.ArgumentParser() + p.add_argument('--avakinetics_anotation', type=str, + default='./ava_kinetics_v1_0', + help='the directory to ava-kinetics anotations') + p.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=-1, + help='number of workers used for multiprocessing') + p.add_argument('--avakinetics_root', type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', + help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') + args = p.parse_args() + + if args.num_workers > 0: + num_workers = args.num_workers + else: + num_workers = max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, 1) + lookup = get_avaialble_clips(args.avakinetics_root + '/videos/', + num_workers) + + kinetics_train = args.avakinetics_anotation + '/kinetics_train_v1.0.csv' + filtered_list = filter_train_list(kinetics_train, lookup) + + with open('%s/kinetics_train.csv' % args.avakinetics_root, 'w') as f: + for line in filtered_list: + f.write(line) From 4b7151e883bcf4ca149c09191400330718db5872 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kai Hu Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2022 19:33:01 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 02/15] Update --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index c51c95670d..04dcd82be8 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): start = int(video_path.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-2]) time = int(key.split(',')[1]) frame_id = (time - start) * 30 + 1 - frame = decord.VideoReader(video_path).get_batch([frame_id])[0] + frame = decord.VideoReader(video_path).get_batch([frame_id]).asnumpy()[0] H, W, _ = frame try: video_path = det_lookup[key] From bd3c65096c48fd034d1a98175465a90499e518cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2022 21:37:50 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 03/15] fix typos --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 45 +++------- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 72 +++++++-------- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 87 +++++++++++-------- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 41 +++++---- 4 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 1d75eed649..3c50e80178 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ For model training, we will keep reading from raw frames for the AVA part, but r Before we start, please make sure that the directory is located at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`. - ## Step 0. Prepare Kinetics700 dataset -The Kinetics part of the AVA-Kinetics dataset comes from Kinetics-700 videos. Best if you already have this dataset locally (only video is needed). If not, see [preparing_kinetics]( You can just download part of the Kinetics-700 dataset if you do not have enough storage space. +The Kinetics part of the AVA-Kinetics dataset comes from Kinetics-700 videos. Best if you already have this dataset locally (only video is needed). If not, see [preparing_kinetics]( You can just download part of the Kinetics-700 dataset if you do not have enough storage space. After finishing downloading the videos, please generate a text file showing the paths to all videos: @@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ Path_to_videon\n ``` The timestamp (start and end of the video) must be contained in the file name. For example: + ``` class602/o3lCwWyyc_s_000012_000022.mp4\n ``` @@ -44,71 +44,50 @@ It means that this video clip is from the 12th to the 22nd second of the origina ## Step 1. Download Annotations Download the annotation tar file (the directory should be located at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`). + ```shell wget tar xf ava_kinetics_v1_0.tar.gz && rm ava_kinetics_v1_0.tar.gz ``` + You should have the `ava_kinetics_v1_0` folder at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`. ## Step 2. Cut Videos Use `` to find the desired videos from the Kinetics-700 dataset and trim them to contain only annotated clips. Currently we only use the train set of the Kinetics part to improve training. Validation on the Kinetics part will come soon. -You need to specify `avakinetics_anotation` which is the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. By default it should be `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. You need to specify `kinetics_list`, which is the path to the text file containing the paths to all videos as mentioned in Step 0. You need to specify `avakinetics_root`, which is the directory to save the cutted ava-kinetics videos. By default it should be `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +You need to specify `avakinetics_anotation` which is the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. By default it should be `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. You need to specify `kinetics_list`, which is the path to the text file containing the paths to all videos as mentioned in Step 0. You need to specify `avakinetics_root`, which is the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. By default it should be `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. Here is an example. ```shell python3 --avakinetics_anotation='./ava_kinetics_v1_0' \ --kinetics_list=KINETICS_LIST \ - --avakinetics_root='../../../data/ava_kinetics' + --avakinetics_root='../../../data/ava_kinetics' ``` There should be about 100k videos. It is OK if some videos are missing and we will ignore them in the next steps. - ## Step 3. Prepare Annotations Use `` to prepare the training annotations. It will generate a `kinetics_train.csv` file containning the spatial-temporal annotations for the Kinetics part. This csv file will be written to the same directory as the trimmed video specified by `avakinetics_root`. -You need to specify `avakinetics_anotation` which is the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. By default it should be `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. You need to specify `avakinetics_root`, which is the directory to save the cutted ava-kinetics videos. By default it should be `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +You need to specify `avakinetics_anotation` which is the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. By default it should be `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. You need to specify `avakinetics_root`, which is the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. By default it should be `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. Here is an example. ```shell python3 --avakinetics_anotation='./ava_kinetics_v1_0' \ - --avakinetics_root='../../../data/ava_kinetics' + --avakinetics_root='../../../data/ava_kinetics' ``` ## Step 4. Fetch Proposal Files -The pre-computed proposals for AVA dataset are provided by FAIR's [Long-Term Feature Banks]( For the Kinetics part, we use `Cascade R-CNN X-101-64x4d-FPN` from [mmdetection]( to get the proposals. You can also use other human detectors to get the pre-computed proposals, and the final action detection performance is similar (since the ground truth bounding bboxes are added to the proposals by default). - -The proposal file is saved at `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/annotations/kinetics_proposal.pkl`. -You need to use `--rawframe_path` option to specify the path for rawframe. The default rawframe path is `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/rawframe/`. -You can use '--num_gpus' option to specify the number of GPUs used to extract proposals. -```shell -python3 --rawframe_path=RAWFRAME_PATH --kinetics_proposal_path=KINETICS_PROPOSAL_PATH -``` - - - -## Step 5. Merge AVA and Kinetics - -Now we have finished the preparation of the Kinetics part. We need to merge the AVA part to the ava_kinetics folder (assuming you have already prepared the AVA dataset). Firstly we need to merge the rawframes of AVA part. If you have enough storage, just need to copy (or move) them. - -You can also use soft links: -```shell -python3 --absolute_ava_path=ABSOLUTE_AVA_PATH --kinetics_path=KINETICS_PATH -``` -The `--absolute_ava_path` option specifies the **absolute path** for the rawframes of AVA dataset. -The `--kinetics_path` option specifies the path for the rawframes of the Kinetics part. - -If the path for the rawframes are not located at $MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/rawframe/$, you need to make a soft link to this path. +The pre-computed proposals for AVA dataset are provided by FAIR's [Long-Term Feature Banks]( For the Kinetics part, we use `Cascade R-CNN X-101-64x4d-FPN` from [mmdetection]( to fetch the proposals. Here is the script: -Next we merge the anotation files. ```shell -cp ../../../data/ava/annotations/* ../../../data/ava_kinetics/annotations/ -python3 +python3 --datalist='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_train.csv' \ + --picklepath='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_proposal.pkl' ``` +## Step 5. Merge AVA and Kinetics diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 3a5b6ba905..ef5f6c8da3 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ # Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import argparse -from collections import defaultdict -from typing import List import multiprocessing import os +from collections import defaultdict +from typing import List import decord def get_kinetics_frames(kinetics_anotation_file: str) -> dict: - """ - Given the AVA-kinetics anotation file, return a lookup to map the video id - and the the set of timestamps involved of this video id. + """Given the AVA-kinetics anotation file, return a lookup to map the video + id and the the set of timestamps involved of this video id. + Args: - kinetics_anotation_file (str): Path to the AVA-like anotation file for + kinetics_anotation_file (str): Path to the AVA-like anotation file for the kinetics subset. Returns: - dict: the dict keys are the kinetics videos' video id. The values are + dict: the dict keys are the kinetics videos' video id. The values are the set of timestamps involved. """ with open(kinetics_anotation_file) as f: @@ -31,12 +31,11 @@ def get_kinetics_frames(kinetics_anotation_file: str) -> dict: def filter_missing_videos(kinetics_list: str, frame_lookup: dict) -> dict: - """ - Given the kinetics700 dataset list, remove the video ids from the lookup - that are missing videos or frames. + """Given the kinetics700 dataset list, remove the video ids from the lookup + that are missing videos or frames. Args: - kinetics_list (str): Path to the kinetics700 dataset list. + kinetics_list (str): Path to the kinetics700 dataset list. The content of the list should be: ``` Path_to_video1\n @@ -44,21 +43,21 @@ def filter_missing_videos(kinetics_list: str, frame_lookup: dict) -> dict: ... Path_to_videon\n ``` - The start and end of the video must be contained in the filename. + The start and end of the video must be contained in the filename. For example: ``` class602/o3lCwWyyc_s_000012_000022.mp4\n ``` frame_lookup (dict): the dict from `get_kinetics_frames`. Returns: - dict: the dict keys are the kinetics videos' video id. The values are + dict: the dict keys are the kinetics videos' video id. The values are the a list of tuples: (start_of_the_video, end_of_the_video, video_path) """ video_lookup = defaultdict(set) with open(kinetics_list) as f: for line in f.readlines(): - video_path = line.split(' ')[0] # remove lable information + video_path = line.split(' ')[0] # remove label information video_name = video_path.split('/')[-1] # get the file name video_name = video_name.split('.')[0] # remove file extensions video_name = video_name.split('_') @@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ def filter_missing_videos(kinetics_list: str, frame_lookup: dict) -> dict: video_lookup[video_id].add((start, end, video_path)) # Some frame ids exist in multiple videos in the Kinetics dataset. - # The reason is the part of one video may fall into differnet categories. + # The reason is the part of one video may fall into different categories. # Remove the duplicated records for video in video_lookup: if len(video_lookup[video]) == 1: @@ -107,13 +106,9 @@ def generate_cut_cmds(video_lookup: dict, data_root: str) -> List[str]: for video_id in video_lookup: for start, end, video_path in video_lookup[video_id]: start0 = int(video_path.split('_')[-2]) - new_path = '%s/%s_%06d_%06d.mp4' % (data_root, - video_id, - start, + new_path = '%s/%s_%06d_%06d.mp4' % (data_root, video_id, start, end) - cmd = template % (start - start0, - end - start, - video_path, + cmd = template % (start - start0, end - start, video_path, new_path) cmds.append(cmd) return cmds @@ -125,10 +120,8 @@ def run_cmd(cmd): def remove_failed_video(vide_path: str) -> None: - """ - Given the path to the video, delete the video if it cannot be read or if - the actual length of the video is 0.75 seconds shorter than expected. - """ + """Given the path to the video, delete the video if it cannot be read or if + the actual length of the video is 0.75 seconds shorter than expected.""" try: v = decord.VideoReader(vide_path) fps = v.get_avg_fps() @@ -144,16 +137,25 @@ def remove_failed_video(vide_path: str) -> None: if __name__ == '__main__': p = argparse.ArgumentParser() - p.add_argument('--avakinetics_anotation', type=str, - default='./ava_kinetics_v1_0', - help='the directory to ava-kinetics anotations') - p.add_argument('--kinetics_list', type=str, - help='the datalist of the kinetics700 training videos') - p.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=-1, - help='number of workers used for multiprocessing') - p.add_argument('--avakinetics_root', type=str, - default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', - help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') + p.add_argument( + '--avakinetics_anotation', + type=str, + default='./ava_kinetics_v1_0', + help='the directory to ava-kinetics anotations') + p.add_argument( + '--kinetics_list', + type=str, + help='the datalist of the kinetics700 training videos') + p.add_argument( + '--num_workers', + type=int, + default=-1, + help='number of workers used for multiprocessing') + p.add_argument( + '--avakinetics_root', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', + help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') args = p.parse_args() # Find videos from the Kinetics700 dataset required for AVA-Kinetics diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 04dcd82be8..2eeb56c76a 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -2,13 +2,12 @@ import argparse import multiprocessing as mp import os +import pickle import decord import numpy as np -import pickle - -from mmdet.utils import register_all_modules from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, init_detector +from mmdet.utils import register_all_modules def get_vid_from_path(path): @@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ def prepare_det_lookup(datalist): video_path = record[0] video_id = get_vid_from_path(video_path) frame_id = int(record[1]) - for idx in range(frame_id-1, frame_id+2): + for idx in range(frame_id - 1, frame_id + 2): proposal_id = '%s,%04d' % (video_id, idx) det_lookup[proposal_id] = video_path return det_lookup @@ -34,23 +33,30 @@ def prepare_det_lookup(datalist): def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): detect_list = list(det_lookup) - detect_sublist = [detect_list[i] for i in range(len(detect_list)) - if i % args.num_gpus == rank] + detect_sublist = [ + detect_list[i] for i in range(len(detect_list)) + if i % args.num_gpus == rank + ] - model = init_detector(args.config, - args.checkpoint, - device='cuda:%d' % rank) + # register all modules in mmdet into the registries + register_all_modules() + model = init_detector( + args.config, args.checkpoint, device='cuda:%d' % rank) lookup = {} - for key in enumerate(detect_sublist): - video_path = det_lookup[key] - start = int(video_path.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-2]) - time = int(key.split(',')[1]) - frame_id = (time - start) * 30 + 1 - frame = decord.VideoReader(video_path).get_batch([frame_id]).asnumpy()[0] - H, W, _ = frame + tol = len(detect_sublist) + for count, key in enumerate(detect_sublist): + progress = round(count / tol * 100) + if progress % 5 == 1: + print('Finished %d%%' % progress) try: video_path = det_lookup[key] + start = int(video_path.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-2]) + time = int(key.split(',')[1]) + frame_id = (time - start) * 30 + 1 + vr = decord.VideoReader(video_path) + frame = vr.get_batch([frame_id]).asnumpy()[0] + H, W, _ = frame.shape result = inference_detector(model, frame) bboxes = result._pred_instances.bboxes.cpu() scores = result._pred_instances.scores.cpu() @@ -63,11 +69,11 @@ def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): scores = scores[scores > 0.7] if scores.numel() > 0: result_ = [] - for idx, (h1, w1, h2, w2) in result: - h1 /= H - h2 /= H - w1 /= W - w2 /= W + for idx, (h1, w1, h2, w2) in enumerate(bboxes): + h1 /= W + h2 /= W + w1 /= H + w2 /= H score = scores[idx].item() result_.append((h1, w1, h2, w2, score)) lookup[key] = np.array(result_) @@ -81,27 +87,32 @@ def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): if __name__ == '__main__': p = argparse.ArgumentParser() - p.add_argument('--datalist', type=str, - default='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_train.csv', - help='the list for kinetics videos') - p.add_argument('--config', type=str, - default='', - help='the human detector') - p.add_argument('--checkpoint', type=str, - default='' - 'cascade_rcnn/cascade_rcnn_x101_64x4d_fpn_1x_coco/' - 'cascade_rcnn_x101_64x4d_fpn_1x_coco_20200515_' - '075702-43ce6a30.pth', - help='the human detector checkpoint') - p.add_argument('--picklepath', type=str, - default='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_proposal.pkl') + p.add_argument( + '--datalist', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_train.csv', + help='the list for kinetics videos') + p.add_argument( + '--config', + type=str, + default='', + help='the human detector') + p.add_argument( + '--checkpoint', + type=str, + default='' + 'cascade_rcnn/cascade_rcnn_x101_64x4d_fpn_1x_coco/' + 'cascade_rcnn_x101_64x4d_fpn_1x_coco_20200515_' + '075702-43ce6a30.pth', + help='the human detector checkpoint') + p.add_argument( + '--picklepath', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_proposal.pkl') p.add_argument('--num_gpus', type=int, default=8) args = p.parse_args() - # register all modules in mmdet into the registries - register_all_modules() - det_lookup = prepare_det_lookup(args.datalist) processes = [] diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 3ed9b90131..a70472ea11 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import argparse -import os import multiprocessing +import os from collections import defaultdict import decord @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def filter_train_list(kinetics_anotation_file, lookup): with open(kinetics_anotation_file) as f: anotated_frames = [i.split(',') for i in f.readlines()] anotated_frames = [i for i in anotated_frames if len(i) == 7] - + filtered = [] for line in anotated_frames: if line[0] not in lookup: @@ -40,39 +40,42 @@ def filter_train_list(kinetics_anotation_file, lookup): flag = False for start, end, video_path in lookup[line[0]]: if start < float(line[1]) < end: - flag = True + flag = True break if flag is False: continue video_path = os.path.abspath(video_path) - string = '%s,%d,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,-1\n' % (video_path, - int(float(line[1])), - float(line[2]), - float(line[3]), - float(line[4]), - float(line[5]), - int(float(line[6]))) + string = '%s,%d,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,-1\n' % ( + video_path, int(float(line[1])), float(line[2]), float( + line[3]), float(line[4]), float(line[5]), int(float(line[6]))) filtered.append(string) return filtered if __name__ == '__main__': p = argparse.ArgumentParser() - p.add_argument('--avakinetics_anotation', type=str, - default='./ava_kinetics_v1_0', - help='the directory to ava-kinetics anotations') - p.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=-1, - help='number of workers used for multiprocessing') - p.add_argument('--avakinetics_root', type=str, - default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', - help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') + p.add_argument( + '--avakinetics_anotation', + type=str, + default='./ava_kinetics_v1_0', + help='the directory to ava-kinetics anotations') + p.add_argument( + '--num_workers', + type=int, + default=-1, + help='number of workers used for multiprocessing') + p.add_argument( + '--avakinetics_root', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', + help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') args = p.parse_args() if args.num_workers > 0: num_workers = args.num_workers else: num_workers = max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, 1) - lookup = get_avaialble_clips(args.avakinetics_root + '/videos/', + lookup = get_avaialble_clips(args.avakinetics_root + '/videos/', num_workers) kinetics_train = args.avakinetics_anotation + '/kinetics_train_v1.0.csv' From 192143a0f8333f929774d18e599d661036f0caf0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2022 23:06:25 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 04/15] fix typos --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 78 +++++++++++++------ tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 52 +++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) create mode 100644 tools/data/ava_kinetics/ diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 3c50e80178..15287816eb 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -20,30 +20,35 @@ For model training, we will keep reading from raw frames for the AVA part, but r Before we start, please make sure that the directory is located at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`. -## Step 0. Prepare Kinetics700 dataset +## Step 1. Prepare the Kinetics700 dataset -The Kinetics part of the AVA-Kinetics dataset comes from Kinetics-700 videos. Best if you already have this dataset locally (only video is needed). If not, see [preparing_kinetics]( You can just download part of the Kinetics-700 dataset if you do not have enough storage space. +The Kinetics part of the AVA-Kinetics dataset are sampled from the Kinetics-700 dataset. -After finishing downloading the videos, please generate a text file showing the paths to all videos: +It is best if you have prepared the Kinetics-700 dataset (only videos required) following +[Preparing Kinetics]( We will also have alternative method to prepare these videos if you do not have enough storage (coming soon). + +We will need the videos of this dataset (`$MMACTION2/data/kinetics700/videos_train`) and the videos file list (`$MMACTION2/data/kinetics700/kinetics700_train_list_videos.txt`), which is generated by [Step 4 in Preparing Kinetics]( + +Here is an example of this file list: ``` -Path_to_video1\n -Path_to_video2\n +Path_to_video_1, label_1\n +Path_to_video_2, label_2\n ... -Path_to_videon\n +Path_to_video_n, label_n\n ``` -The timestamp (start and end of the video) must be contained in the file name. For example: +The timestamp (start and end of the video) must be contained. For example: ``` -class602/o3lCwWyyc_s_000012_000022.mp4\n +class602/o3lCwWyyc_s_000012_000022.mp4, 602\n ``` -It means that this video clip is from the 12th to the 22nd second of the original video. It is OK if some videos are missing and we will ignore them in the next steps. +It means that this video clip is the 12th to 22nd seconds of the original video. It's okay if some videos are missing, we'll ignore them in the next steps. -## Step 1. Download Annotations +## Step 2. Download Annotations -Download the annotation tar file (the directory should be located at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`). +Download the annotation tar file (recall that the directory should be located at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`). ```shell wget @@ -52,35 +57,60 @@ tar xf ava_kinetics_v1_0.tar.gz && rm ava_kinetics_v1_0.tar.gz You should have the `ava_kinetics_v1_0` folder at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`. -## Step 2. Cut Videos +## Step 3. Cut Videos Use `` to find the desired videos from the Kinetics-700 dataset and trim them to contain only annotated clips. Currently we only use the train set of the Kinetics part to improve training. Validation on the Kinetics part will come soon. -You need to specify `avakinetics_anotation` which is the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. By default it should be `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. You need to specify `kinetics_list`, which is the path to the text file containing the paths to all videos as mentioned in Step 0. You need to specify `avakinetics_root`, which is the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. By default it should be `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. - -Here is an example. +Here is the script: ```shell -python3 --avakinetics_anotation='./ava_kinetics_v1_0' \ - --kinetics_list=KINETICS_LIST \ - --avakinetics_root='../../../data/ava_kinetics' +python3 --avakinetics_anotation=$AVAKINETICS_ANOTATION \ + --kinetics_list=$KINETICS_LIST \ + --num_workers=$NUM_WORKERS \ + --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT ``` +Arguments: + +- `avakinetics_anotation`: the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. Defaults to `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. +- `kinetics_list`: the path to the videos file list as mentioned in Step 1. If you have prepared the Kinetics700 dataset following `mmaction2`, it should be `$MMACTION2/data/kinetics700/kinetics700_train_list_videos.txt`. +- `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. + There should be about 100k videos. It is OK if some videos are missing and we will ignore them in the next steps. -## Step 3. Prepare Annotations +## Step 4. Extract RGB Frames + +This step is similar to Step 4 in [Preparing AVA]( + +If you have installed denseflow. You can refer to [Preparing AVA]( to extract RGB frames. Here we provide a script to extract RGB frames using ffmpeg: -Use `` to prepare the training annotations. It will generate a `kinetics_train.csv` file containning the spatial-temporal annotations for the Kinetics part. This csv file will be written to the same directory as the trimmed video specified by `avakinetics_root`. +```shell +python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ + --num_workers=$NUM_WORKERS +``` + +Arguments: + +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +- `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. -You need to specify `avakinetics_anotation` which is the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. By default it should be `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. You need to specify `avakinetics_root`, which is the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. By default it should be `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +## Step 5. Prepare Annotations -Here is an example. +Use `` to prepare the training annotations. It will generate a `kinetics_train.csv` file containning the spatial-temporal annotations for the Kinetics part, localting at `$AVAKINETICS_ROOT`. + +Here is the script: ```shell -python3 --avakinetics_anotation='./ava_kinetics_v1_0' \ - --avakinetics_root='../../../data/ava_kinetics' +python3 --avakinetics_anotation=$AVAKINETICS_ANOTATION \ + --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT ``` +Arguments: + +- `avakinetics_anotation`: the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. Defaults to `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. + ## Step 4. Fetch Proposal Files The pre-computed proposals for AVA dataset are provided by FAIR's [Long-Term Feature Banks]( For the Kinetics part, we use `Cascade R-CNN X-101-64x4d-FPN` from [mmdetection]( to fetch the proposals. Here is the script: diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42dac631cb --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. +import argparse +import multiprocessing +import os + + +def extract_rgb(video_name, frame_path, video_path): + video_id = video_name.split('.')[0] + os.makedirs('%s/%s' % (frame_path, video_id), exist_ok=True) + cmd = "ffmpeg -i %s/%s -r 30 -q:v 1 %s/%s" % (video_path, + video_name, + frame_path, + video_id) + cmd += 'img_%05d.jpg' + return cmd + + +def run_cmd(cmd): + os.system(cmd) + return + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + p = argparse.ArgumentParser() + p.add_argument( + '--avakinetics_root', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', + help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') + p.add_argument( + '--num_workers', + type=int, + default=-1, + help='number of workers used for multiprocessing') + args = p.parse_args() + + if args.num_workers > 0: + num_workers = args.num_workers + else: + num_workers = max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, 1) + + root = args.avakinetics_root + video_path = root + '/videos/' + frame_path = root + '/rawframes/' + os.makedirs(frame_path, exist_ok=True) + + all_videos = os.listdir(video_path) + + all_cmds = [extract_rgb(video_name, frame_path, video_path) for video_name in all_videos] + + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(args.num_workers) + out =, all_cmds) From 7956fbb30cacf8c11ef2d5511548aea94df3701e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 04:17:43 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 05/15] fix typos --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 40 +++++++++++------ tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 18 ++++---- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 17 ++++---- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 43 ++++++++++--------- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 28 ++++++------ 5 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 15287816eb..72814e8522 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -29,22 +29,22 @@ It is best if you have prepared the Kinetics-700 dataset (only videos required) We will need the videos of this dataset (`$MMACTION2/data/kinetics700/videos_train`) and the videos file list (`$MMACTION2/data/kinetics700/kinetics700_train_list_videos.txt`), which is generated by [Step 4 in Preparing Kinetics]( -Here is an example of this file list: +The format of the file list should be: ``` -Path_to_video_1, label_1\n -Path_to_video_2, label_2\n +Path_to_video_1 label_1\n +Path_to_video_2 label_2\n ... -Path_to_video_n, label_n\n +Path_to_video_n label_n\n ``` The timestamp (start and end of the video) must be contained. For example: ``` -class602/o3lCwWyyc_s_000012_000022.mp4, 602\n +class602/o3lCwWyyc_s_000012_000022.mp4 602\n ``` -It means that this video clip is the 12th to 22nd seconds of the original video. It's okay if some videos are missing, we'll ignore them in the next steps. +It means that this video clip is the 12th to 22nd seconds of the original video. It is okay if some videos are missing, and we will ignore them in the next steps. ## Step 2. Download Annotations @@ -66,16 +66,16 @@ Here is the script: ```shell python3 --avakinetics_anotation=$AVAKINETICS_ANOTATION \ --kinetics_list=$KINETICS_LIST \ - --num_workers=$NUM_WORKERS \ - --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT + --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ + [--num_workers=$NUM_WORKERS ] ``` Arguments: - `avakinetics_anotation`: the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. Defaults to `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. - `kinetics_list`: the path to the videos file list as mentioned in Step 1. If you have prepared the Kinetics700 dataset following `mmaction2`, it should be `$MMACTION2/data/kinetics700/kinetics700_train_list_videos.txt`. -- `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. - `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +- `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. There should be about 100k videos. It is OK if some videos are missing and we will ignore them in the next steps. @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ If you have installed denseflow. You can refer to [Preparing AVA](https://github ```shell python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ - --num_workers=$NUM_WORKERS + [--num_workers=$NUM_WORKERS ] ``` Arguments: @@ -103,21 +103,35 @@ Here is the script: ```shell python3 --avakinetics_anotation=$AVAKINETICS_ANOTATION \ - --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT + --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ + [--num_workers=$NUM_WORKERS] ``` Arguments: - `avakinetics_anotation`: the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. Defaults to `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. - `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +- `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. ## Step 4. Fetch Proposal Files The pre-computed proposals for AVA dataset are provided by FAIR's [Long-Term Feature Banks]( For the Kinetics part, we use `Cascade R-CNN X-101-64x4d-FPN` from [mmdetection]( to fetch the proposals. Here is the script: ```shell -python3 --datalist='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_train.csv' \ - --picklepath='../../../data/ava_kinetics/kinetics_proposal.pkl' +python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ + --datalist=$DATALIST \ + --picklepath=$PICKLEPATH \ + [--config=$CONFIG ] \ + [--checkpoint=$CHECKPOINT ] + ``` +Arguments: + +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +- `datalist`: path to the `kinetics_train.csv` file generated at Step 3. +- `picklepath`: path to save the extracted proposal pickle file. +- `config`: the config file for the human detection model. Defaults to ``. +- `checkpoint`: the checkpoint for the human detection model. Defaults to the `mmdetection` pretraining checkpoint. + ## Step 5. Merge AVA and Kinetics diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index ef5f6c8da3..23a51d3e0e 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ def filter_missing_videos(kinetics_list: str, frame_lookup: dict) -> dict: kinetics_list (str): Path to the kinetics700 dataset list. The content of the list should be: ``` - Path_to_video1\n - Path_to_video2\n + Path_to_video1 label_1\n + Path_to_video2 label_2\n ... - Path_to_videon\n + Path_to_videon label_n\n ``` The start and end of the video must be contained in the filename. For example: @@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ def filter_missing_videos(kinetics_list: str, frame_lookup: dict) -> dict: return video_lookup -template = 'ffmpeg -ss %d -t %d -accurate_seek -i %s -avoid_negative_ts 1 %s' +template = ('ffmpeg -ss %d -t %d -accurate_seek -i' + ' %s -r 30 -avoid_negative_ts 1 %s') def generate_cut_cmds(video_lookup: dict, data_root: str) -> List[str]: @@ -158,6 +159,11 @@ def remove_failed_video(vide_path: str) -> None: help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') args = p.parse_args() + if args.num_workers > 0: + num_workers = args.num_workers + else: + num_workers = max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, 1) + # Find videos from the Kinetics700 dataset required for AVA-Kinetics kinetics_train = args.avakinetics_anotation + '/kinetics_train_v1.0.csv' frame_lookup = get_kinetics_frames(kinetics_train) @@ -170,10 +176,6 @@ def remove_failed_video(vide_path: str) -> None: all_cmds = generate_cut_cmds(video_lookup, video_path) # Cut and save the videos for AVA-Kinetics - if args.num_workers > 0: - num_workers = args.num_workers - else: - num_workers = max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, 1) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_workers) _ =, all_cmds) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 42dac631cb..8ef1659edf 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -7,11 +7,9 @@ def extract_rgb(video_name, frame_path, video_path): video_id = video_name.split('.')[0] os.makedirs('%s/%s' % (frame_path, video_id), exist_ok=True) - cmd = "ffmpeg -i %s/%s -r 30 -q:v 1 %s/%s" % (video_path, - video_name, - frame_path, - video_id) - cmd += 'img_%05d.jpg' + cmd = 'ffmpeg -i %s/%s -r 30 -q:v 1 %s/%s' % (video_path, video_name, + frame_path, video_id) + cmd += '/img_%05d.jpg' return cmd @@ -44,9 +42,10 @@ def run_cmd(cmd): frame_path = root + '/rawframes/' os.makedirs(frame_path, exist_ok=True) - all_videos = os.listdir(video_path) + all_cmds = [ + extract_rgb(video_name, frame_path, video_path) + for video_name in os.listdir(video_path) + ] - all_cmds = [extract_rgb(video_name, frame_path, video_path) for video_name in all_videos] - - pool = multiprocessing.Pool(args.num_workers) + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_workers) out =, all_cmds) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 2eeb56c76a..e3076c727e 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -4,30 +4,30 @@ import os import pickle -import decord import numpy as np from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, init_detector from mmdet.utils import register_all_modules +from PIL import Image def get_vid_from_path(path): - video_id = path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + video_id = path.split('/')[-1] video_id = video_id.split('_')[:-2] return '_'.join(video_id) -def prepare_det_lookup(datalist): +def prepare_det_lookup(datalist, frame_root): with open(datalist) as f: records = f.readlines() det_lookup = {} for record in records: record = record.split(',') - video_path = record[0] - video_id = get_vid_from_path(video_path) + folder_path = record[0] + video_id = get_vid_from_path(folder_path) frame_id = int(record[1]) for idx in range(frame_id - 1, frame_id + 2): proposal_id = '%s,%04d' % (video_id, idx) - det_lookup[proposal_id] = video_path + det_lookup[proposal_id] = '%s/%s' % (frame_root, folder_path) return det_lookup @@ -44,20 +44,15 @@ def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): args.config, args.checkpoint, device='cuda:%d' % rank) lookup = {} - tol = len(detect_sublist) for count, key in enumerate(detect_sublist): - progress = round(count / tol * 100) - if progress % 5 == 1: - print('Finished %d%%' % progress) try: - video_path = det_lookup[key] - start = int(video_path.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-2]) + folder_path = det_lookup[key] + start = int(folder_path.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-2]) time = int(key.split(',')[1]) frame_id = (time - start) * 30 + 1 - vr = decord.VideoReader(video_path) - frame = vr.get_batch([frame_id]).asnumpy()[0] - H, W, _ = frame.shape - result = inference_detector(model, frame) + frame_path = '%s/img_%05d.jpg' % (folder_path, frame_id) + img = + result = inference_detector(model, frame_path) bboxes = result._pred_instances.bboxes.cpu() scores = result._pred_instances.scores.cpu() labels = result._pred_instances.labels.cpu() @@ -70,10 +65,10 @@ def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): if scores.numel() > 0: result_ = [] for idx, (h1, w1, h2, w2) in enumerate(bboxes): - h1 /= W - h2 /= W - w1 /= H - w2 /= H + h1 /= img.size[0] + h2 /= img.size[0] + w1 /= img.size[1] + w2 /= img.size[1] score = scores[idx].item() result_.append((h1, w1, h2, w2, score)) lookup[key] = np.array(result_) @@ -87,6 +82,11 @@ def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): if __name__ == '__main__': p = argparse.ArgumentParser() + p.add_argument( + '--avakinetics_root', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', + help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') p.add_argument( '--datalist', type=str, @@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): args = p.parse_args() - det_lookup = prepare_det_lookup(args.datalist) + frame_root = args.avakinetics_root + '/rawframes/' + det_lookup = prepare_det_lookup(args.datalist, frame_root) processes = [] for rank in range(args.num_gpus): diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index a70472ea11..d0194574ae 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -4,24 +4,23 @@ import os from collections import defaultdict -import decord +FPS = 30 -def get_video_info(video_path): - filename = video_path.split('/')[-1] - filename = filename.split('.')[0].split('_') +def get_video_info(frame_folder): + folder_name = frame_folder.split('/')[-1] + filename = folder_name.split('_') video_id = '_'.join(filename[:-2]) start = int(filename[-2]) - vr = decord.VideoReader(video_path) - length = len(vr) // vr.get_avg_fps() - return (video_id, start, start + length, video_path) + length = len(os.listdir(frame_folder)) // FPS + return (video_id, start, start + length, folder_name) -def get_avaialble_clips(video_root, num_cpus): - videos = os.listdir(video_root) - videos = ['%s/%s' % (video_root, video) for video in videos] +def get_avaialble_clips(frame_root, num_cpus): + folders = os.listdir(frame_root) + folders = ['%s/%s' % (frame_root, folder) for folder in folders] pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_cpus) - outputs =, videos) + outputs =, folders) lookup = defaultdict(list) for record in outputs: lookup[record[0]].append(record[1:]) @@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ def filter_train_list(kinetics_anotation_file, lookup): break if flag is False: continue - video_path = os.path.abspath(video_path) string = '%s,%d,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,-1\n' % ( video_path, int(float(line[1])), float(line[2]), float( line[3]), float(line[4]), float(line[5]), int(float(line[6]))) @@ -75,8 +73,10 @@ def filter_train_list(kinetics_anotation_file, lookup): num_workers = args.num_workers else: num_workers = max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, 1) - lookup = get_avaialble_clips(args.avakinetics_root + '/videos/', - num_workers) + + frame_root = args.avakinetics_root + '/rawframes/' + frame_root = os.path.abspath(frame_root) + lookup = get_avaialble_clips(frame_root, num_workers) kinetics_train = args.avakinetics_anotation + '/kinetics_train_v1.0.csv' filtered_list = filter_train_list(kinetics_train, lookup) From 550c0cbf1d3e47ff08b5fe1b9f89e473764c177e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 16:04:58 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 06/15] fix typos --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 42 ++++++++++++--- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 2 +- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 2 +- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 2 +- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 54 +++++++++++++++++++ tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 28 ++++++++++ 6 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) create mode 100644 tools/data/ava_kinetics/ create mode 100644 tools/data/ava_kinetics/ diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 72814e8522..f015351aa2 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Arguments: - `avakinetics_anotation`: the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. Defaults to `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. - `kinetics_list`: the path to the videos file list as mentioned in Step 1. If you have prepared the Kinetics700 dataset following `mmaction2`, it should be `$MMACTION2/data/kinetics700/kinetics700_train_list_videos.txt`. -- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. - `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. There should be about 100k videos. It is OK if some videos are missing and we will ignore them in the next steps. @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ Arguments: -- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. - `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. ## Step 5. Prepare Annotations @@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ python3 --avakinetics_anotation=$AVAKINETICS_ANOTATION \ Arguments: - `avakinetics_anotation`: the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. Defaults to `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. -- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. - `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. -## Step 4. Fetch Proposal Files +## Step 6. Fetch Proposal Files The pre-computed proposals for AVA dataset are provided by FAIR's [Long-Term Feature Banks]( For the Kinetics part, we use `Cascade R-CNN X-101-64x4d-FPN` from [mmdetection]( to fetch the proposals. Here is the script: @@ -126,12 +126,42 @@ python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ ``` +It will generate a `kinetics_proposal.pkl` file at `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/`. + Arguments: -- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the trimmed ava-kinetics videos. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. - `datalist`: path to the `kinetics_train.csv` file generated at Step 3. - `picklepath`: path to save the extracted proposal pickle file. - `config`: the config file for the human detection model. Defaults to ``. - `checkpoint`: the checkpoint for the human detection model. Defaults to the `mmdetection` pretraining checkpoint. -## Step 5. Merge AVA and Kinetics +## Step 7. Merge AVA to AVA-Kinetics + +Now we are done with the preparations for the Kinetics part. We need to merge the AVA part into the `ava_kinetics` folder (assuming you have AVA dataset ready at `$MMACTION2/data/ava`). First we make a copy of the AVA anotation to the `ava_kinetics` folder (recall that you are at `$MMACTION2/tools/data/ava_kinetics/`): + +```shell +cp -r ../../../data/ava/annotations/ ../../../data/ava_kinetics/ +``` + +Next we merge the generated anotation files of the Kinetics part to AVA. Please check: you should have two files `kinetics_train.csv` and `kinetics_proposal.pkl` at `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/` generated from Step 5 and Step 6. Run the following script to merge these two files into `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/annotations/ava_train_v2.2.csv` and `ava_dense_proposals_train.FAIR.recall_93.9.pkl` respectively. + +```shell +python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT +``` + +Arguments: + +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. + +Finally, we need to merge the rawframes of AVA part. You can either copy/move them or generate soft links. The following script is an example to use soft links: + +```shell +python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ + --ava_root=$AVA_ROOT +``` + +Arguments: + +- `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. +- `ava_root`: the directory to save the ava dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava`. diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 23a51d3e0e..bb2fa447d2 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ def remove_failed_video(vide_path: str) -> None: '--avakinetics_root', type=str, default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', - help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') + help='the path to save ava-kinetics dataset') args = p.parse_args() if args.num_workers > 0: diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 8ef1659edf..25a3251b56 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def run_cmd(cmd): '--avakinetics_root', type=str, default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', - help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') + help='the path to save ava-kinetics dataset') p.add_argument( '--num_workers', type=int, diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index e3076c727e..6e5279d4b4 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def single_worker(rank, det_lookup, args): '--avakinetics_root', type=str, default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', - help='the path to save ava-kinetics videos') + help='the path to save ava-kinetics dataset') p.add_argument( '--datalist', type=str, diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..22c869a825 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. +import argparse +import os +import pickle + + +def check_file(path): + if os.path.isfile(path): + return + else: + path = path.split('/') + folder = '/'.join(path[:-1]) + filename = path[-1] + info = '%s not found at %s' % (filename, folder) + raise FileNotFoundError(info) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + p = argparse.ArgumentParser() + p.add_argument( + '--avakinetics_root', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', + help='the path to save ava-kinetics dataset') + root = p.parse_args().avakinetics_root + + kinetics_annot = root + '/kinetics_train.csv' + ava_annot = root + '/annotations/ava_train_v2.2.csv' + + check_file(kinetics_annot) + check_file(ava_annot) + + with open(kinetics_annot) as f: + record = f.readlines() + + with open(ava_annot) as f: + record += f.readlines() + + with open(ava_annot, 'w') as f: + for line in record: + f.write(line) + + kinetics_proposal = root + '/kinetics_proposal.pkl' + ava_proposal = root + '/annotations/' \ + 'ava_dense_proposals_train.FAIR.recall_93.9.pkl' + + check_file(kinetics_proposal) + check_file(ava_proposal) + + lookup = pickle.load(open(kinetics_proposal, 'rb')) + lookup.update(pickle.load(open(ava_proposal, 'rb'))) + + with open(ava_proposal, 'wb') as f: + pickle.dump(lookup, f) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..877815de6c --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. +import argparse +import os + + +p = argparse.ArgumentParser() +p.add_argument( + '--ava_root', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava', + help='the path to save ava dataset') +p.add_argument( + '--avakinetics_root', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', + help='the path to save ava-kinetics dataset') +args = p.parse_args() + +ava_frames = os.path.abspath(args.ava_root + '/rawframes/') +kinetics_frames = os.path.abspath(args.avakinetics_root + '/rawframes/') + +ava_folders = os.listdir(ava_frames) +for folder in ava_folders: + cmd = 'ln -s %s/%s %s/%s' % (ava_frames, + folder, + kinetics_frames, + folder) + os.system(cmd) From cdce5a27206e6240b02b834f952f3bfb83a99da3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 19:03:01 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 07/15] fix lint --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 2 +- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 22 ++++++++------------ 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 22c869a825..9b5060a8fb 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def check_file(path): check_file(kinetics_proposal) check_file(ava_proposal) - + lookup = pickle.load(open(kinetics_proposal, 'rb')) lookup.update(pickle.load(open(ava_proposal, 'rb'))) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 877815de6c..18ca0688c3 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -2,18 +2,17 @@ import argparse import os - p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument( - '--ava_root', - type=str, - default='../../../data/ava', - help='the path to save ava dataset') + '--ava_root', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava', + help='the path to save ava dataset') p.add_argument( - '--avakinetics_root', - type=str, - default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', - help='the path to save ava-kinetics dataset') + '--avakinetics_root', + type=str, + default='../../../data/ava_kinetics', + help='the path to save ava-kinetics dataset') args = p.parse_args() ava_frames = os.path.abspath(args.ava_root + '/rawframes/') @@ -21,8 +20,5 @@ ava_folders = os.listdir(ava_frames) for folder in ava_folders: - cmd = 'ln -s %s/%s %s/%s' % (ava_frames, - folder, - kinetics_frames, - folder) + cmd = 'ln -s %s/%s %s/%s' % (ava_frames, folder, kinetics_frames, folder) os.system(cmd) From 0d6166e47b559c841c89eaef4491df7234cb7336 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kai Hu Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 00:59:53 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 08/15] Update tools/data/ava_kinetics/ Co-authored-by: cir7 <> --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index f015351aa2..2d79dae0d3 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ Arguments: - `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. -- `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. +- `num_workers`: number of workers used to extract frames. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. ## Step 5. Prepare Annotations From c77bf3fb37793dcdc9216cd8f24cc1f1e3d6e682 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kai Hu Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 01:00:02 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 09/15] Update tools/data/ava_kinetics/ Co-authored-by: cir7 <> --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 2d79dae0d3..08d32a0fe7 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Arguments: - `avakinetics_anotation`: the directory to ava-kinetics anotations. Defaults to `./ava_kinetics_v1_0`. - `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. -- `num_workers`: number of workers used to cut videos. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. +- `num_workers`: number of workers used to prepare annotations. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. ## Step 6. Fetch Proposal Files From 7672e198cfb7f26836de9aab908f21c1e2c81010 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 01:35:49 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 10/15] fix --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 10 +++++++--- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index d0194574ae..00b7669d49 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -43,9 +43,13 @@ def filter_train_list(kinetics_anotation_file, lookup): break if flag is False: continue - string = '%s,%d,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,-1\n' % ( - video_path, int(float(line[1])), float(line[2]), float( - line[3]), float(line[4]), float(line[5]), int(float(line[6]))) + + frame_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2, label = list(map(float, line[1:7])) + frame_idx, label = int(frame_idx), int(label) + + string = (f'{video_path},{frame_idx},' + f'{x1:.3f},{y1:.3f},{x2:.3f},{y2:.3f},{label},-1\n') + filtered.append(string) return filtered From 90631ee238d1b7650d18ed5018341a619bc38cc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 01:45:28 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 11/15] fix --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 11 +++++++++-- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 08d32a0fe7..64c64c4192 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ There should be about 100k videos. It is OK if some videos are missing and we wi ## Step 4. Extract RGB Frames -This step is similar to Step 4 in [Preparing AVA]( +This step is similar to Step 4 in [Preparing AVA]( -If you have installed denseflow. You can refer to [Preparing AVA]( to extract RGB frames. Here we provide a script to extract RGB frames using ffmpeg: +Here we provide a script to extract RGB frames using ffmpeg: ```shell python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT \ @@ -95,6 +95,13 @@ Arguments: - `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. - `num_workers`: number of workers used to extract frames. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. +If you have installed using denseflow, you can also use `` to extract RGB frames: + +```shell +cd .. +python ../../data/ava_kinetics/videos/ ../../data/ava_kinetics/rawframes/ --task rgb --level 1 --mixed-ext +``` + ## Step 5. Prepare Annotations Use `` to prepare the training annotations. It will generate a `kinetics_train.csv` file containning the spatial-temporal annotations for the Kinetics part, localting at `$AVAKINETICS_ROOT`. From 2e50108dccc45533fe8a7b0c494208a444ea96a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 01:48:57 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 12/15] fix --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 5 ++--- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 64c64c4192..73c332b93b 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ There should be about 100k videos. It is OK if some videos are missing and we wi ## Step 4. Extract RGB Frames -This step is similar to Step 4 in [Preparing AVA]( +This step is similar to Step 4 in [Preparing AVA]( Here we provide a script to extract RGB frames using ffmpeg: @@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ Arguments: If you have installed using denseflow, you can also use `` to extract RGB frames: ```shell -cd .. -python ../../data/ava_kinetics/videos/ ../../data/ava_kinetics/rawframes/ --task rgb --level 1 --mixed-ext +python3 ../ ../../../data/ava_kinetics/videos/ ../../../data/ava_kinetics/rawframes/ --task rgb --level 1 --mixed-ext ``` ## Step 5. Prepare Annotations From 6a17dfa49714259c095db1285027c76e629f25c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiHoo Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 01:50:08 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 13/15] fix --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index 73c332b93b..eed9c7c758 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Now we are done with the preparations for the Kinetics part. We need to merge th cp -r ../../../data/ava/annotations/ ../../../data/ava_kinetics/ ``` -Next we merge the generated anotation files of the Kinetics part to AVA. Please check: you should have two files `kinetics_train.csv` and `kinetics_proposal.pkl` at `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/` generated from Step 5 and Step 6. Run the following script to merge these two files into `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/annotations/ava_train_v2.2.csv` and `ava_dense_proposals_train.FAIR.recall_93.9.pkl` respectively. +Next we merge the generated anotation files of the Kinetics part to AVA. Please check: you should have two files `kinetics_train.csv` and `kinetics_proposal.pkl` at `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/` generated from Step 5 and Step 6. Run the following script to merge these two files into `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/annotations/ava_train_v2.2.csv` and `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics/annotations/ava_dense_proposals_train.FAIR.recall_93.9.pkl` respectively. ```shell python3 --avakinetics_root=$AVAKINETICS_ROOT From 5335506ea62a9fe37ef0e107c9106d9b89582ab0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kai Hu Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 02:19:02 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 14/15] Update fix typo --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index bb2fa447d2..3582035b10 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ def run_cmd(cmd): return -def remove_failed_video(vide_path: str) -> None: +def remove_failed_video(video_path: str) -> None: """Given the path to the video, delete the video if it cannot be read or if the actual length of the video is 0.75 seconds shorter than expected.""" try: - v = decord.VideoReader(vide_path) + v = decord.VideoReader(video_path) fps = v.get_avg_fps() num_frames = len(v) - x = vide_path.split('.')[0].split('_') + x = video_path.split('.')[0].split('_') time = int(x[-1]) - int(x[-2]) if num_frames < (time - 3 / 4) * fps: os.remove(video_path) From cf3870d620f3112db802cf47bdc2aac085032c5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kai Hu Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2022 15:22:25 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 15/15] Update --- tools/data/ava_kinetics/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ index eed9c7c758..2d28771320 100644 --- a/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ +++ b/tools/data/ava_kinetics/ @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Arguments: - `avakinetics_root`: the directory to save the ava-kinetics dataset. Defaults to `$MMACTION2/data/ava_kinetics`. - `num_workers`: number of workers used to extract frames. Defaults to -1 and use all available cpus. -If you have installed using denseflow, you can also use `` to extract RGB frames: +If you have installed denseflow, you can also use `` to extract RGB frames: ```shell python3 ../ ../../../data/ava_kinetics/videos/ ../../../data/ava_kinetics/rawframes/ --task rgb --level 1 --mixed-ext