[ 46.119285813,5] SkiBoot e5477ad starting... [ 46.119289049,5] initial console log level: memory 7, driver 5 [ 46.119292154,6] CPU: P8 generation processor(max 8 threads/core) [ 46.119294986,7] CPU: Boot CPU PIR is 0x0018 PVR is 0x004d0200 [ 46.119297907,7] CPU: Initial max PIR set to 0x1fff [ 46.119797882,5] OPAL table: 0x300c1e40 .. 0x300c2310, branch table: 0x30002000 [ 46.119803735,5] FDT: Parsing fdt @0xff00000 [ 46.123979039,5] XSCOM: chip 0x0 at 0x3fc0000000000 [P8 DD2.0] [ 46.123988352,6] XSTOP: XSCOM addr = 0x2010c82, FIR bit = 31 [ 46.123991885,6] MFSI 0:0: Initialized [ 46.123994224,6] MFSI 0:2: Initialized [ 46.123996492,6] MFSI 0:1: Initialized [ 46.124261781,5] LPC: LPC[000]: Initialized, access via XSCOM @0xb0020 [ 46.124353358,5] LPC: LPC: Default bus on chip 0x0 [ 46.124466539,6] MEM: parsing reserved memory from node /ibm,hostboot/reserved-memory [ 46.124476040,7] HOMER: Init chip 0 [ 46.124478786,7] PBA BAR0 : 0x0000003ffd800000 [ 46.124481605,7] PBA MASK0: 0x0000000000300000 [ 46.124484333,7] HOMER Image at 0x3ffd800000 size 4MB [ 46.124488035,7] PBA BAR2 : 0x4000003ffda00000 [ 46.124490891,7] PBA MASK2: 0x0000000000000000 [ 46.124493503,7] SLW Image at 0x3ffda00000 size 1MB [ 46.124496966,7] PBA BAR3 : 0x0000003fff800000 [ 46.124499661,7] PBA MASK3: 0x0000000000700000 [ 46.124502413,7] OCC Common Area at 0x3fff800000 size 8MB [ 46.124515014,7] CPU idle state device tree init [ 46.124518118,4] SLW: HB-provided idle states property found [ 46.124645478,5] PLAT: Fixing up PSI BAR on chip 0 BAR=3fffe80000001 [ 46.124675478,7] AST: PNOR LPC offset: 0x0c000000 [ 46.124746759,5] PLAT: Using virtual UART [ 46.125036554,7] UART: Using LPC IRQ 4 [ 47.400337358,5] PLAT: Detected Habanero platform [ 47.400403262,5] PLAT: Detected BMC platform AMI [ 47.420650066,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0008 Server#=0x8 State=3 [ 47.420658159,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420663719,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0010 Server#=0x10 State=3 [ 47.420671554,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420677064,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0018 Server#=0x18 State=3 [ 47.420684878,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420690360,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0020 Server#=0x20 State=3 [ 47.420698111,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420703585,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0028 Server#=0x28 State=3 [ 47.420711577,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420717011,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0048 Server#=0x48 State=3 [ 47.420724922,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420730352,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0050 Server#=0x50 State=3 [ 47.420738213,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420743568,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0060 Server#=0x60 State=3 [ 47.420751411,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420756824,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0068 Server#=0x68 State=3 [ 47.420764791,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420770285,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0070 Server#=0x70 State=3 [ 47.420778140,6] CPU: 8 secondary threads [ 47.420785367,7] CPU: New max PIR set to 0x77 [ 47.421693796,5] CENTAUR: Found centaur for chip 0x0 channel 0 [ 47.493578756,5] CENTAUR: FSI host: 0x0 cMFSI0 port 3 [ 48.043282786,6] CENTAUR 80000000: Found DD2.0 chip [ 48.043291002,5] CENTAUR: Found centaur for chip 0x0 channel 1 [ 48.074268583,5] CENTAUR: FSI host: 0x0 cMFSI0 port 2 [ 48.121530730,6] CENTAUR 80000001: Found DD2.0 chip [ 48.121538598,5] CENTAUR: Found centaur for chip 0x0 channel 4 [ 48.141301638,5] CENTAUR: FSI host: 0x0 cMFSI0 port 7 [ 48.162226494,6] CENTAUR 80000004: Found DD2.0 chip [ 48.162234368,5] CENTAUR: Found centaur for chip 0x0 channel 5 [ 48.198219142,5] CENTAUR: FSI host: 0x0 cMFSI0 port 6 [ 48.213104567,6] CENTAUR 80000005: Found DD2.0 chip [ 48.213208415,7] IRQ: Registering 0010..0015 ops @0x30096f70 (data 0x3033fde0) [ 48.213226754,5] PSI[0x000]: Found PSI bridge [active=0] [ 48.270424560,6] CPU: Setting up secondary CPU state [ 48.270427173,6] CPU: Calling in all processors... [ 48.270429733,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x001b called in [ 48.270429819,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x001f called in [ 48.267312869,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x000b called in [ 48.284133519,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x006a called in [ 48.284133573,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x006f called in [ 48.272004543,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0026 called in [ 48.284133609,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0069 called in [ 48.270362583,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0056 called in [ 48.270362586,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0055 called in [ 48.280295677,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0017 called in [ 48.280295645,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0016 called in [ 48.267312867,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x000a called in [ 48.280295654,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0010 called in [ 48.270362584,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0053 called in [ 48.280295644,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0013 called in [ 48.284133499,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0068 called in [ 48.284133528,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x006b called in [ 48.284133500,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x006c called in [ 48.267312861,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x000e called in [ 48.267312868,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0008 called in [ 48.280295672,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0014 called in [ 48.277247988,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0067 called in [ 48.270429956,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0019 called in [ 48.274223621,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0076 called in [ 48.274223626,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0077 called in [ 48.284133500,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x006e called in [ 48.270362588,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0051 called in [ 48.284133493,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x006d called in [ 48.272004542,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0021 called in [ 48.269039641,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x004b called in [ 48.269039645,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x004c called in [ 48.269039710,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0049 called in [ 48.270429757,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x001d called in [ 48.270429745,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x001c called in [ 48.278907946,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x002c called in [ 48.274223626,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0073 called in [ 48.274223622,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0075 called in [ 48.274223629,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0072 called in [ 48.277247998,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0061 called in [ 48.278907940,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0028 called in [ 48.270362582,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0050 called in [ 48.278907948,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x002b called in [ 48.270429759,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x001a called in [ 48.270362578,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0057 called in [ 48.269039643,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x004e called in [ 48.267312870,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x000d called in [ 48.277247979,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0062 called in [ 48.267312865,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x000f called in [ 48.272004543,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0020 called in [ 48.270429870,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x001e called in [ 48.274223623,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0071 called in [ 48.270362585,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0054 called in [ 48.269039692,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x004a called in [ 48.277248002,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0060 called in [ 48.274223628,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0070 called in [ 48.267312868,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x000c called in [ 48.270362587,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0052 called in [ 48.277247981,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0065 called in [ 48.274223627,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0074 called in [ 48.267312866,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0009 called in [ 48.280295663,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0011 called in [ 48.280295652,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0015 called in [ 48.278907943,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x002d called in [ 48.280295651,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0012 called in [ 48.278907949,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x002e called in [ 48.277247989,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0063 called in [ 48.277247981,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0064 called in [ 48.272004541,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0027 called in [ 48.272004545,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0025 called in [ 48.272004540,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0023 called in [ 48.269039644,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0048 called in [ 48.277247987,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0066 called in [ 48.269039764,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x004d called in [ 48.278907949,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0029 called in [ 48.269039643,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x004f called in [ 48.278907947,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x002a called in [ 48.272004540,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0022 called in [ 48.278907942,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x002f called in [ 48.272004544,7] INIT: CPU PIR 0x0024 called in [ 48.270988227,5] CPU: All 80 processors called in... [ 48.284080316,6] CPU: enabling power management [ 48.284120157,6] CHIPTOD: Calculated MCBS is 0x36 (Cfreq=2926000000 Tfreq=32000000) [ 48.284121926,7] CHIPTOD: Base TFMR=0x3612000000000000 [ 48.281006425,7] CHIPTOD: Master sync on CPU PIR 0x0008... [ 48.334956655,7] CHIPTOD: Slave sync on CPU PIR 0x0010... [ 48.366057697,7] CHIPTOD: Slave sync on CPU PIR 0x0018... [ 48.403811852,7] CHIPTOD: Slave sync on CPU PIR 0x0020... [ 48.452055388,7] CHIPTOD: Slave sync on CPU PIR 0x0028... [ 48.483527732,7] CHIPTOD: Slave sync on CPU PIR 0x0048... [ 49.014190656,7] CHIPTOD: Slave sync on CPU PIR 0x0050... [ 49.062416301,7] CHIPTOD: Slave sync on CPU PIR 0x0060... [ 49.110641925,7] CHIPTOD: Slave sync on CPU PIR 0x0068... [ 49.142071970,7] CHIPTOD: Slave sync on CPU PIR 0x0070... [ 0.403813828,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0008 TB=1811b5bd [ 0.408934861,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0010 TB=185fd9c1 [ 0.414055446,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0018 TB=18adfc0e [ 0.414057610,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0020 TB=18ae047f [ 0.419178636,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0028 TB=18fc2882 [ 0.424300009,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0048 TB=194a4ddf [ 0.429421023,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0050 TB=199871d3 [ 0.434542138,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0060 TB=19e6962f [ 0.439663191,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0068 TB=1a34ba4d [ 0.444784209,7] CHIPTOD: PIR 0x0070 TB=1a82de48 [ 0.449907686,7] CHIPTOD: TOD Topology in Use: Primary [ 0.449908942,7] CHIPTOD: Primary configuration: [ 0.449909967,7] CHIPTOD: Chip id: 0, Role: MDMT, Status: Active Master [ 0.449911619,7] CHIPTOD: Secondary configuration: [ 0.449912607,7] CHIPTOD: Chip id: 0, Role: MDMT, Status: Active Master [ 0.449946661,6] I2C: Chip 00000000 Eng. 0 [ 0.449947881,6] I2C: Interrupts functional [ 0.449950408,6] P0: 1000 kHz [ 0.449952405,6] P1: 1000 kHz [ 0.449955461,6] I2C: Chip 00000000 Eng. 1 [ 0.449957899,6] P2: 400 kHz [ 0.449985334,6] I2C: Chip 80000000 Eng. 0 [ 0.465381351,6] P0: 400 kHz [ 0.465383382,6] P1: 400 kHz [ 0.465387462,6] I2C: Chip 80000001 Eng. 0 [ 0.480783780,6] P0: 400 kHz [ 0.480785708,6] P1: 400 kHz [ 0.480789804,6] I2C: Chip 80000004 Eng. 0 [ 0.496186147,6] P0: 400 kHz [ 0.496188062,6] P1: 400 kHz [ 0.496192105,6] I2C: Chip 80000005 Eng. 0 [ 0.511587777,6] P0: 400 kHz [ 0.511589693,6] P1: 400 kHz [ 0.511685577,7] AST: CLKIN 24/48Mhz [ 0.511686511,7] AST: CPU frequency: 384 Mhz [ 0.511687463,7] AST: AHB frequency: 192 Mhz [ 0.511870543,7] LIBFLASH: Init status: 00 [ 0.511954882,7] LIBFLASH: Flash ID: c2.20.1a (c2201a) [ 0.511956328,7] AST: Setting up Macronix... [ 1.000120659,7] AST: Macronix SR:CR: 0x00:a7 [ 1.000438956,7] AST: Macronix SR:CR: 0x00:a7 [ 1.016653756,7] AST: Trying HCLK/5... [ 1.081566711,7] * [00080000] 0 HCLK delay, 4ns DI delay : PASS [ 1.146467164,7] * [00000000] 0 HCLK delay, 0ns DI delay : PASS [ 1.211376858,7] * [00090000] 1 HCLK delay, 4ns DI delay : PASS [ 1.211397710,7] AST: * -> good is pass 1 [0x00000000] [ 1.211420171,7] AST: Trying HCLK/4... [ 1.272876417,7] * [00008000] 0 HCLK delay, 4ns DI delay : PASS [ 1.334337716,7] * [00000000] 0 HCLK delay, 0ns DI delay : PASS [ 1.395779198,7] * [00009000] 1 HCLK delay, 4ns DI delay : PASS [ 1.395799755,7] AST: * -> good is pass 1 [0x00000000] [ 1.395822554,7] AST: Trying HCLK/3... [ 1.401156118,7] * [00000800] 0 HCLK delay, 4ns DI delay : FAIL [ 1.454428636,7] * [00000000] 0 HCLK delay, 0ns DI delay : PASS [ 1.507675031,7] * [00000900] 1 HCLK delay, 4ns DI delay : PASS [ 2.048941144,7] * [00000100] 1 HCLK delay, 0ns DI delay : PASS [ 2.048961710,7] AST: * -> good is pass 2 [0x00000900] [ 2.048982029,7] AST: Trying HCLK/2... [ 2.054215946,7] * [00000980] 0 HCLK delay, 4ns DI delay : FAIL [ 2.059452639,7] * [00000900] 0 HCLK delay, 0ns DI delay : FAIL [ 2.064689823,7] * [00000990] 1 HCLK delay, 4ns DI delay : FAIL [ 2.117036599,7] * [00000910] 1 HCLK delay, 0ns DI delay : PASS [ 2.169381228,7] * [000009a0] 2 HCLK delay, 4ns DI delay : PASS [ 2.221708239,7] * [00000920] 2 HCLK delay, 0ns DI delay : PASS [ 2.221728952,7] AST: * -> good is pass 4 [0x000009a0] [ 2.221730073,7] AST: Found good read timings at HCLK/2 [ 2.221750323,7] AST: Command timing set to HCLK/4 [ 2.221773793,7] LIBFLASH: Found chip Macronix MXxxL51235F size 64M erase granule: 4K [ 2.221775770,7] LIBFLASH: Flash >16MB, enabling 4B mode... [ 2.222021900,7] LIBFLASH: Enabling controller 4B mode... [ 2.222042828,6] FLASH: registering flash device Macronix MXxxL51235F (size 0x4000000, blocksize 0x1000) [ 2.222061077,7] FFS: Partition map size: 0x1000 [ 2.223370783,5] FLASH: Found system flash: Macronix MXxxL51235F id:0 [ 2.223465114,6] FLASH: registered system flash device Macronix MXxxL51235F [ 2.223466798,6] FLASH: probing for NVRAM [ 2.223501734,5] BT: Interface initialized, IO 0x00e4 [ 2.223627313,7] BT: seq 0x00 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x36: Message sent to host [ 2.223629630,7] BT: Using LPC IRQ 10 [ 2.326056498,7] BT: seq 0x00 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x36: IPMI MSG done [ 2.326057941,7] BT: BMC BT capabilities received: [ 2.326058911,7] BT: buffer sizes: 65 input 65 output [ 2.326059993,7] BT: number of requests: 2 [ 2.326060927,7] BT: msg timeout: 2 max retries: 1 [ 2.326072702,7] BT: seq 0x01 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x24: Message sent to host [ 2.428494132,7] BT: seq 0x01 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x24: IPMI MSG done [ 2.428501538,7] BT: seq 0x02 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x22: Message sent to host [ 3.018922727,7] BT: seq 0x02 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x22: IPMI MSG done [ 3.070135320,7] BT: seq 0x03 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x22: Message sent to host [ 3.121351779,7] BT: seq 0x03 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x22: IPMI MSG done [ 3.172565036,7] BT: seq 0x04 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: Message sent to host [ 3.172630993,6] IPMI: setting power state: sys 80, dev 7f [ 3.172635263,6] IPMI: setting fw progress sensor 05 to 14 [ 3.172640909,7] UART: Enabled as OS console [ 3.172642233,5] NVRAM: Size is 576 KB [ 3.360533174,6] NVRAM: Layout appears sane [ 3.360536345,7] NVRAM: 'force-secure-mode' not found [ 3.360537652,5] STB: secure mode off [ 3.360595663,7] NVRAM: 'force-trusted-mode' not found [ 3.360596903,5] STB: trusted mode off [ 3.360722432,7] SLW: Init chip 0x0 [ 3.360723860,7] SLW: Image size from image: 0x100000 [ 3.360819181,6] SLW: Timer facility on chip 0, resolution 10us [ 3.360858159,5] CAPI: Preloading ucode 200ea [ 3.360909474,5] FLASH: Queueing preload of 2/200ea [ 3.378034162,5] FLASH: Queueing preload of 0/0 [ 3.407098549,5] FLASH: Queueing preload of 1/0 [ 3.407114338,7] FFS: Partition map size: 0x1000 [ 3.431598352,7] FLASH: CAPP partition has ECC [ 3.469979871,7] FLASH: CAPP partition isn't signed [ 3.469981247,7] FLASH: flash subpartition eyecatcher CAPP [ 3.469982431,7] FLASH: Computed CAPP partition size: 40960 (subpart 131306 size 36432 offset 4096) [ 3.484854464,5] STB: sb_verify skipped resource 2, secure_mode=0 [ 3.484856029,5] STB: tb_measure skipped resource 2, trusted_mode=0 [ 4.058424250,7] FFS: Partition map size: 0x1000 [ 4.115663396,7] FLASH: BOOTKERNEL partition doesn't have ECC [ 4.152124581,7] FLASH: BOOTKERNEL partition isn't signed [ 4.152125848,7] FLASH: computed BOOTKERNEL size 14727416 [ 4.504012863,6] NX0: RNG BAR set to 0x0003ffff40000000..0x0003ffff40000fff [ 4.504017858,6] NX0: Crypto at 0x2010000 [ 4.504019921,7] NX0: DMA 0x00000188eb80002c [ 4.504021613,6] NX0: SYM CT already set to 1 [ 4.504022662,6] NX0: SYM CI already set to 1 [ 4.504024028,7] NX0: SYM Config 0x8008010000000000 [ 4.504025597,6] NX0: ASYM CT already set to 2 [ 4.504026649,6] NX0: ASYM CI already set to 1 [ 4.504027957,7] NX0: ASYM Config 0x8020020000000000 [ 4.504030445,7] NX0: CRB Input Queue 0x0000000000000000 [ 4.504032356,7] NX0: Engine Enable 0x8000000000000003 [ 4.504033659,6] NX0: Crypto Coprocessors Disabled (not supported) [ 4.504035166,6] NX0: 842 at 0x2010000 [ 4.504037277,7] NX0: DMA 0x00000188ff8000af [ 4.504038849,6] NX0: 842 CT set to 3 [ 4.504039716,6] NX0: 842 CI already set to 1 [ 4.504041224,7] NX0: 842 Config 0x00080300f8000001 [ 4.504043141,7] NX0: Engine Enable 0x8000000000000003 [ 4.504044428,6] NX0: 842 Coprocessor Enabled [ 4.504120699,5] Chip 0 Found PBCQ0 at /xscom@3fc0000000000/pbcq@2012000 [ 5.052539092,7] PHB3[0:0]: X[PE]=0x02012000 X[PCI]=0x09012000 X[SPCI]=0x09013c00 [ 5.052541927,7] PHB3[0:0] REGS = 0x0003fffe40000000 [4k] [ 5.052544430,7] PHB3[0:0] PCIBAR = 0x0003fffe40000000 [ 5.052547103,7] PHB3[0:0] MMIO0 = 0x0000200000000000 [0x0000010000000000] [ 5.052549484,7] PHB3[0:0] MMIO1 = 0x00003fe000000000 [0x0000000080000000] [ 5.052551779,7] PHB3[0:0] BAREN = 0xf800000000000000 [ 5.052554781,7] PHB3[0:0] NEWBAREN = 0xf800000000000000 [ 5.052556399,7] PHB3[0:0] IRSNC = 0x0100000000000000 [ 5.052558806,7] PHB3[0:0] IRSNM = 0xff00000000000000 [ 5.052560187,7] PHB3[0:0] LSI = 0xff00000000000000 [ 5.052568175,5] Chip 0 Found PBCQ1 at /xscom@3fc0000000000/pbcq@2012400 [ 5.222532792,7] PHB3[0:1]: X[PE]=0x02012400 X[PCI]=0x09012400 X[SPCI]=0x09013c40 [ 5.222535296,7] PHB3[0:1] REGS = 0x0003fffe40100000 [4k] [ 5.222537791,7] PHB3[0:1] PCIBAR = 0x0003fffe40100000 [ 5.222540504,7] PHB3[0:1] MMIO0 = 0x0000210000000000 [0x0000010000000000] [ 5.222543138,7] PHB3[0:1] MMIO1 = 0x00003fe080000000 [0x0000000080000000] [ 5.222545488,7] PHB3[0:1] BAREN = 0xf800000000000000 [ 5.222548795,7] PHB3[0:1] NEWBAREN = 0xf800000000000000 [ 5.222551223,7] PHB3[0:1] IRSNC = 0x0200000000000000 [ 5.222552847,7] PHB3[0:1] IRSNM = 0xff00000000000000 [ 5.222554232,7] PHB3[0:1] LSI = 0xff00000000000000 [ 5.222562383,5] Chip 0 Found PBCQ2 at /xscom@3fc0000000000/pbcq@2012800 [ 5.309027662,7] PHB3[0:2]: X[PE]=0x02012800 X[PCI]=0x09012800 X[SPCI]=0x09013c80 [ 5.309030094,7] PHB3[0:2] REGS = 0x0003fffe40200000 [4k] [ 5.309032603,7] PHB3[0:2] PCIBAR = 0x0003fffe40200000 [ 5.309034435,7] PHB3[0:2] MMIO0 = 0x0000220000000000 [0x0000010000000000] [ 5.309037134,7] PHB3[0:2] MMIO1 = 0x00003fe100000000 [0x0000000080000000] [ 5.309039474,7] PHB3[0:2] BAREN = 0xf800000000000000 [ 5.309043391,7] PHB3[0:2] NEWBAREN = 0xf800000000000000 [ 5.309045873,7] PHB3[0:2] IRSNC = 0x0300000000000000 [ 5.309047477,7] PHB3[0:2] IRSNM = 0xff00000000000000 [ 5.309048851,7] PHB3[0:2] LSI = 0xff00000000000000 [ 5.309101445,7] PHB#0000:00:00.0 PCI: Registered PHB [ 5.309103386,6] PHB#0000: Found /pciex@3fffe40000000 @[0:0] [ 5.309105087,6] PHB#0000: M32 [0x00003fe000000000..0x00003fe07fffffff] [ 5.309106725,6] PHB#0000: M64 [0x0000200000000000..0x000020ffffffffff] [ 5.309108639,3] PHB#0000: Base location code not found ! [ 6.090228656,7] PHB#0000: Override lane equalization settings: [ 6.090229847,7] PHB#0000: 0x3333333333333333 0x3333333333333333 [ 6.090231505,7] PHB#0000: 0x3333333333333333 0x3333333333333333 [ 6.090425076,7] IRQ: Registering 0800..0ff7 ops @0x30097418 (data 0x304dc018) [ 6.090427455,7] IRQ: Registering 0ff8..0fff ops @0x30097440 (data 0x304dc018) [ 6.090429234,7] PHB#0000: Initializing PHB... [ 6.194916780,7] BT: seq 0x04 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: IPMI MSG done [ 6.341504404,7] BT: seq 0x05 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x06: Message sent to host [ 7.020398730,7] PHB#0000: Core revision 0xa30005 [ 7.020404255,7] PHB#0000: Default system config: 0x441100fc30000000 [ 7.020405860,7] PHB#0000: New system config : 0x441000fc30000000 [ 7.020407583,7] PHB#0000: PHB_RESET is 0x0000000000000000 [ 7.020637161,7] PHB#0000: Waiting for DLP PG reset to complete... [ 7.028948202,7] PHB#0000: Initialization complete [ 7.028949659,6] CHIP0: CAPP ucode lid loaded at 0x304ba0e0 [ 7.030310486,7] PHB#0001:00:00.0 PCI: Registered PHB [ 7.030312342,6] PHB#0001: Found /pciex@3fffe40100000 @[0:1] [ 7.030313987,6] PHB#0001: M32 [0x00003fe080000000..0x00003fe0ffffffff] [ 7.030315598,6] PHB#0001: M64 [0x0000210000000000..0x000021ffffffffff] [ 7.030317466,3] PHB#0001: Base location code not found ! [ 7.123892931,7] PHB#0001: Override lane equalization settings: [ 7.123894092,7] PHB#0001: 0x3333333333333333 0x3333333333333333 [ 7.123895753,7] PHB#0001: 0x3333333333333333 0x3333333333333333 [ 7.124107156,7] IRQ: Registering 1000..17f7 ops @0x30097418 (data 0x305040f0) [ 7.124109445,7] IRQ: Registering 17f8..17ff ops @0x30097440 (data 0x305040f0) [ 7.124111244,7] PHB#0001: Initializing PHB... [ 7.417032891,7] BT: seq 0x05 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x06: IPMI MSG done [ 8.093505294,7] BT: seq 0x06 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x2e: Message sent to host [ 8.221559956,7] PHB#0001: Core revision 0xa30005 [ 8.221565276,7] PHB#0001: Default system config: 0x441100fc30000000 [ 8.221566879,7] PHB#0001: New system config : 0x441000fc30000000 [ 8.221568599,7] PHB#0001: PHB_RESET is 0x0000000000000000 [ 8.221797463,7] PHB#0001: Waiting for DLP PG reset to complete... [ 8.230106993,7] PHB#0001: Initialization complete [ 8.230108066,6] CHIP0: CAPP ucode lid loaded at 0x304ba0e0 [ 8.231475982,7] PHB#0002:00:00.0 PCI: Registered PHB [ 8.231477727,6] PHB#0002: Found /pciex@3fffe40200000 @[0:2] [ 8.231479359,6] PHB#0002: M32 [0x00003fe100000000..0x00003fe17fffffff] [ 8.231481028,6] PHB#0002: M64 [0x0000220000000000..0x000022ffffffffff] [ 8.231482927,3] PHB#0002: Base location code not found ! [ 8.283170555,7] PHB#0002: Override lane equalization settings: [ 8.283171760,7] PHB#0002: 0x3333333333333333 0x3333333333333333 [ 8.283173428,7] PHB#0002: 0x3333333333333333 0x3333333333333333 [ 8.283384167,7] IRQ: Registering 1800..1ff7 ops @0x30097418 (data 0x3052c1c8) [ 8.283386461,7] IRQ: Registering 1ff8..1fff ops @0x30097440 (data 0x3052c1c8) [ 8.283388275,7] PHB#0002: Initializing PHB... [ 8.429724575,7] BT: seq 0x06 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x2e: IPMI MSG done [ 9.315498023,7] BT: seq 0x07 netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: Message sent to host [ 10.434000174,7] PHB#0002: Core revision 0xa30005 [ 10.434006228,7] PHB#0002: Default system config: 0x421100fc30000000 [ 10.434007859,7] PHB#0002: New system config : 0x421000fc30000000 [ 10.434009641,7] PHB#0002: PHB_RESET is 0x0000000000000000 [ 10.434238842,7] PHB#0002: Waiting for DLP PG reset to complete... [ 10.442548775,7] PHB#0002: Initialization complete [ 10.442549833,6] CHIP0: CAPP ucode lid loaded at 0x304ba0e0 [ 10.444068118,5] PCI: Resetting PHBs... [ 11.053356079,7] PHB#0000: FRESET: Starts [ 11.053356961,7] PHB#0001: FRESET: Starts [ 11.053357322,7] PHB#0000: FRESET: Prepare for link down [ 11.053358216,7] PHB#0001: FRESET: Prepare for link down [ 11.053358325,7] PHB#0002: FRESET: Starts [ 11.053359659,7] PHB#0000: FRESET: Assert skipped [ 11.053360457,7] PHB#0002: FRESET: Prepare for link down [ 11.053360959,7] PHB#0001: FRESET: Assert skipped [ 11.053360687,7] PHB#0000: FRESET: Deassert [ 11.053364220,7] PHB#0001: FRESET: Deassert [ 11.053364244,7] PHB#0002: FRESET: Assert skipped [ 11.053366223,7] PHB#0002: FRESET: Deassert [ 11.261569105,7] BT: seq 0x07 netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: IPMI MSG done [ 12.053365183,7] PHB#0000: LINK: Start polling [ 12.053366235,7] PHB#0001: LINK: Start polling [ 12.053367583,7] PHB#0002: LINK: Start polling [ 12.104566447,7] PHB#0000: LINK: Electrical link detected [ 12.104567535,7] PHB#0001: LINK: Electrical link detected [ 12.104568869,7] PHB#0002: LINK: Electrical link detected [ 12.155767909,7] PHB#0000: LINK: Link is up [ 12.155769059,7] PHB#0001: LINK: Link is up [ 12.155770353,7] PHB#0002: LINK: Link is up [ 12.329940245,7] BT: seq 0x08 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x31: Message sent to host [ 12.395252150,5] PCI: Probing slots... [ 13.274721274,5] STB: sb_verify skipped resource 0, secure_mode=0 [ 13.274723356,5] STB: tb_measure skipped resource 0, trusted_mode=0 [ 13.274789347,7] FFS: Partition map size: 0x1000 [ 13.310374630,3] FLASH: No ROOTFS partition [ 13.375580431,7] PHB#0000:00:00.0 Link up at x8 width [ 13.375580905,7] PHB#0001:00:00.0 Link up at x8 width [ 13.375581810,7] PHB#0002:00:00.0 Link up at x8 width [ 13.375581940,7] PHB#0000:00:00.0 Scanning (upstream+downsteam)... [ 13.375583375,7] PHB#0002:00:00.0 Scanning (upstream+downsteam)... [ 13.375582428,7] PHB#0001:00:00.0 Scanning (upstream+downsteam)... [ 13.375587423,7] PHB#0000:00:00.0 Found VID:1014 DEV:03dc TYP:4 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 13.375588555,7] PHB#0002:00:00.0 Found VID:1014 DEV:03dc TYP:4 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 13.375589188,7] PHB#0001:00:00.0 Found VID:1014 DEV:03dc TYP:4 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 13.375592783,7] BT: seq 0x08 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x31: IPMI MSG done [ 13.375594337,7] IPMI Get Message Flags: 02 [ 13.375596071,7] PHB#0000:00:00.0 Bus 01..ff scanning... [ 13.375596955,7] PHB#0002:00:00.0 Bus 01..ff scanning... [ 13.375598721,7] PHB#0001:00:00.0 Bus 01..ff scanning... [ 13.375602399,7] BT: seq 0x09 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x35: Message sent to host [ 13.478069669,7] BT: seq 0x09 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x35: IPMI MSG done [ 13.478071010,7] IPMI read event 35 complete: 16 bytes. cc: 00 [ 13.478072346,6] IPMI: dropping System Event Record SEL [ 14.375604398,7] PHB#0002:01:00.0 Found VID:9005 DEV:028d TYP:0 MF- BR- EX+ [ 14.375605349,7] PHB#0000:01:00.0 Found VID:14e4 DEV:168e TYP:0 MF+ BR- EX+ [ 14.375606495,7] PHB#0001:01:00.0 Found VID:10b5 DEV:8748 TYP:5 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 14.375613981,7] PHB#0001:01:00.0 Bus 02..ff scanning... [ 14.375618359,7] PHB#0000:01:00.1 Found VID:14e4 DEV:168e TYP:0 MF+ BR- EX+ [ 14.375626703,7] PHB#0001:02:01.0 Found VID:10b5 DEV:8748 TYP:6 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 14.375660793,7] PHB#0001:02:08.0 Found VID:10b5 DEV:8748 TYP:6 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 14.375672749,7] PHB#0001:02:09.0 Found VID:10b5 DEV:8748 TYP:6 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 14.375685330,7] PHB#0001:02:0a.0 Found VID:10b5 DEV:8748 TYP:6 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 14.375715910,7] PHB#0001:02:10.0 Found VID:10b5 DEV:8748 TYP:6 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 14.375728485,7] PHB#0001:02:11.0 Found VID:10b5 DEV:8748 TYP:6 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 14.375786921,7] PHB#0001:02:01.0 Bus 03..ff scanning... [ 14.375791667,7] PHB#0001:02:01.0 No card in slot [ 14.375793183,7] PHB#0001:02:08.0 Bus 08..ff scanning... [ 14.375799100,7] PHB#0001:02:08.0 waiting for link... [ 14.375800577,7] PHB#0001:02:08.0 end wait for link... [ 14.427008857,7] PHB#0001:08:00.0 Found VID:1b4b DEV:9235 TYP:1 MF- BR- EX+ [ 14.427016517,7] PHB#0001:02:09.0 Bus 09..ff scanning... [ 14.427021977,7] PHB#0001:02:09.0 Bridge power is off, turning on ... [ 16.427024655,7] PHB#0001:02:09.0 waiting for link... [ 16.427026179,7] PHB#0001:02:09.0 end wait for link... [ 16.478235937,7] PHB#0001:09:00.0 Found VID:104c DEV:8241 TYP:0 MF- BR- EX+ [ 16.478244916,7] PHB#0001:02:0a.0 Bus 0a..ff scanning... [ 16.478251096,7] PHB#0001:02:0a.0 waiting for link... [ 16.478252626,7] PHB#0001:02:0a.0 end wait for link... [ 17.017464956,7] PHB#0001:0a:00.0 Found VID:1a03 DEV:1150 TYP:7 MF- BR+ EX+ [ 17.017474537,7] PHB#0001:0a:00.0 Bus 0b..ff scanning... [ 17.017493090,7] PHB#0001:0b:00.0 Found VID:1a03 DEV:2000 TYP:1 MF- BR- EX- [ 17.017627958,7] PHB#0001:02:10.0 Bus 0c..ff scanning... [ 17.017634011,7] PHB#0001:02:10.0 waiting for link... [ 17.017635553,7] PHB#0001:02:10.0 end wait for link... [ 17.068847991,7] PHB#0001:0c:00.0 Found VID:14e4 DEV:1657 TYP:0 MF+ BR- EX+ [ 17.068868335,7] PHB#0001:0c:00.1 Found VID:14e4 DEV:1657 TYP:0 MF+ BR- EX+ [ 17.068889215,7] PHB#0001:0c:00.2 Found VID:14e4 DEV:1657 TYP:0 MF+ BR- EX+ [ 17.068910245,7] PHB#0001:0c:00.3 Found VID:14e4 DEV:1657 TYP:0 MF+ BR- EX+ [ 17.068936495,7] PHB#0001:02:11.0 Bus 0d..ff scanning... [ 17.068941317,7] PHB#0001:02:11.0 No card in slot [ 17.068942657,7] PHB#0001:02:11.0 Power off hotpluggable slot [ 17.069195171,7] PCI: Checking slot table against detected devices [ 17.069198739,3] PCI: built-in device not found: Network Mezz (loc: 10) [ 17.069374191,7] PCI Summary: [ 17.069382375,5] PHB#0000:00:00.0 [ROOT] 1014 03dc R:00 C:060400 B:01..01 SLOT=Slot3 [ 17.091008644,5] PHB#0000:01:00.0 [EP ] 14e4 168e R:10 C:020000 ( ethernet) LOC_CODE=Slot3 [ 17.109598415,5] PHB#0000:01:00.1 [EP ] 14e4 168e R:10 C:020000 ( ethernet) LOC_CODE=Slot3 [ 17.142674143,5] PHB#0001:00:00.0 [ROOT] 1014 03dc R:00 C:060400 B:01..11 SLOT=Backplane PLX [ 17.170699338,5] PHB#0001:01:00.0 [SWUP] 10b5 8748 R:ca C:060400 B:02..11 LOC_CODE=Backplane PLX [ 17.201709901,5] PHB#0001:02:01.0 [SWDN] 10b5 8748 R:ca C:060400 B:03..07 SLOT=Network Mezz [ 17.225853589,5] PHB#0001:02:08.0 [SWDN] 10b5 8748 R:ca C:060400 B:08..08 SLOT=Storage Mezz [ 17.258334281,5] PHB#0001:08:00.0 [LGCY] 1b4b 9235 R:11 C:010601 ( sata) LOC_CODE=Storage Mezz [ 17.309228487,5] PHB#0001:02:09.0 [SWDN] 10b5 8748 R:ca C:060400 B:09..09 SLOT=Backplane USB [ 17.319427565,5] PHB#0001:09:00.0 [EP ] 104c 8241 R:02 C:0c0330 ( usb-xhci) LOC_CODE=Backplane USB [ 17.352579889,5] PHB#0001:02:0a.0 [SWDN] 10b5 8748 R:ca C:060400 B:0a..0b SLOT=Backplane BMC [ 17.356115475,5] PHB#0001:0a:00.0 [ETOX] 1a03 1150 R:03 C:060400 B:0b..0b LOC_CODE=Backplane BMC [ 17.406221174,5] PHB#0001:0b:00.0 [PCID] 1a03 2000 R:30 C:030000 ( vga) LOC_CODE=Backplane BMC [ 17.434170287,5] PHB#0001:02:10.0 [SWDN] 10b5 8748 R:ca C:060400 B:0c..0c SLOT=Slot2 [ 17.462803667,5] PHB#0001:0c:00.0 [EP ] 14e4 1657 R:01 C:020000 ( ethernet) LOC_CODE=Slot2 [ 17.488542543,5] PHB#0001:0c:00.1 [EP ] 14e4 1657 R:01 C:020000 ( ethernet) LOC_CODE=Slot2 [ 18.000624471,5] PHB#0001:0c:00.2 [EP ] 14e4 1657 R:01 C:020000 ( ethernet) LOC_CODE=Slot2 [ 18.023915229,5] PHB#0001:0c:00.3 [EP ] 14e4 1657 R:01 C:020000 ( ethernet) LOC_CODE=Slot2 [ 18.063615917,5] PHB#0001:02:11.0 [SWDN] 10b5 8748 R:ca C:060400 B:0d..11 SLOT=Slot1 [ 18.101210514,5] PHB#0002:00:00.0 [ROOT] 1014 03dc R:00 C:060400 B:01..01 SLOT=Slot4 [ 18.155857714,5] PHB#0002:01:00.0 [EP ] 9005 028d R:01 C:010400 ( raid) LOC_CODE=Slot4 [ 18.166734268,6] IPMI: setting fw progress sensor 05 to 07 [ 18.166749503,7] BT: seq 0x0a netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: Message sent to host [ 18.166753735,5] Releasing unused memory: [ 18.211770908,5] ibm,firmware-heap: 2480416/13631488 used [ 18.224653151,5] ibm,firmware-allocs-memory@0: 12845568/273909022720 used [ 18.253279071,5] Reserved regions: [ 18.293565381,5] 0x003fff800000..003fffffffff : ibm,occ-common-area@3fff800000 [ 18.320343814,5] 0x003ffd800000..003ffdbfffff : ibm,homer-image@3ffd800000 [ 18.334800781,5] 0x003ffd700000..003ffd7fffff : ibm,hbrt-vpd-image@3ffd700000 [ 18.367000173,5] 0x003ffd6e0000..003ffd6fffff : ibm,hbrt-target-image@3ffd6e0000 [ 18.383106068,5] 0x003ffd460000..003ffd6dffff : ibm,hbrt-code-image@3ffd460000 [ 18.391891451,5] 0x000031c00000..000031ddffff : ibm,firmware-stacks [ 18.410599353,5] 0x000031000000..000031bfffff : ibm,firmware-data [ 18.442314455,5] 0x000030300000..000030ffffff : ibm,firmware-heap [ 18.457954863,5] 0x000030000000..0000302fffff : ibm,firmware-code [ 18.478299113,5] 0x000039c00000..00003a8401ff : ibm,firmware-allocs-memory@0 [ 18.485883910,5] IPMI: Resetting boot count on successful boot [ 18.503970092,5] INIT: Waiting for kernel... [ 19.012537830,5] INIT: Kernel loaded, size: 14727416 bytes (0 = unknown preload) [ 19.035491999,5] INIT: 64-bit LE kernel discovered [ 19.051017485,5] INIT: 64-bit kernel entry at 0x20010000, size 0xe0b8f8 [ 19.058791010,6] IPMI: setting fw progress sensor 05 to 13 [ 19.058793579,7] OCC: Chip 00 Data (0000003ffd9f8000) = 010200d5ef000000 [ 19.058795507,5] OCC: All Chip Rdy after 0 ms [ 19.079264336,7] OCC: CPU pstate state device tree init [ 19.079265382,7] OCC: Data ( 3ffd9f8000) = 10200d5ef000000 0 [ 19.079267252,7] OCC: Min -43 Nom -17 Max 0 Nr States 44 [ 19.079786312,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core 1 PPMSR ddddd50008000000 [ 19.080301505,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core 2 PPMSR e6e6d50008000000 [ 19.080816380,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core 3 PPMSR efefd50008000000 [ 19.081330562,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core 4 PPMSR efefd50008000000 [ 19.081844866,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core 5 PPMSR efefd50008000000 [ 19.082359407,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core 9 PPMSR efefd50008000000 [ 19.082873715,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core a PPMSR efefd50008000000 [ 19.083388052,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core c PPMSR efefd50008000000 [ 19.083902405,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core d PPMSR efefd50008000000 [ 19.084416651,7] OCC: Chip 0 Core e PPMSR efefd50008000000 [ 19.084418327,7] NVRAM: 'bootargs' not found [ 19.089436093,5] Free space in HEAP memory regions: [ 19.093915846,5] Region ibm,firmware-heap free: a23840 [ 19.115619834,5] Region ibm,firmware-allocs-memory@0 free: 10cd70 [ 19.129862837,5] Total free: 11732400 [ 19.129898767,6] CPU: disabling power management [ 19.129922174,5] INIT: Starting kernel at 0x20010000, fdt at 0x3055edd8 (size 0x158ec) [ 19.177044533,7] BT: seq 0x0a netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: IPMI MSG done [ 19.177064122,7] BT: seq 0x0b netfn 0x06 cmd 0x24: Message sent to host [ 19.381335424,7] BT: seq 0x0b netfn 0x06 cmd 0x24: IPMI MSG done [ 19.381358008,7] BT: seq 0x0c netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: Message sent to host [ 19.482400846,7] OPAL: CPU re-init with flags: 0x2 [ 19.482404116,5] OPAL: Switch to little-endian OS [ 20.007135974,6] CPU: Switching HILE on all CPUs to 1 [ 20.007139916,7] CPU: [00000008] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.007151654,7] BT: seq 0x0c netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: IPMI MSG done [ 20.007175350,7] BT: seq 0x0d netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: Message sent to host [ 20.012304596,7] CPU: [00000009] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.017428575,7] CPU: [0000000a] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.022552209,7] CPU: [0000000b] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.027676172,7] CPU: [0000000c] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.032799742,7] CPU: [0000000d] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.037923704,7] CPU: [0000000e] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.043047413,7] CPU: [0000000f] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.048171566,7] CPU: [00000010] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.053295519,7] CPU: [00000011] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.058419021,7] CPU: [00000012] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.063542605,7] CPU: [00000013] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.068666638,7] CPU: [00000014] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.073790713,7] CPU: [00000015] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.078914671,7] CPU: [00000016] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.084038169,7] CPU: [00000017] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.089161231,7] CPU: [00000018] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.089164991,7] CPU: [00000019] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.094288303,7] CPU: [0000001a] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.099412323,7] CPU: [0000001b] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.104536193,7] CPU: [0000001c] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.109659617,7] CPU: [0000001d] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.109670954,7] BT: seq 0x0d netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: IPMI MSG done [ 20.109684105,7] BT: seq 0x0e netfn 0x06 cmd 0x31: Message sent to host [ 20.114814228,7] CPU: [0000001e] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.119937823,7] CPU: [0000001f] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.125061849,7] CPU: [00000020] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.130185395,7] CPU: [00000021] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.135309059,7] CPU: [00000022] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.140432559,7] CPU: [00000023] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.145555972,7] CPU: [00000024] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.150679974,7] CPU: [00000025] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.155803493,7] CPU: [00000026] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.160927071,7] CPU: [00000027] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.166050719,7] CPU: [00000028] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.171174511,7] CPU: [00000029] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.176298028,7] CPU: [0000002a] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.181421917,7] CPU: [0000002b] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.186545460,7] CPU: [0000002c] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.191668959,7] CPU: [0000002d] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.196792860,7] CPU: [0000002e] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.201916789,7] CPU: [0000002f] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.207041327,7] CPU: [00000048] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.212165186,7] CPU: [00000049] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.212177842,7] BT: seq 0x0e netfn 0x06 cmd 0x31: IPMI MSG done [ 20.212181203,7] IPMI Get Message Flags: 02 [ 20.212190265,7] BT: seq 0x0f netfn 0x06 cmd 0x31: Message sent to host [ 20.217321591,7] CPU: [0000004a] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.222445213,7] CPU: [0000004b] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.227569151,7] CPU: [0000004c] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.232692728,7] CPU: [0000004d] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.237816353,7] CPU: [0000004e] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.242940333,7] CPU: [0000004f] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.248063998,7] CPU: [00000050] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.253187809,7] CPU: [00000051] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.258311056,7] CPU: [00000052] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.263434576,7] CPU: [00000053] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.268558511,7] CPU: [00000054] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.273682175,7] CPU: [00000055] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.278806030,7] CPU: [00000056] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.283930031,7] CPU: [00000057] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.289053884,7] CPU: [00000060] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.294177841,7] CPU: [00000061] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.299301398,7] CPU: [00000062] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.304424956,7] CPU: [00000063] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.309548179,7] CPU: [00000064] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.314672122,7] CPU: [00000065] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.314684898,7] BT: seq 0x0f netfn 0x06 cmd 0x31: IPMI MSG done [ 20.314688217,7] IPMI Get Message Flags: 02 [ 20.314697230,7] BT: seq 0x10 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x35: Message sent to host [ 20.319828606,7] CPU: [00000066] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.324952543,7] CPU: [00000067] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.330076166,7] CPU: [00000068] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.335200058,7] CPU: [00000069] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.340323583,7] CPU: [0000006a] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.345447251,7] CPU: [0000006b] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.350570815,7] CPU: [0000006c] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.355694591,7] CPU: [0000006d] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.360818179,7] CPU: [0000006e] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.365942047,7] CPU: [0000006f] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.371066047,7] CPU: [00000070] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.376189567,7] CPU: [00000071] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.381313069,7] CPU: [00000072] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.386436966,7] CPU: [00000073] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.391560873,7] CPU: [00000074] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.396684749,7] CPU: [00000075] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.401808673,7] CPU: [00000076] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.406932165,7] CPU: [00000077] HID0 set to 0x0001100000000000 [ 20.450394626,7] BT: seq 0x10 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x35: IPMI MSG done [ 20.450398900,7] IPMI read event 35 complete: 16 bytes. cc: 00 [ 20.450402074,6] IPMI: dropping System Event Record SEL [ 20.450412735,7] BT: seq 0x11 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x35: Message sent to host [ 20.506212723,7] PHB0: Purging all IODA tables... [ 20.506869264,7] PHB1: Purging all IODA tables... [ 20.507527961,7] PHB2: Purging all IODA tables... [ 21.417575031,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0008 (PIR 0x0008) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.417736364,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0009 (PIR 0x0009) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.417891186,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000a (PIR 0x000a) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.418047034,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000b (PIR 0x000b) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.418206367,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000c (PIR 0x000c) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.418363119,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000d (PIR 0x000d) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.418522337,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000e (PIR 0x000e) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.418679789,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000f (PIR 0x000f) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.418836006,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0010 (PIR 0x0010) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.419015943,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0011 (PIR 0x0011) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.419192412,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0012 (PIR 0x0012) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.419365759,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0013 (PIR 0x0013) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.419543215,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0014 (PIR 0x0014) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.419704776,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0015 (PIR 0x0015) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.419868563,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0016 (PIR 0x0016) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.420027127,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0017 (PIR 0x0017) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.420186273,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0019 (PIR 0x0019) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.420420463,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001a (PIR 0x001a) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.420661346,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001b (PIR 0x001b) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.420881398,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001c (PIR 0x001c) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.421100205,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001d (PIR 0x001d) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.421262103,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001e (PIR 0x001e) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.421430654,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001f (PIR 0x001f) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.421523047,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0020 (PIR 0x0020) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.421748402,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0021 (PIR 0x0021) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.421981277,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0022 (PIR 0x0022) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.422190968,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0023 (PIR 0x0023) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.422411629,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0024 (PIR 0x0024) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.422571241,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0025 (PIR 0x0025) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.422747090,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0026 (PIR 0x0026) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.422875071,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0027 (PIR 0x0027) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.422986648,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0028 (PIR 0x0028) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.423299585,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0029 (PIR 0x0029) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.423621671,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002a (PIR 0x002a) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.423909128,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002b (PIR 0x002b) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.424206431,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002c (PIR 0x002c) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.424418535,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002d (PIR 0x002d) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.424649664,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002e (PIR 0x002e) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.424814439,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002f (PIR 0x002f) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.424953070,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0048 (PIR 0x0048) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.425365676,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0049 (PIR 0x0049) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.425788948,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004a (PIR 0x004a) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.426167678,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004b (PIR 0x004b) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.426554734,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004c (PIR 0x004c) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.426828038,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004d (PIR 0x004d) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.427123972,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004e (PIR 0x004e) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.427332633,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004f (PIR 0x004f) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.427500948,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0050 (PIR 0x0050) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.428023274,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0051 (PIR 0x0051) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.428562591,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0052 (PIR 0x0052) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.429040415,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0053 (PIR 0x0053) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.429530097,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0054 (PIR 0x0054) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.429871640,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0055 (PIR 0x0055) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.430242021,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0056 (PIR 0x0056) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.430499903,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0057 (PIR 0x0057) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.430706166,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0060 (PIR 0x0060) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.431354879,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0061 (PIR 0x0061) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.432026341,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0062 (PIR 0x0062) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.432619391,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0063 (PIR 0x0063) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.433225187,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0064 (PIR 0x0064) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.433643437,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0065 (PIR 0x0065) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.434095359,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0066 (PIR 0x0066) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.434407763,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0067 (PIR 0x0067) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.434653501,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0068 (PIR 0x0068) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.435439960,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0069 (PIR 0x0069) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.436258556,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006a (PIR 0x006a) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.436977839,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006b (PIR 0x006b) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.437709134,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006c (PIR 0x006c) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.438212399,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006d (PIR 0x006d) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.438754252,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006e (PIR 0x006e) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.439126778,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006f (PIR 0x006f) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.439418911,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0070 (PIR 0x0070) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.440359941,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0071 (PIR 0x0071) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.441336957,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0072 (PIR 0x0072) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.442197116,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0073 (PIR 0x0073) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.443070637,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0074 (PIR 0x0074) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.443667090,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0075 (PIR 0x0075) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.444307976,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0076 (PIR 0x0076) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.444748813,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0077 (PIR 0x0077) -> 0x00000000000087f8 [ 21.478141283,7] BT: seq 0x11 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x35: IPMI MSG done [ 21.478142581,7] IPMI: Got error response 0x80 [ 21.478156663,7] UART: IRQ functional ! [ 21.478167292,7] PHB#0000: Got interrupt 0x00000fff [ 21.478179138,7] PHB#0001: Got interrupt 0x000017ff [ 24.097205043,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x08 netfn: 0x06 len: 0x00) [ 24.097212349,7] BT: seq 0x12 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x08: Message sent to host [ 24.098543842,7] BT: seq 0x12 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x08: IPMI MSG done [ 24.098548559,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x08 netfn: 0x07 resp_size: 0x10) [ 67.506307717,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 67.506320215,7] BT: seq 0x13 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 67.507716749,7] BT: seq 0x13 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 67.507722031,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x07) [ 67.507732797,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 67.507741740,7] BT: seq 0x14 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 67.509654646,7] BT: seq 0x14 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 67.509663359,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x02) [ 68.001356230,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 68.001368539,7] BT: seq 0x15 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 68.003071014,7] BT: seq 0x15 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 68.003075130,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x07) [ 68.003086677,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 68.003095921,7] BT: seq 0x16 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 68.004627631,7] BT: seq 0x16 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 68.004631871,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x02) [ 68.302467663,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 68.302480722,7] BT: seq 0x17 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 68.307126847,7] BT: seq 0x17 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 68.307131988,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x07) [ 68.307146266,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 68.307156059,7] BT: seq 0x18 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 68.311699429,7] BT: seq 0x18 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 68.311703210,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x02) [ 68.344252687,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 68.344265337,7] BT: seq 0x19 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 68.345844479,7] BT: seq 0x19 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 68.345850050,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x07) [ 68.345863579,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 68.345873439,7] BT: seq 0x1a netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 68.347286993,7] BT: seq 0x1a netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 68.347290479,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x02) [ 68.347333663,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x02 netfn: 0x0c len: 0x04) [ 68.347343931,7] BT: seq 0x1b netfn 0x0c cmd 0x02: Message sent to host [ 68.351209339,7] BT: seq 0x1b netfn 0x0c cmd 0x02: IPMI MSG done [ 68.351213356,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x02 netfn: 0x0d resp_size: 0x07) [ 68.351222953,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x01 netfn: 0x06 len: 0x00) [ 68.351229893,7] BT: seq 0x1c netfn 0x06 cmd 0x01: Message sent to host [ 68.352900712,7] BT: seq 0x1c netfn 0x06 cmd 0x01: IPMI MSG done [ 68.352904303,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x01 netfn: 0x07 resp_size: 0x0f) [ 68.352915535,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x1a netfn: 0x3a len: 0x00) [ 68.352922427,7] BT: seq 0x1d netfn 0x3a cmd 0x1a: Message sent to host [ 68.357088574,7] BT: seq 0x1d netfn 0x3a cmd 0x1a: IPMI MSG done [ 68.357092947,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x1a netfn: 0x3b resp_size: 0x0f) [ 81.116549975,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x08 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x06) [ 81.116565512,7] BT: seq 0x1e netfn 0x00 cmd 0x08: Message sent to host [ 81.118708383,7] BT: seq 0x1e netfn 0x00 cmd 0x08: IPMI MSG done [ 81.118714255,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x08 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x00) [ 81.119449503,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x30 netfn: 0x04 len: 0x0a) [ 81.119466222,7] BT: seq 0x1f netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: Message sent to host [ 81.121370728,7] BT: seq 0x1f netfn 0x04 cmd 0x30: IPMI MSG done [ 81.121374631,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x30 netfn: 0x05 resp_size: 0x00) [ 82.366967727,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 82.366980351,7] BT: seq 0x20 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 82.368395695,7] BT: seq 0x20 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 82.368400923,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x07) [ 82.368412920,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x00 len: 0x03) [ 82.368423471,7] BT: seq 0x21 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: Message sent to host [ 82.371903551,7] BT: seq 0x21 netfn 0x00 cmd 0x09: IPMI MSG done [ 82.371907518,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x09 netfn: 0x01 resp_size: 0x02) [ 88.277840926,7] PHB0: Purging all IODA tables... [ 88.278055549,7] PHB1: Purging all IODA tables... [ 88.278269007,7] PHB2: Purging all IODA tables... [ 88.283649039,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x000b [ 88.283649431,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0010 [ 88.283649516,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x006c [ 88.283649625,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0022 [ 88.283649430,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0013 [ 88.283649593,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0052 [ 88.283649469,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0061 [ 88.283649826,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0055 [ 88.283649624,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0050 [ 88.283649871,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0027 [ 88.283649679,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0025 [ 88.283649471,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0063 [ 88.283649595,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0053 [ 88.283649588,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0051 [ 88.283649757,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0077 [ 88.283649756,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0075 [ 88.283650106,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x001b [ 88.283649990,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x001a [ 88.283649993,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0019 [ 88.283649517,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0028 [ 88.283648972,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0009 [ 88.283650062,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0018 [ 88.283649695,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0057 [ 88.283649679,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0023 [ 88.283649998,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0064 [ 88.283649591,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0056 [ 88.283649550,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0049 [ 88.283650142,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x004e [ 88.283649520,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x002f [ 88.283649634,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x004c [ 88.283649633,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x004a [ 88.283650073,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x006a [ 88.283650342,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x006e [ 88.283649429,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0014 [ 88.283649470,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0065 [ 88.283649428,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0015 [ 88.283649428,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0017 [ 88.283649519,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x002b [ 88.283650369,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0068 [ 88.283649790,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x006f [ 88.283649992,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x001e [ 88.283649592,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0054 [ 88.283649512,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x006d [ 88.283649429,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0012 [ 88.283649750,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0072 [ 88.283648940,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x000d [ 88.283649519,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x002a [ 88.283649519,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0029 [ 88.283649636,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0021 [ 88.283649679,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0020 [ 88.283649631,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x004d [ 88.283649469,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0062 [ 88.283649471,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0066 [ 88.283650066,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x006b [ 88.283648931,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x000f [ 88.283649754,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0071 [ 88.283649679,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0024 [ 88.283649727,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x004b [ 88.283650004,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0048 [ 88.283649687,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0026 [ 88.283649118,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x000c [ 88.283649755,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0070 [ 88.283649427,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0016 [ 88.283649471,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0060 [ 88.283649634,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x004f [ 88.283649990,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x001d [ 88.283649431,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0011 [ 88.283649519,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x002d [ 88.283649983,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x001c [ 88.283649087,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x000a [ 88.283649124,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x000e [ 88.283649756,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0073 [ 88.283649973,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x001f [ 88.283649513,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0069 [ 88.283649991,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0074 [ 88.283649760,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0076 [ 88.283649467,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x0067 [ 88.283649519,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x002c [ 88.283649519,7] OPAL: Returning CPU 0x002e [ 88.284298115,7] OPAL: CPU re-init with flags: 0x1 [ 88.284300708,5] OPAL: Switch to big-endian OS [ 88.284378432,6] CPU: Switching HILE on all CPUs to 0 [ 88.284380970,7] CPU: [00000008] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.284385421,7] CPU: [00000009] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.289506198,7] CPU: [0000000a] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.294626828,7] CPU: [0000000b] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.299747503,7] CPU: [0000000c] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.304868023,7] CPU: [0000000d] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.309988627,7] CPU: [0000000e] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.315109253,7] CPU: [0000000f] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.320229994,7] CPU: [00000010] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.325350618,7] CPU: [00000011] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.330471398,7] CPU: [00000012] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.335592056,7] CPU: [00000013] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.340712785,7] CPU: [00000014] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.345833519,7] CPU: [00000015] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.350954219,7] CPU: [00000016] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.356074971,7] CPU: [00000017] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.361195799,7] CPU: [00000018] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.366316511,7] CPU: [00000019] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.371437133,7] CPU: [0000001a] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.376557919,7] CPU: [0000001b] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.381678579,7] CPU: [0000001c] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.386799280,7] CPU: [0000001d] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.391919962,7] CPU: [0000001e] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.397040697,7] CPU: [0000001f] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.402161550,7] CPU: [00000020] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.407282219,7] CPU: [00000021] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.412402907,7] CPU: [00000022] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.417523622,7] CPU: [00000023] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.422644356,7] CPU: [00000024] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.427765055,7] CPU: [00000025] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.432885828,7] CPU: [00000026] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.438006527,7] CPU: [00000027] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.443127354,7] CPU: [00000028] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.448248068,7] CPU: [00000029] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.453368719,7] CPU: [0000002a] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.458489449,7] CPU: [0000002b] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.463610102,7] CPU: [0000002c] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.468730839,7] CPU: [0000002d] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.473851562,7] CPU: [0000002e] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.478972340,7] CPU: [0000002f] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.484093527,7] CPU: [00000048] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.489214191,7] CPU: [00000049] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.494334863,7] CPU: [0000004a] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.499455583,7] CPU: [0000004b] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.504576312,7] CPU: [0000004c] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 88.509697048,7] CPU: [0000004d] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.002817778,7] CPU: [0000004e] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.007938449,7] CPU: [0000004f] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.013059322,7] CPU: [00000050] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.018179943,7] CPU: [00000051] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.023300598,7] CPU: [00000052] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.028421338,7] CPU: [00000053] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.033542052,7] CPU: [00000054] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.038662730,7] CPU: [00000055] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.043783487,7] CPU: [00000056] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.048904247,7] CPU: [00000057] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.054025247,7] CPU: [00000060] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.059145884,7] CPU: [00000061] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.064266552,7] CPU: [00000062] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.069387247,7] CPU: [00000063] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.074507963,7] CPU: [00000064] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.079628764,7] CPU: [00000065] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.084749519,7] CPU: [00000066] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.089870206,7] CPU: [00000067] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.094991032,7] CPU: [00000068] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.100111743,7] CPU: [00000069] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.105232397,7] CPU: [0000006a] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.110353163,7] CPU: [0000006b] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.115473833,7] CPU: [0000006c] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.120594647,7] CPU: [0000006d] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.125715291,7] CPU: [0000006e] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.130836040,7] CPU: [0000006f] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.135956855,7] CPU: [00000070] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.141077521,7] CPU: [00000071] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.146198223,7] CPU: [00000072] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.151319005,7] CPU: [00000073] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.156439723,7] CPU: [00000074] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.161560447,7] CPU: [00000075] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.166681176,7] CPU: [00000076] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.171801922,7] CPU: [00000077] HID0 set to 0x0000000000000000 [ 89.316149503,7] OPAL: CPU re-init with flags: 0x2 [ 89.316152853,5] OPAL: Switch to little-endian OS [ 89.316242015,6] CPU: Switching HILE on all CPUs to 1 [ 89.316244599,7] CPU: [00000008] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.316249855,7] CPU: [00000009] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.321370642,7] CPU: [0000000a] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.326491190,7] CPU: [0000000b] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.331611826,7] CPU: [0000000c] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.336732367,7] CPU: [0000000d] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.341853005,7] CPU: [0000000e] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.346973567,7] CPU: [0000000f] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.352094330,7] CPU: [00000010] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.357215023,7] CPU: [00000011] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.362335711,7] CPU: [00000012] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.367456415,7] CPU: [00000013] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.372577119,7] CPU: [00000014] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.377697828,7] CPU: [00000015] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.382818511,7] CPU: [00000016] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.387939277,7] CPU: [00000017] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.393060114,7] CPU: [00000018] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.398180777,7] CPU: [00000019] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.403301375,7] CPU: [0000001a] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.408422135,7] CPU: [0000001b] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.413542862,7] CPU: [0000001c] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.418663557,7] CPU: [0000001d] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.423784403,7] CPU: [0000001e] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.428905093,7] CPU: [0000001f] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.434025847,7] CPU: [00000020] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.439146565,7] CPU: [00000021] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.444267232,7] CPU: [00000022] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.449387951,7] CPU: [00000023] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.454508646,7] CPU: [00000024] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.459629382,7] CPU: [00000025] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.464750074,7] CPU: [00000026] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.469870793,7] CPU: [00000027] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.474991546,7] CPU: [00000028] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.480112289,7] CPU: [00000029] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.485232919,7] CPU: [0000002a] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.490353633,7] CPU: [0000002b] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.495474362,7] CPU: [0000002c] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.500595116,7] CPU: [0000002d] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.505715840,7] CPU: [0000002e] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 89.510836595,7] CPU: [0000002f] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.003957885,7] CPU: [00000048] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.009078590,7] CPU: [00000049] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.014199263,7] CPU: [0000004a] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.019320031,7] CPU: [0000004b] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.024440711,7] CPU: [0000004c] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.029561444,7] CPU: [0000004d] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.034682175,7] CPU: [0000004e] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.039802895,7] CPU: [0000004f] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.044923702,7] CPU: [00000050] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.050044370,7] CPU: [00000051] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.055165058,7] CPU: [00000052] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.060285749,7] CPU: [00000053] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.065406430,7] CPU: [00000054] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.070527150,7] CPU: [00000055] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.075647870,7] CPU: [00000056] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.080768623,7] CPU: [00000057] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.085889603,7] CPU: [00000060] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.091010310,7] CPU: [00000061] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.096130958,7] CPU: [00000062] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.101251724,7] CPU: [00000063] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.106372475,7] CPU: [00000064] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.111493167,7] CPU: [00000065] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.116613882,7] CPU: [00000066] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.121734613,7] CPU: [00000067] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.126855344,7] CPU: [00000068] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.131976007,7] CPU: [00000069] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.137096755,7] CPU: [0000006a] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.142217435,7] CPU: [0000006b] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.147338151,7] CPU: [0000006c] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.152458879,7] CPU: [0000006d] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.157579667,7] CPU: [0000006e] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.162700319,7] CPU: [0000006f] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.167821117,7] CPU: [00000070] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.172941828,7] CPU: [00000071] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.178062466,7] CPU: [00000072] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.183183187,7] CPU: [00000073] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.188303895,7] CPU: [00000074] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.193424703,7] CPU: [00000075] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.198545449,7] CPU: [00000076] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.203666116,7] CPU: [00000077] HID0 set to 0x0000100000000000 [ 90.364819862,7] PHB0: Purging all IODA tables... [ 90.365627441,7] PHB1: Purging all IODA tables... [ 90.366435343,7] PHB2: Purging all IODA tables... [ 91.057042623,7] BT: seq 0x22 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: Message sent to host [ 91.070669812,7] BT: seq 0x22 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: IPMI MSG done [ 91.296680216,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0009 (PIR 0x0009) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.296860263,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000a (PIR 0x000a) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.297028952,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000b (PIR 0x000b) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.297210705,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000c (PIR 0x000c) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.297411567,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000d (PIR 0x000d) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.297641682,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000e (PIR 0x000e) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.297885757,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x000f (PIR 0x000f) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.298171459,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0010 (PIR 0x0010) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.298452728,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0011 (PIR 0x0011) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.298719212,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0012 (PIR 0x0012) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.298993119,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0013 (PIR 0x0013) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.299294904,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0014 (PIR 0x0014) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.299600239,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0015 (PIR 0x0015) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.299927917,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0016 (PIR 0x0016) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.300273854,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0017 (PIR 0x0017) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.300643119,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0018 (PIR 0x0018) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.300989002,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0019 (PIR 0x0019) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.301318516,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001a (PIR 0x001a) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.301647022,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001b (PIR 0x001b) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.302003055,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001c (PIR 0x001c) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.302382047,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001d (PIR 0x001d) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.302790267,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001e (PIR 0x001e) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.303241518,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x001f (PIR 0x001f) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.303731412,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0020 (PIR 0x0020) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.304148606,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0021 (PIR 0x0021) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.304550268,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0022 (PIR 0x0022) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.304952780,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0023 (PIR 0x0023) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.305403685,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0024 (PIR 0x0024) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.305858511,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0025 (PIR 0x0025) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.306358736,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0026 (PIR 0x0026) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.306900731,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0027 (PIR 0x0027) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.307490047,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0028 (PIR 0x0028) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.307982298,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0029 (PIR 0x0029) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.308479266,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002a (PIR 0x002a) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.308974670,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002b (PIR 0x002b) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.309501791,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002c (PIR 0x002c) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.310062295,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002d (PIR 0x002d) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.310698915,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002e (PIR 0x002e) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.311481833,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x002f (PIR 0x002f) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.312304970,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0048 (PIR 0x0048) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.312895983,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0049 (PIR 0x0049) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.313489967,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004a (PIR 0x004a) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.314080090,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004b (PIR 0x004b) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.314718476,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004c (PIR 0x004c) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.315412069,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004d (PIR 0x004d) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.316172992,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004e (PIR 0x004e) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.317024103,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x004f (PIR 0x004f) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.317957053,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0050 (PIR 0x0050) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.318655919,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0051 (PIR 0x0051) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.319364267,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0052 (PIR 0x0052) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.320074184,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0053 (PIR 0x0053) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.320847534,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0054 (PIR 0x0054) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.321672466,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0055 (PIR 0x0055) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.322607279,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0056 (PIR 0x0056) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.323668815,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0057 (PIR 0x0057) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.324837839,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0060 (PIR 0x0060) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.325671229,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0061 (PIR 0x0061) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.326511186,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0062 (PIR 0x0062) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.327339983,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0063 (PIR 0x0063) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.328242254,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0064 (PIR 0x0064) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.329199823,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0065 (PIR 0x0065) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.330257828,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0066 (PIR 0x0066) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.331421858,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0067 (PIR 0x0067) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.332698956,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0068 (PIR 0x0068) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.333667023,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0069 (PIR 0x0069) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.334649026,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006a (PIR 0x006a) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.335613012,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006b (PIR 0x006b) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.336656959,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006c (PIR 0x006c) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.337794043,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006d (PIR 0x006d) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.339076297,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006e (PIR 0x006e) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.340581528,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x006f (PIR 0x006f) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.342216768,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0070 (PIR 0x0070) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.343317955,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0071 (PIR 0x0071) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.344464863,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0072 (PIR 0x0072) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.345594109,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0073 (PIR 0x0073) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.346813704,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0074 (PIR 0x0074) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.348109638,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0075 (PIR 0x0075) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.349550068,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0076 (PIR 0x0076) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 91.351235675,7] OPAL: Start CPU 0x0077 (PIR 0x0077) -> 0x0000000000008adc [ 93.152645588,7] BT: seq 0x23 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: Message sent to host [ 93.154295315,7] BT: seq 0x23 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: IPMI MSG done [ 93.171740863,7] BT: seq 0x24 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: Message sent to host [ 93.173284284,7] BT: seq 0x24 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: IPMI MSG done [ 101.031336703,7] opal_ipmi_send(cmd: 0x08 netfn: 0x06 len: 0x00) [ 101.031345450,7] BT: seq 0x25 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x08: Message sent to host [ 101.044751860,7] BT: seq 0x25 netfn 0x06 cmd 0x08: IPMI MSG done [ 101.044756415,7] opal_ipmi_recv(cmd: 0x08 netfn: 0x07 resp_size: 0x10)