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Common Lisp implementation of event recording/replay for the Robotics Service Bus


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This repository contains the Common Lisp implementation of RSBag, the event logging and replay machinery for the Robotics Service Bus middleware.

The full documentation for RSBag can be found at


At the moment, the code is not portable and can only be used with the SBCL implementation of Common Lisp. The main obstacle for portability is the use of SBCL’s extensible sequences.

Dependencies not available via Quicklisp are:


Load the system that provides the desired backend (or multiple):

Backend for the TIDElog binary event log file format.
Experimental backend for ELAN files.

Load the system that provides the desired RSB transport (or multiple):

All participant live in the same process.
Two or a small number of processes, on the same or on multiple machines.
Many processes, potentially on many machines. Uses the Spread group communication framework.

Other systems provide additional converters, filters or transforms.


The functionality provided by this system is typically used via the RSBag commandline tools.

Programmatically reading events from a log file looks like this:

(ql:quickload :rsbag-tidelog)

(rsbag:with-bag (bag "tobi-dataset-example.tide" :direction :input)
  ;; The "bag" is opened and closed like a stream, but in contrast to
  ;; streams consists of multiple random-access, time-indexed
  ;; channels:
  (print bag)
  (let ((channels (sort (rsbag:bag-channels bag) #'> :key #'length)))
    ;; Channels are extended sequences containing events:
    (print (map 'list (lambda (channel)
                        (cons (rsbag:channel-name channel) (length channel)))
                (subseq channels 0 10)))

    (print (elt (first channels) 0))))
To load "rsbag-tidelog":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "rsbag-tidelog"

#<BAG "tobi-dataset-example.tide" r- (282) {100DAC5CB3}>
(("/hri/percepts/legs/:.rst.hri.LegsList" . 72613)
 ("/ros4rsb/laserscan/" . 18921)
 ("/ros4rsb/odometryData/:.rst.geometry.Pose" . 6475)
 ("/ros4rsb/speedData/:.rst.kinematics.Twist" . 6475)
 ("/ros4rsb/slampose/:.rst.geometry.Pose" . 6474)
 ("/hri/persons/:.rst.hri.PersonHypotheses" . 6387)
 ("/faces/:.rst.classification.ClassifiedRegions2D" . 3654)
 ("/monitoring/muthr/statemachine/22337/:.rst.monitoring.ProcessCues" . 648)
 ("/monitoring/muthr/rsbnavigation/20313/:.rst.monitoring.ProcessCues" . 648)
  . 648))
#<RSB:EVENT /hri/percepts/legs/
            #(10 22 13 179 146 69 64 21 111 18 3 60 29 253 164 194 68 37 0 0
              122 67 40 1 10 22 13 242 172 36 192 21 111 18 3 60 29 243 249 69
              69 37 0 0 122 67 40 0 10 22 13 109 84 185 190 21 111 18 3 60 29 1
              60 51 69 37 0 0 122 67 40 0 10 22 13 100 21 122 190 21 111 18 3
              60 29 1 0 138 69 37 0 0 122 67 40 0 10 22 13 170 ...) (168) ACA7EFB8>

For more information, see the full documentation mentioned above.


If you want to contribute to this project, please

  • submit your intended changes as coherent pull requests.
  • rebase onto the master branch and squash any fixups and corrections.
  • make sure the unit tests pass.


The development of this software has been supported as follows:

  • The development of this software was supported by CoR-Lab, Research Institute for Cognition and Robotics Bielefeld University.
  • This work was supported by the Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology ‘CITEC’ (EXC 277) at Bielefeld University, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).


Common Lisp implementation of event recording/replay for the Robotics Service Bus







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