// FSRS4Anki v2.0.3 Scheduler // The latest version will be released on https://github.com/open-spaced-repetition/fsrs4anki // Default parameters of FSRS4Anki for global var f_s = [0.4112,1.5968]; var f_d = [1.0199,-0.4685,-1.7075,0.0714]; var s_w = [3.5014,-1.3554,-0.138,1.7324,2.9985,-0.0531,0.9896,1.3442]; // The above parameters can be optimized via FSRS4Anki optimizer. // Custom parameters for user let requestRetention = 0.8; // recommended setting: 0.8 ~ 0.9 let maximumInterval = 3650; let easyBonus = 1.5; let hardInterval = 1.2; const ratings = { "again": 1, "hard": 2, "good": 3, "easy": 4 }; debugger; // get the name of the card's deck // need to add
to your card's front template if (document.getElementById('deck') !== null) { const deck_name = document.getElementById('deck').innerHTML; // parameters for a specific deck if (deck_name == "Main::English::Advanced Vocabulary") { var f_s = [0.7249,0.8026]; var f_d = [1.0007,-0.6561,-1.2081,0.0112]; var s_w = [3.2511,-0.8703,-0.0277,1.5211,2.1651,-0.2846,0.5221,1.2443]; requestRetention = 0.80; maximumInterval = 3650; easyBonus = 1.5; hardInterval = 1.2; } } // auto-calculate intervalModifier const intervalModifier = Math.log(requestRetention) / Math.log(0.9); // For new cards if (is_new()) { init_states(); states.easy.normal.review.scheduledDays = constrain_interval(customData.easy.s); // For learning/relearning cards } else if (is_learning()) { // Init states if the card didn't contain customData if (is_empty()) { init_states(); } const good_interval = constrain_interval(customData.good.s); const easy_interval = Math.max(constrain_interval(customData.easy.s * easyBonus), good_interval + 1); if (states.good.normal?.review) { states.good.normal.review.scheduledDays = good_interval; } if (states.easy.normal?.review) { states.easy.normal.review.scheduledDays = easy_interval; } // For review cards } else if (is_review()) { // Convert the interval and factor to stability and difficulty if the card didn't contain customData if (is_empty()) { convert_states(); } const interval = states.current.normal?.review.elapsedDays ? states.current.normal.review.elapsedDays : states.current.filtered.rescheduling.originalState.review.elapsedDays; const last_d = customData.again.d; const last_s = customData.again.s; const retrievability = Math.exp(Math.log(0.9) * interval / last_s); const lapses = states.again.normal?.relearning.review.lapses ? states.again.normal.relearning.review.lapses : states.again.filtered.rescheduling.originalState.relearning.review.lapses; customData.again.d = next_difficulty(last_d, "again"); customData.again.s = next_forget_stability(customData.again.d, last_s, retrievability); customData.hard.d = next_difficulty(last_d, "hard"); customData.hard.s = next_recall_stability(customData.hard.d, last_s, retrievability); customData.good.d = next_difficulty(last_d, "good"); customData.good.s = next_recall_stability(customData.good.d, last_s, retrievability); customData.easy.d = next_difficulty(last_d, "easy"); customData.easy.s = next_recall_stability(customData.easy.d, last_s, retrievability); const hard_interval = constrain_interval(last_s * hardInterval); const good_interval = Math.max(constrain_interval(customData.good.s), hard_interval + 1); const easy_interval = Math.max(constrain_interval(customData.easy.s * easyBonus), good_interval + 1); if (states.hard.normal?.review) { states.hard.normal.review.scheduledDays = hard_interval; } if (states.good.normal?.review) { states.good.normal.review.scheduledDays = good_interval; } if (states.easy.normal?.review) { states.easy.normal.review.scheduledDays = easy_interval; } } function constrain_difficulty(difficulty) { return Math.min(Math.max(difficulty.toFixed(2), 1), 10); } function constrain_interval(interval) { return Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(interval * intervalModifier), 1), maximumInterval); } function next_difficulty(d, rating) { let next_d = d + f_d[2] * (ratings[rating] - 3); return constrain_difficulty(mean_reversion(f_d[0] * (- f_d[1] + 1), next_d)); } function mean_reversion(init, current) { return f_d[3] * init + (1 - f_d[3]) * current; } function next_recall_stability(d, s, r) { return +(s * (1 + Math.exp(s_w[0]) * Math.pow(d, s_w[1]) * Math.pow(s, s_w[2]) * (Math.exp((1 - r) * s_w[3]) - 1))).toFixed(2); } function next_forget_stability(d, s, r) { return +(s_w[4] * Math.pow(d, s_w[5]) * Math.pow(s, s_w[6]) * Math.exp((1 - r) * s_w[7])).toFixed(2); } function init_states() { customData.again.d = init_difficulty("again"); customData.again.s = init_stability("again"); customData.hard.d = init_difficulty("hard"); customData.hard.s = init_stability("hard"); customData.good.d = init_difficulty("good"); customData.good.s = init_stability("good"); customData.easy.d = init_difficulty("easy"); customData.easy.s = init_stability("easy"); } function init_difficulty(rating) { return +(f_d[0] * (f_d[1] * (ratings[rating] - 4) + 1)).toFixed(2); } function init_stability(rating) { return +(f_s[0] * (f_s[1] * (ratings[rating] - 1) + 1)).toFixed(2); } function convert_states() { const scheduledDays = states.current.normal ? states.current.normal.review.scheduledDays : states.current.filtered.rescheduling.originalState.review.scheduledDays; const easeFactor = states.current.normal ? states.current.normal.review.easeFactor : states.current.filtered.rescheduling.originalState.review.easeFactor; const old_s = +Math.max(scheduledDays / intervalModifier, 0.1).toFixed(2); const old_d = constrain_difficulty(Math.pow((easeFactor - 1) / (Math.exp(s_w[0]) * Math.pow(old_s, s_w[2]) * (Math.exp((1 - requestRetention) * s_w[3]) - 1)), 1 / s_w[1])); customData.again.d = old_d; customData.again.s = old_s; customData.hard.d = old_d; customData.hard.s = old_s; customData.good.d = old_d; customData.good.s = old_s; customData.easy.d = old_d; customData.easy.s = old_s; } function is_new() { if (states.current.normal?.new !== undefined) { if (states.current.normal?.new !== null) { return true; } } if (states.current.filtered?.rescheduling?.originalState !== undefined) { if (Object.hasOwn(states.current.filtered?.rescheduling?.originalState, 'new')) { return true; } } return false; } function is_learning() { if (states.current.normal?.learning !== undefined) { if (states.current.normal?.learning !== null) { return true; } } if (states.current.filtered?.rescheduling?.originalState !== undefined) { if (Object.hasOwn(states.current.filtered?.rescheduling?.originalState, 'learning')) { return true; } } if (states.current.normal?.relearning !== undefined) { if (states.current.normal?.relearning !== null) { return true; } } if (states.current.filtered?.rescheduling?.originalState !== undefined) { if (Object.hasOwn(states.current.filtered?.rescheduling?.originalState, 'relearning')) { return true; } } return false; } function is_review() { if (states.current.normal?.review !== undefined) { if (states.current.normal?.review !== null) { return true; } } if (states.current.filtered?.rescheduling?.originalState !== undefined) { if (Object.hasOwn(states.current.filtered?.rescheduling?.originalState, 'review')) { return true; } } return false; } function is_empty() { return !customData.again.d | !customData.again.s | !customData.hard.d | !customData.hard.s | !customData.good.d | !customData.good.s | !customData.easy.d | !customData.easy.s; }