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File metadata and controls

31 lines (22 loc) · 1.75 KB


Deferred Data API Contract

IO operations are in general not performed by the openPMD API immediately after calling the corresponding API function. Rather, operations are enqueued internally and performed at so-called flush points. A flush point is a point within an application's sequential control flow where the openPMD API must uphold the following guarantees:

  • In write mode, any change made to a user buffer whose data shall be stored in a dataset up to the flush point must be found in the written dataset.
  • In write mode, no change made to a user buffer whose data shall be stored in a dataset after the flush point must be found in the written dataset.
  • In read mode, a buffer into which data from a dataset should be filled, must not be altered by the openPMD API before the flush point.
  • In read mode, a buffer into which data from a dataset should be filled, must have been filled with the requested data after the flush point.

In short: operations requested by storeChunk() and loadChunk() must happen exactly at flush points.

Flush points are triggered by:

  • Calling Series::flush().
  • Calling Iteration::close( flush=true ). Flush point guarantees affect only the corresponding iteration.
  • Calling Writable::seriesFlush() or Attributable::seriesFlush().
  • The streaming API (i.e. Series.readIterations() and Series.writeIteration()) automatically before accessing the next iteration.

Attributes are (currently) unaffected by this:

  • In writing, attributes are stored internally by value and can afterwards not be accessed by the user.
  • In reading, attributes are parsed upon opening the Series / an iteration and are available to read right-away.