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File metadata and controls

160 lines (99 loc) · 4.21 KB



libmediacheck is a library for verifying SUSE installation media. It is used by checkmedia and linuxrc.

The library exports two groups of functions:

  1. functions for verifying SUSE media
  2. functions for digest calculations

The second group is there for convenience to be used by linuxrc.

API functions for media verification

Have a look at checkmedia.c for a simple usage example.

Create new mediacheck object

mediacheck_t *mediacheck_init(char *file_name, mediacheck_progress_t progress);

typedef int (* mediacheck_progress_t)(unsigned percent);
  • file_name is the name of the image file (or device) to check.

  • progress is a function that will be called at regular intervals to indicate the verification progress. The function will be typically called once for each additional percent progressed. The first call is guaranteed to be for 0 %, the last for 100 %.

progress may return 0 or 1. 1 indicates that the check should be aborted.

mediacheck_init always returns a non-NULL pointer. (mediacheck_t).err will be set if there has been a problem.

Look at mediacheck.h for the mediacheck_t definition.

Destroy mediacheck object

void mediacheck_done(mediacheck_t *media);

Free resources associated with media.

Set public gpg key for signature verification

void mediacheck_set_public_key(mediacheck_t *media, char *key_file);

If no key is set, all keys from /usr/lib/rpm/gnupg/keys are used.

Run the actual media check

void mediacheck_calculate_digest(mediacheck_t *media);

During the check the progress function that has been passed to mediacheck_init is called at regular intervals.

Look at media->err and other elements in media for the result (see checkmedia.c).

API functions for digest calculation

Have a look at digestdemo.c for a simple usage example.


  • mediacheck_digest_t is an opaque type; you cannot access any of its members directly.

  • It is always ok to pass NULL as digest argument to any of the functions below.

Create new digest object

mediacheck_digest_t *mediacheck_digest_init(char *digest_name, char *digest_value);
  • digest_name: digest name, e.g. "sha256"
  • digest_value: if given, the calculated value is compared against this value

This function returns NULL if there was a problem.

Only one of digest_name or digest_value need to be specified. If digest_name is missing it is inferred from the length of digest_value.

If both are given, digest_value must have the correct length.

Destroy digest object

void mediacheck_digest_done(mediacheck_digest_t *digest);

Free resources associated with digest.

Calculate digest

void mediacheck_digest_process(mediacheck_digest_t *digest, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned len);

To be called repeatedly to update the digest state.

Note: after looking at the calculated digest (e.g. via mediacheck_digest_hex or mediacheck_digest_ok) you cannot call mediacheck_digest_process on digest any longer.

Check if digest is valid

int mediacheck_digest_valid(mediacheck_digest_t *digest);

Return 1 if valid, 0 if not.

Check if calculated digest matches the expected value

int mediacheck_digest_ok(mediacheck_digest_t *digest);

Return 1 if it matches, 0 if not.

Note: this implicitly finishes the digest calulation (you can no longer call mediacheck_digest_process on digest).

Digest name

char *mediacheck_digest_name(mediacheck_digest_t *digest);

Never returns NULL but possibly "" (empty string) if there's no valid digest.

Digest as hex string

char *mediacheck_digest_hex(mediacheck_digest_t *digest);

Never returns NULL but possibly "" (empty string) if there's no valid digest.

Note: this implicitly finishes the digest calculation (you can no longer call mediacheck_digest_process on digest).

Reference digest (the expected value) as hex string

char *mediacheck_digest_hex_ref(mediacheck_digest_t *digest);

Never returns NULL but possibly "" (empty string) if there's no reference digest (last argument to mediacheck_digest_init).