1 00:01:50,920 --> 00:01:53,600 Ismene, listen. 2 00:01:54,700 --> 00:01:57,280 The same blood flows in both our veins, doesn't it, my sister? 3 00:01:58,380 --> 00:01:59,493 The blood of Oedipus. 4 00:02:00,629 --> 00:02:03,460 And suffering, which was his destiny, is our punishment too, 5 00:02:03,460 --> 00:02:05,629 the sentence passed on all his children. 6 00:02:06,260 --> 00:02:09,812 Physical pain, contempt, insults, every kind of dishonor. 7 00:02:09,845 --> 00:02:12,065 We've seen them all and endured them all, the two of us. 8 00:02:13,600 --> 00:02:14,600 But there's more to come. 9 00:02:16,259 --> 00:02:18,460 Now, today. 10 00:02:24,080 --> 00:02:25,092 Have you heard it? 11 00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:28,026 This new proclamation which the king has made to the whole city? 12 00:02:28,160 --> 00:02:30,593 Have you heard how those nearest to us are to be treated? 13 00:02:31,100 --> 00:02:33,926 With the contempt that we reserve for traitors? People we love! 14 00:02:33,960 --> 00:02:35,720 Nobody has told me anything, Antigone. 15 00:02:35,739 --> 00:02:38,006 I've heard nothing, neither good nor bad, about anyone we love. 16 00:02:38,740 --> 00:02:40,106 Not since the battle, I mean. 17 00:02:40,693 --> 00:02:42,700 The terrible news that both our brothers were dead. 18 00:02:43,493 --> 00:02:46,186 One day, one battle and fratricide twice over. 19 00:02:46,780 --> 00:02:48,613 Each brother cutting down his own flesh. 20 00:02:49,729 --> 00:02:52,582 But the army from Argos retreated last night, I have heard that. 21 00:02:52,607 --> 00:02:54,653 Nothing else to cheer me up or depress me further. 22 00:02:54,678 --> 00:02:55,664 I thought you hadn't. 23 00:02:56,020 --> 00:02:57,380 That's why I asked you to meet me here, 24 00:02:57,405 --> 00:02:59,846 where I can tell you everything without any risk of being overheard. 25 00:03:08,360 --> 00:03:09,193 What is it then? 26 00:03:10,120 --> 00:03:11,473 More terrible news? 27 00:03:12,360 --> 00:03:14,600 Something black and frightening, I can see that. 28 00:03:15,560 --> 00:03:16,793 Well, what do you think, Ismene? 29 00:03:18,309 --> 00:03:19,300 Perhaps you can guess. 30 00:03:21,480 --> 00:03:24,240 We have two brothers, both of them dead. 31 00:03:25,669 --> 00:03:28,600 And Creon has decreed that a decent burial shall be given to one, 32 00:03:30,053 --> 00:03:31,380 but not to the other. 33 00:03:33,239 --> 00:03:36,085 Eteocles apparently has already been buried with full military honors, 34 00:03:36,110 --> 00:03:37,755 not far short of a State funeral, 35 00:03:37,780 --> 00:03:40,700 with all the formalities due to the dead meticulously observed, 36 00:03:41,140 --> 00:03:44,080 so that his rest in the underworld amongst the heroes is assured. 37 00:03:45,380 --> 00:03:46,467 But Polynices... 38 00:03:47,724 --> 00:03:50,131 who died in agony just as certainly as his brother did, 39 00:03:50,380 --> 00:03:52,297 is not to be buried at all! 40 00:03:54,536 --> 00:03:55,825 The decree makes that quite plain. 41 00:03:56,820 --> 00:04:01,020 He is to be left, lying where he fell, with no tears or ceremonies of mourning, 42 00:04:01,020 --> 00:04:04,490 to stink in the open, till the kites and vultures catch the scent 43 00:04:04,515 --> 00:04:06,850 and tear him to pieces and pick him to the bone! 44 00:04:08,380 --> 00:04:11,708 Left unburied, there is no rest for him in the underworld, no more than here. 45 00:04:17,112 --> 00:04:20,035 What a great king our Creon is, eh, sister? 46 00:04:23,070 --> 00:04:26,020 It's against us, you realize, and against me in particular, 47 00:04:26,040 --> 00:04:27,320 that he has published this decree. 48 00:04:28,300 --> 00:04:30,100 And he'll soon be here himself to make it public 49 00:04:30,125 --> 00:04:31,900 to the senators and anyone who may not have heard it. 50 00:04:31,925 --> 00:04:34,486 He isn't bluffing. He means to act, to make it stick. 51 00:04:36,325 --> 00:04:38,780 The punishment for anyone who disobeys the order... 52 00:04:40,540 --> 00:04:42,311 is public stoning to death. 53 00:04:45,080 --> 00:04:46,080 So that's the news. 54 00:04:47,333 --> 00:04:48,346 And you know it now. 55 00:04:48,460 --> 00:04:51,313 The time has come for you too to stand up and be counted with me, 56 00:04:51,533 --> 00:04:54,493 to show whether you are worthy of the honor of being Oedipus' daughter. 57 00:04:54,518 --> 00:04:55,911 Wait a minute, Antigone. 58 00:04:56,500 --> 00:04:57,820 Don't be so headstrong. 59 00:04:58,706 --> 00:05:01,506 If all this is as you say it is, what can I do, one way or the other? 60 00:05:01,520 --> 00:05:02,599 Just say you'll help me. 61 00:05:03,640 --> 00:05:05,860 Commit yourself. -To do what? 62 00:05:06,540 --> 00:05:07,546 Something dangerous? 63 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:10,680 Just to give me a hand to lift the body. 64 00:05:12,180 --> 00:05:13,906 It's too heavy for me to move on my own. 65 00:05:14,300 --> 00:05:16,475 To bury him, you mean, in spite of the decree? 66 00:05:16,500 --> 00:05:17,513 He's my brother. 67 00:05:18,060 --> 00:05:19,595 And whatever you say, he's yours too. 68 00:05:19,620 --> 00:05:22,555 I won't betray him now that he's dead. No one will ever throw that in my face. 69 00:05:22,580 --> 00:05:23,873 You can't do it. 70 00:05:23,906 --> 00:05:25,420 Creon has publicly forbidden it. 71 00:05:25,420 --> 00:05:27,500 He cannot forbid me to love my brother. 72 00:05:27,500 --> 00:05:29,940 He has neither the right nor the power to do that. 73 00:05:29,940 --> 00:05:32,500 Have you forgotten what happened to our father? 74 00:05:33,429 --> 00:05:36,828 Contempt and loathing from everyone, even from himself, that was his reward. 75 00:05:37,300 --> 00:05:39,155 And blinded too, by his own hand. 76 00:05:39,840 --> 00:05:41,156 And his mother-wife, 77 00:05:41,215 --> 00:05:43,580 as ill-matched with him as those two words are with each other, 78 00:05:43,580 --> 00:05:45,478 she knotted a rope and hanged herself. 79 00:05:45,900 --> 00:05:49,270 And now our two brothers, both in one day, caught in the same trap, 80 00:05:49,557 --> 00:05:51,355 claiming blood for blood and death for death, 81 00:05:51,379 --> 00:05:52,930 each one at the expense of the other. 82 00:05:53,580 --> 00:05:55,644 We are the last ones left, sister. 83 00:05:56,321 --> 00:05:58,918 And what a death is promised for us, more terrible than any, 84 00:05:58,960 --> 00:06:01,680 if we break the law by defying the king and the power of the State. 85 00:06:03,119 --> 00:06:05,300 Think for a moment, Antigone, please! 86 00:06:05,325 --> 00:06:06,763 We're women, that's all. 87 00:06:07,470 --> 00:06:10,957 Physically weaker, and barred from any political influence. 88 00:06:11,270 --> 00:06:12,470 How can we fight against 89 00:06:12,480 --> 00:06:15,600 the institutionalized strength of the male sex? 90 00:06:16,136 --> 00:06:17,940 They are in power and we have to obey them, 91 00:06:17,965 --> 00:06:20,860 or worse tyrannies than these may be inflicted upon us. 92 00:06:22,134 --> 00:06:24,720 May God forgive me, and the spirits of the dead, 93 00:06:24,740 --> 00:06:26,393 we have no choice. 94 00:06:27,181 --> 00:06:30,366 State power commands, and we must do as we are told. 95 00:06:31,012 --> 00:06:31,985 When you are powerless, 96 00:06:32,023 --> 00:06:34,683 wild gestures and heroic refusals are reserved for madmen. 97 00:06:34,714 --> 00:06:35,700 Don't say any more. 98 00:06:37,700 --> 00:06:38,900 I won't ask again. 99 00:06:40,680 --> 00:06:43,120 In fact, if you were to offer help now, I would refuse it. 100 00:06:44,760 --> 00:06:45,773 Do as you please. 101 00:06:46,960 --> 00:06:48,940 I intend to bury my brother. 102 00:06:50,046 --> 00:06:51,199 And if I die in the attempt, 103 00:06:51,230 --> 00:06:53,700 I shall die in the knowledge that I have acted justly, 104 00:06:53,725 --> 00:06:55,434 and that will be a kind of happiness. 105 00:06:56,680 --> 00:06:58,478 I shall lie peacefully beside my brother, 106 00:06:58,520 --> 00:07:01,000 whom I loved in my actions as well as in words. 107 00:07:02,320 --> 00:07:03,723 Our lives are short. 108 00:07:04,487 --> 00:07:07,670 We have too little time to waste it on men and the laws they make. 109 00:07:07,870 --> 00:07:10,020 The approval of the dead is everlasting. 110 00:07:11,520 --> 00:07:13,648 And I shall bask in it as I lie among them. 111 00:07:15,320 --> 00:07:16,404 Do as you please. 112 00:07:16,780 --> 00:07:18,420 Live, by all means. 113 00:07:18,440 --> 00:07:20,524 The laws you will break are not of man's making. 114 00:07:20,560 --> 00:07:22,017 I reverence them. 115 00:07:22,860 --> 00:07:25,140 But how can I defy the unlimited power of the State? 116 00:07:25,140 --> 00:07:26,740 What weapons of mine are strong enough for that? 117 00:07:26,765 --> 00:07:28,900 Fine. That's a good excuse. 118 00:07:29,778 --> 00:07:31,906 I'll go and shovel the earth on my brother's body. 119 00:07:32,770 --> 00:07:35,060 I'm frightened, Antigone. I'm frightened for you. 120 00:07:35,085 --> 00:07:36,586 Don't be frightened for me. Fear for yourself! 121 00:07:36,600 --> 00:07:38,272 For God's sake, keep it quiet. 122 00:07:38,484 --> 00:07:40,449 Don't tell anyone. I'll keep our meeting secret. 123 00:07:40,474 --> 00:07:41,493 Don't you dare! 124 00:07:42,060 --> 00:07:44,226 You must tell everyone. Shout it in the streets. 125 00:07:44,860 --> 00:07:46,760 If you keep it quiet, I shall begin to hate you. 126 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:50,310 There's a fire burning in you, Antigone, but it makes me go cold just to hear you. 127 00:07:50,335 --> 00:07:51,635 Well, I'm not doing it to please you. 128 00:07:51,660 --> 00:07:53,395 You won't do it at all. You're bound to fail! 129 00:07:53,420 --> 00:07:55,626 I shall fail when I have failed and not before. 130 00:07:55,651 --> 00:07:57,045 But you know it's hopeless. 131 00:07:57,070 --> 00:07:59,112 Why begin when you know there's no way you can succeed? 132 00:07:59,137 --> 00:08:00,150 Be quiet! 133 00:08:00,548 --> 00:08:03,177 Before I begin to despise you for talking so feebly! 134 00:08:04,529 --> 00:08:07,237 He will despise you too, and justly. 135 00:08:09,040 --> 00:08:10,040 You can go now. 136 00:08:10,937 --> 00:08:11,937 Go! 137 00:08:13,800 --> 00:08:15,903 If I'm mad, you can leave me here with my madness, 138 00:08:15,928 --> 00:08:17,911 which will doubtless destroy me soon enough. 139 00:08:19,739 --> 00:08:21,920 Death is the worst thing that can happen. 140 00:08:23,480 --> 00:08:25,880 And some deaths are more honorable than others. 141 00:08:27,240 --> 00:08:31,040 If you've made your mind up... Antigone, it's madness... 142 00:08:34,760 --> 00:08:36,106 Remember, I love you, 143 00:08:37,807 --> 00:08:38,913 whatever happens. 144 00:09:23,500 --> 00:09:27,442 The life-giving sun has never shone more brightly 145 00:09:27,467 --> 00:09:31,253 on the seven gates of Thebes than he shines this morning. 146 00:09:31,620 --> 00:09:34,155 Never a more glorious dawning 147 00:09:34,180 --> 00:09:36,791 than this sunrise over Dirce's river, 148 00:09:37,070 --> 00:09:40,468 when the army of the foreign invader, at first light, 149 00:09:40,656 --> 00:09:42,437 made its panic-stricken flight, 150 00:09:42,820 --> 00:09:47,360 and all its white shields and its bright weapons were gone. 151 00:09:47,880 --> 00:09:50,600 Like a snowy eagle from the mountain crest it came, 152 00:09:50,800 --> 00:09:52,856 shrieking down on our city. 153 00:09:52,881 --> 00:09:55,340 The army of Argos with a spurious treaty 154 00:09:55,365 --> 00:09:57,566 to enforce Polynices' claim. 155 00:09:57,940 --> 00:10:01,093 All its horsehair plumes nodding together, 156 00:10:01,420 --> 00:10:04,940 and a grinding of brass, and a creaking of leather. 157 00:10:09,720 --> 00:10:13,200 By our seven shuttered gates, it waited. 158 00:10:13,300 --> 00:10:14,909 Eyes glittering in dark helmets. 159 00:10:14,937 --> 00:10:17,086 Swords drawn, spears couching. 160 00:10:17,120 --> 00:10:21,024 But before the killing and burning... -The metallic taste of blood... 161 00:10:21,049 --> 00:10:24,275 And crashing stonework and blazing wood... 162 00:10:24,300 --> 00:10:25,866 They turned and fled. 163 00:10:26,100 --> 00:10:28,479 The music of death in their ears. 164 00:10:28,520 --> 00:10:30,760 At their backs, the dragon's breath. 165 00:10:31,240 --> 00:10:33,195 Zeus had seen them. 166 00:10:33,220 --> 00:10:35,714 He who hates inflated pride, 167 00:10:35,739 --> 00:10:37,833 and the empty boast of the windbag. 168 00:10:38,140 --> 00:10:40,100 He heard their singing, 169 00:10:40,100 --> 00:10:42,866 as if the victory were theirs for the taking. 170 00:10:42,891 --> 00:10:46,355 And he brought down his thunder on their glittering host. 171 00:10:46,380 --> 00:10:48,955 Struck them with lightning, and sent them flying. 172 00:10:48,980 --> 00:10:53,140 Scorched them, and burned them, and left them dying. 173 00:10:55,240 --> 00:10:58,253 Down like a rock from the mountain crest he came, 174 00:10:58,420 --> 00:11:02,095 thundering to earth, the flame dashed from his hand. 175 00:11:02,120 --> 00:11:04,720 The son of Thebes, whose best hope of fame 176 00:11:04,818 --> 00:11:09,059 was to conquer his native land, and who failed in his quest. 177 00:11:09,140 --> 00:11:11,897 For the war god gave us his word of command. 178 00:11:12,180 --> 00:11:15,095 Like a battle chariot, his terrible name 179 00:11:15,220 --> 00:11:17,014 ran them down where they stood, 180 00:11:17,360 --> 00:11:20,080 and they died in the dust. 181 00:11:22,120 --> 00:11:25,360 Now at each of our seven gates, a Theban defender waits, 182 00:11:25,473 --> 00:11:28,780 as seven champions bring their fame and armor to the fight. 183 00:11:28,805 --> 00:11:30,420 And before the coming of night, 184 00:11:30,480 --> 00:11:32,160 six have put their fame to the test. 185 00:11:32,180 --> 00:11:35,060 Six have laid both fame and armor to rest 186 00:11:35,080 --> 00:11:37,060 as a tribute at great Zeus' feet. 187 00:11:38,520 --> 00:11:42,013 At the seventh gate, two brothers meet, 188 00:11:42,360 --> 00:11:45,786 sharing their blood in death as in birth. 189 00:11:46,380 --> 00:11:48,980 Each striking together. 190 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:53,600 Each laying the other dead on the earth. 191 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:18,080 There will be victory celebrations today 192 00:12:18,240 --> 00:12:22,705 in this city of charioteers, and singing in the streets. 193 00:12:22,980 --> 00:12:25,392 There will be ceremonies of thanksgiving 194 00:12:25,660 --> 00:12:30,055 and grateful tears for the end of the fighting, as the enemy retreats, 195 00:12:30,320 --> 00:12:33,880 and the time comes for relaxation and play. 196 00:12:33,940 --> 00:12:37,755 Now as all voices are raised and the drum beats... 197 00:12:37,780 --> 00:12:40,912 The ecstatic god himself will appear. 198 00:12:40,940 --> 00:12:43,357 Bacchus, the drunkard! 199 00:12:43,580 --> 00:12:47,891 To take power for one day in this city he calls his own. 200 00:12:48,440 --> 00:12:53,146 Time to dance all night, to shake the foundations. 201 00:12:53,160 --> 00:12:56,395 Till the faint light of dawn flushes the windows, 202 00:12:56,640 --> 00:12:58,240 and the lamps fade. 203 00:13:15,040 --> 00:13:18,069 Now, Creon is king. 204 00:13:18,960 --> 00:13:21,131 He made the most of his fortune, 205 00:13:21,620 --> 00:13:25,264 and the gods' choice, the son of Menoeceus. 206 00:13:25,640 --> 00:13:27,560 As the people rejoice, 207 00:13:27,920 --> 00:13:31,374 the new king enters to take his throne. 208 00:13:31,680 --> 00:13:35,520 The responsibility his alone. 209 00:13:52,094 --> 00:13:53,495 But why has he called us here, 210 00:13:53,518 --> 00:13:55,415 to debate, in emergency session... 211 00:13:55,438 --> 00:13:58,654 His new proclamation, so vital to the State? 212 00:14:09,814 --> 00:14:10,895 Senators: 213 00:14:11,894 --> 00:14:15,694 Our country, like a ship at sea, has survived the hurricane. 214 00:14:16,960 --> 00:14:19,105 The gods who sent it have navigated us 215 00:14:19,130 --> 00:14:21,140 into calmer waters now. 216 00:14:23,660 --> 00:14:27,620 I have chosen to summon this assembly because I know I can trust you. 217 00:14:28,920 --> 00:14:32,640 Your predecessors were loyal and reliable in King Laius' time, 218 00:14:33,360 --> 00:14:35,843 and when King Oedipus, in his exceptional wisdom, 219 00:14:35,880 --> 00:14:38,400 restored the fortunes of this city, 220 00:14:39,000 --> 00:14:42,136 when tragedy struck him and his rule was ended, 221 00:14:42,160 --> 00:14:44,584 your loyalty to the blood royal was never questioned, 222 00:14:45,100 --> 00:14:47,340 and you supported his sons till they too 223 00:14:47,340 --> 00:14:50,495 were brought down in a single day, incestuously murdered, 224 00:14:50,518 --> 00:14:52,780 each brother shedding a brother's blood. 225 00:14:54,680 --> 00:14:58,740 By that same blood right, as next of kin, 226 00:14:59,747 --> 00:15:01,747 I claim the throne as my inheritance, 227 00:15:01,760 --> 00:15:03,713 both the city and the kingdom. 228 00:15:03,820 --> 00:15:08,500 I claim it, and I hold it from today 229 00:15:08,660 --> 00:15:10,380 as mine by right. 230 00:15:13,280 --> 00:15:15,266 There is no certain measure of a man's quality, 231 00:15:15,280 --> 00:15:17,895 the depth of his intellect or the maturity of his judgment, 232 00:15:18,480 --> 00:15:20,360 until he is put to the supreme test 233 00:15:20,393 --> 00:15:23,478 by the exercise of absolute power in the State. 234 00:15:24,460 --> 00:15:26,177 My own opinion is well known: 235 00:15:26,961 --> 00:15:28,935 The ruler who fears the consequences of his actions, 236 00:15:28,960 --> 00:15:30,520 or who is afraid to act openly 237 00:15:30,558 --> 00:15:34,020 or take the good advice of his senators, is beneath contempt. 238 00:15:34,610 --> 00:15:36,755 Equally contemptible is the man who puts the interests 239 00:15:36,760 --> 00:15:39,631 of his friends or his relations before his country. 240 00:15:39,732 --> 00:15:41,675 There is nothing good can be said of him. 241 00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:45,340 Let me make it plain before the gods, 242 00:15:45,460 --> 00:15:47,908 whose eyes are in every council chamber: 243 00:15:48,260 --> 00:15:49,940 When I see any threat to this nation, 244 00:15:50,000 --> 00:15:52,633 from whatever direction, I shall make it public. 245 00:15:52,957 --> 00:15:56,039 No one who is an enemy of the State shall ever be any friend of mine. 246 00:15:56,300 --> 00:16:01,450 The State, the Fatherland, is everything to us. 247 00:16:02,040 --> 00:16:04,729 The ship we all sail in, if she sinks, we all drown, 248 00:16:04,760 --> 00:16:06,704 and friendship drowns with us. 249 00:16:07,300 --> 00:16:11,900 That's my policy, a policy of service to the Commonwealth. 250 00:16:13,840 --> 00:16:16,000 And in pursuance of that policy, 251 00:16:16,800 --> 00:16:21,180 I have issued an official State decree concerning the sons of Oedipus. 252 00:16:22,820 --> 00:16:26,075 Eteocles, who died fighting for his country, 253 00:16:26,100 --> 00:16:28,035 and with exceptional bravery, 254 00:16:28,699 --> 00:16:31,860 we shall bury him with all the honors and funeral ceremonies customary 255 00:16:31,880 --> 00:16:33,700 for a man who died a hero. 256 00:16:35,400 --> 00:16:39,454 The other, the outcast, the exile, 257 00:16:40,100 --> 00:16:42,294 his brother, Polynices, 258 00:16:42,830 --> 00:16:46,390 who returned here at the head of a foreign army to destroy his homeland, 259 00:16:46,420 --> 00:16:50,095 burn down this city and reduce the people to a condition of slavery 260 00:16:50,118 --> 00:16:51,398 or kill them in the streets... 261 00:16:53,100 --> 00:16:55,740 I have ordered that he is to have no grave at all. 262 00:16:56,724 --> 00:16:59,540 No one is to bury him or mourn for him! 263 00:16:59,740 --> 00:17:02,705 His body is to be left in the open, uncovered, 264 00:17:02,760 --> 00:17:05,960 a stinking feast for the scavengers, dogs and crows, 265 00:17:05,998 --> 00:17:07,894 a sight to inspire terror. 266 00:17:09,240 --> 00:17:11,185 I intend to make it quite plain 267 00:17:11,682 --> 00:17:14,740 that never, under my administration, 268 00:17:15,622 --> 00:17:17,734 will people who commit crimes against the State 269 00:17:17,794 --> 00:17:19,900 reap any benefits from their actions. 270 00:17:20,902 --> 00:17:23,780 And at the expense of honest, decent citizens, too. 271 00:17:25,591 --> 00:17:27,350 The people who serve the State, 272 00:17:27,628 --> 00:17:30,031 alive or dead, that makes no difference. 273 00:17:30,984 --> 00:17:34,780 I shall honor them, and reward them, too. 274 00:17:35,859 --> 00:17:38,874 Son of Menoeceus, you are king now. 275 00:17:38,900 --> 00:17:40,988 You have delivered your verdict and sentence 276 00:17:41,025 --> 00:17:43,114 upon the man who defended the city, 277 00:17:43,840 --> 00:17:47,560 and the man who attacked it, unambiguously. 278 00:17:47,581 --> 00:17:49,688 Your least word has the force of law, 279 00:17:49,720 --> 00:17:52,050 and it binds the dead as well as the living. 280 00:17:52,080 --> 00:17:55,120 We are all at your disposal. 281 00:17:55,300 --> 00:17:57,260 Make sure, then, that my orders are carried out. 282 00:17:58,127 --> 00:18:01,500 Younger men than us should implement your policies. 283 00:18:01,520 --> 00:18:03,020 I don't mean that. 284 00:18:03,240 --> 00:18:05,140 Polynices' body is already under guard. 285 00:18:05,240 --> 00:18:07,500 What else must we do? 286 00:18:07,560 --> 00:18:10,140 What other responsibility do you lay upon us? 287 00:18:10,300 --> 00:18:13,860 Not to intrigue with dissidents, or subversive elements. 288 00:18:14,980 --> 00:18:16,582 We are not mad, sir. 289 00:18:16,620 --> 00:18:19,271 We know the law and the penalty for breaking it. 290 00:18:19,319 --> 00:18:20,393 Which will be death. 291 00:18:21,037 --> 00:18:22,842 And be in no doubt, I shall enforce it. 292 00:18:23,660 --> 00:18:25,860 Because there are always men who can be bought, 293 00:18:26,060 --> 00:18:30,180 who will risk anything, even death, if the bribe is large enough. 294 00:18:32,080 --> 00:18:33,120 My Lord Creon! 295 00:18:35,680 --> 00:18:37,420 I can hardly speak for lack of breath. 296 00:18:37,740 --> 00:18:38,980 Not 'cause I ran. 297 00:18:39,060 --> 00:18:40,940 I kept on stopping, as a matter of fact, 298 00:18:40,980 --> 00:18:42,220 half a dozen times. 299 00:18:42,340 --> 00:18:44,220 And I hung about as much as I dared. 300 00:18:44,780 --> 00:18:47,276 I haven't thought about anything so much for a long time. 301 00:18:47,700 --> 00:18:50,180 "Listen, don't hurry," I said to myself. 302 00:18:50,380 --> 00:18:53,420 "Chances are, dimwit, you're hurrying to the firing squad." 303 00:18:53,900 --> 00:18:56,780 But then I said to myself, you see, "hang about," I said. 304 00:18:56,820 --> 00:18:57,900 "Or rather, don't! 305 00:18:57,900 --> 00:19:01,020 "Because if Creon hears this from somebody else, you're really in trouble." 306 00:19:01,420 --> 00:19:04,260 So I hurried here as slow as I could, if you see what I mean. 307 00:19:06,100 --> 00:19:09,220 It's funny how long a mile can take you when you're thinking what I was thinking. 308 00:19:10,340 --> 00:19:12,820 However, duty called in the end, 309 00:19:12,980 --> 00:19:15,580 and I reckoned it would be safer to face it out. 310 00:19:16,100 --> 00:19:19,580 It may be unimportant, but I've come here, so now I'll tell you. 311 00:19:20,340 --> 00:19:23,060 If I'm punished for it, the gods will be behind it, that's for sure. 312 00:19:23,320 --> 00:19:26,780 So I wouldn't have escaped it anyway. -Talk sense, man. Why are you frightened? 313 00:19:27,620 --> 00:19:31,735 Well, first of all, sir, for myself, like, my own point of view, 314 00:19:32,334 --> 00:19:34,940 I never done it! And I didn't see who else done it, neither, 315 00:19:34,964 --> 00:19:36,534 so I shouldn't be punished for it, should I? 316 00:19:36,560 --> 00:19:38,460 Is there any need for all this preamble? 317 00:19:38,900 --> 00:19:42,820 You take great care to dissociate yourself from what you say, it must be bad news. 318 00:19:43,220 --> 00:19:45,220 It is bad news, sir, I'm afraid. 319 00:19:45,540 --> 00:19:46,818 I don't know how to put it for the best. 320 00:19:46,840 --> 00:19:49,380 The plainest way, and then we can have done with you. 321 00:19:50,300 --> 00:19:51,981 Straight out with it, then. 322 00:19:52,960 --> 00:19:53,960 The... 323 00:19:54,900 --> 00:19:56,140 The body's buried! 324 00:19:56,580 --> 00:19:59,523 Someone or other, a handful of dust, that's all, dry dust, 325 00:19:59,560 --> 00:20:01,568 but properly sprinkled, you know, religiously, 326 00:20:01,597 --> 00:20:03,540 and then gone, whoever it was! 327 00:20:04,220 --> 00:20:05,700 Do you know what you're saying? 328 00:20:06,980 --> 00:20:09,100 Who has dared to disobey my orders? 329 00:20:09,300 --> 00:20:11,420 No way of knowing, sir, we've no idea. 330 00:20:11,500 --> 00:20:15,020 There'd been no digging, no spade marks or nothing, the ground's rock hard. 331 00:20:15,380 --> 00:20:18,716 There were no wheel tracks either from a chariot or cart or anything. 332 00:20:18,740 --> 00:20:21,479 In fact, no clues of any kind at all. 333 00:20:21,520 --> 00:20:24,640 Nothing, nothing to tell you who might have done it. 334 00:20:24,960 --> 00:20:26,619 Well, when the sentry taking the early turn 335 00:20:26,646 --> 00:20:28,476 discovered what had happened and reported back, 336 00:20:28,501 --> 00:20:30,676 we were all shattered and scared stiff. 337 00:20:31,209 --> 00:20:34,624 It was as though the body had... disappeared... 338 00:20:35,080 --> 00:20:37,220 Well, not buried in a proper grave, I don't mean, 339 00:20:37,260 --> 00:20:39,180 but lightly covered with a layer of earth. 340 00:20:39,820 --> 00:20:43,898 Well, almost as though some passing stranger, with a religious turn of mind, 341 00:20:43,920 --> 00:20:45,097 knowing that being left unburied 342 00:20:45,134 --> 00:20:47,409 means everlasting anguish and wandering without rest, 343 00:20:47,434 --> 00:20:49,617 had scattered a few handfuls. 344 00:20:50,364 --> 00:20:52,300 There was no track of animals either, 345 00:20:52,340 --> 00:20:54,460 not from dogs or anything who might have gnawed at it 346 00:20:54,500 --> 00:20:56,897 and covered it over with their hind legs like they do a bone. 347 00:20:58,147 --> 00:21:00,475 A real row started then, I can tell you. 348 00:21:00,500 --> 00:21:02,801 We all shouted at each other, and it could have been a fight, 349 00:21:02,845 --> 00:21:04,519 there was no one there to stop us. 350 00:21:04,778 --> 00:21:06,429 Well, any one of us could have done it. 351 00:21:06,733 --> 00:21:09,607 We all suspected each other, but we all denied it. 352 00:21:09,933 --> 00:21:13,540 And there was no evidence to prove one man guilty rather than another. 353 00:21:14,560 --> 00:21:19,080 So then we all dared each other to swear to go through fire and water, 354 00:21:19,100 --> 00:21:21,068 to hold red-hot pokers in our hands 355 00:21:21,080 --> 00:21:23,860 and call all the gods as witnesses that we hadn't done it, 356 00:21:23,900 --> 00:21:25,018 and didn't know anyone who had 357 00:21:25,043 --> 00:21:27,380 or would even think of it, let alone do it. 358 00:21:27,580 --> 00:21:29,916 And none of any of it got us nowhere. 359 00:21:30,920 --> 00:21:32,960 But then one of the fellas had his say, 360 00:21:33,440 --> 00:21:35,522 and he scared us all shitless, I can tell you. 361 00:21:35,848 --> 00:21:37,914 He said, and we knew he was dead right, 362 00:21:37,939 --> 00:21:40,633 there was no way out of it, we had to do it and take our chances. 363 00:21:40,870 --> 00:21:44,340 This fella said: "One of us lot must tell the king, 364 00:21:44,404 --> 00:21:46,461 "because we can't just hide it, can we?" 365 00:21:46,587 --> 00:21:48,965 That's what he said. And we knew he was right. 366 00:21:49,868 --> 00:21:52,133 So we decided we'd have to draw lots. 367 00:21:52,950 --> 00:21:55,900 Just my luck, I drew the short straw. 368 00:21:57,120 --> 00:21:58,120 So... 369 00:21:59,080 --> 00:22:00,080 here I am. 370 00:22:01,080 --> 00:22:04,395 And I don't like telling it, not one little bit more than you like hearing it. 371 00:22:04,580 --> 00:22:06,980 The bloke who brings bad news never gets a medal. 372 00:22:08,920 --> 00:22:12,700 My Lord Creon, this policy of yours has worried me from the start. 373 00:22:12,740 --> 00:22:16,415 My political instinct tells me this may be some sort of warning or sign, 374 00:22:16,438 --> 00:22:19,340 and perhaps from the gods. -How dare you? 375 00:22:20,198 --> 00:22:23,160 Shut your mouths, both of you, before I lose my temper. 376 00:22:23,200 --> 00:22:27,340 And you, if you are a superannuated fool, at least don't talk like one. 377 00:22:28,600 --> 00:22:31,660 Is it likely, remotely likely, 378 00:22:31,700 --> 00:22:34,860 that the gods would think twice over that pile of stinking meat? 379 00:22:35,781 --> 00:22:37,255 By God, it's blasphemy, 380 00:22:37,451 --> 00:22:40,254 even to suggest that they would care a damn whether he was buried or not! 381 00:22:40,860 --> 00:22:43,180 Let alone grant him an honorable funeral 382 00:22:43,220 --> 00:22:45,700 as though he were one of their principal supporters, what? 383 00:22:46,420 --> 00:22:48,100 The man who came to burn down their temples, 384 00:22:48,125 --> 00:22:50,468 plunder their treasuries, pull down their statues 385 00:22:50,480 --> 00:22:52,240 and make a mockery of all their laws, 386 00:22:52,260 --> 00:22:54,660 do the gods love criminals these days? 387 00:22:55,463 --> 00:22:56,540 No, they do not. 388 00:22:57,734 --> 00:23:01,854 But, gentlemen, there are men in this city, and I've noted them, 389 00:23:02,334 --> 00:23:04,855 a subversive faction, enemies of the State, 390 00:23:04,878 --> 00:23:07,820 a cell of oppositionists, call them what you will, 391 00:23:07,940 --> 00:23:10,819 who reject the laws and my leadership. 392 00:23:10,960 --> 00:23:13,120 They meet in secret, and nod and whisper 393 00:23:13,140 --> 00:23:16,780 and talk of the great day, seditious men they are. 394 00:23:17,769 --> 00:23:21,500 And they are behind this, any fool can see that. 395 00:23:22,600 --> 00:23:25,791 Their bribery has suborned my soldiers, 396 00:23:26,485 --> 00:23:29,620 and paid for this demonstration against my authority. 397 00:23:31,560 --> 00:23:34,376 Money, gentlemen, money. 398 00:23:34,980 --> 00:23:37,980 The virus that infects mankind with every sickness we have a name for, 399 00:23:37,980 --> 00:23:39,460 no greater scourge than that. 400 00:23:40,360 --> 00:23:44,380 Money it is that pounds great cities into piles of rubble, 401 00:23:44,540 --> 00:23:47,780 turns people by the millions into homeless refugees, 402 00:23:48,021 --> 00:23:51,195 takes honest citizens, and corrupts them into doing things 403 00:23:51,220 --> 00:23:53,692 they'd be ashamed to think of before the fee was mentioned, 404 00:23:53,720 --> 00:23:57,543 and in the end, brings them into the execution chamber. 405 00:23:58,640 --> 00:24:02,402 Well, whoever they are, these men who have sold themselves, 406 00:24:02,665 --> 00:24:05,660 they'll find the price considerably higher than they thought it was. 407 00:24:07,620 --> 00:24:08,620 You, come here. 408 00:24:09,640 --> 00:24:10,640 Come here! 409 00:24:12,960 --> 00:24:16,900 By Zeus, whom I regard as my personal patron, 410 00:24:17,220 --> 00:24:18,900 and by all the gods men worship anywhere, 411 00:24:18,925 --> 00:24:21,151 I swear to you, soldier, that either you will find the man 412 00:24:21,181 --> 00:24:23,018 who buried Polynices' body, 413 00:24:23,100 --> 00:24:25,150 in defiance of my express command, 414 00:24:25,500 --> 00:24:27,220 and bring him here to me, 415 00:24:27,255 --> 00:24:29,661 the actual man who sprinkled the earth, 416 00:24:29,680 --> 00:24:32,518 no other will do, standing here in front of me, hmm? 417 00:24:33,224 --> 00:24:35,260 Or you, soldier, will die for it. 418 00:24:35,853 --> 00:24:38,499 Death, I promise you, will be the least of your punishments. 419 00:24:39,803 --> 00:24:41,759 You will be made a public example, 420 00:24:42,055 --> 00:24:44,366 and interrogated by the security police, 421 00:24:44,988 --> 00:24:47,384 kept standing, beaten across the feet, 422 00:24:47,429 --> 00:24:51,780 the whole repertoire of special techniques at which we excel so much... 423 00:24:52,703 --> 00:24:55,325 until you confess the full range of this conspiracy. 424 00:24:55,843 --> 00:24:59,324 Who paid you, how much, and for what purpose. 425 00:25:01,400 --> 00:25:02,680 The choice is yours. 426 00:25:03,844 --> 00:25:06,660 Perhaps that indicates where your own best interests lie. 427 00:25:08,025 --> 00:25:10,460 Crimes against the State and its laws, you'll find, 428 00:25:10,500 --> 00:25:12,675 are very unprofitable in the end. 429 00:25:14,864 --> 00:25:17,090 Am I allowed to speak, sir? -No! Why should you speak? 430 00:25:17,120 --> 00:25:18,960 Every word you say is painful to me. 431 00:25:18,980 --> 00:25:20,875 Well, it can't be earache, can it, sir? 432 00:25:20,900 --> 00:25:22,166 Not what I said. 433 00:25:22,200 --> 00:25:23,760 It must stick in your gullet, 434 00:25:23,780 --> 00:25:26,740 or further down, maybe, a sort of pain in the conscience. 435 00:25:26,760 --> 00:25:30,035 Do you dare to answer me back and make jokes about my conscience? 436 00:25:30,060 --> 00:25:30,995 Me, sir? No, sir. 437 00:25:31,020 --> 00:25:32,820 I might give you earache, I can see that. 438 00:25:32,860 --> 00:25:34,820 I talk too much, always have done. 439 00:25:34,900 --> 00:25:37,795 But the other pain, the heartburn, as it were, 440 00:25:37,820 --> 00:25:39,889 it's the criminal causing that, sir, not me! 441 00:25:39,920 --> 00:25:42,000 Not short of a quick answer, either. 442 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:45,022 No, sir. But I didn't bury the body. 443 00:25:45,080 --> 00:25:46,200 Not guilty to that, sir. 444 00:25:46,240 --> 00:25:48,620 You may be guilty of selling your eyes for money, 445 00:25:48,660 --> 00:25:51,399 eh, sentry, looking the other way for cash? 446 00:25:51,440 --> 00:25:55,340 Well, you're an intelligent man, sir, and well-educated, and I'm not. 447 00:25:55,580 --> 00:25:59,220 But in this case, I'm thinking clearly, and you're mistaken. 448 00:25:59,260 --> 00:26:00,860 You can think what you like. 449 00:26:01,460 --> 00:26:03,451 Whatever you think... 450 00:26:03,480 --> 00:26:06,840 If you fail to find this enemy of the State and bring him here to me, 451 00:26:06,860 --> 00:26:09,820 you'll find that money, from whatever source, 452 00:26:10,560 --> 00:26:12,400 will certainly not save your life. 453 00:26:19,414 --> 00:26:22,420 Well, let's hope they find him, then, whoever he is! 454 00:26:30,160 --> 00:26:33,500 But ne thing I'm sure of, they won't find me. 455 00:26:33,700 --> 00:26:36,020 I never thought I'd get out of here alive. 456 00:26:36,380 --> 00:26:39,300 But when I do get out, nothing will bring me back again. 457 00:26:40,960 --> 00:26:42,740 I've had an amazing stroke of luck, 458 00:26:42,760 --> 00:26:44,800 and I won't chance my arm a second time. 459 00:26:52,494 --> 00:26:55,660 Is there anything more wonderful on Earth, 460 00:26:55,700 --> 00:26:57,700 our marvelous planet, 461 00:26:57,860 --> 00:27:00,020 than the miracle of man? 462 00:27:00,200 --> 00:27:03,500 With what arrogant ease he rides the dangerous seas, 463 00:27:03,660 --> 00:27:05,820 from the waves' towering summit 464 00:27:05,900 --> 00:27:07,980 to the yawning trough beneath. 465 00:27:08,020 --> 00:27:11,260 The Earth Mother herself, before time began, 466 00:27:11,300 --> 00:27:13,460 the oldest of the ageless gods, 467 00:27:13,500 --> 00:27:15,700 learned to endure his driving plow, 468 00:27:15,740 --> 00:27:18,300 turning the Earth and breaking the clods... 469 00:27:18,340 --> 00:27:20,860 Till, by the sweat of his brow, 470 00:27:20,900 --> 00:27:23,420 she yielded up her fruitfulness. 471 00:27:24,120 --> 00:27:26,660 The quick-witted birds are no match for him, 472 00:27:26,780 --> 00:27:29,740 neither victim nor predator among the beasts of the plain, 473 00:27:30,200 --> 00:27:32,620 nor the sea's seething masses. 474 00:27:32,660 --> 00:27:34,780 His cunning surpasses their instinct. 475 00:27:34,820 --> 00:27:36,420 His skill is the greater. 476 00:27:36,500 --> 00:27:39,273 His snares never fail, and his nets teem. 477 00:27:39,320 --> 00:27:41,340 The wild bull of the savage mountain, 478 00:27:41,380 --> 00:27:45,500 and the magnificent stag who passes like a king through upland and glen... 479 00:27:45,563 --> 00:27:48,940 The untamed horse with his matted tresses uncut on his neck. 480 00:27:49,020 --> 00:27:51,180 All submit to man. 481 00:27:51,220 --> 00:27:56,100 And the yoke, and the bit - and his power increases. 482 00:27:56,900 --> 00:27:59,129 He has mastered the mysteries of language... 483 00:27:59,200 --> 00:28:00,155 And thought, 484 00:28:00,180 --> 00:28:03,380 which moves faster than the wind, he has tamed and made rational. 485 00:28:03,420 --> 00:28:07,100 Political wisdom, too, all the knowledge of peoples and States. 486 00:28:07,140 --> 00:28:11,420 All the practical art of government he has studied and refined. 487 00:28:11,460 --> 00:28:15,140 Built cities to shelter his head against rain and danger and cold. 488 00:28:15,180 --> 00:28:17,820 And ordered all things in his mind. 489 00:28:17,860 --> 00:28:20,380 There is no problem he cannot resolve 490 00:28:20,420 --> 00:28:23,260 by the exercise of his brains or his breath. 491 00:28:23,300 --> 00:28:27,660 And the only disease he cannot salve or cure is death. 492 00:28:31,534 --> 00:28:35,180 In action, he is subtle beyond imagination, 493 00:28:35,380 --> 00:28:37,180 limitless in his skill. 494 00:28:37,420 --> 00:28:41,620 And these gifts are both enemies and friends, 495 00:28:41,700 --> 00:28:44,740 as he applies them with equal determination 496 00:28:44,940 --> 00:28:47,900 to good or to evil ends. 497 00:28:47,980 --> 00:28:53,180 All men honor, and the State uplifts that man to the heights of glory, 498 00:28:53,340 --> 00:28:56,020 whose powers uphold the constitution, 499 00:28:56,140 --> 00:28:58,780 and the gods, and their laws. 500 00:28:59,020 --> 00:29:01,140 His city prospers. 501 00:29:01,200 --> 00:29:06,180 But if he shifts his ground and takes the wrong path, 502 00:29:06,440 --> 00:29:10,340 despising morality and blown up with pride, 503 00:29:10,380 --> 00:29:13,100 indulges himself and his power... 504 00:29:13,843 --> 00:29:18,460 At my hearth may he never ever warm himself 505 00:29:18,940 --> 00:29:21,820 or sit at my side. 506 00:29:31,920 --> 00:29:34,195 But wait. -I can't believe my eyes. 507 00:29:34,220 --> 00:29:37,095 Can this be true? -This is Antigone! 508 00:29:37,120 --> 00:29:39,555 I recognize her as clearly as I can see you. 509 00:29:39,580 --> 00:29:43,060 Her father's destiny was suffering and pain. 510 00:29:43,100 --> 00:29:45,940 On all his progeny misfortunes rain. 511 00:29:45,980 --> 00:29:49,820 Child, did you openly disobey the new king's order? 512 00:29:49,860 --> 00:29:51,420 And bury your brother? 513 00:29:52,880 --> 00:29:54,676 Do you have to manhandle her this way? 514 00:29:54,720 --> 00:29:57,340 We saw it. Actually burying the body. 515 00:29:57,380 --> 00:29:59,820 Caught him in the act, as they say, red-handed. 516 00:29:59,860 --> 00:30:03,660 Only it's not a him, it's a her. Where's the king? 517 00:30:03,700 --> 00:30:06,140 He has been informed. -He's on his way. 518 00:30:10,094 --> 00:30:12,980 Is this a moment to disturb the king? Why do you need me? 519 00:30:14,357 --> 00:30:15,220 What has happened? 520 00:30:15,271 --> 00:30:18,076 Lord Creon, I reckon it's always unwise 521 00:30:18,100 --> 00:30:20,980 to swear oaths and make promises, even to yourself. 522 00:30:21,060 --> 00:30:23,980 Second thoughts, nine times out of ten, will have their say, 523 00:30:24,020 --> 00:30:25,940 and end up by calling you a liar. 524 00:30:25,980 --> 00:30:28,340 It's no time at all since I promised myself 525 00:30:28,380 --> 00:30:30,060 I wouldn't be seen dead here again. 526 00:30:30,100 --> 00:30:32,100 You were that angry with me the last time, 527 00:30:32,160 --> 00:30:35,420 a right mouthful you gave me, more than enough, thanks very much. 528 00:30:35,460 --> 00:30:38,260 But you can't beat a real turn-up for the book, can you? 529 00:30:38,300 --> 00:30:40,729 There's nothing more enjoyable than a good win 530 00:30:40,766 --> 00:30:42,554 when you're expecting a towsing. 531 00:30:42,759 --> 00:30:45,685 So, here I am again, as the comic said, 532 00:30:45,855 --> 00:30:49,060 and my promises not worth the air they were spoken with. 533 00:30:49,420 --> 00:30:52,700 This lady's your criminal. We caught her doing it. 534 00:30:52,820 --> 00:30:55,180 Actually setting the grave to rights. 535 00:30:55,380 --> 00:30:59,140 I brought her here, and there was no panic this time, I can tell you. 536 00:30:59,180 --> 00:31:02,220 No retribution or drawing lots, she was all mine. 537 00:31:02,440 --> 00:31:05,260 I caught her and I claim the credit for it. 538 00:31:05,440 --> 00:31:07,740 And now she's all yours. 539 00:31:07,980 --> 00:31:11,620 Take her and accuse her, stone her to death, if you like. 540 00:31:11,680 --> 00:31:14,140 I'm free to go, I hope, and well shot of all of it. 541 00:31:16,454 --> 00:31:19,420 Where did you arrest her? Tell me the details. 542 00:31:19,500 --> 00:31:21,580 She was burying him. What else is there to say? 543 00:31:21,609 --> 00:31:23,760 Are you out of your mind? 544 00:31:23,860 --> 00:31:26,540 Do you realise the implications of what you're saying? 545 00:31:26,580 --> 00:31:28,860 Sir, she was burying the body. 546 00:31:28,980 --> 00:31:32,380 The body you ordered not to be buried. I can't speak plainer than that. 547 00:31:32,420 --> 00:31:35,340 But how did you catch her? Was she doing it openly? 548 00:31:35,560 --> 00:31:38,380 Well, gentlemen, it was like this. 549 00:31:38,520 --> 00:31:42,540 As soon as I got back, remembering all those threats or promises you made me, 550 00:31:42,900 --> 00:31:45,220 we brushed all the earth off the naked body, 551 00:31:45,260 --> 00:31:47,740 which was all wet and beginning to decay by now. 552 00:31:47,900 --> 00:31:51,020 And we sat up on the ridge, well to the windward of the stink, 553 00:31:51,020 --> 00:31:52,660 and we all kept a sharp eye on each other, 554 00:31:52,700 --> 00:31:55,780 ready to nudge anyone who dropped off and tear him off a strip too. 555 00:31:56,100 --> 00:31:59,220 For hours we sat there, till about midday. 556 00:31:59,400 --> 00:32:02,020 The sun was smack overhead, blazing down, 557 00:32:02,060 --> 00:32:04,340 and the heat was something terrible, I can tell you. 558 00:32:04,620 --> 00:32:08,420 Then suddenly, it was as though a whirlwind blew up. 559 00:32:08,620 --> 00:32:11,340 Definitely a twister it was, but localised, like. 560 00:32:11,460 --> 00:32:14,860 And it raised up a dust storm which swept along the valley, 561 00:32:14,900 --> 00:32:16,700 tore all the leaves off of the trees, 562 00:32:16,780 --> 00:32:19,940 blotted out the whole sky and completely blinded us. 563 00:32:20,220 --> 00:32:23,580 It seemed like some terrible manifestation of the gods, 564 00:32:23,620 --> 00:32:25,980 and you had to shut your eyes to endure it at all. 565 00:32:26,227 --> 00:32:28,660 And then suddenly, it stopped. 566 00:32:29,560 --> 00:32:33,100 And when the air had cleared, we opened our eyes 567 00:32:33,152 --> 00:32:36,900 and saw this girl standing there, beside the grave, 568 00:32:37,260 --> 00:32:39,860 and sort of wailing as though she were in pain, 569 00:32:39,940 --> 00:32:43,420 or maybe anger, just like a bird that comes back to the nest 570 00:32:43,460 --> 00:32:45,620 and finds the egg smashed or the fledglings gone. 571 00:32:45,760 --> 00:32:47,260 That's what it sounded like. 572 00:32:47,500 --> 00:32:50,860 She was standing there, looking at the naked body 573 00:32:51,020 --> 00:32:54,660 and screaming and cursing the monsters who had done such a thing. 574 00:32:54,834 --> 00:32:56,100 Us, of course. 575 00:32:56,600 --> 00:32:57,840 Then she crouched down, 576 00:32:58,440 --> 00:33:00,920 and picked up a few handfuls of the dry dust 577 00:33:01,480 --> 00:33:02,960 and scattered it on him. 578 00:33:03,300 --> 00:33:06,820 She carried an urn, a small bronze ceremonial thing, 579 00:33:07,073 --> 00:33:10,585 and she poured it over the dead man three times. 580 00:33:10,937 --> 00:33:13,340 Honey and wine and stuff it in, I suppose. 581 00:33:13,509 --> 00:33:15,740 All the proper ritual for a funeral, anyway. 582 00:33:16,220 --> 00:33:17,575 Well, as soon as we saw that, 583 00:33:17,598 --> 00:33:20,778 we all came charging down and arrested her on the spot. 584 00:33:21,380 --> 00:33:23,020 She wasn't frightened or anything. 585 00:33:23,220 --> 00:33:24,460 She stood her ground. 586 00:33:25,560 --> 00:33:27,996 So then we formally charged her with the crime, 587 00:33:28,580 --> 00:33:30,700 this and the one before, 588 00:33:31,040 --> 00:33:32,940 and she admitted she'd done them both. 589 00:33:33,240 --> 00:33:35,620 We were all relieved to hear that, I can tell you. 590 00:33:36,635 --> 00:33:38,740 But sorry, too, in a way. 591 00:33:38,953 --> 00:33:41,380 It's very nice to get out of trouble yourself. 592 00:33:41,620 --> 00:33:44,300 Not so nice when you see someone else up to the neck in it, 593 00:33:44,380 --> 00:33:46,140 someone you've got no quarrel with. 594 00:33:47,292 --> 00:33:50,180 But still, your own life comes first, I reckon. 595 00:33:50,220 --> 00:33:52,020 You've got to look after number one. 596 00:34:04,974 --> 00:34:08,540 And you, you with your head down... 597 00:34:09,974 --> 00:34:12,180 what do you say to this accusation, hmm? 598 00:34:13,880 --> 00:34:16,294 Do you admit it? Are you guilty or not? 599 00:34:16,320 --> 00:34:19,120 Yes. I'm guilty. 600 00:34:20,294 --> 00:34:21,740 I don't pretend otherwise. 601 00:34:24,054 --> 00:34:26,460 You, soldier, get out. You're free to go back to your unit. 602 00:34:26,780 --> 00:34:27,900 Count yourself lucky. 603 00:34:34,160 --> 00:34:36,900 Now, tell me a simple yes or no. 604 00:34:39,000 --> 00:34:41,155 Did you hear of my order forbidding the burial? 605 00:34:41,160 --> 00:34:43,220 Of course I heard it. How could I not? 606 00:34:43,256 --> 00:34:45,878 Yet you dared to disobey the law. -Yes, I did. 607 00:34:47,160 --> 00:34:49,714 Because it's your law, not the law of God. 608 00:34:51,314 --> 00:34:52,860 Natural justice, 609 00:34:53,756 --> 00:34:56,740 which is of all times and places, numinous, not material, 610 00:34:56,780 --> 00:35:01,180 a quality of Zeus, not of kings, recognizes no such law. 611 00:35:02,894 --> 00:35:06,820 You are merely a man, mortal, like me. 612 00:35:06,927 --> 00:35:10,100 And laws that you enact cannot overturn ancient moralities 613 00:35:10,140 --> 00:35:11,780 or common human decency. 614 00:35:11,820 --> 00:35:13,820 They speak the language of eternity, 615 00:35:13,880 --> 00:35:16,560 are not written down, and never change. 616 00:35:18,106 --> 00:35:21,609 They are for today, yesterday, and all time. 617 00:35:23,269 --> 00:35:25,100 No one understands where they came from, 618 00:35:25,140 --> 00:35:27,100 but everyone recognizes their force 619 00:35:27,140 --> 00:35:30,460 and no man's arrogance or power can make me disobey them. 620 00:35:35,160 --> 00:35:37,664 I would rather suffer the disapproval and punishment of men 621 00:35:37,680 --> 00:35:39,920 than dishonor such ancient truths. 622 00:35:42,449 --> 00:35:44,860 I shall die, of course, sometime, 623 00:35:45,320 --> 00:35:46,639 whether you make laws or not. 624 00:35:46,680 --> 00:35:49,655 If my death comes sooner rather than later, I shall welcome it. 625 00:35:49,720 --> 00:35:52,015 My life has been misery, is misery now, 626 00:35:52,040 --> 00:35:54,147 and I shall be more than happy to leave it. 627 00:35:54,591 --> 00:35:57,238 There will be no pain and no despair in that. 628 00:35:59,174 --> 00:36:00,934 But to leave my mother's son... 629 00:36:02,280 --> 00:36:03,743 out there in the open, 630 00:36:04,960 --> 00:36:06,166 unburied! 631 00:36:09,500 --> 00:36:11,169 That would have been unendurable. 632 00:36:12,693 --> 00:36:13,773 I could not have borne it. 633 00:36:15,858 --> 00:36:18,115 Whereas this I shall endure. 634 00:36:20,318 --> 00:36:22,375 By your judgment, of course, I'm a fool. 635 00:36:23,563 --> 00:36:26,654 But by mine, the judge is the criminal, not the accused. 636 00:36:28,534 --> 00:36:30,500 This is her father talking. 637 00:36:30,560 --> 00:36:33,397 Stubborn! Like him, she won't give way. 638 00:36:33,520 --> 00:36:36,020 Not even with the whole power of the State against her. 639 00:36:36,224 --> 00:36:37,374 Well, we shall see. 640 00:36:39,144 --> 00:36:40,694 Any man can be broken, 641 00:36:41,560 --> 00:36:44,720 and often the most committed and determined break soonest. 642 00:36:45,894 --> 00:36:48,167 Even iron, you know, left lying in the fire too long 643 00:36:48,200 --> 00:36:51,815 becomes over-tempered and will snap as soon as a little pressure is applied. 644 00:36:51,840 --> 00:36:53,236 You can break it in pieces. 645 00:36:54,320 --> 00:36:55,960 And the wildest horse 646 00:36:56,694 --> 00:37:00,134 in the end submits to the bit and halter just like the rest. 647 00:37:03,294 --> 00:37:04,814 People without power... 648 00:37:06,054 --> 00:37:07,734 ordinary citizens, 649 00:37:08,380 --> 00:37:11,454 must necessarily obey those in authority over them. 650 00:37:11,974 --> 00:37:13,414 This woman is very proud. 651 00:37:13,814 --> 00:37:15,735 That was obvious in the first place when she broke the law, 652 00:37:15,760 --> 00:37:17,520 and is even clearer now. 653 00:37:18,854 --> 00:37:21,214 She glories in the crime she has committed, 654 00:37:21,920 --> 00:37:25,095 and insults me to my face as well as ignoring my decree. 655 00:37:27,000 --> 00:37:30,080 If she is allowed to flout the law in this way, 656 00:37:30,560 --> 00:37:33,694 all authority in the State will collapse. I will not have that. 657 00:37:34,840 --> 00:37:36,690 There will be no exchanging of roles here, 658 00:37:36,720 --> 00:37:39,040 me playing the woman while she plays the king! 659 00:37:39,534 --> 00:37:41,494 She is my niece, my sister's child. 660 00:37:42,597 --> 00:37:44,534 But I am the law. 661 00:37:44,894 --> 00:37:47,454 And that responsibility is above kinship. 662 00:37:47,720 --> 00:37:51,254 Were she even closer, the closest, my own daughter, my duty would be plain. 663 00:37:52,134 --> 00:37:53,134 Well... 664 00:37:54,520 --> 00:37:56,200 the law has its weapons, 665 00:37:57,454 --> 00:38:00,054 and they will strike, at her... 666 00:38:02,294 --> 00:38:05,015 and at her sister too, her accomplice, I've no doubt, 667 00:38:05,040 --> 00:38:08,160 in this illegal act, to the full extent of the punishment prescribed. 668 00:38:08,880 --> 00:38:10,729 The other one, Ismene. Bring her here. 669 00:38:10,860 --> 00:38:14,597 I saw her in the corridor talking to herself some moments ago, 670 00:38:14,680 --> 00:38:16,160 and I suppose in tears. 671 00:38:17,225 --> 00:38:19,974 Guilty consciences, you see, can never be hidden completely. 672 00:38:20,362 --> 00:38:25,049 The human face reveals conspiracies before they are enacted again and again. 673 00:38:25,320 --> 00:38:27,120 There's nothing more disgusting 674 00:38:27,840 --> 00:38:31,440 than the confessed criminal who tries to justify his actions, 675 00:38:31,494 --> 00:38:33,534 as this woman has done here today. 676 00:38:34,520 --> 00:38:35,760 I'm bored with your talk. 677 00:38:36,920 --> 00:38:38,322 Kill me and have done with it. 678 00:38:38,520 --> 00:38:39,640 Oh, there's no hurry. 679 00:38:40,520 --> 00:38:43,741 The progress of the law is majestic and inexorable, 680 00:38:44,280 --> 00:38:45,535 and that satisfies me. 681 00:38:45,560 --> 00:38:46,937 Why waste so much time? 682 00:38:47,974 --> 00:38:50,204 Nothing you say will be of the slightest interest to me, 683 00:38:50,240 --> 00:38:51,995 and my arguments you will not listen to. 684 00:38:52,080 --> 00:38:55,367 I've done what I said I'd do. I've buried my brother. 685 00:38:56,480 --> 00:38:58,158 I aspire to no greater honor, 686 00:38:59,040 --> 00:39:00,517 and if I am to be famous, 687 00:39:01,534 --> 00:39:02,574 let it be for that. 688 00:39:03,873 --> 00:39:05,855 All these, these senators of yours, 689 00:39:05,880 --> 00:39:07,398 they all agree with me in their hearts. 690 00:39:07,480 --> 00:39:10,033 But there's no gag like terror, is there, gentlemen? 691 00:39:10,106 --> 00:39:13,164 And kings must have their way both in word and action. 692 00:39:13,320 --> 00:39:15,390 One way or the other. -You're quite mistaken. 693 00:39:15,440 --> 00:39:18,534 None of my subjects anywhere in the city thinks as you do. 694 00:39:18,560 --> 00:39:20,334 They all do, but they're too afraid to speak! 695 00:39:20,360 --> 00:39:23,240 Not at all, and you should be ashamed, setting yourself up against the majority, 696 00:39:23,294 --> 00:39:24,525 disregarding the will of the people. 697 00:39:24,560 --> 00:39:25,642 I love my brother. 698 00:39:25,666 --> 00:39:28,360 I honor him dead as I loved him living. There's no shame in that. 699 00:39:28,400 --> 00:39:29,895 The one he murdered, wasn't he your brother? 700 00:39:29,920 --> 00:39:31,638 My mother bore them both, and I loved them both. 701 00:39:31,680 --> 00:39:33,535 If you honor one, you insult the other. 702 00:39:33,560 --> 00:39:35,001 Neither of those dead men would say that. 703 00:39:35,040 --> 00:39:36,040 Eteocles would. 704 00:39:36,654 --> 00:39:37,887 His brother was a traitor. 705 00:39:37,920 --> 00:39:39,655 Does he merit no greater respect than that? 706 00:39:39,680 --> 00:39:41,414 But he was not an animal! 707 00:39:42,337 --> 00:39:44,563 They both died together and they were both men! 708 00:39:44,600 --> 00:39:46,363 Yes, and the one died defending his country 709 00:39:46,400 --> 00:39:47,975 while the other traitorously attacked it. 710 00:39:48,000 --> 00:39:50,080 The dead have their rights, and we have our duties towards them, 711 00:39:50,109 --> 00:39:51,559 dictated by common decency. 712 00:39:51,600 --> 00:39:54,135 And if good and bad are to be honored equally, where are our values? 713 00:39:54,160 --> 00:39:57,294 Patriotism! Civic duty! -Death is another country. 714 00:39:58,063 --> 00:40:00,488 Such things may not be valued there, may even be crimes. 715 00:40:00,520 --> 00:40:01,763 An enemy is still an enemy, 716 00:40:01,787 --> 00:40:03,089 dead or alive. -No. 717 00:40:03,984 --> 00:40:04,980 I don't think so. 718 00:40:06,014 --> 00:40:07,420 I have love enough to share. 719 00:40:08,400 --> 00:40:09,508 No hate for anyone. 720 00:40:09,540 --> 00:40:11,372 Very well. Share your love by all means, 721 00:40:11,400 --> 00:40:13,340 share it with the dead. I wish them well of it. 722 00:40:15,254 --> 00:40:17,974 Women must learn to obey as well as men. 723 00:40:18,854 --> 00:40:20,300 They can have no special treatment. 724 00:40:21,374 --> 00:40:25,574 Law is law, and will remain so while I am king. 725 00:40:28,600 --> 00:40:30,520 And no woman will get the better of me. 726 00:40:34,934 --> 00:40:35,850 Look! -Senator! 727 00:40:35,880 --> 00:40:37,170 Ismene! -Guarded! 728 00:40:37,200 --> 00:40:40,805 Her face is raw with tears. -Half-dragged from her quarters. 729 00:40:40,840 --> 00:40:42,415 You can see the story in her face. 730 00:40:42,440 --> 00:40:44,684 A lifetime of agonies. -And fears. 731 00:40:44,720 --> 00:40:47,461 The bitter legacy of Oedipus' daughters. 732 00:40:49,680 --> 00:40:51,730 And you, snake! 733 00:40:52,240 --> 00:40:56,015 Slithering silently about my house to drink my blood in secret. 734 00:40:56,278 --> 00:40:57,500 Both of you the same. 735 00:40:59,063 --> 00:41:01,642 I looked the other way, and like terrorists 736 00:41:01,680 --> 00:41:04,334 you laid undercover plans to destroy me. 737 00:41:05,574 --> 00:41:06,574 You! 738 00:41:06,880 --> 00:41:10,520 Do you confess your complicity in this crime or protest your innocence? 739 00:41:11,141 --> 00:41:13,106 Yes. I confess. 740 00:41:13,817 --> 00:41:15,374 If she will allow me to say so. 741 00:41:15,974 --> 00:41:18,620 I was fully involved, and if she is guilty, so am I. 742 00:41:18,640 --> 00:41:21,683 No! That isn't justice! 743 00:41:22,534 --> 00:41:24,175 When I asked for help, you refused me, 744 00:41:24,200 --> 00:41:25,829 so I told you I didn't want you. I'd do it alone. 745 00:41:25,854 --> 00:41:29,047 But now that you're in danger, Antigone, I'm proud to stand beside you in the dock. 746 00:41:29,080 --> 00:41:32,000 The dead man knows who buried him. They all know down there. 747 00:41:32,038 --> 00:41:34,094 What people say doesn't impress me, only what they do. 748 00:41:34,134 --> 00:41:36,174 Please, my sister, don't despise me. 749 00:41:36,680 --> 00:41:38,495 Let me share the honor and die with you. 750 00:41:38,520 --> 00:41:41,435 You've no right to claim the honor for doing what you were afraid to do! 751 00:41:42,280 --> 00:41:44,135 One death will be enough. Why should you die? 752 00:41:44,160 --> 00:41:46,815 Because I can't live without you. -Ask Creon to help you. 753 00:41:47,280 --> 00:41:50,456 He's your uncle, and your king, of course. You're a born subject. 754 00:41:50,520 --> 00:41:54,480 Do I deserve such contempt? Do you enjoy making fun of me? 755 00:41:54,960 --> 00:41:57,000 Sneering in front of all these people? 756 00:42:02,315 --> 00:42:03,315 You're right. 757 00:42:04,760 --> 00:42:08,160 It's a sad reflection on me if such bitter pleasures are all I have left. 758 00:42:08,360 --> 00:42:10,200 Well, let me help you, then. It's not too late. 759 00:42:10,235 --> 00:42:11,734 Save your own life. 760 00:42:12,240 --> 00:42:15,160 Do that for yourself without any criticism from me, or envy. 761 00:42:15,200 --> 00:42:20,050 For god's sake, Antigone, will you not let me even die with my sister? 762 00:42:20,080 --> 00:42:23,640 No, I won't. You chose to live when I chose to die, and that's the end of it. 763 00:42:24,097 --> 00:42:26,866 But I warned you this would happen. I knew how it would be. 764 00:42:26,880 --> 00:42:28,494 And most, the majority, would agree with you, 765 00:42:28,534 --> 00:42:30,753 but some would be of my opinion. -But now we're both accused, 766 00:42:30,778 --> 00:42:31,840 both sentenced. -No. 767 00:42:32,920 --> 00:42:34,245 You must live. 768 00:42:35,680 --> 00:42:37,880 I have been dead for a long time inwardly. 769 00:42:37,895 --> 00:42:40,840 I am well suited to pay honor to the dead, and die for it. 770 00:42:40,927 --> 00:42:43,593 These women are neurotic lunatics, both of them. 771 00:42:43,720 --> 00:42:47,135 One of them going off her head before our eyes, the other one born unbalanced. 772 00:42:47,160 --> 00:42:49,614 Well, are you surprised? Anyone would crack, 773 00:42:49,640 --> 00:42:51,640 the most tough-minded person, under such treatment. 774 00:42:51,668 --> 00:42:54,775 You lost your senses when you allowed yourself to be influenced by her lunacy. 775 00:42:54,800 --> 00:42:56,985 There's no life for me here, not without her. 776 00:42:57,022 --> 00:42:59,037 She's not here, she's as good as dead. 777 00:42:59,520 --> 00:43:01,760 Will you kill the woman your son plans to marry? 778 00:43:01,798 --> 00:43:04,348 There are other women, no lack of choice for a young man. 779 00:43:04,998 --> 00:43:06,756 Other fields to plow. 780 00:43:07,200 --> 00:43:10,495 They're devoted to each other. You can't change love as you change your clothes. 781 00:43:10,520 --> 00:43:12,649 No son of mine can marry a criminal. 782 00:43:12,680 --> 00:43:14,775 When Haemon hears how his father insulted... 783 00:43:14,800 --> 00:43:17,360 Let him hear, what does his mistress matter to me? 784 00:43:17,400 --> 00:43:19,805 My Lord Creon, you insult your own. 785 00:43:20,065 --> 00:43:21,740 They are formally betrothed. 786 00:43:21,840 --> 00:43:24,292 Will you tear the woman from your own son's arms? 787 00:43:24,320 --> 00:43:26,774 I will not part them. Death will. 788 00:43:28,478 --> 00:43:30,271 If that's how the land lies... 789 00:43:31,081 --> 00:43:34,376 the poor child's doomed. -Her death warrant sealed and delivered. 790 00:43:35,120 --> 00:43:38,717 By you, gentlemen, if you remember, as well as by me. 791 00:43:39,840 --> 00:43:43,456 You heard the order, agreed it with me, if only by your silence, did you not, 792 00:43:43,480 --> 00:43:45,000 before the criminal was known? 793 00:43:46,240 --> 00:43:47,892 We'll have no more shilly-shallying. 794 00:43:47,920 --> 00:43:50,262 Take them away, lock them up, keep them under close guard. 795 00:43:51,080 --> 00:43:52,600 It's time they understood they are women. 796 00:43:53,295 --> 00:43:55,136 And their proper place in this society. 797 00:43:56,240 --> 00:43:59,210 There's nothing like the immediate threat of death to soften up their rhetoric. 798 00:43:59,763 --> 00:44:01,726 Make them look reality in the face. 799 00:44:16,080 --> 00:44:19,841 They can call themselves lucky, the fortunate few 800 00:44:20,191 --> 00:44:24,887 who live their lives through never drinking from the bitter cup of pain. 801 00:44:25,520 --> 00:44:29,010 But when one unlucky family incurs the gods' malignity 802 00:44:29,560 --> 00:44:31,670 from generation to generation, 803 00:44:32,147 --> 00:44:37,052 they must swallow the bitter potion again and then again. 804 00:44:37,432 --> 00:44:41,269 Just as rollers crash and sea spray whips on an exposed beach 805 00:44:41,294 --> 00:44:43,150 and black clouds lower... 806 00:44:43,240 --> 00:44:46,295 And the gale from the north screams through frozen lips 807 00:44:46,712 --> 00:44:50,676 while the sea casts up from its depths a shower of pebbles on the shore. 808 00:44:50,720 --> 00:44:55,822 And black sand from the chasms of ocean darkens the strand. 809 00:44:56,880 --> 00:44:59,920 On every descendant of the ancient line of Labdacus, 810 00:44:59,928 --> 00:45:03,042 divine and merciless retribution falls. 811 00:45:03,080 --> 00:45:04,560 In the unremembered past, 812 00:45:05,075 --> 00:45:09,314 some unforgiving Olympian cast the weight of his vengeance on the whole race. 813 00:45:09,441 --> 00:45:12,158 So that agony, destruction, disgrace 814 00:45:12,182 --> 00:45:16,220 destroys son and daughter, and darkens their halls with tragedy. 815 00:45:16,240 --> 00:45:20,800 The cold hands of the dead reach out for the living and no one is spared. 816 00:45:20,840 --> 00:45:23,440 Another generation sheds its blood. 817 00:45:23,520 --> 00:45:29,181 New light is snuffed out, and the young root bared for the same bloody axe. 818 00:45:29,360 --> 00:45:32,760 The characteristic sin of Oedipus, arrogance, 819 00:45:33,240 --> 00:45:35,773 brings its bleak harvest in. 820 00:45:36,120 --> 00:45:40,640 For Zeus is all-powerful, no man can match him. 821 00:45:41,080 --> 00:45:43,874 He never sleeps as man must sleep. 822 00:45:44,560 --> 00:45:49,306 And time, which leaves its mark on fair complexions and dark, 823 00:45:49,800 --> 00:45:52,120 can never engrave his face. 824 00:45:52,200 --> 00:45:54,720 Or dim the brightness of his palace, 825 00:45:54,928 --> 00:45:57,660 where the gods keep their ageless court 826 00:45:57,783 --> 00:46:01,405 at the utmost peak of sublime Olympus. 827 00:46:01,560 --> 00:46:03,760 Zeus is master there, 828 00:46:03,916 --> 00:46:08,380 and well did that wise man speak who said that past and future time 829 00:46:08,480 --> 00:46:10,680 he holds in his hand by right, 830 00:46:10,832 --> 00:46:14,620 and that those who climb, in their greatness or wickedness, 831 00:46:14,760 --> 00:46:16,394 beyond the permitted height, 832 00:46:16,720 --> 00:46:20,221 he brings to destruction and despair. 833 00:46:21,753 --> 00:46:25,445 But all men hope. -And some have ambition. 834 00:46:25,480 --> 00:46:28,320 Far-ranging birds that never tire. 835 00:46:28,440 --> 00:46:31,430 Whose wings bear some to their own good. 836 00:46:31,495 --> 00:46:33,790 And others, in a more frivolous mood... 837 00:46:33,925 --> 00:46:37,315 To the brightly lit pathway that leads to destruction. 838 00:46:37,359 --> 00:46:40,620 And disaster. -And the merciless fire. 839 00:46:40,800 --> 00:46:44,200 And no man can claim to have understood hope or ambition 840 00:46:44,219 --> 00:46:46,620 till the flames burn under his feet. 841 00:46:46,720 --> 00:46:51,104 And the one solid wood of his life is reduced to its last condition. 842 00:46:52,008 --> 00:46:54,386 Ashes and dust. 843 00:46:55,360 --> 00:46:59,120 A wise man said from out of the depths of his inspiration... 844 00:46:59,200 --> 00:47:03,440 When a man commits crimes and is proud of the action, 845 00:47:04,922 --> 00:47:07,640 a flaming sword hangs over his head. 846 00:47:08,120 --> 00:47:11,473 No future but the grave 847 00:47:11,940 --> 00:47:14,129 and a funeral urn. 848 00:47:21,680 --> 00:47:25,535 Creon, here comes your youngest son, desperate with grief. 849 00:47:25,560 --> 00:47:28,000 That his future bride should be so brutally denied. 850 00:47:28,040 --> 00:47:29,920 And all his hopes of happiness gone. 851 00:47:30,160 --> 00:47:31,695 For the last of your sons, 852 00:47:31,720 --> 00:47:35,360 what relief from his consuming fears and the bitter penance of tears? 853 00:47:35,600 --> 00:47:39,093 Does he come to beg for mercy? -For his beloved Antigone? 854 00:47:39,120 --> 00:47:43,567 We shall learn that from his own lips without any need of fortune tellers. 855 00:47:58,800 --> 00:48:03,526 My dear son, I don't doubt you've heard the news of our final decision. 856 00:48:04,720 --> 00:48:07,080 The condemnation of your former fiancée. 857 00:48:07,120 --> 00:48:10,527 You come here, I hope, not in any spirit of anger against your father. 858 00:48:11,431 --> 00:48:14,238 But understanding that we are always comrades, 859 00:48:15,480 --> 00:48:18,660 and my love for you is unshaken. 860 00:48:20,380 --> 00:48:22,166 I know I'm your son, father. 861 00:48:23,479 --> 00:48:26,215 I understand the depth of your experience in matters of State, 862 00:48:26,240 --> 00:48:28,760 and I try to follow and benefit from it whenever I can. 863 00:48:29,750 --> 00:48:33,783 Any marriage would be worthless to me that didn't have your approval and love. 864 00:48:35,897 --> 00:48:36,957 Good fellow. 865 00:48:38,090 --> 00:48:39,136 Well said. 866 00:48:44,680 --> 00:48:47,889 A father's opinion should always be influential with his sons. 867 00:48:50,120 --> 00:48:52,600 And fathers with young sons, when they pray for them, 868 00:48:52,618 --> 00:48:56,446 ask especially that they should grow up to be loyal, reliable, obedient. 869 00:48:56,920 --> 00:48:58,520 The first to strike at their father's enemies, 870 00:48:58,544 --> 00:49:00,480 just as they are the first to support his friends. 871 00:49:01,293 --> 00:49:05,560 A father whose sons yield no such profits from the investment of his parenthood 872 00:49:06,073 --> 00:49:10,166 breeds grief and sorrow as his offspring, and becomes himself a figure of fun... 873 00:49:11,036 --> 00:49:12,435 Especially to his enemies. 874 00:49:16,279 --> 00:49:17,440 Don't be taken in, boy. 875 00:49:18,745 --> 00:49:22,283 Don't let any woman ensnare you by exploiting her sexuality, 876 00:49:22,308 --> 00:49:25,810 or any of the attractions that lure infatuated men into submission. 877 00:49:26,440 --> 00:49:29,250 God help the lovesick fool who marries a dominating woman. 878 00:49:30,000 --> 00:49:31,337 Passion never lasts. 879 00:49:32,320 --> 00:49:36,310 And a cold bedroom breeds cold hearts, anger and bitterness. 880 00:49:36,977 --> 00:49:38,330 But there's no hatred so violent 881 00:49:38,360 --> 00:49:41,240 as the hatred of two people who were once in love. 882 00:49:43,497 --> 00:49:44,565 Get rid of her, my boy. 883 00:49:45,550 --> 00:49:48,638 This girl's an enemy. No good to you or your best interests. Kick her out. 884 00:49:49,537 --> 00:49:52,207 Better find herself a husband that suits her among the dead. 885 00:49:53,480 --> 00:49:54,500 Don't deceive yourself. 886 00:49:55,400 --> 00:49:56,645 She has been openly apprehended 887 00:49:56,669 --> 00:49:58,442 performing a criminal act against the State. 888 00:49:58,467 --> 00:49:59,694 She's a confessed traitor. 889 00:50:00,520 --> 00:50:04,464 And if I were to spare her life, I too would betray the State, and its law, 890 00:50:04,960 --> 00:50:06,600 and everything I stand for. 891 00:50:08,280 --> 00:50:09,397 I will not do it. 892 00:50:10,440 --> 00:50:12,090 And she must die. 893 00:50:13,497 --> 00:50:15,317 Let her pray to Zeus till she drops. 894 00:50:15,910 --> 00:50:17,967 Let her assert she stands for family love 895 00:50:18,000 --> 00:50:19,680 and ancient virtues, and all the rest of it. 896 00:50:20,480 --> 00:50:23,440 If I tolerate treachery in my own house, under my very nose, 897 00:50:23,545 --> 00:50:26,158 how can I crush subversion anywhere else in the city... 898 00:50:27,305 --> 00:50:28,858 or in the State at large? 899 00:50:29,858 --> 00:50:32,418 The man who rules wisely within his own family 900 00:50:32,978 --> 00:50:34,885 is more likely to make sensible judgments 901 00:50:34,909 --> 00:50:37,349 in political matters in his direction of the State. 902 00:50:38,143 --> 00:50:40,143 To pervert the law, to twist it 903 00:50:40,196 --> 00:50:43,326 to serve one's own ends or the interests of one's relations, 904 00:50:43,360 --> 00:50:46,920 that cannot be allowed, neither in States nor in cities... 905 00:50:47,910 --> 00:50:50,536 and will not be allowed, by me... 906 00:50:51,670 --> 00:50:53,144 in any circumstances. 907 00:50:55,711 --> 00:51:00,380 Unquestioning obedience to whomsoever the State appoints to be its ruler 908 00:51:00,406 --> 00:51:02,955 is the law as far as I'm concerned. 909 00:51:03,693 --> 00:51:05,825 And this applies to small things as well as great ones. 910 00:51:05,850 --> 00:51:07,778 Just or unjust, right or wrong. 911 00:51:07,803 --> 00:51:10,369 For who is to choose these things but the king? 912 00:51:12,309 --> 00:51:15,040 The man who is wise in his direction of his family 913 00:51:15,432 --> 00:51:17,318 will be equally firm in power. 914 00:51:18,552 --> 00:51:22,767 His wisdom will be equally remarkable, whether as king, or, indeed, a subject. 915 00:51:23,694 --> 00:51:27,739 In times of war and national danger, he will be the man you can rely on. 916 00:51:27,846 --> 00:51:30,346 The man you'd feel safe with fighting beside you in the front rank 917 00:51:30,371 --> 00:51:31,914 when the battle becomes critical. 918 00:51:32,107 --> 00:51:35,620 Indiscipline, anarchy, disobedience. 919 00:51:35,710 --> 00:51:38,037 What greater scourge than that for humankind? 920 00:51:38,617 --> 00:51:41,980 States collapse from within, cities are blown to rubble, 921 00:51:42,068 --> 00:51:43,492 efficient armies are disorganized 922 00:51:43,520 --> 00:51:46,120 and potential victory turned to disaster and carnage, 923 00:51:46,140 --> 00:51:49,664 and all by disobedience, anarchy, indiscipline. Whereas... 924 00:51:51,584 --> 00:51:55,660 the well-conditioned army that asks no questions stands firm, 925 00:51:55,685 --> 00:51:59,260 knows nothing, needs to know nothing and wins, 926 00:51:59,328 --> 00:52:02,348 thus saving the lives of millions of honest people. 927 00:52:03,904 --> 00:52:07,444 Authority is essential in any State... 928 00:52:09,120 --> 00:52:11,600 and will be upheld in this one by me. 929 00:52:13,736 --> 00:52:16,551 There will be no yielding to female fantasies. 930 00:52:17,285 --> 00:52:18,958 Not by so much as an inch. 931 00:52:20,325 --> 00:52:24,440 And if we must be deposed, let it be by a man's hand, eh, son? 932 00:52:25,600 --> 00:52:27,981 Not by a conspiracy of women. 933 00:52:37,480 --> 00:52:40,680 If an old man is fit to be judge, Lord Creon, 934 00:52:41,680 --> 00:52:44,379 you have spoken rationally, sensibly 935 00:52:45,126 --> 00:52:48,150 and with the wisdom gathered from long experience. 936 00:52:49,360 --> 00:52:50,378 Father... 937 00:52:51,205 --> 00:52:54,865 the most enviable of a man's gifts is the ability to reason clearly. 938 00:52:55,833 --> 00:52:58,115 And it's not for me to say you're wrong, even if I were clever enough 939 00:52:58,140 --> 00:53:00,106 or experienced enough, which I'm not. 940 00:53:00,680 --> 00:53:04,207 But it's also true to say that some men think differently about these things. 941 00:53:04,974 --> 00:53:07,644 And as your son, my most useful function, it seems to me, 942 00:53:07,680 --> 00:53:09,530 is to keep you in touch with what other people are thinking, 943 00:53:09,560 --> 00:53:11,760 what they say and do and approve or disapprove of, 944 00:53:11,800 --> 00:53:14,654 and sometimes what they leave unsaid. 945 00:53:15,497 --> 00:53:18,974 The prospect of your disapproval is a great silencer of most men's tongues, 946 00:53:19,000 --> 00:53:21,400 and some things are never said for fear of the consequences, 947 00:53:21,426 --> 00:53:25,181 but I can sometimes hear what people whisper behind their hands. 948 00:53:26,017 --> 00:53:31,020 And everywhere I hear sympathy expressed for this unfortunate girl, 949 00:53:31,059 --> 00:53:35,743 condemned as she is to a horrifying death which no woman has ever suffered before. 950 00:53:37,196 --> 00:53:39,962 And unjustly, in most people's eyes. 951 00:53:40,800 --> 00:53:43,520 In burying her brother, who was killed in action, 952 00:53:44,113 --> 00:53:47,660 she did something that most people consider decent and honorable. 953 00:53:48,340 --> 00:53:51,450 Rather than leaving him naked on the battlefield for the dogs to tear at 954 00:53:51,480 --> 00:53:53,760 and kites and scavengers to pick to the bone, 955 00:53:53,774 --> 00:53:56,412 she should be given a medal for it, those same people say, 956 00:53:56,440 --> 00:53:58,762 and her name inscribed on the roll of honor. 957 00:53:59,535 --> 00:54:03,690 These things are whispered in secret, father, and they've reached my ears. 958 00:54:05,760 --> 00:54:06,746 Sir... 959 00:54:08,160 --> 00:54:11,973 your reputation matters to me as much as your good health and happiness does. 960 00:54:12,000 --> 00:54:13,920 Indeed, your good name matters more. 961 00:54:14,459 --> 00:54:17,695 What could a loving son be more jealous of than his father's reputation, 962 00:54:17,720 --> 00:54:20,520 and what could please a father more than to see his son's concern 963 00:54:20,555 --> 00:54:22,124 that people will think well of him? 964 00:54:22,704 --> 00:54:25,837 Then let me beg you to have second thoughts, 965 00:54:26,884 --> 00:54:29,895 and not be certain that your own opinion is the only right one, 966 00:54:29,920 --> 00:54:31,433 and that all men share it. 967 00:54:32,766 --> 00:54:35,006 The man who thinks he has the monopoly of wisdom, and 968 00:54:35,219 --> 00:54:37,606 only what he says and what he thinks is of any relevance, 969 00:54:37,640 --> 00:54:40,673 reveals his own shallowness of mind with every word he says. 970 00:54:40,720 --> 00:54:44,373 The man of judgment knows it's a sign of strength, not weakness, 971 00:54:44,686 --> 00:54:47,528 To value others' opinions and to learn from them, 972 00:54:47,560 --> 00:54:52,560 and when he's wrong, to admit it openly and change his mind. 973 00:54:54,840 --> 00:54:56,220 You see it when the river floods. 974 00:54:56,840 --> 00:54:58,800 The trees that bend survive. 975 00:54:58,993 --> 00:55:02,359 Those whose trunks are inflexible are snapped off short by the weight of water, 976 00:55:03,080 --> 00:55:07,040 and a sailor in a storm who refuses to reef his sail and run with the wind 977 00:55:07,120 --> 00:55:09,246 is likely to end up capsized. 978 00:55:09,960 --> 00:55:12,253 I beg you, father, 979 00:55:13,053 --> 00:55:14,566 think twice about this. 980 00:55:14,613 --> 00:55:16,352 Don't let your anger influence you. 981 00:55:17,886 --> 00:55:20,801 If a man of my age may lay some small claim to common sense, 982 00:55:20,826 --> 00:55:23,206 let me say this. Absolute certainty is fine, 983 00:55:23,919 --> 00:55:27,559 if a man can be certain that his wisdom is absolute. 984 00:55:28,652 --> 00:55:32,579 But such certainty and such wisdom is rare among men, 985 00:55:33,725 --> 00:55:37,378 and that being so, the next best is to learn to listen... 986 00:55:39,080 --> 00:55:41,799 and to take good advice when it's offered. 987 00:55:43,453 --> 00:55:46,513 There's a lot of sense, my Lord Creon, in what this young man has said, 988 00:55:47,160 --> 00:55:49,940 as indeed there was in everything that you said too. 989 00:55:50,006 --> 00:55:51,653 The fact is you are both in the right, 990 00:55:52,000 --> 00:55:54,080 and there's a good deal to be said for either. 991 00:55:54,580 --> 00:55:55,720 Is there indeed? 992 00:55:57,752 --> 00:56:00,346 Am I expected to listen and take lessons 993 00:56:00,370 --> 00:56:03,455 in political tactics, at my age, from a mere boy? 994 00:56:03,480 --> 00:56:07,186 I'm a man, father, and my arguments stand upon their merits, not my age. 995 00:56:07,440 --> 00:56:09,935 I am for common justice, no more than that. 996 00:56:09,960 --> 00:56:12,480 Oh, they stand upon their merits, do they? 997 00:56:12,700 --> 00:56:15,620 Wellm what merit is there, please tell me, in breaking the law? 998 00:56:15,640 --> 00:56:17,615 I wouldn't defend her if she'd broken the law. 999 00:56:17,640 --> 00:56:19,815 But she has broken it, openly, flagrantly! 1000 00:56:19,840 --> 00:56:22,600 Listen to the people in the streets, Father. 1001 00:56:22,680 --> 00:56:25,135 The ordinary Thebans, they say she has hasn't... 1002 00:56:25,160 --> 00:56:29,015 I have never based my political principles on the opinions of people in the street! 1003 00:56:29,040 --> 00:56:30,768 Now you're the one who's speaking like a boy. 1004 00:56:30,800 --> 00:56:32,440 I am speaking like a king! 1005 00:56:32,560 --> 00:56:35,295 It is my decision! I will act according to my own conviction. 1006 00:56:35,320 --> 00:56:37,080 When the State becomes one man, 1007 00:56:37,120 --> 00:56:40,554 it ceases to be a State. -The State is the statesman who rules it. 1008 00:56:40,607 --> 00:56:42,687 It reflects his judgment, it belongs to him! 1009 00:56:42,720 --> 00:56:43,920 Go and rule in the desert then. 1010 00:56:44,000 --> 00:56:45,261 There's no one there to argue with you. 1011 00:56:45,286 --> 00:56:48,300 What a king you'll be there. -This boy of mine is on the women's side. 1012 00:56:48,320 --> 00:56:50,353 Yes, if you're a woman, I am. 1013 00:56:50,613 --> 00:56:52,899 I'm on your side, Father, you know that. 1014 00:56:52,993 --> 00:56:54,860 You damned impertinent devil! 1015 00:56:54,920 --> 00:56:57,135 Every word you say is against me, your own father! 1016 00:56:57,160 --> 00:56:59,480 When I know you're wrong, I have to speak. -How am I wrong? 1017 00:56:59,520 --> 00:57:02,455 By maintaining my position on the authority of the State? Is that wrong? 1018 00:57:02,480 --> 00:57:05,360 When position and authority ride roughshod over moral feeling... 1019 00:57:05,400 --> 00:57:09,167 You're weak, and uxorious, and contemptible, with no will of your own. 1020 00:57:09,192 --> 00:57:10,575 You're a woman's mouthpiece. 1021 00:57:10,600 --> 00:57:11,680 I'm not ashamed of what I'm saying. 1022 00:57:11,720 --> 00:57:14,814 Every word you've said pleads for her. -I plead for you! 1023 00:57:15,600 --> 00:57:18,353 And for myself, and for common humanity. 1024 00:57:20,006 --> 00:57:21,775 Respect for the dead. 1025 00:57:21,800 --> 00:57:24,000 You will never marry that woman, never. 1026 00:57:24,040 --> 00:57:25,775 Not this side of the grave. 1027 00:57:25,800 --> 00:57:27,506 If she diesm she won't die alone. 1028 00:57:28,360 --> 00:57:30,046 There'll be two deaths, not one. 1029 00:57:30,846 --> 00:57:32,466 Are you threatening me? 1030 00:57:32,640 --> 00:57:33,941 How dare you threaten me? 1031 00:57:33,966 --> 00:57:36,174 No, that's not a threat. I'm telling you your plan 1032 00:57:36,198 --> 00:57:38,611 was misbegotten from the beginning. -Misbegotten? 1033 00:57:38,640 --> 00:57:41,256 Dear god, if anything's misbegotten here, it's my son. 1034 00:57:41,280 --> 00:57:42,480 You'll regret this, I promise you. 1035 00:57:42,460 --> 00:57:43,448 If you weren't my father 1036 00:57:43,472 --> 00:57:45,558 I'd say you were demented. -Don't "father" me! 1037 00:57:45,676 --> 00:57:47,653 You're a woman's plaything, a tame lapdog! 1038 00:57:47,680 --> 00:57:49,360 Is anyone else allowed to speak? 1039 00:57:50,253 --> 00:57:52,460 Must you have the last word in everything? 1040 00:57:53,026 --> 00:57:55,306 Must all the rest of us be gagged? 1041 00:57:56,553 --> 00:57:58,771 I must, and I will! 1042 00:57:59,191 --> 00:58:02,300 And you, I promise you, will regret what you've spoken here today. 1043 00:58:02,404 --> 00:58:05,963 I will not be sneered at or contradicted by anyone. 1044 00:58:07,356 --> 00:58:09,003 Sons can be punished too. 1045 00:58:09,690 --> 00:58:12,060 Bring her out, the condemned woman, the criminal. 1046 00:58:12,160 --> 00:58:15,230 Let her die here and now, in front of him. 1047 00:58:15,670 --> 00:58:17,999 This passionate bridegroom of hers. 1048 00:58:18,920 --> 00:58:20,859 You can watch the execution. 1049 00:58:23,917 --> 00:58:25,597 That's one sight I shall never see. 1050 00:58:27,383 --> 00:58:30,906 Nor, from this moment, Father, 1051 00:58:31,766 --> 00:58:33,440 will you ever see me again. 1052 00:58:38,270 --> 00:58:39,537 Those that wish to stay and watch 1053 00:58:39,560 --> 00:58:42,880 this disgusting spectacle of tyranny and injustice 1054 00:58:43,950 --> 00:58:45,330 are welcome to it. 1055 00:58:53,922 --> 00:58:54,908 My Lord Creon, 1056 00:58:55,520 --> 00:58:57,886 your son has gone so desperate and in such a hurry, 1057 00:58:58,193 --> 00:58:59,340 I am afraid for him. 1058 00:58:59,520 --> 00:59:01,735 When young men are angry anything is possible. 1059 00:59:01,760 --> 00:59:03,928 Let him go. Let him do as he pleases. 1060 00:59:03,960 --> 00:59:05,980 Let him rave himself senseless. 1061 00:59:06,060 --> 00:59:07,966 It's all noise and nonsense. 1062 00:59:09,453 --> 00:59:10,946 The two women are sentenced. 1063 00:59:11,240 --> 00:59:13,806 It'll take more than that to reprieve them, I promise you. 1064 00:59:14,272 --> 00:59:16,459 Both of them, sir? 1065 00:59:17,200 --> 00:59:20,373 You mean to put both of the sisters to death? 1066 00:59:21,280 --> 00:59:22,260 No, you're right. 1067 00:59:22,740 --> 00:59:23,813 I can take advice. 1068 00:59:24,346 --> 00:59:25,920 The one who covered the body, not the other. 1069 00:59:27,126 --> 00:59:29,412 And for the condemned one? 1070 00:59:30,006 --> 00:59:31,179 What manner of death? 1071 00:59:31,680 --> 00:59:33,400 Take her to some lonely place. 1072 00:59:33,546 --> 00:59:35,145 A desert unfrequented by anyone. 1073 00:59:35,200 --> 00:59:36,880 Find a cave and wall her up in it. 1074 00:59:36,939 --> 00:59:38,060 Bury her alive! 1075 00:59:41,880 --> 00:59:45,560 But with just enough food so that no guilt for her death will fall upon us, 1076 00:59:45,939 --> 00:59:47,213 neither State nor city. 1077 00:59:48,266 --> 00:59:51,180 She'll have plenty of time to honor the gods of the dead there, 1078 00:59:51,252 --> 00:59:53,432 since they receive so many of her prayers. 1079 00:59:54,406 --> 00:59:56,232 They will release her one way or the other, 1080 00:59:56,466 --> 01:00:00,779 and she will learn that worshiping the dead is not the business of the living. 1081 01:00:06,311 --> 01:00:11,084 When the god of unbridled passion makes war, he always wins. 1082 01:00:11,624 --> 01:00:16,645 No force on earth can withstand his powerful, merciless hand. 1083 01:00:18,378 --> 01:00:21,580 When the first flowers appear in a young girl's cheeks 1084 01:00:21,718 --> 01:00:23,820 the remorseless magic begins. 1085 01:00:23,880 --> 01:00:28,600 And then, from the deepest valley to the highest peak, his traps are set. 1086 01:00:28,640 --> 01:00:32,560 And no man's sins or virtues can keep him from the net. 1087 01:00:32,600 --> 01:00:34,800 The mania is universal. 1088 01:00:34,960 --> 01:00:37,280 The gods themselves run mad. 1089 01:00:37,320 --> 01:00:40,240 Men lose their wits, and no one is spared. 1090 01:00:40,680 --> 01:00:43,746 When the madness strikes, no one is safe. 1091 01:00:44,166 --> 01:00:47,500 The maturest of men will commit follies and crimes 1092 01:00:47,525 --> 01:00:50,379 undreamed of in saner times. 1093 01:00:50,539 --> 01:00:53,772 What else could provoke this strife between father and son? 1094 01:00:54,200 --> 01:00:58,320 This family divided, and murderous anger between kin? 1095 01:00:58,440 --> 01:01:00,666 There is fire in a woman's eye. 1096 01:01:01,040 --> 01:01:03,493 Incited by such consuming heat, 1097 01:01:03,913 --> 01:01:06,384 a man's mind can burn. 1098 01:01:07,086 --> 01:01:10,236 Aphrodite shares powers with Zeus, 1099 01:01:10,436 --> 01:01:12,956 her seat is at his right hand, 1100 01:01:13,356 --> 01:01:16,217 her lightning strikes to the heart, 1101 01:01:16,465 --> 01:01:19,266 and its power is frightening. 1102 01:01:37,560 --> 01:01:41,715 Yet how can we talk of justice and the needs of the State 1103 01:01:42,280 --> 01:01:46,338 while we stand and watch this unendurable sight? 1104 01:01:46,588 --> 01:01:49,155 My eyes will have their way and weep, 1105 01:01:49,589 --> 01:01:54,543 seeing Antigone, calm as a bride going to her bedchamber, 1106 01:01:54,831 --> 01:01:59,158 to marry the dead and share their everlasting sleep. 1107 01:02:12,440 --> 01:02:14,697 In all my wanderings, gentlemen, 1108 01:02:15,868 --> 01:02:17,572 this place has been my home. 1109 01:02:19,301 --> 01:02:20,952 I was born in this city... 1110 01:02:22,910 --> 01:02:25,061 and now I begin my last journey. 1111 01:02:26,851 --> 01:02:29,562 I look up at the sun in its familiar sky 1112 01:02:30,611 --> 01:02:32,653 and feel its warmth on my face 1113 01:02:34,263 --> 01:02:35,862 only to say goodbye. 1114 01:02:37,534 --> 01:02:40,125 In the daytime of my life, in mid-breath 1115 01:02:40,160 --> 01:02:42,760 this security policeman, death, arrests me, 1116 01:02:43,345 --> 01:02:46,696 as he arrests everyone, young and old, at home or in the street. 1117 01:02:46,720 --> 01:02:49,307 To the cold waters of darkness we come. 1118 01:02:50,600 --> 01:02:52,896 Never to return across that silent river. 1119 01:02:55,040 --> 01:02:56,120 No wedding for me. 1120 01:02:57,638 --> 01:02:58,638 No music. 1121 01:02:59,400 --> 01:03:01,020 No guests in the room. 1122 01:03:01,285 --> 01:03:04,333 My wedding gift is eternity in a stone tomb. 1123 01:03:04,513 --> 01:03:06,940 My dowry, forever not-to-be. 1124 01:03:08,651 --> 01:03:11,379 Death my bridegroom. 1125 01:03:13,488 --> 01:03:15,071 But your action is famous. 1126 01:03:15,707 --> 01:03:18,255 In every street mouths whisper "Antigone". 1127 01:03:21,538 --> 01:03:25,305 You go down to the dead with the promise of glory ringing in your head 1128 01:03:26,255 --> 01:03:28,362 and nothing to devalue your beauty. 1129 01:03:29,439 --> 01:03:31,001 No sword has scarred you. 1130 01:03:31,701 --> 01:03:33,158 Plague visited. 1131 01:03:34,475 --> 01:03:36,942 Unmarked. Untouched. 1132 01:03:37,552 --> 01:03:42,472 You pass from the dangerous light into the safety of eternal night. 1133 01:03:43,268 --> 01:03:44,268 Alive. 1134 01:03:44,901 --> 01:03:47,203 Alone. And free. 1135 01:03:53,099 --> 01:03:55,979 Do you remember the sad story of Tantalus' daughter? 1136 01:03:59,876 --> 01:04:01,660 She was a stranger from Phrygia. 1137 01:04:01,685 --> 01:04:04,245 Unmarried, like me, in danger like mine. 1138 01:04:05,478 --> 01:04:07,989 She was sentenced to die on the rock of Sipylus, 1139 01:04:08,080 --> 01:04:09,720 and there was no glory for her, 1140 01:04:10,411 --> 01:04:12,255 only the endless shock of the elements 1141 01:04:12,280 --> 01:04:14,240 and the terrible place where she was imprisoned: 1142 01:04:14,680 --> 01:04:19,037 The mountain's embrace like fingers of ivy tying her down, 1143 01:04:19,459 --> 01:04:21,066 enclosing, entombing her, 1144 01:04:21,312 --> 01:04:23,648 and she all alone while the snows blinded her, 1145 01:04:23,680 --> 01:04:25,495 and the freezing rain whipped her to rags 1146 01:04:25,520 --> 01:04:27,680 and exposed her pain to the naked sky. 1147 01:04:29,400 --> 01:04:32,800 What bitter tears she shed as she slowly turned to stone 1148 01:04:32,869 --> 01:04:36,224 and the gray rock petrified her... 1149 01:04:36,940 --> 01:04:38,069 by inches... 1150 01:04:39,921 --> 01:04:41,041 and she died. 1151 01:04:43,240 --> 01:04:44,560 Her story is mine. 1152 01:04:46,445 --> 01:04:48,673 Today I shall share her rocky bed. 1153 01:04:49,644 --> 01:04:51,022 But she was a goddess. 1154 01:04:51,587 --> 01:04:54,263 Not born for death like the children of men... 1155 01:04:54,613 --> 01:04:57,373 Whose desperate mortality is their only certainty. 1156 01:04:58,266 --> 01:05:00,752 Would it soothe your pain to share her destiny? 1157 01:05:00,800 --> 01:05:04,894 Or soften your distress as, alive in the earth, 1158 01:05:04,977 --> 01:05:08,711 you draw your last breath, like her, to be living again? 1159 01:05:09,861 --> 01:05:11,081 Are you laughing at me? 1160 01:05:14,143 --> 01:05:17,816 By everything this city of our fathers has ever held sacred... 1161 01:05:18,813 --> 01:05:19,972 you landowners... 1162 01:05:20,640 --> 01:05:22,930 you elder statesmen, you rulers of Thebes, 1163 01:05:22,955 --> 01:05:24,596 my dying is no joke! 1164 01:05:25,524 --> 01:05:27,924 Am I a figure of fun, to be mocked like this? 1165 01:05:28,440 --> 01:05:31,000 And publicly humiliated as I leave you forever? 1166 01:05:32,723 --> 01:05:37,500 Then, forests and meadows, and our Theban river, 1167 01:05:37,585 --> 01:05:41,479 glittering pathway, ceaselessly flowing from Dirce's death till now, 1168 01:05:41,834 --> 01:05:44,300 flat lands thundering beneath our chariots, 1169 01:05:44,337 --> 01:05:45,804 you must be my witnesses. 1170 01:05:46,548 --> 01:05:48,558 My only friends and mourners. 1171 01:05:49,306 --> 01:05:51,658 As, victimized by an unjust law, 1172 01:05:51,683 --> 01:05:54,997 I go to my last home, in the living tomb, to wait... 1173 01:05:56,222 --> 01:05:59,618 while the slow darkness descends... 1174 01:06:00,640 --> 01:06:04,549 cold and starving on my stony bed... 1175 01:06:06,200 --> 01:06:08,472 halfway between the living and the dead. 1176 01:06:10,610 --> 01:06:16,005 No one has ever dared to go so far before as you have dared to go. 1177 01:06:18,197 --> 01:06:21,516 Now you have stumbled, and stubbed your toe, 1178 01:06:21,963 --> 01:06:26,115 and will shortly shed your blood on the marble staircase of the law. 1179 01:06:28,000 --> 01:06:32,000 You carry your father's crimes like a millstone on your back: 1180 01:06:32,280 --> 01:06:36,840 Small wonder, in such times, if the bones bend, or break. 1181 01:06:38,643 --> 01:06:40,243 Nothing more painful than that. 1182 01:06:41,887 --> 01:06:44,592 The remembrance of my father's long agony. 1183 01:06:46,060 --> 01:06:48,820 And the curse on my suffering family from the beginning. 1184 01:06:49,122 --> 01:06:53,517 So much grief from the unlucky chance of the son finding the mother's bed, 1185 01:06:53,687 --> 01:06:57,380 and worse than anything, the benighted offspring of that unspeakable marriage: 1186 01:06:57,490 --> 01:07:02,563 And I, with the others, share that terrible destiny. 1187 01:07:04,830 --> 01:07:08,509 Conceived in incest, no repentance can soften the punishment: 1188 01:07:08,534 --> 01:07:11,223 The years pass, the agony increases. 1189 01:07:11,602 --> 01:07:13,180 And there is no pity for our tears. 1190 01:07:13,347 --> 01:07:14,884 No marriage for me, for certain. 1191 01:07:15,542 --> 01:07:19,145 I shall close that book forever, as I meet my mother and father in the shades. 1192 01:07:19,980 --> 01:07:21,633 The weddings will cease. 1193 01:07:22,776 --> 01:07:25,898 Marriage to the woman of Argos finished my brother and finished me too. 1194 01:07:25,923 --> 01:07:27,340 There will never be another. 1195 01:07:27,506 --> 01:07:30,589 To pay respect to the dead is praiseworthy. 1196 01:07:30,701 --> 01:07:34,791 An act of love, and religion must have its due. 1197 01:07:35,086 --> 01:07:38,110 But no civilized State can eschew authority. 1198 01:07:38,658 --> 01:07:43,066 Laws must be obeyed, whether you approve or disapprove. 1199 01:07:43,200 --> 01:07:46,040 If you refuse to sanction the power of the State, 1200 01:07:46,726 --> 01:07:48,356 you invite disaster. 1201 01:07:48,849 --> 01:07:50,831 And connive at your own fate. 1202 01:07:53,518 --> 01:07:54,839 Spare me your sympathy. 1203 01:07:57,983 --> 01:07:59,821 Weep no false tears. 1204 01:08:02,057 --> 01:08:03,868 I know the path that I must follow. 1205 01:08:05,161 --> 01:08:07,923 To the sunless country of eternal sorrow. 1206 01:08:09,508 --> 01:08:12,921 The bleak waters of eternity. 1207 01:08:14,952 --> 01:08:16,816 The unimaginable years. 1208 01:08:20,746 --> 01:08:23,276 No grief where none is felt. 1209 01:08:25,045 --> 01:08:26,202 I shall go alone... 1210 01:08:27,360 --> 01:08:30,080 and in silence to my house of stone. 1211 01:08:38,304 --> 01:08:41,603 If death could be prevented by singing arias about it, 1212 01:08:41,640 --> 01:08:44,019 or other self-indulgent displays of grief, 1213 01:08:44,045 --> 01:08:47,142 this performance would go on forever, I've no doubt. 1214 01:08:47,973 --> 01:08:49,216 But I've had enough of it. 1215 01:08:50,189 --> 01:08:54,446 Take her away, lock her up in her stone vault with half a mountain for a roof, 1216 01:08:54,471 --> 01:08:56,090 and then brick up the door. 1217 01:08:56,572 --> 01:08:59,287 Let her die there, if she chooses. 1218 01:09:00,160 --> 01:09:03,077 Or if she prefers to stay alive in her grave, she can, 1219 01:09:03,140 --> 01:09:05,859 because the grave's the only fit place for her. 1220 01:09:06,619 --> 01:09:08,939 Solitary confinement among the dead. 1221 01:09:10,000 --> 01:09:11,138 Whatever she does, 1222 01:09:11,995 --> 01:09:15,635 there will be no guilt on me or on the city. 1223 01:09:17,792 --> 01:09:19,005 Her death's her own. 1224 01:09:20,115 --> 01:09:22,123 But there's no place for her among the living. 1225 01:09:22,164 --> 01:09:23,317 To my grave then. 1226 01:09:25,082 --> 01:09:26,305 My honeymoon bed. 1227 01:09:28,542 --> 01:09:29,522 My prison. 1228 01:09:30,911 --> 01:09:33,382 My crypt, under the mountain. 1229 01:09:35,080 --> 01:09:36,984 My home for the rest of time. 1230 01:09:39,077 --> 01:09:41,157 I shall meet so many of my relations there. 1231 01:09:42,904 --> 01:09:47,500 We shall all be guests of that sad-faced queen of the shadows, Persephone, 1232 01:09:47,662 --> 01:09:50,718 in that bleak hotel that is never short of a room. 1233 01:09:52,519 --> 01:09:53,569 I am the last. 1234 01:09:55,098 --> 01:09:56,861 The unhappiest, I think. 1235 01:09:58,004 --> 01:10:00,803 And the youngest, booking in too soon. 1236 01:10:02,875 --> 01:10:06,024 But my father will be there to meet me at the door. 1237 01:10:07,244 --> 01:10:09,797 My mother will smile, and hold me, as she often did, 1238 01:10:09,822 --> 01:10:13,942 and my brother, he will be glad to see me more than all the rest. 1239 01:10:14,337 --> 01:10:17,455 At each fresh grave my hands sprinkled the earth. 1240 01:10:17,480 --> 01:10:22,440 At each I poured the purifying water, and made offerings. 1241 01:10:24,387 --> 01:10:26,392 And for my beloved Polynices... 1242 01:10:28,080 --> 01:10:30,618 whose broken body I set to rest, 1243 01:10:30,643 --> 01:10:32,958 I am rewarded with a shameful death. 1244 01:10:35,595 --> 01:10:38,065 There are some, I know, 1245 01:10:38,090 --> 01:10:40,370 more thoughtful people, who respect my action. 1246 01:10:41,794 --> 01:10:43,310 They must justify me. 1247 01:10:43,848 --> 01:10:47,410 Not for a husband, you understand, not even for a son would I have done this. 1248 01:10:47,435 --> 01:10:50,399 If the law had forbidden it, I would have bowed my head and let them rot. 1249 01:10:50,424 --> 01:10:51,424 Does that make sense? 1250 01:10:52,044 --> 01:10:53,264 I could have married again, 1251 01:10:53,289 --> 01:10:55,935 another husband, had more children by him, if the first had died. 1252 01:10:55,960 --> 01:10:56,960 Do you see? 1253 01:10:57,748 --> 01:10:59,068 Well, do you understand me? 1254 01:11:01,007 --> 01:11:02,572 My mother and father are dead. 1255 01:11:02,597 --> 01:11:04,815 There can be no more brothers, never again. 1256 01:11:04,840 --> 01:11:07,640 My love had to speak at Polynices' grave, or nowhere. 1257 01:11:08,220 --> 01:11:11,386 And for that, Creon sentences me to death, 1258 01:11:11,909 --> 01:11:15,429 drags me here, and will shut me away in a cavern under the mountain. 1259 01:11:16,705 --> 01:11:19,923 A living death, in silence and darkness and solitude. 1260 01:11:21,518 --> 01:11:22,780 I shall die unmarried. 1261 01:11:22,932 --> 01:11:26,528 All those pleasures denied me, and motherhood denied too. 1262 01:11:26,553 --> 01:11:29,152 No children to love me, to love. 1263 01:11:29,722 --> 01:11:32,303 And now, no friends. 1264 01:11:33,831 --> 01:11:35,988 What moral law have I broken? 1265 01:11:37,341 --> 01:11:39,573 What eternal truth have I denied? 1266 01:11:40,240 --> 01:11:42,280 Yet now not even a god can help me. 1267 01:11:42,873 --> 01:11:45,020 And there's no man who will, I'm sure of that. 1268 01:11:45,040 --> 01:11:47,240 No help, and no hope. 1269 01:11:48,168 --> 01:11:51,806 How can there be, when common decency has become a crime? 1270 01:11:55,453 --> 01:11:57,815 If the gods in heaven have changed their minds, 1271 01:11:57,840 --> 01:12:00,800 and this is the way they order things now, I shall soon know it. 1272 01:12:02,636 --> 01:12:04,676 And I shall have learned my lesson the hard way. 1273 01:12:07,221 --> 01:12:09,381 But if some others are mistaken... 1274 01:12:11,136 --> 01:12:13,546 let them be punished as I have been punished. 1275 01:12:15,043 --> 01:12:18,537 No worse than that, and no less either! 1276 01:12:19,500 --> 01:12:21,913 She hasn't changed, even now. 1277 01:12:21,950 --> 01:12:24,955 The anger inside her still blows like a hurricane. 1278 01:12:26,443 --> 01:12:27,763 The sooner she's got rid of, 1279 01:12:27,798 --> 01:12:30,381 shut up out of harm's way and forgotten, the better. 1280 01:12:32,520 --> 01:12:35,161 Tell those guards to get a move on, or they'll regret it. 1281 01:12:35,988 --> 01:12:37,188 That word is my death. 1282 01:12:38,000 --> 01:12:39,200 And now it is spoken. 1283 01:12:40,768 --> 01:12:42,473 Don't comfort yourself with hope. 1284 01:12:43,391 --> 01:12:44,391 There's none. 1285 01:12:48,199 --> 01:12:50,143 This is the land of my fathers. 1286 01:12:51,943 --> 01:12:55,255 Thebes, built by a god. 1287 01:12:59,167 --> 01:13:00,207 You see, senators... 1288 01:13:02,040 --> 01:13:03,429 My time has run out. 1289 01:13:05,078 --> 01:13:06,195 There's no more left. 1290 01:13:08,180 --> 01:13:10,307 I am the last of the royal blood. 1291 01:13:11,774 --> 01:13:13,360 A daughter of kings. 1292 01:13:15,006 --> 01:13:17,430 And I die his victim. 1293 01:13:18,851 --> 01:13:21,394 Unjustly, for upholding justice, 1294 01:13:22,066 --> 01:13:24,624 and the humanity of humankind. 1295 01:13:32,067 --> 01:13:34,700 And now, no friends. 1296 01:13:36,111 --> 01:13:38,403 What moral law have I broken? 1297 01:13:39,650 --> 01:13:42,097 What eternal truth have I denied? 1298 01:13:42,550 --> 01:13:44,634 Yet now not even a god can help me. 1299 01:13:45,188 --> 01:13:47,329 And there's no man who will, I'm sure of that. 1300 01:13:47,354 --> 01:13:49,827 No help, and no hope. 1301 01:13:50,426 --> 01:13:54,296 How can there be, when common decency has become a crime? 1302 01:13:57,804 --> 01:14:00,144 If the gods in heaven have changed their minds, 1303 01:14:00,168 --> 01:14:03,213 and this is the way they order things now, I shall soon know it. 1304 01:14:04,880 --> 01:14:07,069 And I shall have learned my lesson the hard way. 1305 01:14:09,531 --> 01:14:11,701 But if some others are mistaken... 1306 01:14:13,481 --> 01:14:15,972 let them be punished as I have been punished. 1307 01:14:17,377 --> 01:14:20,940 No worse than that, and no less either! 1308 01:14:21,857 --> 01:14:24,173 She hasn't changed, even now. 1309 01:14:24,240 --> 01:14:27,220 The anger inside her still blows like a hurricane. 1310 01:14:28,757 --> 01:14:32,857 The sooner she's got rid of, shut up out of harm's way and forgotten, the better. 1311 01:14:34,773 --> 01:14:37,380 Tell those guards to get a move on, or they'll regret it. 1312 01:14:38,397 --> 01:14:39,520 That word is my death. 1313 01:14:40,364 --> 01:14:41,530 And now it is spoken. 1314 01:14:43,063 --> 01:14:44,620 Don't comfort yourself with hope. 1315 01:14:45,713 --> 01:14:46,697 There's none. 1316 01:14:50,513 --> 01:14:52,530 This is the land of my fathers. 1317 01:14:54,239 --> 01:14:57,612 Thebes, built by a god. 1318 01:15:01,489 --> 01:15:02,736 You see, senators... 1319 01:15:04,374 --> 01:15:05,757 My time has run out. 1320 01:15:07,374 --> 01:15:08,519 There's no more left. 1321 01:15:10,480 --> 01:15:12,619 I am the last of the royal blood. 1322 01:15:14,083 --> 01:15:15,573 A daughter of kings. 1323 01:15:17,312 --> 01:15:19,618 And I die his victim. 1324 01:15:21,172 --> 01:15:23,607 Unjustly, for upholding justice, 1325 01:15:24,367 --> 01:15:26,998 and the humanity of humankind. 1326 01:16:10,540 --> 01:16:13,100 Others have suffered, my child, like you. 1327 01:16:13,259 --> 01:16:17,394 Upon Danaë too the same dreadful sentence was passed. 1328 01:16:17,424 --> 01:16:21,699 Far from the light of day in a tower of brass she was shut away. 1329 01:16:21,724 --> 01:16:25,568 And that one single room, both prison and tomb... 1330 01:16:25,664 --> 01:16:28,168 Became her wedding chamber at last. 1331 01:16:28,193 --> 01:16:30,489 Like you, she was a child of kings, 1332 01:16:30,963 --> 01:16:34,977 yet in her womb the semen of Zeus, descending in a golden shower... 1333 01:16:35,014 --> 01:16:37,900 Made a mockery of the brazen tower. 1334 01:16:38,009 --> 01:16:39,838 Fate has its own momentum: 1335 01:16:40,453 --> 01:16:43,243 When things must be, they will be. 1336 01:16:43,280 --> 01:16:46,501 What use is power in the State, or wealth? 1337 01:16:46,531 --> 01:16:48,872 Massive armies, an unsinkable fleet? 1338 01:16:48,909 --> 01:16:53,346 Gods make their entrances by strength or stealth. 1339 01:16:53,383 --> 01:16:57,180 And no tombs or towers can keep them out. 1340 01:17:14,621 --> 01:17:17,848 The arrogant King Lycurgus discovered wisdom 1341 01:17:18,226 --> 01:17:21,269 when he angered the god Dionysus with his railing. 1342 01:17:21,752 --> 01:17:25,705 That proud Edonian king was punished with madness, 1343 01:17:26,053 --> 01:17:28,534 and long imprisoned in a rocky cell 1344 01:17:28,912 --> 01:17:32,657 to endure the private and particular hell of lunacy: 1345 01:17:33,308 --> 01:17:37,819 Till the healing silence soothed and re-ordered his brain. 1346 01:17:38,560 --> 01:17:43,542 He learned there the terrible power of the god he had challenged. 1347 01:17:44,174 --> 01:17:47,678 Ecstasy is beyond man's understanding. 1348 01:17:48,130 --> 01:17:52,725 A mystery deeper than reason which overcomes pain 1349 01:17:52,783 --> 01:17:56,943 and seeks truth in intoxication and terror. 1350 01:17:57,706 --> 01:18:01,313 Only a fool would attempt to stop the Maenads in full flight 1351 01:18:01,861 --> 01:18:04,170 or silence their ecstatic singing. 1352 01:18:04,685 --> 01:18:07,924 The sleep of reason is not darkness, 1353 01:18:08,265 --> 01:18:10,657 but another kind of light. 1354 01:18:14,400 --> 01:18:19,680 And where the gloomy rocks divide the seas in Thrace, by the Bosporus... 1355 01:18:20,040 --> 01:18:24,760 The savage god Ares laughed to see the sons of Phineus blinded with a spindle. 1356 01:18:24,800 --> 01:18:28,280 Nothing could placate their vengeful stepmother's hate. 1357 01:18:28,343 --> 01:18:30,940 Her bloody needle darkened their eyes forever. 1358 01:18:31,084 --> 01:18:32,422 Blinding the children... 1359 01:18:32,525 --> 01:18:34,940 As the gods had blinded the father. 1360 01:18:35,014 --> 01:18:38,209 On their mother's wedding day, their destiny was settled. 1361 01:18:38,370 --> 01:18:42,708 Their wasted lives they wept away in sightless misery. 1362 01:18:43,025 --> 01:18:45,177 Yet she was descended from the gods. 1363 01:18:45,274 --> 01:18:48,753 In the echoing caves of the north wind she hallooed, as a child. 1364 01:18:48,938 --> 01:18:52,447 And on the open mountainside... -Ran wild with the horses. 1365 01:18:56,531 --> 01:19:01,330 Man's fate is determined, will not be denied. 1366 01:19:02,018 --> 01:19:06,748 The child Antigone pays for the parents' pride. 1367 01:19:15,160 --> 01:19:18,168 Senators of Thebes, and your new king, Creon. 1368 01:19:18,834 --> 01:19:21,157 We have traveled together, my boy and I, 1369 01:19:21,297 --> 01:19:24,035 sharing one pair of eyes between the two of us, 1370 01:19:24,201 --> 01:19:26,839 which is the way blind men must make their journeys. 1371 01:19:26,920 --> 01:19:28,202 Tiresias. 1372 01:19:29,024 --> 01:19:31,188 What news brings an old man such a distance? 1373 01:19:31,213 --> 01:19:32,731 Important news that can't wait. 1374 01:19:32,887 --> 01:19:35,435 And advice, which if you're wise, you'll listen to. 1375 01:19:35,464 --> 01:19:38,438 I've always listened, acted upon it too, more than once. 1376 01:19:38,520 --> 01:19:41,776 And like a sensible captain who values his pilot, you've avoided the rocks. 1377 01:19:41,800 --> 01:19:44,080 I admit it. We all do. We're in your debt. 1378 01:19:44,260 --> 01:19:46,756 Then for god's sake, listen to me now. 1379 01:19:47,349 --> 01:19:49,260 You're like a man balanced on a razor, 1380 01:19:49,358 --> 01:19:52,625 likely to fall, or cut himself to pieces. 1381 01:19:53,292 --> 01:19:54,475 Are you serious? 1382 01:19:55,497 --> 01:19:57,835 Any man would shudder hearing such things from your lips 1383 01:19:57,880 --> 01:19:59,621 that have foretold so many horrors. 1384 01:20:02,052 --> 01:20:03,020 Tell me what you mean. 1385 01:20:03,119 --> 01:20:05,105 Oh yes, I intend to. 1386 01:20:06,126 --> 01:20:08,995 Everything my experience of forecasting the future 1387 01:20:09,289 --> 01:20:13,380 and understanding symbols revealed to me, I will make plain to you. 1388 01:20:14,387 --> 01:20:16,056 I was sitting in my usual seat. 1389 01:20:16,698 --> 01:20:20,264 A place where I can hear the singing and the secret language of the birds 1390 01:20:20,289 --> 01:20:21,848 and understand their meaning... 1391 01:20:22,956 --> 01:20:26,780 When I heard, quite unexpectedly, a terrible new sound, 1392 01:20:26,959 --> 01:20:29,190 like shrieking, or cries of anguish. 1393 01:20:29,916 --> 01:20:32,495 Hysterical twittering and whistling 1394 01:20:32,798 --> 01:20:36,067 like the babble of a barbaric language 1395 01:20:36,304 --> 01:20:40,459 capable of expressing only hatred or pain. 1396 01:20:40,963 --> 01:20:45,534 By that, and the wild beating of wings, I knew the birds were at war. 1397 01:20:45,639 --> 01:20:48,145 Such sounds could mean nothing else. 1398 01:20:48,664 --> 01:20:53,182 I could well imagine their bloodstained beaks and dripping claws, 1399 01:20:53,471 --> 01:20:56,278 and that thought disturbed me deeply. 1400 01:20:56,871 --> 01:21:01,212 At once I went to my altar, to see what I could learn from the sacrifice by fire. 1401 01:21:01,442 --> 01:21:02,923 But nothing would burn. 1402 01:21:03,264 --> 01:21:05,998 A stinking liquid fell from the flesh 1403 01:21:06,206 --> 01:21:10,259 and dropped on the embers, and sizzled and bubbled among the ashes. 1404 01:21:10,622 --> 01:21:15,304 Then the gallbladder burst, spurting stinking acid across the meat, 1405 01:21:15,680 --> 01:21:18,793 and all the fat melted and was 1406 01:21:18,904 --> 01:21:21,710 rendered down till the bone was left bare. 1407 01:21:22,896 --> 01:21:24,328 I saw all this. 1408 01:21:25,039 --> 01:21:26,446 Or my boy saw it. 1409 01:21:26,965 --> 01:21:30,140 He sees for me what my eyes cannot, 1410 01:21:30,300 --> 01:21:33,812 just as I see things to which other people are blind. 1411 01:21:34,456 --> 01:21:36,142 But from that filth I read nothing. 1412 01:21:36,401 --> 01:21:39,438 The oracle was clogged with fat and decay, 1413 01:21:39,907 --> 01:21:41,634 and then it was revealed. 1414 01:21:42,263 --> 01:21:45,649 I understood that you, King Creon, 1415 01:21:45,674 --> 01:21:49,281 have decreed this filth that chokes our altars. 1416 01:21:49,920 --> 01:21:54,860 The blood and flesh which decays and stinks there 1417 01:21:55,011 --> 01:22:00,313 is the blood and flesh vomited from the gullets of dogs and carrion crows. 1418 01:22:00,960 --> 01:22:02,931 The blood of Polynices, 1419 01:22:03,301 --> 01:22:06,928 the flesh of that unluckiest of the sons of Oedipus, 1420 01:22:07,284 --> 01:22:13,131 still unburied, and affronting more than our sense of smell. 1421 01:22:13,901 --> 01:22:16,220 The gods themselves are disgusted. 1422 01:22:16,437 --> 01:22:18,631 They reject our prayers and sacrifices. 1423 01:22:18,675 --> 01:22:20,218 How could they do otherwise? 1424 01:22:20,483 --> 01:22:23,020 How can the birds sing of anything but horrors, 1425 01:22:23,198 --> 01:22:25,762 blown out with this banquet of human blood, 1426 01:22:25,791 --> 01:22:29,242 clogged and stinking, till their very beaks drip with it? 1427 01:22:30,101 --> 01:22:31,457 My son, listen to me. 1428 01:22:32,242 --> 01:22:35,525 Any man can make a mistake or commit a crime. 1429 01:22:36,377 --> 01:22:38,648 The man who can recognize what he has done, 1430 01:22:39,085 --> 01:22:43,202 see that he is mistaken, and... or morally wrong, 1431 01:22:43,307 --> 01:22:45,101 admits it and puts it right, 1432 01:22:45,131 --> 01:22:48,860 that man proves that it is never too late to become wise, 1433 01:22:49,008 --> 01:22:50,705 and no one will condemn him. 1434 01:22:51,001 --> 01:22:54,614 But if he compounds his stupidity with stubbornness, 1435 01:22:54,639 --> 01:22:57,110 and an obstinate refusal to face the facts, 1436 01:22:57,740 --> 01:22:58,914 he is nothing but a fool. 1437 01:23:00,381 --> 01:23:03,266 Is there anyone more stupid than a stupid man 1438 01:23:03,783 --> 01:23:05,780 who cannot see his own stupidity? 1439 01:23:07,069 --> 01:23:09,145 Polynices is dead. 1440 01:23:09,819 --> 01:23:12,369 Don't revenge yourself on his remains. 1441 01:23:13,028 --> 01:23:15,721 You can kill a man once, and once only. 1442 01:23:16,728 --> 01:23:21,831 Is there any glory to be gained by defeating a poor corpse? 1443 01:23:22,853 --> 01:23:24,616 This is good advice, my son. 1444 01:23:26,437 --> 01:23:29,301 Sincerely offered by one who wishes you well. 1445 01:23:30,694 --> 01:23:31,694 Take it. 1446 01:23:35,631 --> 01:23:38,534 So that's your news, is it, old man? 1447 01:23:39,734 --> 01:23:43,057 I am to be the target, am I, for everyone to shoot at? 1448 01:23:43,886 --> 01:23:48,615 Well, I am wise too. 1449 01:23:48,993 --> 01:23:50,731 Wise to the ways of fortune tellers, 1450 01:23:50,760 --> 01:23:53,280 and the buying and selling you all go in for. 1451 01:23:54,630 --> 01:23:56,838 And I'm to be the latest bargain, I see. 1452 01:23:57,504 --> 01:23:59,660 I'm to be bought and sold like silver 1453 01:23:59,660 --> 01:24:02,319 from the mines of Sardis, or gold from India. 1454 01:24:02,356 --> 01:24:04,056 I'm to be part of the trade. 1455 01:24:04,569 --> 01:24:06,717 Well, let me tell you this, Tiresias. 1456 01:24:07,243 --> 01:24:08,832 There is not enough gold in the world 1457 01:24:08,857 --> 01:24:10,953 to buy a grave for that man! 1458 01:24:11,435 --> 01:24:13,086 If golden eagles should carry him up 1459 01:24:13,116 --> 01:24:14,940 by joints and shreds to Zeus, 1460 01:24:15,057 --> 01:24:18,219 and spew him in gobbets on the marble floor of Olympus, 1461 01:24:18,405 --> 01:24:20,035 not even that blasphemy would be enough 1462 01:24:20,065 --> 01:24:21,420 to deflect me from my purpose, 1463 01:24:21,555 --> 01:24:24,821 because I know that no single human act, 1464 01:24:24,984 --> 01:24:26,858 however much it may degrade the earth, 1465 01:24:26,888 --> 01:24:28,940 and the men who perpetrate or suffer it, 1466 01:24:29,044 --> 01:24:32,374 can stain the purity of the ever-living gods! 1467 01:24:34,031 --> 01:24:35,976 But let me tell you this, Tiresias. 1468 01:24:36,687 --> 01:24:38,292 A man can fall. 1469 01:24:38,537 --> 01:24:40,510 He can fall like a stone. 1470 01:24:41,006 --> 01:24:43,110 Especially when he pretends to give good advice, 1471 01:24:43,135 --> 01:24:46,300 and wraps it up in a profound cloak of religiosity, 1472 01:24:46,499 --> 01:24:49,260 when all the time naked self-interest, 1473 01:24:49,340 --> 01:24:50,780 and the greed for profit, 1474 01:24:50,926 --> 01:24:53,100 are the only motives that matter to him. 1475 01:24:53,225 --> 01:24:56,352 Are there any wise men left? Anywhere? -Oh, how profound! 1476 01:24:56,382 --> 01:24:58,318 Do you have any other thunderous platitudes 1477 01:24:58,355 --> 01:24:59,178 to follow that one? 1478 01:24:59,215 --> 01:25:00,923 Mature judgment cannot be bought. 1479 01:25:01,383 --> 01:25:03,100 No treasure is as valuable, 1480 01:25:03,306 --> 01:25:05,740 and good advice is worth more than a fortune to any man. 1481 01:25:05,765 --> 01:25:07,820 Bad advice is worse than worthless. 1482 01:25:08,027 --> 01:25:10,189 A disease which infects the wisest of men! 1483 01:25:10,214 --> 01:25:12,209 You describe your own symptoms exactly. 1484 01:25:12,234 --> 01:25:14,578 Well then, my so-called prophet, tell me, 1485 01:25:14,603 --> 01:25:17,007 will any of these insults be of any benefit to anyone? 1486 01:25:17,032 --> 01:25:18,032 None at all. 1487 01:25:18,534 --> 01:25:20,156 And yet you insult me. 1488 01:25:20,511 --> 01:25:23,906 You say that my predictions are both false and dishonest. 1489 01:25:23,931 --> 01:25:27,526 That is because all fortune tellers are money grubbers and charlatans. 1490 01:25:27,792 --> 01:25:29,904 Kings too have been known to be acquisitive. 1491 01:25:30,080 --> 01:25:31,480 Do you know the man you're speaking to? 1492 01:25:32,196 --> 01:25:34,150 I am the king. -You are the king, yes. 1493 01:25:34,179 --> 01:25:35,970 My good advice helped to make you one. 1494 01:25:35,995 --> 01:25:37,659 Oh, you've had your successes, I know that. 1495 01:25:37,684 --> 01:25:39,521 You've been proved right on more than one occasion. 1496 01:25:40,195 --> 01:25:41,955 But honesty is another matter. 1497 01:25:42,303 --> 01:25:43,560 I've never trusted you. 1498 01:25:43,611 --> 01:25:45,592 Don't provoke me to tell you everything. 1499 01:25:46,056 --> 01:25:47,740 What do you mean? -Everything I know. 1500 01:25:47,740 --> 01:25:48,723 Say what you like, 1501 01:25:48,748 --> 01:25:51,100 say anything at all, but say it honestly, 1502 01:25:51,125 --> 01:25:52,259 not for cash! 1503 01:25:52,560 --> 01:25:54,620 Are you really foolish enough to believe 1504 01:25:54,812 --> 01:25:56,306 that money has ever been my motive? 1505 01:25:56,331 --> 01:25:59,117 Because my integrity is not for sale. 1506 01:25:59,687 --> 01:26:01,741 Tell your buyer that, whoever he is. 1507 01:26:02,185 --> 01:26:03,872 Listen, Creon, this is the truth. 1508 01:26:05,383 --> 01:26:07,014 Before many more days, 1509 01:26:07,770 --> 01:26:09,422 before the sun has risen... 1510 01:26:09,955 --> 01:26:12,533 well, shall we say, a few more times, 1511 01:26:13,274 --> 01:26:15,815 you will have made your payment, corpse for corpse, 1512 01:26:15,840 --> 01:26:18,318 with a child of your own blood. 1513 01:26:19,877 --> 01:26:22,798 You have buried the one still living, 1514 01:26:22,828 --> 01:26:25,462 the woman who moves and breathes 1515 01:26:25,487 --> 01:26:26,939 you have given to the grave, 1516 01:26:28,058 --> 01:26:31,847 and the man you have left, unwashed, unwept, 1517 01:26:31,872 --> 01:26:35,509 and without the common courtesy of a decent covering of earth. 1518 01:26:35,894 --> 01:26:37,795 So that both have been wronged, 1519 01:26:38,291 --> 01:26:39,726 and the gods of the underworld, 1520 01:26:39,763 --> 01:26:41,859 to whom the body justly belongs, 1521 01:26:41,978 --> 01:26:44,168 are denied it and are insulted. 1522 01:26:44,546 --> 01:26:46,677 Such matters are not for you to judge. 1523 01:26:46,973 --> 01:26:48,460 You usurp ancient rights 1524 01:26:48,460 --> 01:26:51,618 which even the gods themselves don't dare to question. 1525 01:26:51,989 --> 01:26:55,484 Powers that are not within the prerogative of kings. 1526 01:26:56,561 --> 01:26:59,485 Even now, this minute, 1527 01:27:00,515 --> 01:27:02,364 the avengers are on their way. 1528 01:27:03,083 --> 01:27:07,930 The Furies, who rise up from Hell and swoop down from Heaven, 1529 01:27:08,737 --> 01:27:12,409 fix their hooks in those who commit crimes, and will never let go. 1530 01:27:13,083 --> 01:27:16,460 The suffering that you inflicted on others will be inflicted upon you. 1531 01:27:16,677 --> 01:27:19,151 You will suffer as they did. 1532 01:27:20,055 --> 01:27:21,864 Have I been bribed, do you think? 1533 01:27:22,234 --> 01:27:24,390 Am I speaking for money now? 1534 01:27:25,694 --> 01:27:28,613 Before very long, yes, it will be soon, 1535 01:27:28,991 --> 01:27:32,176 there will be screaming and bitter tears 1536 01:27:32,213 --> 01:27:35,214 and hysterical crying in this house. 1537 01:27:35,554 --> 01:27:37,482 Men as well as women. 1538 01:27:38,089 --> 01:27:41,340 Other cities too, other States, will turn upon you 1539 01:27:41,514 --> 01:27:43,010 for the crime you have committed. 1540 01:27:43,351 --> 01:27:46,434 Dogs and vultures will swarm in the streets, 1541 01:27:46,886 --> 01:27:50,113 dropping fragments of the unburied man 1542 01:27:50,417 --> 01:27:53,320 in corners, on doorsteps, in the public squares. 1543 01:27:53,765 --> 01:27:56,060 They will smell the pollution, 1544 01:27:56,215 --> 01:27:59,232 and turn to you, its author! 1545 01:28:01,447 --> 01:28:02,714 That is all I have to say. 1546 01:28:04,914 --> 01:28:09,010 You made me angry, Creon, with your crude accusations. 1547 01:28:09,469 --> 01:28:11,788 And so I made you my target. 1548 01:28:12,647 --> 01:28:15,122 And like a good marksman, all my shots have hit the bull. 1549 01:28:16,039 --> 01:28:17,193 You can feel them, can't you? 1550 01:28:17,913 --> 01:28:20,159 You can feel the pain, like an arrow, here! 1551 01:28:23,870 --> 01:28:25,698 Take me home now, boy. 1552 01:28:29,880 --> 01:28:34,240 Leave him alone to entertain some younger ears than mine 1553 01:28:34,255 --> 01:28:36,536 with his ridiculous outbursts. 1554 01:28:37,921 --> 01:28:42,263 Either that, or let him learn maturer judgment, 1555 01:28:43,472 --> 01:28:47,872 and how a wise man controls his tongue. 1556 01:28:58,818 --> 01:28:59,818 My Lord. 1557 01:29:00,633 --> 01:29:03,334 He's gone, promising nothing but disaster to come. 1558 01:29:04,475 --> 01:29:06,275 My hair grew gray in this city. 1559 01:29:06,978 --> 01:29:09,275 I was dark-haired here, soon I will be white. 1560 01:29:09,489 --> 01:29:13,317 And in all that time I have never known any of his prophecies to be proved wrong. 1561 01:29:14,066 --> 01:29:15,296 Neither have I, man! 1562 01:29:16,770 --> 01:29:18,680 I know that much as well as you... 1563 01:29:22,369 --> 01:29:26,092 My mind's torn apart like a tug of war, one way, then the other... 1564 01:29:28,262 --> 01:29:29,938 How can I give way now? 1565 01:29:31,538 --> 01:29:33,744 Yet how can I stand here like a fool 1566 01:29:33,769 --> 01:29:36,437 and wait stubbornly for whatever it is that's coming? 1567 01:29:36,504 --> 01:29:38,607 Lord Creon, it's time to take good advice. 1568 01:29:38,637 --> 01:29:40,244 Give it then. Don't be afraid. I'll listen. 1569 01:29:40,274 --> 01:29:42,744 Release the woman from her underground prison. 1570 01:29:42,781 --> 01:29:45,180 And give honorable burial to the dead man. 1571 01:29:45,278 --> 01:29:48,681 So that's your advice. Total collapse. Complete withdrawal. 1572 01:29:49,915 --> 01:29:51,660 Do you all think that? -We do, sir. 1573 01:29:51,780 --> 01:29:53,550 And do it quickly, for heaven's sake! 1574 01:29:53,817 --> 01:29:56,214 The gods never move faster than when punishing men 1575 01:29:56,240 --> 01:29:59,115 with the consequences of their own actions. 1576 01:29:59,140 --> 01:30:00,273 How can I do it? 1577 01:30:00,984 --> 01:30:03,175 It's unendurable to deny every principle 1578 01:30:03,200 --> 01:30:05,360 and every action I've stood fast by. 1579 01:30:06,436 --> 01:30:09,085 Yet I dare not stand against the iron laws of necessity. 1580 01:30:09,114 --> 01:30:11,500 Go on sir, do it now, and do it personally. 1581 01:30:11,588 --> 01:30:13,726 Not by proxy, with your own hands. 1582 01:30:13,751 --> 01:30:16,618 Yes, I'll go. I'll go this instant. 1583 01:30:17,151 --> 01:30:19,140 Somebody, anybody, 1584 01:30:19,444 --> 01:30:22,312 bring spades and sledgehammers out onto the mountain! 1585 01:30:22,616 --> 01:30:23,616 I'm coming with you! 1586 01:30:24,121 --> 01:30:25,815 If I've changed my mind, I will act upon it 1587 01:30:25,840 --> 01:30:27,784 with exactly the same determination. 1588 01:30:28,488 --> 01:30:30,984 I sentenced her, and I'll set her free, 1589 01:30:31,347 --> 01:30:33,991 tear down bricks with my own hands if necessary. 1590 01:30:35,791 --> 01:30:38,242 Perhaps it is wisest to let the old laws stand. 1591 01:30:39,094 --> 01:30:40,458 My fear tells me it is. 1592 01:30:41,809 --> 01:30:45,905 And that's a voice every prudent man must listen to. 1593 01:30:54,685 --> 01:30:57,100 Great god with many names, 1594 01:30:57,255 --> 01:30:58,796 child of the thunder, 1595 01:30:59,129 --> 01:31:02,140 whom Zeus conceived on Cadmus' daughter 1596 01:31:02,277 --> 01:31:03,766 here in Thebes: 1597 01:31:04,225 --> 01:31:06,460 Bacchus, Dionysus. 1598 01:31:06,580 --> 01:31:08,460 In Italy revered. 1599 01:31:08,460 --> 01:31:11,008 And in Demeter's mysterious Eleusis... 1600 01:31:11,045 --> 01:31:13,889 Where old Greece dreams its most secret dream... 1601 01:31:13,926 --> 01:31:16,140 Both praised and feared. 1602 01:31:16,245 --> 01:31:18,700 This is your native city. 1603 01:31:18,839 --> 01:31:22,156 Where the quiet river of Ismenus waters the meadows. 1604 01:31:22,181 --> 01:31:25,266 Where the fever of ecstasy possesses your womenfolk. 1605 01:31:25,296 --> 01:31:27,197 Your own Thebes. 1606 01:31:27,222 --> 01:31:29,464 Where the dragon's teeth were sown. 1607 01:31:32,753 --> 01:31:35,114 The whole world worships you, 1608 01:31:35,240 --> 01:31:37,803 wine god, intoxicator. 1609 01:31:38,070 --> 01:31:41,340 On the two-pronged mountain where the torches glitter, 1610 01:31:41,514 --> 01:31:43,795 and the nymphs of Parnassus dance. 1611 01:31:44,054 --> 01:31:48,316 By the pool where Castalia's suicide made the waters magical, 1612 01:31:48,783 --> 01:31:51,894 and the cool draught inspires poets to frenzy, 1613 01:31:52,250 --> 01:31:55,066 and the true waters of darkness reside. 1614 01:31:55,192 --> 01:31:57,822 From the impenetrable slopes of Nysa, 1615 01:31:57,847 --> 01:31:59,740 where the ivy runs wild 1616 01:31:59,847 --> 01:32:02,175 and the vines hang thick in your face, 1617 01:32:02,552 --> 01:32:04,828 come home, Theban child. 1618 01:32:05,184 --> 01:32:07,615 Let the world sing its hymns in vain. 1619 01:32:08,022 --> 01:32:09,699 In the Theban streets... 1620 01:32:09,781 --> 01:32:11,580 "Hail!" -We shout. 1621 01:32:11,699 --> 01:32:13,699 "Bacchus, hail!" 1622 01:32:14,918 --> 01:32:17,636 And the city waits. 1623 01:32:18,777 --> 01:32:20,882 Your mother Semele died here. 1624 01:32:20,912 --> 01:32:24,235 Incinerated by the fire of the Universe. 1625 01:32:24,260 --> 01:32:26,304 Zeus in his splendor. 1626 01:32:26,349 --> 01:32:30,060 Now in your city another disaster threatens. 1627 01:32:30,120 --> 01:32:32,880 Fear locks up our tongues. 1628 01:32:32,923 --> 01:32:35,197 And like a plague sore on the face, 1629 01:32:35,360 --> 01:32:37,951 the State's disease is made public. 1630 01:32:38,005 --> 01:32:39,720 We have done wrong. 1631 01:32:39,728 --> 01:32:42,220 Now the first necessity is for healing. 1632 01:32:42,387 --> 01:32:44,436 From Parnassus' rocky screes. 1633 01:32:44,461 --> 01:32:47,816 Or over the sighing waters of the endless seas. 1634 01:32:47,853 --> 01:32:50,837 Come to us, healer, and heal. 1635 01:32:50,874 --> 01:32:53,267 We have suffered too long. 1636 01:32:54,186 --> 01:32:56,648 All the stars of the galaxy, 1637 01:32:56,699 --> 01:32:58,540 whose hearts are fire, 1638 01:32:58,641 --> 01:33:00,249 throb to your music, 1639 01:33:00,780 --> 01:33:03,637 and the remote voices of measureless night 1640 01:33:04,008 --> 01:33:06,744 swing from the depths of their mystery. 1641 01:33:07,015 --> 01:33:10,035 Come, with your crazed followers, 1642 01:33:10,173 --> 01:33:11,820 your lunatic women, 1643 01:33:11,936 --> 01:33:13,740 the wild Maenads, 1644 01:33:13,740 --> 01:33:16,088 authentic son of Zeus. 1645 01:33:16,117 --> 01:33:19,740 Bring delight, and dancing till we drop, 1646 01:33:19,806 --> 01:33:21,020 bring rest, 1647 01:33:21,020 --> 01:33:22,220 bring peace, 1648 01:33:22,220 --> 01:33:24,753 bring healing and rebirth, 1649 01:33:25,153 --> 01:33:27,660 let our anguish cease, 1650 01:33:27,660 --> 01:33:29,820 ecstatic god, 1651 01:33:29,820 --> 01:33:33,197 whose many names are one! 1652 01:33:34,120 --> 01:33:35,900 Senators, listen! 1653 01:33:38,123 --> 01:33:41,123 Descendants of Cadmus who founded our city, and Amphion, who built it, 1654 01:33:41,738 --> 01:33:43,029 good people of Thebes. 1655 01:33:44,384 --> 01:33:47,066 No man's life ever moves smoothly according to plan. 1656 01:33:48,073 --> 01:33:49,244 Who can make judgments? 1657 01:33:49,920 --> 01:33:52,040 Say this is praiseworthy in human existence, 1658 01:33:52,065 --> 01:33:54,891 and this is to be despised, when chance rules everything? 1659 01:33:55,654 --> 01:33:57,651 One moment a man rides high on his fortune, 1660 01:33:57,676 --> 01:33:59,661 and the same moment he crashes to the depths. 1661 01:34:00,350 --> 01:34:03,128 Luck, like the tide, is certain to ebb, after the flow, 1662 01:34:03,439 --> 01:34:05,646 and no man can tell what will happen tomorrow. 1663 01:34:06,780 --> 01:34:08,795 Everyone, surely, envied Creon. 1664 01:34:09,647 --> 01:34:12,311 He had brought his country out of anarchy. Taken power as king. 1665 01:34:12,840 --> 01:34:14,760 And his position in the State was unchallenged. 1666 01:34:14,789 --> 01:34:16,166 What's more, he ruled well, 1667 01:34:16,581 --> 01:34:20,483 if firmly, and his son was at his side, to help and succeed him. 1668 01:34:22,249 --> 01:34:23,664 All that is over now. 1669 01:34:25,724 --> 01:34:26,871 What life can there be, 1670 01:34:27,607 --> 01:34:30,275 when the things that make life pleasant are all destroyed? 1671 01:34:30,399 --> 01:34:31,479 A kind of death, 1672 01:34:32,162 --> 01:34:34,865 moving and breathing, but not living. 1673 01:34:36,836 --> 01:34:38,050 That's how it is for him. 1674 01:34:39,524 --> 01:34:41,417 Of course, he's rich beyond accounting, 1675 01:34:41,780 --> 01:34:45,776 he's a king still, with all the pomp and circumstance that rank implies. 1676 01:34:45,801 --> 01:34:48,974 But what's it worth when all the joy of life is gone? 1677 01:34:49,004 --> 01:34:51,249 A shadow, a mockery, a vulgar pageant. 1678 01:34:52,678 --> 01:34:54,606 Who can take pleasure in wealth or power 1679 01:34:55,213 --> 01:34:57,282 when all happiness is dead in his heart? 1680 01:34:57,556 --> 01:34:59,408 More tragedy for this family? 1681 01:34:59,978 --> 01:35:01,069 Tell us your news. 1682 01:35:01,336 --> 01:35:02,336 They're both dead. 1683 01:35:03,580 --> 01:35:05,260 And the living must take the blame. 1684 01:35:05,417 --> 01:35:06,958 Who's dead? -Who killed them? 1685 01:35:07,017 --> 01:35:08,076 What happened? Tell us. 1686 01:35:08,105 --> 01:35:09,542 The king's son, Haemon. 1687 01:35:10,491 --> 01:35:12,876 The royal blood shed by a royal hand. 1688 01:35:13,483 --> 01:35:15,394 His father, you mean? -Or his own? 1689 01:35:15,446 --> 01:35:17,002 His own held the sword. 1690 01:35:17,873 --> 01:35:19,777 But his father's actions drove it home. 1691 01:35:20,014 --> 01:35:23,865 The prophet warned us. -And it all came true. 1692 01:35:24,139 --> 01:35:25,347 That's how things are. 1693 01:35:26,305 --> 01:35:27,705 It's in your hands now. 1694 01:35:31,883 --> 01:35:33,215 The door is opening. Look! 1695 01:35:40,162 --> 01:35:42,220 Here's Eurydice. -Poor woman. 1696 01:35:42,320 --> 01:35:43,360 The king's wife. 1697 01:35:43,466 --> 01:35:44,666 Does she know, do you think? 1698 01:35:44,784 --> 01:35:45,984 Has she come here by chance? 1699 01:35:46,021 --> 01:35:48,343 Or because she has heard her son is dead? 1700 01:35:53,240 --> 01:35:55,943 Gentlemen. Good friends. 1701 01:35:57,100 --> 01:35:59,417 My ears caught something of what you were saying. 1702 01:36:00,469 --> 01:36:02,099 A few words as I opened the door. 1703 01:36:03,669 --> 01:36:06,193 I was on my way to offer prayers to Pallas Athene. 1704 01:36:07,141 --> 01:36:08,704 We had just drawn back the bolt 1705 01:36:09,644 --> 01:36:12,202 when I heard a few scraps of your conversation. 1706 01:36:13,683 --> 01:36:17,438 It's enough to make me fear what all mothers fear. 1707 01:36:17,623 --> 01:36:20,112 An accident or some disaster to those we love. 1708 01:36:21,957 --> 01:36:23,037 I nearly fainted. 1709 01:36:24,358 --> 01:36:26,692 My ladies-in-waiting caught me in their arms. 1710 01:36:28,936 --> 01:36:29,936 Please... 1711 01:36:30,600 --> 01:36:33,245 speak it out plainly, whatever it is. I can bear it. 1712 01:36:34,329 --> 01:36:36,773 We are bred to stoicism in this family. 1713 01:36:40,269 --> 01:36:43,755 Dear Queen, whom we all respect. 1714 01:36:44,466 --> 01:36:45,911 I was there. I saw it all. 1715 01:36:46,955 --> 01:36:48,683 And I'll tell you exactly what happened. 1716 01:36:49,601 --> 01:36:52,356 There's no point in trying to soften the blow now 1717 01:36:52,381 --> 01:36:53,900 only to be proved a liar later. 1718 01:36:54,011 --> 01:36:55,218 It's best to tell the truth. 1719 01:36:57,544 --> 01:36:59,885 I went with the king, your husband, to the edge of the battlefield, 1720 01:36:59,915 --> 01:37:01,562 where we saw the body of Polynices 1721 01:37:01,587 --> 01:37:04,060 still lying where he fell, and in a terrible state. 1722 01:37:04,197 --> 01:37:05,457 The dogs had been at him. 1723 01:37:06,219 --> 01:37:07,243 So we prayed. 1724 01:37:07,613 --> 01:37:09,977 First to Hecate, who haunts crossroads and tombs, 1725 01:37:10,002 --> 01:37:12,424 and the scenes of crimes committed but not atoned for, 1726 01:37:12,721 --> 01:37:14,389 and then to Pluto, King of the Dead. 1727 01:37:14,723 --> 01:37:16,882 We asked them to have pity on him, and on us, 1728 01:37:17,645 --> 01:37:18,919 and not to be angry. 1729 01:37:20,749 --> 01:37:22,397 Then we washed him, 1730 01:37:22,797 --> 01:37:24,477 or what was left of him, with holy water, 1731 01:37:24,502 --> 01:37:26,213 cut fresh branches to make a pyre, 1732 01:37:26,739 --> 01:37:28,148 and burned the remains. 1733 01:37:29,304 --> 01:37:32,513 Then we shoveled a mound of his own Theban earth over the ashes. 1734 01:37:34,579 --> 01:37:36,891 And as soon as we'd done that, we hurried off as fast as we could 1735 01:37:36,936 --> 01:37:40,047 to the prison cell under the mountain that served as a bridal suite 1736 01:37:40,432 --> 01:37:41,895 for the girl married to death. 1737 01:37:42,562 --> 01:37:43,658 But before we arrived, 1738 01:37:44,466 --> 01:37:47,986 one of the soldiers with the unenviable job of guarding that godforsaken place 1739 01:37:48,015 --> 01:37:50,022 came running back to tell the king that he'd 1740 01:37:50,445 --> 01:37:54,193 heard a terrible noise, like screaming, from inside the mountain. 1741 01:37:55,096 --> 01:37:57,543 And as Creon got nearer he heard it too, 1742 01:37:57,639 --> 01:37:59,683 faint... but audible. 1743 01:38:00,432 --> 01:38:03,938 A kind of weird screaming, or moaning... 1744 01:38:05,116 --> 01:38:09,399 Low and unearthly, as though grief was speaking its own naked language. 1745 01:38:10,703 --> 01:38:12,616 When the King heard it he groaned aloud, 1746 01:38:13,468 --> 01:38:14,843 and we all heard him say: 1747 01:38:15,739 --> 01:38:16,739 "Oh god! 1748 01:38:17,688 --> 01:38:19,118 "This is what I was afraid of. 1749 01:38:20,022 --> 01:38:21,503 "Am I a prophet too? 1750 01:38:22,155 --> 01:38:24,835 "This path up to the tomb, these last few steps, 1751 01:38:25,100 --> 01:38:27,695 "is the most agonizing journey I shall ever make. 1752 01:38:27,720 --> 01:38:29,861 "I can hear my son's voice in there. 1753 01:38:30,876 --> 01:38:32,620 "You, quickly, guards, anybody, get in there, 1754 01:38:32,820 --> 01:38:35,740 "squeeze between the rocks where somebody has already forced an entrance, 1755 01:38:35,947 --> 01:38:37,500 "get into the main chamber of the cave 1756 01:38:37,721 --> 01:38:40,197 "and tell me if it is my son's voice I recognized, 1757 01:38:40,397 --> 01:38:43,161 "or whether the gods are playing some cruel trick with me." 1758 01:38:45,243 --> 01:38:46,398 So we went in and looked, 1759 01:38:47,494 --> 01:38:51,435 as the half-crazed king had told us to, and there, in the darkest corner, 1760 01:38:52,324 --> 01:38:53,324 we saw her, 1761 01:38:54,517 --> 01:38:55,728 strung up by the neck, 1762 01:38:57,135 --> 01:39:01,495 hanging from an improvised rope of twisted linen strips torn from her own dress. 1763 01:39:03,606 --> 01:39:04,897 Haemon was right beside her, 1764 01:39:05,437 --> 01:39:07,536 cuddling her body as it dangled there, 1765 01:39:08,713 --> 01:39:11,240 and sobbing brokenheartedly at his wife's death, 1766 01:39:11,729 --> 01:39:14,881 and the marriage bad luck and his father's cruelty 1767 01:39:14,913 --> 01:39:16,791 had made certain would never take place. 1768 01:39:18,298 --> 01:39:21,513 When Creon saw them, he staggered into the cave, 1769 01:39:22,600 --> 01:39:23,905 crying like a child, 1770 01:39:24,713 --> 01:39:28,836 and sobbed aloud: "My boy, my poor boy, what are you doing here?" 1771 01:39:29,502 --> 01:39:32,500 And then: "Have you gone mad coming here? there's nothing here for you but death, 1772 01:39:32,603 --> 01:39:34,554 "and annihilation, and despair! 1773 01:39:34,946 --> 01:39:36,655 "Come away from there, my son, I'm begging you, 1774 01:39:36,680 --> 01:39:38,840 "come away, for god's sake, come away!" 1775 01:39:41,757 --> 01:39:42,889 The boy just looked at him... 1776 01:39:44,370 --> 01:39:46,229 and his eyes were terrifying. 1777 01:39:47,220 --> 01:39:49,575 With an anger like I've never seen before. 1778 01:39:51,553 --> 01:39:54,676 Without a word he spat in his father's face, 1779 01:39:55,765 --> 01:39:57,024 and drew his sword, 1780 01:39:57,958 --> 01:39:59,777 and lunged straight for the old man. 1781 01:40:01,000 --> 01:40:03,976 But Creon was quick, and skipped out of distance, and the poor lad... 1782 01:40:05,354 --> 01:40:06,696 hysterical with grief... 1783 01:40:07,696 --> 01:40:09,428 braced his sword against a rock 1784 01:40:09,520 --> 01:40:11,397 and thrust himself upon it so fiercely 1785 01:40:11,422 --> 01:40:14,030 it pierced his belly and came out through his back. 1786 01:40:23,179 --> 01:40:24,557 There was blood everywhere. 1787 01:40:26,720 --> 01:40:30,883 His life flooded away before our eyes as he clutched the dead girl. 1788 01:40:32,720 --> 01:40:35,026 Then his arms slowly slackened... 1789 01:40:36,960 --> 01:40:39,568 and the pumping blood soaked her body so that 1790 01:40:40,435 --> 01:40:43,706 her dead cheek flushed red again with the bloodstains. 1791 01:40:53,789 --> 01:40:56,849 So, now they're together. 1792 01:40:58,283 --> 01:41:01,883 Two corpses, married at last... 1793 01:41:03,624 --> 01:41:06,643 whom death hath joined no man can put asunder. 1794 01:41:07,895 --> 01:41:10,216 They look like honeymooners, together in one bed. 1795 01:41:11,742 --> 01:41:14,460 Evidence of the havoc man can bring upon man 1796 01:41:14,490 --> 01:41:16,555 by his own pig-headedness and arrogance. 1797 01:41:17,889 --> 01:41:20,460 Just a moment. -The Queen has gone without a word. 1798 01:41:20,665 --> 01:41:23,395 Giving no indication of her feelings one way or the other. 1799 01:41:23,461 --> 01:41:24,824 I'm sure she had good reasons. 1800 01:41:25,303 --> 01:41:27,373 A public demonstration of grief would be unlike her. 1801 01:41:27,403 --> 01:41:29,740 She'll suffer, like any other mother, for her son's death, 1802 01:41:29,973 --> 01:41:31,351 but in private with her women. 1803 01:41:32,069 --> 01:41:33,896 She'd never do anything foolish or indiscreet. 1804 01:41:33,921 --> 01:41:35,825 I'm sure of that. She's far too sensible. 1805 01:41:35,877 --> 01:41:37,099 I hope you're right. 1806 01:41:37,151 --> 01:41:38,940 Her silence was unnerving. 1807 01:41:39,192 --> 01:41:41,260 Dangerously unlike what one would expect. 1808 01:41:41,291 --> 01:41:45,059 That kind of silence is sometimes more frightening than screaming or tears. 1809 01:41:45,084 --> 01:41:46,164 I'll go in after her. 1810 01:41:46,995 --> 01:41:50,553 Just to make sure that grief doesn't tempt her to anything silly or excessive. 1811 01:41:51,790 --> 01:41:54,495 You're right, the silence was unnerving. She seemed to feel nothing. 1812 01:41:55,651 --> 01:41:57,540 And in my opinion that can be dangerous. 1813 01:42:19,147 --> 01:42:22,074 Look there. The king is coming. 1814 01:42:22,711 --> 01:42:23,847 But not alone. 1815 01:42:24,684 --> 01:42:27,517 A silent witness comes before him, 1816 01:42:28,162 --> 01:42:29,900 dead as stone. 1817 01:42:31,275 --> 01:42:34,500 Unspeaking evidence that the crime, 1818 01:42:34,863 --> 01:42:37,781 like the grief, is all his own. 1819 01:42:38,709 --> 01:42:42,383 He suffers now for his wrongdoing. 1820 01:43:20,520 --> 01:43:23,205 Pain... 1821 01:43:26,201 --> 01:43:27,927 There was hatred inside me. 1822 01:43:28,186 --> 01:43:30,900 The urge to destroy drove me like a maniac, 1823 01:43:30,920 --> 01:43:33,313 an insane plunge towards death. 1824 01:43:35,250 --> 01:43:36,632 Your death, my boy. 1825 01:43:38,564 --> 01:43:40,910 See here, the victim and his killer. 1826 01:43:41,711 --> 01:43:43,815 See here, the father and his son. 1827 01:43:45,267 --> 01:43:48,074 I was responsible. My actions killed him. 1828 01:43:48,511 --> 01:43:50,815 There is no blame for him. None. 1829 01:43:51,867 --> 01:43:54,031 Blasted in the morning of your life, 1830 01:43:54,826 --> 01:43:59,548 my hope, my joy, my hand powered the knife. 1831 01:44:00,510 --> 01:44:03,073 My arrogance determined your fate. 1832 01:44:03,110 --> 01:44:07,656 You see the truth now... -But you see it too late. 1833 01:44:07,960 --> 01:44:10,334 Suffering is the only schoolteacher. 1834 01:44:11,831 --> 01:44:13,606 The gods have broken my back. 1835 01:44:14,761 --> 01:44:19,293 Whipped me like a beast up this stony track and destroyed my self-respect. 1836 01:44:20,774 --> 01:44:26,380 All pleasure, all rejoicing, they have turned to anguish and weeping. 1837 01:44:27,802 --> 01:44:30,107 Man is a naked mortal creature. 1838 01:44:31,514 --> 01:44:33,609 Affliction is all he can expect. 1839 01:44:34,535 --> 01:44:40,858 My Lord, you have suffered enough, but more suffering is marked to your name. 1840 01:44:42,300 --> 01:44:45,041 One agony lies here in the open, another is waiting. 1841 01:44:45,066 --> 01:44:49,398 The same anguish redoubled, behind the door. 1842 01:44:52,068 --> 01:44:55,840 There can be nothing worse. My heart is broken. 1843 01:44:55,991 --> 01:44:57,480 But your wife, 1844 01:44:58,300 --> 01:45:00,072 the mother of this slaughtered son, 1845 01:45:00,694 --> 01:45:04,009 her wound is still fresh, but the breath of life is gone. 1846 01:45:07,529 --> 01:45:10,897 Hades is deep, bottomless. 1847 01:45:11,274 --> 01:45:12,521 The abyss of the dead. 1848 01:45:13,165 --> 01:45:15,569 Will you kill me again or bring me to my knees to suffer longer, 1849 01:45:15,594 --> 01:45:17,560 beating my head insensible with pain? 1850 01:45:18,513 --> 01:45:20,735 What can you say, messenger of death with a sad face, 1851 01:45:20,760 --> 01:45:22,080 more than you've said already? 1852 01:45:22,879 --> 01:45:26,809 My way is towards the darkness. My case can be no worse than it is. 1853 01:45:27,498 --> 01:45:30,383 Can you kill me again? I'm dead already. 1854 01:45:32,480 --> 01:45:33,590 Will there be more blood? 1855 01:45:34,633 --> 01:45:38,502 More hacking of flesh? More savagery? More pain? 1856 01:45:40,302 --> 01:45:44,169 First the son, then the mother? No end to this grief? 1857 01:45:44,362 --> 01:45:47,012 Open the door and see for yourself. 1858 01:46:02,789 --> 01:46:07,111 Unending... unendurable pain. 1859 01:46:08,933 --> 01:46:11,066 This is the second time I am forced to see 1860 01:46:11,091 --> 01:46:13,827 what no man's eyes should ever see even once. 1861 01:46:16,577 --> 01:46:20,756 Is this how it ends? Or will there be more torture, more suffering? 1862 01:46:21,371 --> 01:46:24,077 A few moments ago my trembling arms embraced a dead son. 1863 01:46:24,410 --> 01:46:27,427 Now grief has snatched the mother from my hand. 1864 01:46:27,738 --> 01:46:30,041 It was there by the household shrine she stood, 1865 01:46:30,071 --> 01:46:31,925 still holding the razor-sharp knife. 1866 01:46:31,962 --> 01:46:36,919 And as darkness drew down its slow blinds, and her eyes closed, 1867 01:46:37,045 --> 01:46:38,574 she spoke of Megareus, 1868 01:46:39,162 --> 01:46:42,300 who died in the fullness of his youth, her elder boy. 1869 01:46:43,354 --> 01:46:45,035 Nothing but good was ever said of him. 1870 01:46:46,150 --> 01:46:48,540 And she wept for the son whose life ended today, 1871 01:46:48,560 --> 01:46:50,680 and with her last, dying breath, 1872 01:46:50,894 --> 01:46:55,036 cursed you as his murderer, who drove him to this death. 1873 01:46:57,095 --> 01:46:59,379 I think I shall go mad with terror. 1874 01:47:02,277 --> 01:47:04,692 There must be a sword somewhere, 1875 01:47:04,720 --> 01:47:07,436 a sharp, two-edged knife to cut away my life. 1876 01:47:07,962 --> 01:47:10,695 Living is misery for me now, forever. 1877 01:47:11,829 --> 01:47:14,882 When I look, I see blood everywhere. 1878 01:47:14,907 --> 01:47:16,586 It's no more than the truth I've told. 1879 01:47:16,611 --> 01:47:20,117 Her last word was to blame you for both deaths, 1880 01:47:20,142 --> 01:47:21,787 mother and son. 1881 01:47:27,302 --> 01:47:30,312 How did she die? Did she do it alone? 1882 01:47:30,337 --> 01:47:34,243 She heard them weeping for Haemon, cried aloud, 1883 01:47:34,361 --> 01:47:37,310 and skewered herself with her own small sword. 1884 01:47:40,615 --> 01:47:41,767 She spoke the truth. 1885 01:47:44,515 --> 01:47:46,222 All the guilt is mine. 1886 01:47:48,259 --> 01:47:50,052 I am the murderer. 1887 01:47:51,208 --> 01:47:52,380 Make that plain. 1888 01:47:59,120 --> 01:48:03,200 Somebody, anybody, take me away. 1889 01:48:04,076 --> 01:48:06,653 I disgrace the decent light of day. 1890 01:48:07,596 --> 01:48:11,090 I am nothing now. I have become nothing. 1891 01:48:12,102 --> 01:48:14,536 Nothing can happen to the man who is nothing. 1892 01:48:15,092 --> 01:48:19,380 How can we judge the best in times like these? 1893 01:48:19,690 --> 01:48:23,905 Prompt action is safest. What more is there to lose? 1894 01:48:24,172 --> 01:48:28,408 I look for a friend now, the shadowy messenger who runs swifter than the wind 1895 01:48:28,448 --> 01:48:30,875 to wrap me in darkness as a friend should. 1896 01:48:32,125 --> 01:48:36,180 Why waste another day? What good is daylight to me? 1897 01:48:36,290 --> 01:48:39,724 Why should my misery darken the face of another dawn? 1898 01:48:40,975 --> 01:48:42,422 Pull down the blinds. 1899 01:48:42,963 --> 01:48:45,044 Tomorrow is a mystery. 1900 01:48:45,469 --> 01:48:49,300 No man can say what time will make palin. 1901 01:48:49,792 --> 01:48:55,300 We live day by day. The future is in greater hands than ours. 1902 01:48:55,300 --> 01:48:59,200 I am nothing. I want nothing. 1903 01:49:00,533 --> 01:49:02,980 My last, simplest prayers. 1904 01:49:03,446 --> 01:49:07,045 Prayers are a waste of time. Why pray? 1905 01:49:07,438 --> 01:49:12,530 What must come will come, tomorrow or today. 1906 01:49:12,723 --> 01:49:13,908 I am nothing. 1907 01:49:16,641 --> 01:49:20,921 Take me then, the man who killed, without knowing it, his wife and son. 1908 01:49:23,092 --> 01:49:28,104 Where should I go then? Left or right? All wrong turnings now. 1909 01:49:30,630 --> 01:49:34,717 Into the night. Darkness, hide me. 1910 01:49:36,215 --> 01:49:37,952 There is blood on my hands. 1911 01:49:39,078 --> 01:49:40,745 My head is split. 1912 01:49:41,791 --> 01:49:43,354 My back is broken. 1913 01:49:45,148 --> 01:49:46,570 I should be dead. 1914 01:50:30,233 --> 01:50:32,647 The key to human happiness 1915 01:50:33,010 --> 01:50:36,536 is to nurture wisdom in your heart. 1916 01:50:37,480 --> 01:50:40,200 For man to attend to man's business 1917 01:50:40,702 --> 01:50:42,895 and let the gods play their part. 1918 01:50:43,773 --> 01:50:46,739 Above all, to stand in awe 1919 01:50:46,953 --> 01:50:49,835 of the eternal, unalterable law. 1920 01:50:50,857 --> 01:50:54,308 The proud man may pretend in his arrogance 1921 01:50:54,332 --> 01:50:57,427 to despise everything but himself. 1922 01:50:58,908 --> 01:51:03,138 In the end, the gods will bring him to grief. 1923 01:51:04,041 --> 01:51:06,064 Today it has happened here. 1924 01:51:06,568 --> 01:51:09,657 With our own eyes we have seen an old man, 1925 01:51:10,101 --> 01:51:13,300 through suffering, become wise.