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Release 0.8.16

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@jmiranda jmiranda released this 29 Jul 03:25
· 3769 commits to develop since this release

Release Notes

Release Date

28 July 2021


The focus for this release is on the Purchase Order / Invoice features, but we also have a few other exciting features that we'll discuss in the release notes. Most tickets in this release have been specified and funded by Partners In Health ( These tickets have been added to the OBPIH project (PIH's internal Jira instance).

We currently have four separate projects that will all have deliverables in the current release.

In addition, an alpha release of the OpenBoxes Mobile (OBMOB) application will probably be released around the same time. (check back in September)

Tickets that are priorities for other community members have also been added to this release. A few of these have funding associated with them so they will be prioritized. Others will be completed if we have time, but will likely be moved to the next release. If you would like to fund a particular feature in order to prioritize it on the back log please email us ( to discuss your requirements.



(WIP) #138 Allow signup/signin using common OAuth providers

(WIP) #1852 Warehousing Storage & Weight Calculation Feature Request

(WIP) #2045 GPS Shipment Tracking

(WIP) #2377 Display aggregated weight and volume funded statests


#1072 Improvements to document templates

#2244 OBPIH-3658 Add invoice data model

#2269 Add organization filter to Location list page

#2262 Add recaptcha to user signup to prevent spam registrations

#2360 Generate data model documentation


#2293 Build problem with putaway (both grail 1.3.9 and 3.3.10)

Partners In Health


OBPIH-3962 Require accounting does not work in central purchasing location

OBPIH-3946 Error while trying to run database migrations on copy of obnav database

OBPIH-3943 All records are displayed when search for not existing product on inventory browser

OBPIH-3942 PO fields visible on Putaway details page

OBPIH-3941 Inventory import broken on stage/dev

OBPIH-3940 Product Availability is not refreshing on obnavsatage

OBPIH-3938 Negative adjustments are added as positive to invoice

OBPIH-3937 Missing uom and unit price errors not visible when import PO template

OBPIH-3936 Unable to add adjustments for all items to invoice

OBPIH-3935 Wrong qty invoiced displayed in order line report for items with uom other than each

OBPIH-3932 Create new source entry on PO edit modal issues

OBPIH-3910 If user changes unit price after prepayment, prepayment invoice lines should not update

OBPIH-3909 Invoice workflow should show qty as qty per UOM

OBPIH-3908 Random error message displayed when open inventory browser

OBPIH-3905 Fix display of canceled lines/adjustments in final invoice

OBPIH-3902 Substitution lines are not visible in Outbound SM

OBPIH-3893 Complete status not showing on completed PO

OBPIH-3887 Spike: Inventory Browser > unexpected end of subtree

OBPIH-3885 Qty per uom should be visible in preinvoice and final invoice

OBPIH-3877 Source code being generated with random number series

OBPIH-3874 Formatting changes to prepayment invoice

OBPIH-3863 Canceled qty displayed incorrectly after going back and forth in receiving

OBPIH-3862 Canceled lines and adjustments are visible in prepayment invoice

OBPIH-3856 Incorrect buyer organization set on invoices

OBPIH-3852 Split line feature in combine shipments allows user to ship more than on PO

OBPIH-3847 Total price issues in preinvoces

OBPIH-3845 PO import template creating sources with no data

OBPIH-3834 Invoice Date of prepayment invoices is missing somewhere

OBPIH-3833 Canceled qty displayed incorrectly when cancel qty after going back and forth in receiving

OBPIH-3826 FW: PO Testing - Error Message

OBPIH-3823 UOM not matching on PO shipment import

OBPIH-3812 Product sources not appearing in POs

OBPIH-3811 Able to add canceled adjustment to invoice

OBPIH-3809 Total Price is calculated incorrectly on invoice for items with uom other than each

OBPIH-3807 Should allow order with only adjustments

OBPIH-3789 PO import UOM code doesn't match code shown in PO

OBPIH-3782 Shipment from PO should show goods receipt note

OBPIH-3772 Issues when delete items form invoice

OBPIH-3769 Unable to go to next page after deleting few invoice items

OBPIH-3767 Product supplier import template creates duplicate records if user double-clicks

OBPIH-3763 When click list orders from putaway details page, filter goes to POs

OBPIH-3762 Add validation for 0 qty when add items to invoice

OBPIH-3760 Cant have % order adjustment and amount order adjustment on same PO

OBPIH-3758 Order adjustment invoicing behavior

OBPIH-3746 Prevent user from receiving into default bin

OBPIH-3745 Receipt emails showing summarized receipt info, not current

OBPIH-3740 GL account and Budget Code displayed incorrectly on view Invoice page

OBPIH-3732 Dashboard indicator using wrong userID for queries


OBPIH-3713 Implement state machine for order statuses

OBPIH-3632 Temporary, simpler version of purchase view


OBPIH-3896 Allow managers with approver permissions to edit and rollback POs

OBPIH-3895 Only show orgs with supplier role in invoice dropdown

OBPIH-3894 Allow managers with invoice permission to delete pending invoices

OBPIH-3890 Add info & hyperlinks to add items modal

OBPIH-3889 Add information & hyperlinks to invoice view page

OBPIH-3888 Show payment terms and payment method on PO view page

OBPIH-3843 Add filters to list invoice page

OBPIH-3837 Add fields to list invoice page

OBPIH-3835 Fix issues connected to state machine for order statuses

OBPIH-3825 Add delete all button to combine shipments workflow

OBPIH-3824 Improvements to combine shipments workflow

OBPIH-3819 Add invoice tab to order page

OBPIH-3778 Add check box for all items on invoice modal

OBPIH-3777 Add search for description on order list page

OBPIH-3775 Improvements to order line details report

OBPIH-3768 Redo electronic stock card side bar

OBPIH-3761 Improve performance of vendor drop-down on invoice p1

OBPIH-3759 Make order adjustment description required

OBPIH-3756 Usability changes to add items modal

OBPIH-3755 Formatting change to invoice p2

OBPIH-3730 Add in invoice associations for invoice items, buyer organization and vendor

OBPIH-3651 Improve performance of Product API

OBPIH-3649 Improve performance of stocklist item API

OBPIH-3646 Spike: Investigate performance issue with stock movement item API

OBPIH-3642 Improve performance of global search

OBPIH-2925 Implement order list query using derived statuses

New Feature

OBPIH-3838 Improvements to invoice view page


OBPIH-3961 Add additional status to invoice "submitted for approval"

OBPIH-3891 Add save & exit button to invoice module

OBPIH-3878 Enable change of unit price for shipped order items

OBPIH-3876 Invoicing of prepayment doesn't work if PO has been edited

OBPIH-3858 Shipping status

OBPIH-3840 Generate prepayment invoice items from unshipped lines

OBPIH-3839 Enable deletion of pending invoice

OBPIH-3816 Disable certain changes to invoiced order adjustments

OBPIH-3815 Disable certain changes to invoiced order items

OBPIH-3813 Filter available invoice items by buyer org

OBPIH-3808 Add supplier org code to PO pages

OBPIH-3805 Filter PO destinations by "Receive stock"

OBPIH-3800 Validation for prepayment creation

OBPIH-3799 Require all lines on prepayment PO to be invoiced together

OBPIH-3798 Limit editing of PO after prepayment invoice generated

OBPIH-3797 Pull lines from prepayment invoice into final invoice

OBPIH-3796 Generate prepayment invoice

OBPIH-3791 Allow user to rollback and delete shipments from PO while in central purchasing location

OBPIH-3785 Create way to update recipient/ship dates through import

OBPIH-3784 Show uploaded documents on last page of invoice module

OBPIH-3783 Add vendor code into invoice dropdown

OBPIH-3731 bug on dashboard: pending putaways

OBPIH-3695 Update order item status when invoice posted

OBPIH-3682 Capture time on date requested/date issued in product details table

OBPIH-3679 Source preference type logic - default

OBPIH-3659 Invoice get lines API

OBPIH-3658 Invoice Data Migration

OBPIH-3638 Do not set destination on shipment for PO

OBPIH-3637 Allow user to rollback and edit shipments from vendor within purchasing location

OBPIH-3636 Allow user to change destination on PO for purchasing locations

OBPIH-3635 Change filters on PO list page for purchasing locations

OBPIH-3634 Add purchasing as location supported activity

OBPIH-3633 Add invoicing user permission

OBPIH-3624 Add searchable product type logic to search

OBPIH-3617 Refactor prepayment terms

OBPIH-3616 Invoice list page

OBPIH-3615 Invoice view page

OBPIH-3614 Invoice page 2: add lines modal

OBPIH-3576 Rollback invoice

OBPIH-3575 Invoice page 3: Confirm

OBPIH-3531 Bring PO documents/links through to invoice

OBPIH-3528 Invoice page 2

OBPIH-3527 Invoice page 1: Header

OBPIH-3247 Add expected receipt date to last page of shipment feature

OBPIH-3234 Spike: Make PO Printout editable by admin

OBPIH-3042 CLONE - Create landing page for cycle count report

OBPIH-3039 CLONE - 5.4.43 Align cycle count report with new inventory import


OBPIH-3737 Add data management features for product availability table

OBPIH-3239 Make sure that POs will increment properly starting after last rapidi PO#

OBPIH-3105 Enable 5 digit autoincrement product code



OBAM-229 Unable to delete zone


OBAM-230 UI page 2 - no printout

OBAM-228 Do not allow recall flag on default lot

OBAM-227 5.4.62 populate qty ATP pt 2

OBAM-225 Add zone to bin import/export

OBAM-224 Enable admin creation of zone

OBAM-223 Zone data model

OBAM-216 Update Qty ATP to subtract picked stock

OBAM-193 5.4.43 Align cycle count report with new inventory import

OBAM-192 Improve error message when importing bin that doesnt exist

OBAM-191 Add validations to inventory import review page

OBAM-190 Create landing page for cycle count report

OBAM-189 5.4.43 Revise inventory import template

OBAM-175 5.4.32 Add max and min inventory level to bins

OBAM-155 5.4.62 Populate qty available to promise

OBAM-151 5.4.68 Remove recalled items from Qty available to promise

OBAM-146 5.4.68 show lot as flagged in inventory views/reports

OBAM-145 5.4.68 allow admin to add recall flag to lot

OBAM-131 5.4.71 UI page 2 split line modal

OBAM-127 5.4.71 UI page 1

OBAM-126 5.4.71 Wizard

OBAM-119 5.4.50 request from depot w/out stocklist

OBAM-117 5.4.50 request from depot with stocklist: add autocalc inventory and monthly demand

OBAM-116 5.4.50 Add feature flag to distinguish consumption v max method

OBAM-106 5.1.4 Price history tab

OBAM-66 5.4.56 System differentiates between Emergency Requisitions and Regular Monthly Requisitions

OBAM-60 5.1.4 Build supplier list page

OBAM-51 5.8.29 Add reason code backorder

OBAM-36 5.8.23 Add zones to electronic stock card

OBAM-35 5.8.23 Add zones to pick workflow

OBAM-34 5.8.23 Add zones to put-away workflow

OBAM-33 5.8.23 Add zones to receiving screen

OBAM-32 5.8.23 Add zone to bin location report

OBAM-31 5.8.23 Create additional location above bin called zone

OBAM-28 5.8.23 Ability to group pick by warehouse zone

OBAM-25 5.6.13 The system supports the inspection of incoming goods and associated reporting (COS/DCOR) as part of the standard workflow at all facilities

OBAM-18 5.1.1 Supports storage of Invoice Files from Suppliers


OBAM-232 Add zone field to bin location tab

OBAM-226 5.4.62 Spike: populate qty available to promise pt 1

Digital Square


OBDS-2 Create an initial draft project plan for the push-button deployment

OBDS-7 Inventory import ignores zeros, not just blanks

OBDS-22 Spike: Design approach and create tickets

OBDS-25 Spike: Sort out the Azure sandbox environment for push-button deployment project

OBDS-26 Implement Azure Resource Manager MVP template

OBDS-27 Add the deployment button to OpenBoxes repo

OBDS-28 Spike: research how to integrate OB with (Instant) OpenHIE

OBDS-29 Test and adapt installation steps for OB in Grails 3

OBDS-30 Packer template MVP: Implement installation steps for OpenBoxes VM image

OBDS-31 Test the Packer template by deploying it on Azure

OBDS-32 Create a GitHub repo for Packer template

OBDS-33 Document installation steps for Grails 3 version of OB

OBDS-35 Setup free Azure environment to kick-off the work on project

OBDS-38 Create infrastructure resources using Azure resource manager through Azure UI

OBDS-41 ARM template documentation: Create a diagram visualizing resources created by the template

OBDS-43 Spike: Investigate steps to dockerize OpenBoxes

OBDS-46 Implement Dockerfile for OpenBoxes Grails v3 image

OBDS-47 Implement CI pipeline to build the Docker image and push it to Registry on each commit

OBDS-48 Implement a docker-compose configuration for OpenBoxes