2018-08-20 02:52:50,365 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized 2018-08-20 02:52:50,365 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking 2018-08-20 02:52:50,365 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 2018-08-20 02:52:51,367 INFO spawned: 'rqworker_low' with pid 10 2018-08-20 02:52:51,368 INFO spawned: 'runserver' with pid 11 2018-08-20 02:52:51,369 INFO spawned: 'rqworker_default_0' with pid 12 2018-08-20 02:52:51,370 INFO spawned: 'rqworker_default_1' with pid 13 2018-08-20 02:52:51,375 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: wait-for-it.sh: waiting for cvat_redis:6379 without a timeout 2018-08-20 02:52:51,376 DEBG 'runserver' stderr output: wait-for-it.sh: waiting for cvat_db:5432 without a timeout 2018-08-20 02:52:51,377 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: wait-for-it.sh: waiting for cvat_redis:6379 without a timeout 2018-08-20 02:52:51,377 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: wait-for-it.sh: cvat_redis:6379 is available after 0 seconds 2018-08-20 02:52:51,377 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: wait-for-it.sh: waiting for cvat_redis:6379 without a timeout 2018-08-20 02:52:51,378 DEBG 'runserver' stderr output: wait-for-it.sh: cvat_db:5432 is available after 0 seconds 2018-08-20 02:52:51,379 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell 2018-08-20 02:52:51,379 DEBG 'runserver' stderr output: bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell 2018-08-20 02:52:51,380 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: wait-for-it.sh: cvat_redis:6379 is available after 0 seconds 2018-08-20 02:52:51,380 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: wait-for-it.sh: cvat_redis:6379 is available after 0 seconds 2018-08-20 02:52:51,381 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell 2018-08-20 02:52:51,381 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell 2018-08-20 02:52:51,987 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: 02:52:51 Registering birth of worker ffe3f099af46.12 2018-08-20 02:52:51,988 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: 02:52:51 RQ worker 'rq:worker:ffe3f099af46.12' started, version 0.10.0 2018-08-20 02:52:51,988 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: 02:52:51 *** Listening on default... 2018-08-20 02:52:51,989 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: 02:52:51 Sent heartbeat to prevent worker timeout. Next one should arrive within 420 seconds. 2018-08-20 02:52:51,989 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: 02:52:51 Cleaning registries for queue: default 2018-08-20 02:52:51,989 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: 02:52:51 *** Listening on default... 2018-08-20 02:52:51,990 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: 02:52:51 Sent heartbeat to prevent worker timeout. Next one should arrive within 420 seconds. 2018-08-20 02:52:52,004 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: 02:52:52 Registering birth of worker ffe3f099af46.10 2018-08-20 02:52:52,005 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: 02:52:52 RQ worker 'rq:worker:ffe3f099af46.10' started, version 0.10.0 2018-08-20 02:52:52,005 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: 02:52:52 *** Listening on low... 2018-08-20 02:52:52,006 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: 02:52:52 Sent heartbeat to prevent worker timeout. Next one should arrive within 420 seconds. 2018-08-20 02:52:52,006 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: 02:52:52 Cleaning registries for queue: low 2018-08-20 02:52:52,006 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: 02:52:52 *** Listening on low... 2018-08-20 02:52:52,006 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: 02:52:52 Sent heartbeat to prevent worker timeout. Next one should arrive within 420 seconds. 2018-08-20 02:52:52,020 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: 02:52:52 Registering birth of worker ffe3f099af46.13 2018-08-20 02:52:52,021 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: 02:52:52 RQ worker 'rq:worker:ffe3f099af46.13' started, version 0.10.0 2018-08-20 02:52:52,021 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: 02:52:52 *** Listening on default... 2018-08-20 02:52:52,021 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: 02:52:52 Sent heartbeat to prevent worker timeout. Next one should arrive within 420 seconds. 2018-08-20 02:52:52,021 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: 02:52:52 Cleaning registries for queue: default 2018-08-20 02:52:52,022 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: 02:52:52 *** Listening on default... 2018-08-20 02:52:52,022 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: 02:52:52 Sent heartbeat to prevent worker timeout. Next one should arrive within 420 seconds. 2018-08-20 02:52:52,114 DEBG 'runserver' stdout output: Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, engine, sessions Running migrations: No migrations to apply. 2018-08-20 02:52:52,740 DEBG 'runserver' stdout output: Successfully ran command. Server URL : http://localhost:8080/ Server Root : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:8080:1000 Server Conf : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:8080:1000/httpd.conf Error Log File : /dev/stderr (INFO) Request Capacity : 5 (1 process * 5 threads) Request Timeout : 60 (seconds) Startup Timeout : 15 (seconds) Queue Backlog : 100 (connections) Queue Timeout : 45 (seconds) Server Capacity : 20 (event/worker), 20 (prefork) Server Backlog : 500 (connections) Locale Setting : C.UTF-8 2018-08-20 02:52:52,740 INFO success: rqworker_low entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2018-08-20 02:52:52,740 INFO success: runserver entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2018-08-20 02:52:52,740 INFO success: rqworker_default_0 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2018-08-20 02:52:52,740 INFO success: rqworker_default_1 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2018-08-20 02:52:52,763 DEBG 'runserver' stderr output: [Mon Aug 20 02:52:52.763599 2018] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 11:tid 140240721221504] AH00489: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) mod_wsgi/4.6.2 Python/3.5 configured -- resuming normal operations [Mon Aug 20 02:52:52.763549 2018] [wsgi:info] [pid 102:tid 140240721221504] mod_wsgi (pid=102): Starting process 'localhost:8080' with threads=5. [Mon Aug 20 02:52:52.763633 2018] [mpm_event:info] [pid 11:tid 140240721221504] AH00490: Server built: 2018-06-07T19:43:03 [Mon Aug 20 02:52:52.763639 2018] [core:notice] [pid 11:tid 140240721221504] AH00094: Command line: 'apache2 (mod_wsgi-express) -f /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:8080:1000/httpd.conf -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_ENABLE_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_WORKER_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_PREFORK_MODULE -D FOREGROUND' 2018-08-20 02:52:52,763 DEBG 'runserver' stderr output: [Mon Aug 20 02:52:52.763853 2018] [wsgi:info] [pid 102:tid 140240721221504] mod_wsgi (pid=102): Python home /usr. 2018-08-20 02:52:52,764 DEBG 'runserver' stderr output: [Mon Aug 20 02:52:52.763876 2018] [wsgi:info] [pid 102:tid 140240721221504] mod_wsgi (pid=102): Initializing Python. 2018-08-20 02:52:52,775 DEBG 'runserver' stderr output: [Mon Aug 20 02:52:52.775256 2018] [wsgi:info] [pid 102:tid 140240721221504] mod_wsgi (pid=102): Attach interpreter ''. 2018-08-20 02:52:52,784 DEBG 'runserver' stderr output: [Mon Aug 20 02:52:52.784033 2018] [wsgi:info] [pid 102:tid 140240721221504] mod_wsgi (pid=102): Imported 'mod_wsgi'. [Mon Aug 20 02:52:52.784086 2018] [wsgi:info] [pid 102:tid 140240721221504] mod_wsgi (pid=102, process='localhost:8080', application=''): Loading Python script file '/tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:8080:1000/handler.wsgi'. 2018-08-20 02:58:52,002 DEBG 'rqworker_default_0' stderr output: 02:58:52 Sent heartbeat to prevent worker timeout. Next one should arrive within 420 seconds. 2018-08-20 02:58:52,102 DEBG 'rqworker_low' stderr output: 02:58:52 Sent heartbeat to prevent worker timeout. Next one should arrive within 420 seconds. 2018-08-20 02:58:52,102 DEBG 'rqworker_default_1' stderr output: 02:58:52 Sent heartbeat to prevent worker timeout. Next one should arrive within 420 seconds.