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  1. datacube-core datacube-core Public

    Open Data Cube analyses continental scale Earth Observation data through time

    Python 487 175

  2. governance governance Public

    The governance process and model for the Open Data Cube project.

    11 7

  3. datacube-ows datacube-ows Public

    Open Data Cube Open Web Services

    PLpgSQL 67 34

  4. odc-stac odc-stac Public

    Load STAC items into xarray Datasets.

    Python 114 18

  5. odc-geo odc-geo Public

    GeoBox and geometry utilities extracted from datacube-core

    Python 68 9

  6. odc-tools odc-tools Public

    ODC features that DEA is experimenting with or prototyping with the intention of being integrated into odc-core in the future

    Python 57 31


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