From 06e4d7fff2393c409fa724ed757c7f8d088996ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: prateekpandey14 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 17:00:53 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] feat(CRD): add custom column for openebs CRD's This commit will add custom column for openebs cstorvolume, cstorvolumereplica, disk, cstorpool custom resources. After adding this feature we can able to list down the required specific info like status, size etc using `kubectl get` command for example: ``` $ kubectl get csp -n openebs NAME ALLOCATED FREE CAPACITY STATUS TYPE AGE sparse-claim-auto-lja7 125K 9.94G 9.94G Healthy striped 1h $ kubectl get cvr -n openebs NAME USED ALLOCATED STATUS AGE pvc-9ca83170-01e3-11e9-812f-54e1ad0c1ccc-sparse-claim-auto-lja7 6K 6K Healthy 1h $ kubectl get cstorvolume -n openebs NAME STATUS AGE pvc-9ca83170-01e3-11e9-812f-54e1ad0c1ccc Healthy 4h $ kubectl get disk NAME SIZE STATUS AGE sparse-5a92ced3e2ee21eac7b930f670b5eab5 10737418240 Active 10m ``` Note: Starting with Kubernetes 1.11, we can use customize columns Signed-off-by: prateekpandey14 --- pkg/install/v1alpha1/openebs_crds.go | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+) diff --git a/pkg/install/v1alpha1/openebs_crds.go b/pkg/install/v1alpha1/openebs_crds.go index c7da238180..6e998b4d4c 100644 --- a/pkg/install/v1alpha1/openebs_crds.go +++ b/pkg/install/v1alpha1/openebs_crds.go @@ -134,6 +134,30 @@ spec: # shortNames allow shorter string to match your resource on the CLI shortNames: - csp + additionalPrinterColumns: + - JSONPath: .status.capacity.used + name: Allocated + description: The amount of storage space within the pool that has been physically allocated + type: string + - JSONPath: + name: Free + description: The amount of free space available in the pool + type: string + - JSONPath: + name: Capacity + description: Total size of the storage pool + type: string + - JSONPath: .status.phase + name: Status + description: Identifies the current health of the pool + type: string + - JSONPath: .spec.poolSpec.poolType + name: Type + description: The type of the storage pool + type: string + - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp + name: Age + type: date --- apiVersion: kind: CustomResourceDefinition @@ -157,6 +181,14 @@ spec: # shortNames allow shorter string to match your resource on the CLI shortNames: - cstorvolume + additionalPrinterColumns: + - JSONPath: .status.phase + name: Status + description: Identifies the current health of the target + type: string + - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp + name: Age + type: date --- apiVersion: kind: CustomResourceDefinition @@ -180,6 +212,22 @@ spec: # shortNames allow shorter string to match your resource on the CLI shortNames: - cvr + additionalPrinterColumns: + - JSONPath: .status.capacity.used + name: Used + description: The amount of space that is "logically" consumed by this dataset + type: string + - JSONPath: .status.capacity.totalAllocated + name: Allocated + description: The amount of disk space consumed by a dataset and all its descendents + type: string + - JSONPath: .status.phase + name: Status + description: Identifies the current health of the replicas + type: string + - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp + name: Age + type: date --- apiVersion: kind: CustomResourceDefinition @@ -203,6 +251,18 @@ spec: # shortNames allow shorter string to match your resource on the CLI shortNames: - disk + additionalPrinterColumns: + - JSONPath: + name: Size + description: Identifies the disk size(in Bytes) + type: string + - JSONPath: .status.state + name: Status + description: Identifies the current health of the disk + type: string + - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp + name: Age + type: date --- `