A lightweight, modular, and cross-platform (Windows, OSX, Linux) 3D geometry processing environment.
- Qt 5
- Modern C++ compiler
- Lightweight, minimal external dependency
- Uses a state of the art mesh data-structure and linear algebra library (Surface_mesh + Eigen)
There are two types of plugins you can easily write:
- Filter plugin
- Mode plugin
Simply copy any of the provided example plugins and rename them as your own.
A filter plugin is a one way process on a selected model. You provide any number of parameters and then apply your algorithm. Example surfacemesh_filter_normalize
The two functions to modify are:
void initParameters( RichParameterSet* pars );
void applyFilter( RichParameterSet* pars );
Where you can easily add parameters such as:
pars->addParam(new RichFloat("angle", 90.0f, "Maximum angle"));
pars->addParam(new RichBool("visualize", true, "Visualize result"));
And use them in your applyFilter()
bool isVisualize = pars->getBool("visualize")
A mode plugin gives you full control over the starlab interface. It is useful for interactive or more complex model processing. A tool button with an icon is added to the tool bar for each loaded mode plugin. Example surfacemesh_mode_arapdeform
in action.
Several functions to look into are:
void create();
void decorate();
bool keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
The create
function is called once the mode is selected. The decorate
functions allows you to make OpenGL calls on the current scene. The keyPressEvent
and other Qt keyboard and mouse widget events can be overloaded to include your own desired behavior.