-- Module Attribute-ASN1Module (X.721:02/1992) -- See also ITU-T X.721 (02/1992) -- See also the index of all ASN.1 assignments needed in this document Attribute-ASN1Module {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) asn1Module(2) 1} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN --EXPORTS everything IMPORTS CMIP-ATTRIBUTE, AttributeSet, DistinguishedName, CMISFilter, Attribute, BaseManagedObjectId, AttributeId, ObjectInstance, ObjectClass, EventTypeId FROM CMIP-1 {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) cmip(1) modules(0) protocol(3)} AE-title FROM ACSE-1 {joint-iso-itu-t association-control(2) modules(0) apdus(0) version1(1)}; -- Note that the syntax of AE-title to be used is from CCITT Rec. X.227 | ISO 8650 corrigendum and -- not "ANY". smi2AttributeID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) attribute(7)} smi2AttributeGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) attributeGroup(8)} DMI-TYPE-IDENTIFIER ::= CLASS { &id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE, &Value }WITH SYNTAX {TYPE &Value ID &id } -- The value assignments for the probable cause used in CCITT Rec. X.733 | ISO/IEC 10164-4 are specified -- below. -- These are specified in accordance with the corrigendum to ASN.1 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21 N5901 arfProbableCause OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-ccitt ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) standardSpecificExtension(0) arf(0)} adapterError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 1} applicationSubsystemFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 2} bandwidthReduced ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 3} callEstablishmentError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 4} communicationsProtocolError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 5} communicationsSubsystemFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 6} configurationOrCustomizationError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 7} congestion ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 8} corruptData ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 9} cpuCyclesLimitExceeded ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 10} dataSetOrModemError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 11} degradedSignal ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 12} dTE-DCEInterfaceError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 13} enclosureDoorOpen ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 14} equipmentMalfunction ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 15} excessiveVibration ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 16} fileError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 17} fireDetected ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 18} floodDetected ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 19} framingError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 20} heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 21} humidityUnacceptable ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 22} inputOutputDeviceError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 23} inputDeviceError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 24} lANError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 25} leakDetected ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 26} localNodeTransmissionError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 27} lossOfFrame ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 28} lossOfSignal ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 29} materialSupplyExhausted ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 30} multiplexerProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 31} outOfMemory ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 32} ouputDeviceError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 33} performanceDegraded ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 34} powerProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 35} pressureUnacceptable ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 36} processorProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 37} pumpFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 38} queueSizeExceeded ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 39} receiveFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 40} receiverFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 41} remoteNodeTransmissionError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 42} resourceAtOrNearingCapacity ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 43} responseTimeExcessive ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 44} retransmissionRateExcessive ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 45} softwareError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 46} softwareProgramAbnormallyTerminated ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 47} softwareProgramError ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 48} storageCapacityProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 49} temperatureUnacceptable ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 50} thresholdCrossed ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 51} timingProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 52} toxicLeakDetected ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 53} transmitFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 54} transmitterFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 55} underlyingResourceUnavailable ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 56} versionMismatch ProbableCause ::= globalValue:{arfProbableCause 57} -- The following applies to CCITT applications only. -- The use of the following values is subject to of The Alarm Management Function -- (CCITT Recommendation X.733 | 10164-4). arfProposedRepairAction OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-ccitt ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) standardSpecificExtension(0) arfpra(2)} noActionRequired OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {arfProposedRepairAction 1} repairActionRequired OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {arfProposedRepairAction 2} -- The value assignments for the security alarm cause used in CCITT Rec. X.736 | ISO/IEC 10164-7 are -- specified below. securityAlarmCause OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-ccitt ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) standardSpecificExtension(0) sarf(1)} authenticationFailure SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 1} breachOfConfidentiality SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 2} cableTamper SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 3} delayedInformation SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 4} denialOfService SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 5} duplicateInformation SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 6} informationMissing SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 7} informationModificationDetected SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 8} informationOutOfSequence SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 9} intrusionDetection SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 10} keyExpired SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 11} nonRepudiationFailure SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 12} outOfHoursActivity SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 13} outOfService SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 14} proceduralError SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 15} unauthorizedAccessAttempt SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 16} unexpectedInformation SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 17} unspecifiedReason SecurityAlarmCause ::= {securityAlarmCause 18} -- default value definitions defaultIntervalsOfDay IntervalsOfDay ::= { {intervalStart {hour 0, minute 0}, intervalEnd {hour 23, minute 59}} } defaultStopTime StopTime ::= continual:NULL defaultWeekMask WeekMask ::= { {daysOfWeek '1111111'B, intervalsOfDay defaultIntervalsOfDay} } defaultDiscriminatorConstruct DiscriminatorConstruct ::= and:{} -- supporting productions ActiveDestination ::= Destination(WITH COMPONENTS { single PRESENT, multiple ABSENT }) AdditionalText ::= GraphicString AdditionalInformation ::= SET OF ManagementExtension Allomorphs ::= SET OF ObjectClass AdministrativeState ::= ENUMERATED {locked(0), unlocked(1), shuttingDown(2)} AttributeIdentifierList ::= SET OF AttributeId AttributeList ::= SET OF Attribute AttributeValueChangeDefinition ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {attributeId CMIP-ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeSet}), oldAttributeValue [1] CMIP-ATTRIBUTE.&Value({AttributeSet}{@.attributeId}) OPTIONAL, newAttributeValue [2] CMIP-ATTRIBUTE.&Value({AttributeSet}{@.attributeId}) } AlarmStatus ::= SET OF INTEGER {underRepair(0), critical(1), major(2), minor(3), alarmOutstanding(4)} AvailabilityStatus ::= SET OF INTEGER {inTest(0), failed(1), powerOff(2), offLine(3), offDuty(4), dependency(5), degraded(6), notInstalled(7), logFull(8)} -- logFull is defined in CCITT Rec X.735 | ISO/IEC 10164-6. BackedUpStatus ::= BOOLEAN -- True implies backed up -- False implies not backed up BackUpDestinationList ::= SEQUENCE OF AE-title BackUpRelationshipObject ::= CHOICE { objectName ObjectInstance, noObject NULL } CapacityAlarmThreshold ::= SET OF INTEGER(0..100) ConfirmedMode ::= BOOLEAN -- True implies the mode for event report is confirmed ControlStatus ::= SET OF INTEGER {subjectToTest(0), partOfServicesLocked(1), reservedForTest(2), suspended(3)} Count ::= INTEGER CounterThreshold ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {comparisonLevel INTEGER, offsetValue INTEGER, notificationOnOff BOOLEAN} CorrelatedNotifications ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {correlatedNotifications SET OF NotificationIdentifier, sourceObjectInst ObjectInstance OPTIONAL} CurrentLogSize ::= INTEGER Destination ::= CHOICE {single AE-title, multiple SET OF AE-title } -- Note that the syntax of AE-title to be used is from CCITT X.227 | ISO 8650 Technical -- corrigendum 1 and not "ANY". DiscriminatorConstruct ::= CMISFilter EventTime ::= GeneralizedTime GaugeThreshold ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {notifyLow NotifyThreshold, notifyHigh NotifyThreshold} GaugeThresholdValue ::= ObservedValue -- same choice must be chosen within a sequence -- for both GenericOldState and GenericNewState. GroupObjects ::= SET OF ObjectInstance IntervalsOfDay ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {intervalStart Time24, -- start at the beginning of this minute intervalEnd Time24} -- stop at the end of this minute LifecycleState ::= ENUMERATED {planned(0), installed(1), pendingRemoval(2)} LogAvailability ::= AvailabilityStatus(WITH COMPONENT (logFull | offDuty)) LogFullAction ::= ENUMERATED {wrap(0), halt(1)} LoggingTime ::= GeneralizedTime LogRecordId ::= SimpleNameType(WITH COMPONENTS { number PRESENT, string ABSENT }) MaxLogSize ::= INTEGER {unlimited(0)} -- size in octets DMI-EXTENSION ::= DMI-TYPE-IDENTIFIER ManagementExtension ::= SEQUENCE { identifier DMI-EXTENSION.&id({ManagementExtensionSet}), significance [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, information [2] DMI-EXTENSION.&Value({ManagementExtensionSet}{@.identifier}) } ManagementExtensionSet DMI-EXTENSION ::= {...} MonitoredAttributes ::= SET OF Attribute NameBinding ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER NotificationIdentifier ::= INTEGER -- reuse only when no requirement exists -- for correlating prior notification. NotifyThreshold ::= SEQUENCE {threshold ObservedValue, notifyOnOff BOOLEAN } NumberOfRecords ::= INTEGER ObservedValue ::= CHOICE {integer INTEGER, real REAL } OperationalState ::= ENUMERATED {disabled(0), enabled(1)} Packages ::= SET OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER PerceivedSeverity ::= ENUMERATED { indeterminate(0), -- used when it is not possible to assign the following values critical(1), major(2), minor(3), warning(4), cleared(5)} PrioritisedObject ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {object ObjectInstance, priority INTEGER {highest(0), lowest(127)}} ProbableCause ::= CHOICE {globalValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER, localValue INTEGER } -- The values for the probable cause defined in CCITT Rec X.733 | ISO/IEC 10164-4 are specified -- above. ProceduralStatus ::= SET OF INTEGER {initializationRequired(0), notInitialized(1), initializing(2), reporting(3), terminating(4)} ProposedRepairActions ::= SET OF SpecificIdentifier SchedulingAvailability ::= AvailabilityStatus(WITH COMPONENT (offDuty)) SecurityAlarmCause ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER SecurityAlarmSeverity ::= PerceivedSeverity(indeterminate | critical | major | minor | warning) SecurityAlarmDetector ::= CHOICE { mechanism [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, object [1] ObjectInstance, application [2] AE-title } ServiceProvider ::= ServiceUser DMI-SERVICEUSER ::= DMI-TYPE-IDENTIFIER ServiceUser ::= SEQUENCE { identifier DMI-SERVICEUSER.&id({ServiceUserSet}), details DMI-SERVICEUSER.&Value({ServiceUserSet}{@.identifier}) } ServiceUserSet DMI-SERVICEUSER ::= {...} SimpleNameType ::= CHOICE {number INTEGER, string GraphicString } SpecificIdentifier ::= CHOICE {oi OBJECT IDENTIFIER, int INTEGER } SourceIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { resourceOperation(0), managementOperation(1), unknown(2)} SpecificProblems ::= SET OF SpecificIdentifier StandbyStatus ::= INTEGER {hotStandby(0), coldStandby(1), providingService(2)} StartTime ::= GeneralizedTime StopTime ::= CHOICE {specific GeneralizedTime, continual NULL } DMI-SUPPORTEDFEATURES ::= DMI-TYPE-IDENTIFIER SupportedFeatures ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {featureIdentifier DMI-SUPPORTEDFEATURES.&id({SupportedFeaturesSet}), featureInfo DMI-SUPPORTEDFEATURES.&Value ({SupportedFeaturesSet}{@.featureIdentifier})} SupportedFeaturesSet DMI-SUPPORTEDFEATURES ::= {...} SystemId ::= CHOICE {name GraphicString, number INTEGER, nothing NULL } SystemTitle ::= CHOICE { distinguishedName DistinguishedName, oid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, nothing NULL } TideMarkInfo ::= SEQUENCE { currentTideMark TideMark, previousTideMark TideMark, resetTime GeneralizedTime } TideMark ::= CHOICE { maxTideMar [0] ObservedValue, minTideMark [1] ObservedValue } Time24 ::= SEQUENCE {hour INTEGER(0..23), minute INTEGER(0..59) } ThresholdInfo ::= SEQUENCE { triggeredThreshold AttributeId, observedValue ObservedValue, thresholdLevel [1] ThresholdLevelInd OPTIONAL, -- Indication needed for multilevel thresholds armTime [2] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL } ThresholdLevelInd ::= CHOICE { up [1] SEQUENCE {high ObservedValue, low ObservedValue OPTIONAL}, -- up is the only permitted choice for counter down [2] SEQUENCE {high ObservedValue, low ObservedValue} } TrendIndication ::= ENUMERATED {lessSevere(0), noChange(1), moreSevere(2)} UnknownStatus ::= BOOLEAN -- TRUE implies unknown status UnscheduledLogAvailability ::= AvailabilityStatus(WITH COMPONENT (logFull)) UsageState ::= ENUMERATED {idle(0), active(1), busy(2)} WeekMask ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {daysOfWeek BIT STRING {sunday(0), monday(1), tuesday(2), wednesday(3), thursday(4), friday(5), saturday(6)}(SIZE (7)), intervalsOfDay IntervalsOfDay} END -- end of supporting productions -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D