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Repository files navigation

To install on Mac:

Grab the source

git clone -b gh-pages --single-branch

Install jekyll locally

cd into the woaq directory and:

bundle install

Fire up the local server

jekyll serve

View the site

Open a browser and navigate to:

Jekyll data post convention

Save your Jekyll data post files in the following format (refer to post dir for examples):

  • Filename convention: "YYYY-MM-DD-full_name.markdown"
  • This is the minimun necessary front matter:
    • "---"
    • "title: post_title"
    • "location: file_location_in_google_drive"
    • "fileName: file_name"
    • "layout: post" (keep this standard)
    • "categories: post_category_1 post_category_2"
    • "---"
  • Then include your post content, a brief description of the dataset

Here is an example:

Jekyll Site Information

Templates for individual page layouts live in the _Layouts directory

The homepage is is _layouts/data

Post styling on individual data pages (e.g. is handled by _layouts/data

The footer, currently empty, is at _includes/footer.html

You will probably want to customize/override default CSS at some stage. Please DO NOT edit the default css in the assets/minima directory. This would put us out of step with the default and make future upgrades to the site difficult. Instead, just add your work to assets/main.scss. This will import the latest from our default theme and let you work on top of that. Please ask Robert if you have any questions.


NOT MAINTAINED: This is the archived repo for the original West Oakland Air Quality.



