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136 lines (76 loc) · 4.25 KB

Document, Attachment, File, Notice, Bidding Documents, Technical Specifications, Evaluation Criteria, Clarifications




string, autogenerated



Possible values for tender

  • notice - Tender notice

    The formal notice that gives details of a tender. This may be a link to a downloadable document, to a web page, or to an official gazette in which the notice is contained.

  • biddingDocuments - Bidding Documents

    Information for potential suppliers, describing the goals of the contract (e.g. goods and services to be procured), and the bidding process.

  • technicalSpecifications - Technical Specifications

    Detailed technical information about goods or services to be provided.

  • evaluationCriteria - Evaluation Criteria

    Information about how bids will be evaluated.

  • clarifications - Clarifications to bidders questions

    Including replies to issues raised in pre-bid conferences.

  • eligibilityCriteria - Eligibility Criteria

    Detailed documents about the eligibility of bidders.

  • shortlistedFirms - Shortlisted Firms
  • riskProvisions - Provisions for management of risks and liabilities
  • billOfQuantity - Bill Of Quantity
  • bidders - Information on bidders

    Information on bidders or participants, their validation documents and any procedural exemptions for which they qualify.

  • conflictOfInterest - Conflicts of interest uncovered
  • debarments - Debarments issued

Possible values for award

  • notice - Award Notice

    The formal notice that gives details of the contract award. This may be a link to a downloadable document, to a web page, or to an official gazette in which the notice is contained.

  • evaluationReports - Evaluation report

    Report on the evaluation of the bids and the application of the evaluation criteria, including the justification fo the award.

  • winningBid - Winning Bid
  • complaints - Complaints and decisions

Possible values for contract

  • notice - Contract notice

    The formal notice that gives details of a contract being signed and valid to start implementation. This may be a link to a downloadable document, to a web page, or to an official gazette in which the notice is contained.

  • contractSigned - Signed Contract
  • contractArrangements - Arrangements for ending contract
  • contractSchedule - Schedules and milestones
  • contractAnnexe - Annexes to the Contract
  • contractGuarantees - Guarantees
  • subContract - Subcontracts

string, multilingual

The document title.


string, multilingual

A short description of the document. In the event the document is not accessible online, the description field can be used to describe arrangements for obtaining a copy of the document.



The format of the document taken from the IANA Media Types code list, with the addition of one extra value for 'offline/print', used when this document entry is being used to describe the offline publication of a document.


string, autogenerated

Direct link to the document or attachment.


string, date

The date on which the document was first published.


string, date

Date that the document was last modified



Specifies the language of the linked document using either two-digit ISO 639-1, or extended BCP47 language tags.