.. index:: Auction, Auction
id: | uuid, auto-generated, read-only Internal id of procedure. |
auctionID: | string, auto-generated, read-only The auction identifier to refer to in "paper" documentation. |ocdsDescription| It is included to make the flattened data structure more convenient. |
date: | :ref:`Date`, auto-generated, read-only The date of the procedure creation/undoing. |
owner: | string, auto-generated, read-only Broker_id of the platform from which the procedure has been created |
lotIdentifier: | string, required The identifier of a lot, which is to be privatized, within the Registry. |
title: |
The name of the auction, displayed in listings. |
description: | string, required, multilingual |ocdsDescription| A description of the goods, services to be provided.
tenderAttempts: | integer, optional The number which represents what time procedure with a current lot takes place [1;10]. |
minNumberOfQualifiedBids: | integer, optional Number of submitted bids for the process to become successful. The default value is 2. |
procurementMethod: | string, auto-generated, read-only Purchase method. The only value is “open”. |
procurementMethodType: | string, required Type of the procedure within the auction announcement. The given value is landLease. |
procurementMethodDetails: | string, optional Parameter that accelerates auction periods. Set quick, accelerator=1440 as text value for procurementMethodDetails for the time frames to be reduced in 1440 times. |
submissionMethod: | string, auto-generated, read-only The given value is electronicAuction. |
submissionMethodDetails: | string, optional Parameter that works only with mode = “test” and speeds up auction start date. |
lotHolder: | :ref:`Organization`, required The entity whom the lot was used to be owned by. |
procuringEntity: | :ref:`ProcuringEntity`, required Organization conducting the auction. |ocdsDescription| The entity managing the procurement, which may be different from the buyer who is paying / using the items being procured. |
auctionParameters: | :ref:`Auction_Parameters`, auto-generated, read-only The parameters that indicates the major specifications of the procedure. |
contractTerms: | :ref:`contractTerms`, required The parameters that indicates the major specifications of the contract. |
budgetSpent: | :ref:`value`, required The amount of expenses incurred for the preparation of a lot for the sale, organization and conduct of land auction, subject to compensation by the winner of land tenders. |
value: | :ref:`value`, required Total available budget of the 1st auction. Bids lower than |ocdsDescription| The total estimated value of the procurement. |
minimalStep: | :ref:`value`, required Auction step (increment). |
guarantee: | :ref:`Guarantee`, required The assumption of responsibility for payment of performance of some obligation if the liable party fails to perform to expectations. |
registrationFee: | :ref:`Guarantee`, required The sum of money required to enroll on an official register. |
bankAccount: | :ref:`Bank_Account`, optional An array that contains parts that uniquely identify a bank account and are used for making or receiving a payment. |
items: | Array of :ref:`Items` objects, required List that contains single item being sold. |ocdsDescription| The goods and services to be purchased, broken into line items wherever possible. Items should not be duplicated, but a quantity of 2 specified instead. |
documents: | Array of :ref:`Documents` objects, optional |ocdsDescription| All documents and attachments related to the auction. |
dateModified: | :ref:`Date`, auto-generated, read-only |ocdsDescription| Date when the auction was last modified |
questions: | Array of :ref:`question` objects, optional Questions to procuringEntity and answers to them. |
bids: | Array of :ref:`bid` objects, optional (required for the process to be succsessful) A list of all bids placed in the auction with information about participants, their proposals and other qualification documentation. |ocdsDescription| A list of all the companies who entered submissions for the auction. |
awards: | Array of :ref:`award` objects All qualifications (disqualifications and awards). |
awardCriteria: | string, auto-generated, read-only The given value is highestCost. |
contracts: | Array of :ref:`Contract` objects |ocdsDescription| Information on contracts signed as part of a process. |
auctionUrl: | url, auto-generated, read-only A web address where auction is accessible for view. |
status: | string, required |
Status | Description |
draft | draft of procedure |
active.rectification | period when owner can edit procedure |
active.tendering | tendering period (tendering) |
active.enquiry | status after tendering |
active.auction | auction period (auction) |
active.qualification | winner qualification (qualification) |
active.awarded | contract signing |
unsuccessful | unsuccessful auction (unsuccessful) |
complete | complete auction (complete) |
cancelled | cancelled auction (cancelled) |
rectificationPeriod: | :ref:`period`, auto-generated, read-only Period when owner can edit the procedure. |
enquiryPeriod: | :ref:`period`, auto-generated, read-only Period when questions are allowed. |ocdsDescription| The period during which enquiries may be made and will be answered. |
tenderPeriod: | :ref:`period`, auto-generated, read-only Period when bids can be submitted. |ocdsDescription| The period when the auction is open for submissions. The end date is the closing date for auction submissions. |
auctionPeriod: | :ref:`period`, auto-generated, read-only (required for Period when Auction is conducted. |
awardPeriod: | :ref:`period`, auto-generated, read-only Awarding process period. |ocdsDescription| The date or period on which an award is anticipated to be made. |
mode: | string, optional The additional parameter with a value test. |
type: | string, auto-generated, read-only Type of the auction. Given value: texas |
description: | string, multilingual, optional
Additional information that has to be noted from the Organizer point. |
bankName: | string, required Name of the bank. |
accountIdentification: | Array of :ref:`classification`, required Major data on the account details of the state entity selling a lot, to facilitate payments at the end of the process. Most frequently used are:
type: | string, required Type of the contract. The only value is lease. |
leaseTerms: | :ref:`leaseTerms`, required Additional informations about speciality of contract. |
leaseDuration: | ISO Durations, required Duration of the lease. |