.. index:: Item, Parameter, Classification, CAV, Unit, registrationDetails
id: | uuid, auto-generated, read-only Internal identifier for this item. |
description: | string, multilingual, required |ocdsDescription| A description of the goods, services to be provided. Auction subject / asset description. |
classification: | :ref:`Classification`, required |ocdsDescription| The primary classification for the item. See the itemClassificationScheme to identify preferred classification lists, including CAV and GSIN. It is required for classification.scheme to be CPV or CAV-PS. The classification.id should be valid CPV or CAV-PS code. The CPV & CAV-PS codes accuracy should be equal to the class (XXXX0000-Y) at least. |
additionalClassifications: | Array of :ref:`Classification`, optional |ocdsDescription| An array of additional classifications for the item. See the itemClassificationScheme codelist for common options to use in OCDS. This may also be used to present codes from an internal classification scheme. E.g.`CPVS`, DK018, cadastralNumber & UA-EDR can be chosen from the list. The codes are to be noted manually for cadastralNumber & UA-EDR. |
unit: | :ref:`Unit`, required |ocdsDescription| Description of the unit which the good comes in e.g. hours, kilograms. Made up of a unit name, and the value of a single unit. |
quantity: | decimal, required |ocdsDescription| The number of units required. |
address: | :ref:`Address`, required Address, where the item is located. |
location: | dictionary, optional Geographical coordinates of the location. Element consists of the following items:
location usually takes precedence over address if both are present. |
registrationDetails: | :ref:`registrationDetails`, required |
status: | string, required Possible values are:
registrationID: | string, optional The document identifier to refer to in the paper documentation. Available for mentioning in status: complete. |
registrationDate: | :ref:`Date`, optional |ocdsDescription| The date on which the document was first published. Available for mentioning in status: complete. |
scheme: | string, required |ocdsDescription| A classification should be drawn from an existing scheme or list of codes. This field is used to indicate the scheme/codelist from which the classification is drawn. For line item classifications, this value should represent a known Item Classification Scheme wherever possible. |
id: | string, required |ocdsDescription| The classification code drawn from the selected scheme. |
description: | string, required |ocdsDescription| A textual description or title for the code. |
uri: | uri, optional |ocdsDescription| A URI to identify the code. In the event individual URIs are not available for items in the identifier scheme this value should be left blank. |
code: | string, required UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20 unit code. |
name: | string, optional |ocdsDescription| Name of the unit |