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added new tool line-prof-by-func.
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agentzh committed Apr 11, 2014
1 parent 2fe7062 commit 03b4d8e
Showing 1 changed file with 110 additions and 0 deletions.
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions line-prof-by-func
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
#use warnings;

use Getopt::Std qw( getopts );

my %opts;
getopts("l:f:p:h", \%opts) or usage();

if ($opts{h}) {

my %addr2line;
my %hits;
my $addr;

my $func = $opts{f} or die "No -f <func> specified.\n";
if ($func !~ /^[_a-zA-Z]\w+$/) {
die "Bad function name: $func\n";

my $lib = $opts{l} or die "No -l <lib> specified.\n";

my $pid = $opts{p} or die "No -p <pid> specified.\n";

my $mapsfile = "/proc/$pid/maps";
open my $maps, "<$mapsfile"
or die "Cannot open $mapsfile for reading: $!\n";

my $libfile;
my @maps;
while (<$maps>) {
if (/^([a-f0-9]+)-([a-f0-9]+) [-r][-w]xp .*? (\/\S*?\Q$lib\E\S*)$/) {
push @maps, [hex($1), hex($2)];
if (!defined $libfile) {
$libfile = $3;
print "Found library $libfile for $lib.\n";

close $maps;

if (!@maps) {
die "No $lib maps found in process $pid.\n";

my $infile = shift or die "No input file specified.\n";

open my $in, "<$infile"
or die "Cannot open $infile for reading: $!\n";

while (<$in>) {
if (/^ (0x[a-f0-9]+) : $func\b/) {
$addr = $1;

} elsif (/^\t(\d+)$/) {
my $cnt = $1;
if ($addr) {
$addr = hex($addr);
my $line = $addr2line{$addr};
if (!$line) {
my $startaddr;
for my $map (@maps) {
if ($addr >= $map->[0] && $addr <= $map->[1]) {
$startaddr = $map->[0];
if (!$startaddr) {
warn "Addr $addr not found in memory maps.\n";
undef $addr;

my $a = sprintf("%#x", $addr - $startaddr);
#warn "addr: $a\n";
$line = `addr2line -s -i -e $libfile $a`;
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\n+/ < /g;
#warn "line: $line\n";
$addr2line{$addr} = $line;

$hits{$line} += $cnt;
undef $addr;

close $in;

my (@entries, $total);
$total = 0;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %hits) {
push @entries, [$k, $v];
$total += $v;

@entries = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @entries;
for (@entries) {
my $cnt = $_->[1];
my $ratio = $cnt * 100 / $total;
printf "%.02f%% (%d) %s\n", $ratio, $cnt, $_->[0];

sub usage {
die "Usage: $0 -f <func> -l <lib> -p <pid> <bt-file>\n";

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