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awesee committed Jan 2, 2020
1 parent 2c31b2a commit 43d9b4b
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Showing 13 changed files with 48 additions and 19 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions
Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ LeetCode Problems' Solutions

| # | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
| :-: | - | - | :-: |
| <span id="1308">1308</span> | [Running Total for Different Genders]( 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/running-total-for-different-genders) | Medium |
| <span id="1307">1307</span> | [Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle]( "口算难题") | [Go](problems/verbal-arithmetic-puzzle) | Hard |
| <span id="1306">1306</span> | [Jump Game III]( "跳跃游戏 III") | [Go](problems/jump-game-iii) | Medium |
| <span id="1305">1305</span> | [All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees]( "两棵二叉搜索树中的所有元素") | [Go](problems/all-elements-in-two-binary-search-trees) | Medium |
Expand All @@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ LeetCode Problems' Solutions
| <span id="1297">1297</span> | [Maximum Number of Occurrences of a Substring]( "子串的最大出现次数") | [Go](problems/maximum-number-of-occurrences-of-a-substring) | Medium |
| <span id="1296">1296</span> | [Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers]( "划分数组为连续数字的集合") | [Go](problems/divide-array-in-sets-of-k-consecutive-numbers) | Medium |
| <span id="1295">1295</span> | [Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits]( "统计位数为偶数的数字") | [Go](problems/find-numbers-with-even-number-of-digits) | Easy |
| <span id="1294">1294</span> | [Weather Type in Each Country]( 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/weather-type-in-each-country) | Easy |
| <span id="1294">1294</span> | [Weather Type in Each Country]( "不同国家的天气类型") 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/weather-type-in-each-country) | Easy |
| <span id="1293">1293</span> | [Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination]( "网格中的最短路径") | [Go](problems/shortest-path-in-a-grid-with-obstacles-elimination) | Hard |
| <span id="1292">1292</span> | [Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to Threshold]( "元素和小于等于阈值的正方形的最大边长") | [Go](problems/maximum-side-length-of-a-square-with-sum-less-than-or-equal-to-threshold) | Medium |
| <span id="1291">1291</span> | [Sequential Digits]( "顺次数") | [Go](problems/sequential-digits) | Medium |
Expand All @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ LeetCode Problems' Solutions
| <span id="1288">1288</span> | [Remove Covered Intervals]( "删除被覆盖区间") | [Go](problems/remove-covered-intervals) | Medium |
| <span id="1287">1287</span> | [Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array]( "有序数组中出现次数超过25%的元素") | [Go](problems/element-appearing-more-than-25-in-sorted-array) | Easy |
| <span id="1286">1286</span> | [Iterator for Combination]( "字母组合迭代器") | [Go](problems/iterator-for-combination) | Medium |
| <span id="1285">1285</span> | [Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges]( 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/find-the-start-and-end-number-of-continuous-ranges) | Medium |
| <span id="1285">1285</span> | [Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges]( "找到连续区间的开始和结束数字") 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/find-the-start-and-end-number-of-continuous-ranges) | Medium |
| <span id="1284">1284</span> | [Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix]( "转化为全零矩阵的最少反转次数") | [Go](problems/minimum-number-of-flips-to-convert-binary-matrix-to-zero-matrix) | Hard |
| <span id="1283">1283</span> | [Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold]( "使结果不超过阈值的最小除数") | [Go](problems/find-the-smallest-divisor-given-a-threshold) | Medium |
| <span id="1282">1282</span> | [Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To]( "用户分组") | [Go](problems/group-the-people-given-the-group-size-they-belong-to) | Medium |
Expand All @@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ LeetCode Problems' Solutions
| <span id="1268">1268</span> | [Search Suggestions System]( "搜索推荐系统") | [Go](problems/search-suggestions-system) | Medium |
| <span id="1267">1267</span> | [Count Servers that Communicate]( "统计参与通信的服务器") | [Go](problems/count-servers-that-communicate) | Medium |
| <span id="1266">1266</span> | [Minimum Time Visiting All Points]( "访问所有点的最小时间") | [Go](problems/minimum-time-visiting-all-points) | Easy |
| <span id="1265">1265</span> | [Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse]( 🔒 | [Go](problems/print-immutable-linked-list-in-reverse) | Medium |
| <span id="1265">1265</span> | [Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse]( "逆序打印不可变链表") 🔒 | [Go](problems/print-immutable-linked-list-in-reverse) | Medium |
| <span id="1264">1264</span> | [Page Recommendations]( 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/page-recommendations) | Medium |
| <span id="1263">1263</span> | [Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location]( "推箱子") | [Go](problems/minimum-moves-to-move-a-box-to-their-target-location) | Hard |
| <span id="1262">1262</span> | [Greatest Sum Divisible by Three]( "可被三整除的最大和") | [Go](problems/greatest-sum-divisible-by-three) | Medium |
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| <span id="1177">1177</span> | [Can Make Palindrome from Substring]( "构建回文串检测") | [Go](problems/can-make-palindrome-from-substring) | Medium |
| <span id="1176">1176</span> | [Diet Plan Performance]( "健身计划评估") 🔒 | [Go](problems/diet-plan-performance) | Easy |
| <span id="1175">1175</span> | [Prime Arrangements]( "质数排列") | [Go](problems/prime-arrangements) | Easy |
| <span id="1174">1174</span> | [Immediate Food Delivery II]( 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/immediate-food-delivery-ii) | Medium |
| <span id="1174">1174</span> | [Immediate Food Delivery II]( "即时食物配送 II") 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/immediate-food-delivery-ii) | Medium |
| <span id="1173">1173</span> | [Immediate Food Delivery I]( "即时食物配送 I") 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/immediate-food-delivery-i) | Easy |
| <span id="1172">1172</span> | [Dinner Plate Stacks]( "餐盘栈") | [Go](problems/dinner-plate-stacks) | Hard |
| <span id="1171">1171</span> | [Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List]( "从链表中删去总和值为零的连续节点") | [Go](problems/remove-zero-sum-consecutive-nodes-from-linked-list) | Medium |
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| <span id="1116">1116</span> | [Print Zero Even Odd]( "打印零与奇偶数") | [Go](problems/print-zero-even-odd) | Medium |
| <span id="1115">1115</span> | [Print FooBar Alternately]( "交替打印FooBar") | [Go](problems/print-foobar-alternately) | Medium |
| <span id="1114">1114</span> | [Print in Order]( "按序打印") | [Go](problems/print-in-order) | Easy |
| <span id="1113">1113</span> | [Reported Posts]( 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/reported-posts) | Easy |
| <span id="1113">1113</span> | [Reported Posts]( "报告的记录") 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/reported-posts) | Easy |
| <span id="1112">1112</span> | [Highest Grade For Each Student]( "每位学生的最高成绩") 🔒 | [MySQL](problems/highest-grade-for-each-student) | Medium |
| <span id="1111">1111</span> | [Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses Strings]( "有效括号的嵌套深度") | [Go](problems/maximum-nesting-depth-of-two-valid-parentheses-strings) | Medium |
| <span id="1110">1110</span> | [Delete Nodes And Return Forest]( "删点成林") | [Go](problems/delete-nodes-and-return-forest) | Medium |
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion problems/count-and-say/
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[Next >](../combination-sum "Combination Sum")

## [38. Count and Say (Easy)]( "报数")
## [38. Count and Say (Easy)]( "外观数列")

<p>The count-and-say sequence is the sequence of integers with the first five terms as following:</p>

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[Next >](../iterator-for-combination "Iterator for Combination")

## [1285. Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges (Medium)]( "")
## [1285. Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges (Medium)]( "找到连续区间的开始和结束数字")

<p>Table: <code>Logs</code></p>
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions problems/get-highest-answer-rate-question/mysql_schemas.sql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Create table If Not Exists survey_log (uid int, action varchar(255), question_id int, answer_id int, q_num int, timestamp int);
Create table If Not Exists survey_log (id int, action varchar(255), question_id int, answer_id int, q_num int, timestamp int);
Truncate table survey_log;
insert into survey_log (uid, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'show', '285', 'None', '1', '123');
insert into survey_log (uid, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'answer', '285', '124124', '1', '124');
insert into survey_log (uid, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'show', '369', 'None', '2', '125');
insert into survey_log (uid, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'skip', '369', 'None', '2', '126');
insert into survey_log (id, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'show', '285', 'None', '1', '123');
insert into survey_log (id, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'answer', '285', '124124', '1', '124');
insert into survey_log (id, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'show', '369', 'None', '2', '125');
insert into survey_log (id, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp) values ('5', 'skip', '369', 'None', '2', '126');
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion problems/immediate-food-delivery-ii/
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@

[Next >](../prime-arrangements "Prime Arrangements")

## [1174. Immediate Food Delivery II (Medium)]( "")
## [1174. Immediate Food Delivery II (Medium)]( "即时食物配送 II")

<p>Table: <code>Delivery</code></p>

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion problems/print-immutable-linked-list-in-reverse/
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[Next >](../minimum-time-visiting-all-points "Minimum Time Visiting All Points")

## [1265. Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse (Medium)]( "")
## [1265. Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse (Medium)]( "逆序打印不可变链表")

You are given an immutable linked list, print out all values of each node in reverse with the help of the following interface:

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion problems/reported-posts/
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[Next >](../print-in-order "Print in Order")

## [1113. Reported Posts (Easy)]( "")
## [1113. Reported Posts (Easy)]( "报告的记录")

<p>Table: <code>Actions</code></p>

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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions problems/running-total-for-different-genders/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<!--|This file generated by command(leetcode description); DO NOT EDIT. |-->
<!--|@author openset <> |-->
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[< Previous](../verbal-arithmetic-puzzle "Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle")

Next >

## [1308. Running Total for Different Genders (Medium)]( "")

### Similar Questions
1. [Last Person to Fit in the Elevator](../last-person-to-fit-in-the-elevator) (Medium)
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions problems/running-total-for-different-genders/mysql_schemas.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Create table If Not Exists Scores (player_name varchar(20), gender varchar(1), day date, score_points int);
Truncate table Scores;
insert into Scores (player_name, gender, day, score_points) values ('Aron', 'F', '2020-01-01', '17');
insert into Scores (player_name, gender, day, score_points) values ('Alice', 'F', '2020-01-07', '23');
insert into Scores (player_name, gender, day, score_points) values ('Bajrang', 'M', '2020-01-07', '7');
insert into Scores (player_name, gender, day, score_points) values ('Khali', 'M', '2019-12-25', '11');
insert into Scores (player_name, gender, day, score_points) values ('Slaman', 'M', '2019-12-30', '13');
insert into Scores (player_name, gender, day, score_points) values ('Joe', 'M', '2019-12-31', '3');
insert into Scores (player_name, gender, day, score_points) values ('Jose', 'M', '2019-12-18', '2');
insert into Scores (player_name, gender, day, score_points) values ('Priya', 'F', '2019-12-31', '23');
insert into Scores (player_name, gender, day, score_points) values ('Priyanka', 'F', '2019-12-30', '17');
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion problems/verbal-arithmetic-puzzle/
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@

[< Previous](../jump-game-iii "Jump Game III")

Next >
[Next >](../running-total-for-different-genders "Running Total for Different Genders")

## [1307. Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle (Hard)]( "口算难题")

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion problems/weather-type-in-each-country/
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[Next >](../find-numbers-with-even-number-of-digits "Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits")

## [1294. Weather Type in Each Country (Easy)]( "")
## [1294. Weather Type in Each Country (Easy)]( "不同国家的天气类型")

<p>Table: <code>Countries</code></p>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion readme/
Expand Up @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ LeetCode Problems' Solutions
| <span id="35">35</span> | [Search Insert Position]( "搜索插入位置") | [Go](../problems/search-insert-position) | Easy |
| <span id="36">36</span> | [Valid Sudoku]( "有效的数独") | [Go](../problems/valid-sudoku) | Medium |
| <span id="37">37</span> | [Sudoku Solver]( "解数独") | [Go](../problems/sudoku-solver) | Hard |
| <span id="38">38</span> | [Count and Say]( "报数") | [Go](../problems/count-and-say) | Easy |
| <span id="38">38</span> | [Count and Say]( "外观数列") | [Go](../problems/count-and-say) | Easy |
| <span id="39">39</span> | [Combination Sum]( "组合总和") | [Go](../problems/combination-sum) | Medium |
| <span id="40">40</span> | [Combination Sum II]( "组合总和 II") | [Go](../problems/combination-sum-ii) | Medium |
| <span id="41">41</span> | [First Missing Positive]( "缺失的第一个正数") | [Go](../problems/first-missing-positive) | Hard |
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tag/string/
Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
| 49 | [字母异位词分组](../../problems/group-anagrams) | [[哈希表](../hash-table/] [[字符串](../string/] | Medium |
| 44 | [通配符匹配](../../problems/wildcard-matching) | [[贪心算法](../greedy/] [[字符串](../string/] [[动态规划](../dynamic-programming/] [[回溯算法](../backtracking/] | Hard |
| 43 | [字符串相乘](../../problems/multiply-strings) | [[数学](../math/] [[字符串](../string/] | Medium |
| 38 | [报数](../../problems/count-and-say) | [[字符串](../string/] | Easy |
| 38 | [外观数列](../../problems/count-and-say) | [[字符串](../string/] | Easy |
| 32 | [最长有效括号](../../problems/longest-valid-parentheses) | [[字符串](../string/] [[动态规划](../dynamic-programming/] | Hard |
| 30 | [串联所有单词的子串](../../problems/substring-with-concatenation-of-all-words) | [[哈希表](../hash-table/] [[双指针](../two-pointers/] [[字符串](../string/] | Hard |
| 28 | [实现 strStr()](../../problems/implement-strstr) | [[双指针](../two-pointers/] [[字符串](../string/] | Easy |
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