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Pull requests: openshift-metal3/terraform-provider-ironic

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Pull requests list

Bump from 0.0.0-20220517005047-85d78b3ac167 to 0.17.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test.
#85 opened Dec 18, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump from 1.53.0 to 1.56.3 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test.
#84 opened Oct 25, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump from 0.7.0 to 0.17.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test.
#83 opened Oct 12, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump from 0.0.0-20220310151803-2b47127ed7ae to 0.3.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#81 opened Apr 26, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
feat: dependabot workflow automation for updating dependency lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#73 opened Oct 27, 2022 by Rajpratik71 Loading…
ProTip! What’s not been updated in a month: updated:<2024-03-18.