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JLPTEI 101: 01: The contributor definition file

EveLevavi edited this page Dec 17, 2013 · 5 revisions

The contributor definition file is required as a way to claim responsibility (or blame?) for work on Open Siddur texts. It is stored in the /data/user collection in the database, and accessed via the [/api/user] ( REST API.

An example of the format is:

  <tei:name><tei:forename>Test</tei:forename> <tei:surname>User</tei:surname>, <tei:genName>Jr.</tei:genName></tei:name>
        <tei:orgName>Academic University</tei:orgName>
        <tei:ptr type="url" target=""/>

Minimally, only tei:idno is required. Additional information, such as real name (tei:name), email (tei:email), real world address (tei:address), academic, organization, or publishing affiliation (tei:affiliation), or URL (tei:ptr type="url") may also be included.

Contributor definition files are required for all contributors, whether or not they are logged in users. That is, an offsite transcriber must also have a contributor definition file.