diff --git a/scripts/strings/czech/generic.lua b/scripts/strings/czech/generic.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa8a337d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/strings/czech/generic.lua @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +-- OPENTOMB GENERIC STRINGS - CZECH LANGUAGE +-- by Lwmte, Jan 2015 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- This set of strings is used globally in all engine versions for various +-- menu entries, notify pop-ups, inventory entries etc. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- Game menu entries + +strings[000] = "Nová hra"; +strings[001] = "Vybrat hru"; +strings[002] = "Vybrat Level"; +strings[003] = "Domau Lary"; +strings[004] = "Uložit hru"; +strings[005] = "Nahrát hru"; +strings[006] = "Nastavení"; +strings[007] = "Konec"; +strings[008] = "Restratovat level"; +strings[009] = "Zpět do menu"; + +-- Dialog components + +strings[010] = "Ano"; +strings[011] = "Ne"; +strings[012] = "Použít"; +strings[013] = "Zrušit"; +strings[014] = "Předchozí"; +strings[015] = "Následující"; +strings[016] = "OK"; +strings[017] = "Zahodit"; + +-- Interface headers + +strings[018] = "INVENTÁŘ"; +strings[019] = "PŘEDMĚTY"; +strings[020] = "ZASTAVENO"; +strings[021] = "NASTAVENÍ"; +strings[022] = "STATISTIKY"; + +-- Dialogs + +strings[023] = "Ukončit hru?"; +strings[024] = "Vyberte hru kterou chcete nahrát"; +strings[025] = "Vyberte hru kterou chcete uložit"; +strings[026] = "Vyberte předmět pro kombinování"; + +-- Inventory actions + +strings[027] = "Nasadit"; +strings[028] = "Vybrat munici"; +strings[029] = "Vybrat ohniví mód"; +strings[030] = "Použít"; +strings[031] = "Zkombinovat"; +strings[032] = "Rozdělit"; +strings[033] = "Prozkoumat"; +strings[034] = "Zahodit"; + +-- Interface hints + +strings[035] = " - Příjmout"; +strings[036] = " - Zrušit"; +strings[037] = "Držte stisknuté levé tlačítko myši a posuňte pro otáčení inventáře."; +strings[038] = "Kolečkem myši přejděte do menu inventáře."; +strings[039] = "Držte stisknuté pravé tlačítko myši a posuňte pro zkoumání předmětu."; + +-- Statistics bar + +strings[040] = "Místo: %s"; +strings[041] = "Tajemství: %d / %d"; +strings[042] = "Vzdálenost: %d km"; +strings[043] = "použito munice: %d"; +strings[044] = "Zabití: %d"; +strings[045] = "Lékárniček použito: %d"; + +-- Notify pop-up tips - FIND A WAY TO USE THEM! + +strings[046] = "Press ROLL while crouching in TR3-5 to use crawlspace roll."; +strings[047] = "V OpenTomb, Lara sjíždí svahy přesně v jejich směru."; +strings[048] = "Vědeli jste že na OpenTomb pracovalo nejméně 10 programátorů?"; -- ;) +strings[049] = "Vědeli jste že Core Design nikdy neuvolnilo zdrojové kódy Tomb Raideru?"; -- Whatever... :] + +strings[050] = "Pro přeskočení stiskněte tlačítko INVENTÁŘ."; + +-- String masks + +strings[090] = "%s (%d)" -- Inventory item header +strings[091] = "%dx %s" -- Ammo header +strings[092] = "%02d:%02d:%02d" -- Timer +strings[093] = "%d dnů, %02d:%02d" -- Time passed + +-- Game names - to use with Select Game menu... + +strings[100] = "Tomb Raider I"; +strings[101] = "Tomb Raider I Gold: Unfinished Business"; +strings[200] = "Tomb Raider II"; +strings[201] = "Tomb Raider II Gold: The Golden Mask"; +strings[300] = "Tomb Raider III"; +strings[301] = "Tomb Raider III Gold: The Lost Artifact"; +strings[400] = "Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation"; +strings[401] = "Tomb Raider IV Bonus: The Times Level"; +strings[500] = "Tomb Raider V: Chronicles"; +strings[600] = "Vlastní úrovně"; diff --git a/scripts/strings/czech/global_items.lua b/scripts/strings/czech/global_items.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7703364e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/strings/czech/global_items.lua @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +-- OPENTOMB INVENTORY GLOBAL ITEM NAMES +-- by Lwmte, Sep 2014 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- In this file, we list all the global item names used across all games. +-- Non-global item names should be eventually listed in level-specific scripts. +-- Note that names list not always resemble item list, as we also introduce +-- game-specific global item names (e.g. compass was replaced by watch in TR2-3) +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ITEM_NAME_COMPASS = "Buzola" +ITEM_NAME_WATCH = "Statistiky" +ITEM_NAME_PASSPORT = "Hra" +ITEM_NAME_LARAHOME = "Dům Lary" +ITEM_NAME_VIDEO = "Nastavení zobrazení" +ITEM_NAME_AUDIO = "Nastavení zvuku" +ITEM_NAME_CONTROLS = "Volba ovládání" +ITEM_NAME_LOAD = "Nahrát hru" +ITEM_NAME_SAVE = "Uložit hru" +ITEM_NAME_MAP = "Mapa" + +ITEM_NAME_PISTOLS = "Pistole" +ITEM_NAME_SHOTGUN = "Brokovnice" +ITEM_NAME_MAGNUMS = "Magnumy" +ITEM_NAME_AUTOMAGS = "Automatické pistole" +ITEM_NAME_DESERTEAGLE = "Desert Eagle" +ITEM_NAME_REVOLVER = "Revolver" +ITEM_NAME_UZIS = "Uzi" +ITEM_NAME_M16 = "M16" +ITEM_NAME_MP5 = "MP5" +ITEM_NAME_HK = "pistole H&K" +ITEM_NAME_GRENADEGUN = "Granátomet" +ITEM_NAME_ROCKETGUN = "Odpalovač raket" +ITEM_NAME_HARPOONGUN = "Hrapuna" +ITEM_NAME_CROSSBOW = "Kuš" +ITEM_NAME_GRAPPLEGUN = "Vystřelovač háku" + +ITEM_NAME_LASERSIGHT = "Laserové zaměřování" +ITEM_NAME_BINOCULARS = "Triedr" +ITEM_NAME_SILENCER = "Tlumič" + +ITEM_NAME_REVOLVER_LASERSIGHT = "Revolver + Laser" +ITEM_NAME_CROSSBOW_LASERSIGHT = "Kuše + Laser" +ITEM_NAME_HK_LASERSIGHT = "Pistole H&K+ Laser" + +-- We don't need to specify each ammo name, as usually one weapon +-- has one type of ammo. This was changed since TR4, for which we +-- specify some ammo names explicitly. + +ITEM_NAME_PISTOL_AMMO = "Munice do Pistole" +ITEM_NAME_SHOTGUN_AMMO = "Munice do brokovnice" +ITEM_NAME_SHOTGUN_NORMAL_AMMO = "Standardní munice do brokovnice" +ITEM_NAME_SHOTGUN_WIDESHOT_AMMO = "Munice do brokovnice s širokým rozptylem" +ITEM_NAME_MAGNUM_AMMO = "Munice do Magnumu" +ITEM_NAME_AUTOMAG_AMMO = "Munice do automatické pistole" +ITEM_NAME_DESERTEAGLE_AMMO = "Munice do Desert Eagle" +ITEM_NAME_REVOLVER_AMMO = "Munice do revolveru" +ITEM_NAME_UZI_AMMO = "Munice do Uzi" +ITEM_NAME_M16_AMMO = "Munice do M16" +ITEM_NAME_MP5_AMMO = "Munice do MP5" +ITEM_NAME_HK_AMMO = "Munice do H&K" +ITEM_NAME_GRENADEGUN_AMMO = "Munice do granátometu" +ITEM_NAME_GRENADEGUN_NORMAL_AMMO = "Standardní munice do granátometu" +ITEM_NAME_GRENADEGUN_SUPER_AMMO = "Prémiová munice do granátometu" +ITEM_NAME_GRENADEGUN_FLASH_AMMO = "Záblesková munice do granátometu" +ITEM_NAME_ROCKETGUN_AMMO = "Rakety" +ITEM_NAME_HARPOONGUN_AMMO = "Harpuny" +ITEM_NAME_CROSSBOW_NORMAL_AMMO = "Běžné špiky do kuše" +ITEM_NAME_CROSSBOW_POISON_AMMO = "Otrávené špiky do kuše" +ITEM_NAME_CROSSBOW_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO = "Výbušné šipky do kuše" +ITEM_NAME_GRAPPLEGUN_AMMO = "Vystřelovací háky" + +ITEM_NAME_FLARES = "Světlice" +ITEM_NAME_TORCH = "Louč" -- Don't know why we may need this?.. + +ITEM_NAME_SMALL_MEDIPACK = "Malá lékárnička" +ITEM_NAME_LARGE_MEDIPACK = "Velká lékárnička"