ddb.txt06000014000013715755256 7112 ustarrootwheeldb:0:kdb.enter.default> run lockinfo db:1:lockinfo> show locks No such command; use "help" to list available commands db:1:lockinfo> show alllocks No such command; use "help" to list available commands db:1:lockinfo> show lockedvnods Locked vnodes db:0:kdb.enter.default> show pcpu cpuid = 0 dynamic pcpu = 0xbcb200 curthread = 0xfffff800035d15e0: pid 12 tid 100024 "swi1: netisr 0" curpcb = 0xfffffe0000484b80 fpcurthread = none idlethread = 0xfffff80003606000: tid 100003 "idle: cpu0" curpmap = 0xffffffff820032c8 tssp = 0xffffffff8212e620 commontssp = 0xffffffff8212e620 rsp0 = 0xfffffe0000484b80 gs32p = 0xffffffff82135258 ldt = 0xffffffff82135298 tss = 0xffffffff82135288 tlb gen = 10382 curvnet = 0 db:0:kdb.enter.default> bt Tracing pid 12 tid 100024 td 0xfffff800035d15e0 kdb_enter() at kdb_enter+0x3b/frame 0xfffffe0000484660 vpanic() at vpanic+0x1bf/frame 0xfffffe00004846b0 panic() at panic+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000484710 trap_fatal() at trap_fatal+0x39c/frame 0xfffffe0000484770 trap_pfault() at trap_pfault+0x49/frame 0xfffffe00004847d0 trap() at trap+0x29f/frame 0xfffffe00004848e0 calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe00004848e0 --- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff80e01917, rsp = 0xfffffe00004849b0, rbp = 0xfffffe0000484a10 --- swi_net() at swi_net+0x147/frame 0xfffffe0000484a10 ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0x1d4/frame 0xfffffe0000484a70 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x83/frame 0xfffffe0000484ab0 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0000484ab0 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- db:0:kdb.enter.default> ps pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd 1917 1 6166 0 S sbwait 0xfffff8000935353c udpbroadcastrelay 83299 1 6166 0 S sbwait 0xfffff8012ae6f1d4 udpbroadcastrelay 68610 1 6166 0 S sbwait 0xfffff8016e7e6c0c udpbroadcastrelay 56629 1 6166 0 S sbwait 0xfffff8015cc951d4 udpbroadcastrelay 79270 3697 3697 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff81eaa291 sleep 59268 67028 59268 0 S select 0xfffff800096aadc0 python3.7 29211 6166 6166 0 S (threaded) python3.7 100319 S accept 0xfffff8015cc984d0 python3.7 6166 1 6166 0 Ss wait 0xfffff8016e452560 python3.7 76854 1 76854 0 Ss (threaded) ntpd 100126 S select 0xfffff800038841c0 ntpd 100344 S usem 0xfffff80009697a80 ntpd 3697 1 3697 0 Ss wait 0xfffff8013c14e560 sh 8481 1 8481 0 Ss bpf 0xfffff80004e77e00 filterlog 35262 1 35262 0 Ss (threaded) dpinger 100257 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf40900 dpinger 100322 S sbwait 0xfffff8015cc2ec0c dpinger 100323 S nanslp 0xffffffff81eaa291 dpinger 100324 S nanslp 0xffffffff81eaa290 dpinger 100325 S accept 0xfffff8016e4cdba0 dpinger 90033 1 90033 0 Ss select 0xfffff80003884e40 sshd 9981 1 9981 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff80004d498b0 getty 1867 1 1867 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff80004d49cb0 getty 92404 1 92404 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff80004d480b0 getty 89976 1 89976 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff80004d484b0 getty 87405 1 87405 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff80004d488b0 getty 84477 1 84477 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff80003cff4b0 getty 81946 1 81946 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff80003d024b0 getty 75315 1 75315 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff80003d028b0 getty 82577 1 82577 0 Ss nanslp 0xffffffff81eaa290 cron 86195 76918 86195 542 Ss select 0xfffff800092f2a40 flowd 76918 1 76918 0 Ss sbwait 0xfffff8015cf31c0c flowd 14064 1 9134 0 S (threaded) monit 100210 S nanslp 0xffffffff81eaa291 monit 100354 S select 0xfffff800098ca740 monit 72001 67215 67215 65534 S sbwait 0xfffff80004f5653c samplicate 67215 1 67215 0 Ss piperd 0xfffff8008b872be0 daemon 3335 456 456 66 S nanslp 0xffffffff81eaa293 upsmon 456 1 456 0 Ss piperd 0xfffff8008be5cbe0 upsmon 78992 1 78992 0 Ss (threaded) suricata 100231 S nanslp 0xffffffff81eaa291 suricata 100261 S select 0xfffff8008b676740 W#01-igb0 100275 S select 0xfffff80003884dc0 W#01-igb0^ 100278 S select 0xfffff800092f17c0 W#01-pppoe0 100285 S select 0xfffff8013c15fb40 W#01-pppoe0^ 100286 S uwait 0xfffff80009259b00 FM#01 100287 S uwait 0xfffff80009366480 FR#01 100288 S uwait 0xfffff80004f86700 CW 100289 S uwait 0xfffff80004fa1380 CS 31305 1 31305 284 Ss nanslp 0xffffffff81eaa292 vnstatd 67028 58953 67028 0 Ss (threaded) syslog-ng 100108 S kqread 0xfffff8008b664c00 syslog-ng 100214 S kqread 0xfffff80009696a00 syslog-ng 100303 S kqread 0xfffff8008b487000 syslog-ng 58953 1 51151 0 S wait 0xfffff80004fd1000 syslog-ng 60541 1 60541 0 Ss select 0xfffff8015cfb21c0 syslogd 24086 1 24086 0 Ss select 0xfffff80004ff40c0 powerd 83191 1 83191 0 Ss select 0xfffff80009361440 python3.7 82596 1 82596 59 Ss (threaded) unbound 100174 S kqread 0xfffff800098d4a00 unbound 100326 S kqread 0xfffff8008b647b00 unbound 100327 S kqread 0xfffff8008b6bae00 unbound 100328 S kqread 0xfffff8008b6c4000 unbound 72393 62843 72393 0 Ss (threaded) charon 100098 S sigwait 0xfffff8008bb03000 charon 100175 S uwait 0xfffff80004ff4000 charon 100176 S select 0xfffff80003677740 charon 100177 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73b80 charon 100178 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73500 charon 100179 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73480 charon 100180 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73280 charon 100181 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73180 charon 100182 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73080 charon 100183 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf63f00 charon 100184 S uwait 0xfffff80009366c00 charon 100185 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73c00 charon 100186 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73b00 charon 100187 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73c80 charon 100188 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73f00 charon 100189 S uwait 0xfffff8008bf73e00 charon 100190 S select 0xfffff800092ecd40 charon 62843 1 62843 0 Ss select 0xfffff80004ff4b40 starter 1376 1 1376 0 Ss select 0xfffff800098ca3c0 radvd 65879 1 65879 136 Ss select 0xfffff8008b6881c0 dhcpd 69560 43396 43396 0 S accept 0xfffff80009180168 php-cgi 62524 44950 44950 0 S accept 0xfffff800091a6ba0 php-cgi 57158 43396 43396 0 S accept 0xfffff80009180168 php-cgi 53734 44950 44950 0 R CPU 3 php-cgi 52723 43396 43396 0 S accept 0xfffff80009180168 php-cgi 48855 44950 44950 0 S accept 0xfffff800091a6ba0 php-cgi 44950 38419 44950 0 Ss wait 0xfffff80004fd2000 php-cgi 43396 38419 43396 0 Ss wait 0xfffff800095be000 php-cgi 38419 1 34215 0 S kqread 0xfffff8008b644600 lighttpd 55562 1 55562 0 Ss (threaded) mpd5 100146 S select 0xfffff8008b675440 mpd5 49435 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [ng_queue] 100116 D sleep 0xffffffff82958680 [ng_queue0] 100142 D sleep 0xffffffff82958680 [ng_queue1] 100143 D sleep 0xffffffff82958680 [ng_queue2] 100144 D sleep 0xffffffff82958680 [ng_queue3] 8399 1 8399 0 Ss select 0xfffff800090c9240 devd 42644 1 42644 0 Ss select 0xfffff800092f1340 moused 23308 0 0 0 DL syncer 0xffffffff81fabec0 [syncer] 16068 0 0 0 DL vlruwt 0xfffff800039b4000 [vnlru] 8544 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [bufdaemon] 100081 D qsleep 0xffffffff81fab358 [bufdaemon] 100084 D - 0xffffffff81a0a800 [bufspacedaemon-0] 100085 D - 0xffffffff81a12ac0 [bufspacedaemon-1] 100086 D - 0xffffffff81a1ad80 [bufspacedaemon-2] 100087 D - 0xffffffff81a23040 [bufspacedaemon-3] 100088 D - 0xffffffff81a2b300 [bufspacedaemon-4] 100089 D - 0xffffffff81a335c0 [bufspacedaemon-5] 100090 D - 0xffffffff81a3b880 [bufspacedaemon-6] 100103 D sdflush 0xfffff80004f89ae8 [/ worker] 7288 0 0 0 DL psleep 0xffffffff81fc9cc8 [vmdaemon] 1036 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [pagedaemon] 100077 D psleep 0xffffffff82027758 [dom0] 100078 D launds 0xffffffff82027764 [laundry: dom0] 100080 D umarcl 0xffffffff810260a0 [uma] 22 0 0 0 DL cooling 0xfffff80003d2cb58 [acpi_cooling0] 21 0 0 0 DL tzpoll 0xffffffff81bf0500 [acpi_thermal] 20 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81d09798 [rand_harvestq] 19 0 0 0 DL pftm 0xffffffff826e97c0 [pf purge] 18 0 0 0 DL waiting 0xffffffff82025e20 [sctp_iterator] 17 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81faaddc [soaiod4] 16 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81faaddc [soaiod3] 9 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81faaddc [soaiod2] 8 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81faaddc [soaiod1] 15 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [usb] 100045 D - 0xfffffe00006d6d10 [usbus0] 100046 D - 0xfffffe00006d6d68 [usbus0] 100047 D - 0xfffffe00006d6dc0 [usbus0] 100048 D - 0xfffffe00006d6e18 [usbus0] 100049 D - 0xfffffe00006d6e70 [usbus0] 100053 D - 0xfffffe0085932d10 [usbus1] 100054 D - 0xfffffe0085932d68 [usbus1] 100055 D - 0xfffffe0085932dc0 [usbus1] 100056 D - 0xfffffe0085932e18 [usbus1] 100057 D - 0xfffffe0085932e70 [usbus1] 7 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [cam] 100043 D - 0xffffffff81be4640 [doneq0] 100076 D - 0xffffffff81be4508 [scanner] 6 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff8000360d950 [crypto returns 3] 5 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff8000360d8f0 [crypto returns 2] 4 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff8000360d890 [crypto returns 1] 3 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xfffff8000360d830 [crypto returns 0] 2 0 0 0 DL crypto_ 0xffffffff81fc4310 [crypto] 14 0 0 0 DL seqstat 0xfffff80003071488 [sequencer 00] 13 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [geom] 100030 D - 0xffffffff820025d0 [g_event] 100031 D - 0xffffffff820025e0 [g_up] 100032 D - 0xffffffff820025c8 [g_down] 12 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [intr] 100008 I [swi5: fast taskq] 100012 I [swi6: task queue] 100013 I [swi6: Giant taskq] 100023 I [swi3: vm] 100024 Run CPU 0 [swi1: netisr 0] 100025 I [swi4: clock (0)] 100026 I [swi4: clock (1)] 100027 I [swi4: clock (2)] 100028 I [swi4: clock (3)] 100044 I [irq20: ehci0] 100050 I [irq284: bce0] 100051 I [irq285: bce1] 100052 I [irq23: ehci1] 100058 I [irq286: ahci0] 100059 I [swi0: uart uart] 100067 I [swi1: pf send] 100068 I [swi1: pfsync] 11 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [idle] 100003 CanRun [idle: cpu0] 100004 Run CPU 1 [idle: cpu1] 100005 Run CPU 2 [idle: cpu2] 100006 CanRun [idle: cpu3] 1 0 1 0 SLs wait 0xfffff8000360f560 [init] 10 0 0 0 DL audit_w 0xffffffff82026b40 [audit] 0 0 0 0 DLs (threaded) [kernel] 100000 D swapin 0xffffffff82002610 [swapper] 100007 D - 0xfffff80003088600 [thread taskq] 100009 D - 0xfffff80003088100 [config_0] 100010 D - 0xfffff80003087e00 [kqueue_ctx taskq] 100011 D - 0xfffff80003087c00 [aiod_kick taskq] 100014 D - 0xfffff80003087400 [if_io_tqg_0] 100015 D - 0xfffff80003087200 [if_io_tqg_1] 100016 D - 0xfffff80003087000 [if_io_tqg_2] 100017 D - 0xfffff800035d3000 [if_io_tqg_3] 100018 D - 0xfffff800035d4d00 [softirq_0] 100019 D - 0xfffff800035d4b00 [softirq_1] 100020 D - 0xfffff800035d4900 [softirq_2] 100021 D - 0xfffff800035d4700 [softirq_3] 100022 D - 0xfffff800035d4500 [if_config_tqg_0] 100029 D - 0xfffff800035d5600 [firmware taskq] 100034 D - 0xfffff8000308be00 [crypto_0] 100035 D - 0xfffff8000308be00 [crypto_1] 100036 D - 0xfffff8000308be00 [crypto_2] 100037 D - 0xfffff8000308be00 [crypto_3] 100060 D - 0xfffff80003d29500 [mca taskq] 100069 D - 0xfffff80003689c00 [acpi_task_0] 100070 D - 0xfffff80003689c00 [acpi_task_1] 100071 D - 0xfffff80003689c00 [acpi_task_2] 100075 D - 0xfffff8000392fc00 [CAM taskq] 100091 D - 0xfffff80003ac0e00 [/ trim] 100248 D - 0xfffff8008b65eb00 [dummynet] 100262 D - 0xfffff8008b637000 [tq igb0 RX0] 100263 D - 0xfffff800096a6900 [tq igb0 RX1] 100264 D - 0xfffff80009703600 [tq igb0 RX2] 100265 D - 0xfffff800096a7c00 [tq igb0 RX3] 100266 D - 0xfffff80009696c00 [tq igb0 RX4] 100267 D - 0xfffff800096b3700 [tq igb0] 100268 D - 0xfffff800096b3500 [tq igb0 TX0] 100269 D - 0xfffff8008b6bf200 [tq igb0 TX1] 100270 D - 0xfffff8008b6bf400 [tq igb0 TX2] 100271 D - 0xfffff8008b6bf600 [tq igb0 TX3] 100272 D - 0xfffff8008b6bf800 [tq igb0 TX4] 100273 D - 0xfffff8008b6bfa00 [tq igb0] 100279 D - 0xfffff8008b6be000 [tq pppoe0 RX0] 100280 D - 0xfffff8008b6be200 [tq pppoe0 RX1] 100281 D - 0xfffff8008b2d4300 [tq pppoe0] 100282 D - 0xfffff8008b2d4200 [tq pppoe0 TX0] 100283 D - 0xfffff8008b64e100 [tq pppoe0 TX1] 100284 D - 0xfffff800096a7e00 [tq pppoe0] db:0:kdb.enter.default> alltrace Tracing command udpbroadcastrelay pid 1917 tid 100315 td 0xfffff8008bbcd000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a680 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a6b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a700 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a730 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a7a0 sbwait() at sbwait+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a7c0 soreceive_dgram() at soreceive_dgram+0x125/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a830 soreceive() at soreceive+0x44/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a850 kern_recvit() at kern_recvit+0x1bf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a900 sys_recvmsg() at sys_recvmsg+0x6f/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4a970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4aab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4aab0 --- syscall (27, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_recvmsg), rip = 0x2d44c39e86a, rsp = 0x7ec8c284ebe8, rbp = 0x7ec8c284ebf0 --- Tracing command udpbroadcastrelay pid 83299 tid 100335 td 0xfffff8013c0685e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a76680 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe00a5a766b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe00a5a76700 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a76730 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a767a0 sbwait() at sbwait+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe00a5a767c0 soreceive_dgram() at soreceive_dgram+0x125/frame 0xfffffe00a5a76830 soreceive() at soreceive+0x44/frame 0xfffffe00a5a76850 kern_recvit() at kern_recvit+0x1bf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a76900 sys_recvmsg() at sys_recvmsg+0x6f/frame 0xfffffe00a5a76970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe00a5a76ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe00a5a76ab0 --- syscall (27, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_recvmsg), rip = 0x3c74a65786a, rsp = 0x62c16bba60d8, rbp = 0x62c16bba60e0 --- Tracing command udpbroadcastrelay pid 68610 tid 100147 td 0xfffff80004f96000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe0089ae1680 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe0089ae16b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe0089ae1700 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089ae1730 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe0089ae17a0 sbwait() at sbwait+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe0089ae17c0 soreceive_dgram() at soreceive_dgram+0x125/frame 0xfffffe0089ae1830 soreceive() at soreceive+0x44/frame 0xfffffe0089ae1850 kern_recvit() at kern_recvit+0x1bf/frame 0xfffffe0089ae1900 sys_recvmsg() at sys_recvmsg+0x6f/frame 0xfffffe0089ae1970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe0089ae1ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089ae1ab0 --- syscall (27, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_recvmsg), rip = 0x22ba78bd86a, rsp = 0x64122986a4b8, rbp = 0x64122986a4c0 --- Tracing command udpbroadcastrelay pid 56629 tid 100316 td 0xfffff8016e1d9000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f680 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f6b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f700 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f730 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f7a0 sbwait() at sbwait+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f7c0 soreceive_dgram() at soreceive_dgram+0x125/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f830 soreceive() at soreceive+0x44/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f850 kern_recvit() at kern_recvit+0x1bf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f900 sys_recvmsg() at sys_recvmsg+0x6f/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4f970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4fab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe00a5a4fab0 --- syscall (27, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_recvmsg), rip = 0x1b1a7f0586a, rsp = 0x7d535123c348, rbp = 0x7d535123c350 --- Tracing command sleep pid 79270 tid 100212 td 0xfffff8013c10d5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f2ec780 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f2ec7b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f2ec800 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008f2ec840 _sleep() at _sleep+0x215/frame 0xfffffe008f2ec8b0 kern_clock_nanosleep() at kern_clock_nanosleep+0x1a6/frame 0xfffffe008f2ec930 sys_nanosleep() at sys_nanosleep+0x5f/frame 0xfffffe008f2ec970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f2ecab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f2ecab0 --- syscall (240, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_nanosleep), rip = 0x49941eb790a, rsp = 0x73a6b27469a8, rbp = 0x73a6b27469d0 --- Tracing command python3.7 pid 59268 tid 100238 td 0xfffff80004f975e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f33e600 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f33e630 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f33e680 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008f33e6c0 _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x17a/frame 0xfffffe008f33e720 seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x72/frame 0xfffffe008f33e750 kern_select() at kern_select+0x8ef/frame 0xfffffe008f33e930 sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe008f33e970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f33eab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f33eab0 --- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x4220c2c23ba, rsp = 0x687f24ac45e8, rbp = 0x687f24ac4620 --- Tracing command python3.7 pid 29211 tid 100319 td 0xfffff8016e4ae5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5e6f0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5e720 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5e770 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5e7a0 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5e810 solisten_dequeue() at solisten_dequeue+0x72/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5e860 kern_accept4() at kern_accept4+0x1d3/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5e910 accept1() at accept1+0x60/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5e970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5eab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe00a5a5eab0 --- syscall (541, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_accept4), rip = 0x332012af9ea, rsp = 0x639f7e6b7538, rbp = 0x639f7e6b7570 --- Tracing command python3.7 pid 6166 tid 100259 td 0xfffff8016e61d5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f3a15d0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f3a1600 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f3a1650 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f3a1680 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe008f3a16f0 kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x686/frame 0xfffffe008f3a1780 sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe008f3a1970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f3a1ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f3a1ab0 --- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x697b5e4576a, rsp = 0x7d0d0ff9afd8, rbp = 0x7d0d0ff9b010 --- Tracing command ntpd pid 76854 tid 100126 td 0xfffff80003ac55e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe0089a9f620 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe0089a9f650 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe0089a9f6a0 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089a9f6d0 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe0089a9f720 seltdwait() at seltdwait+0xbf/frame 0xfffffe0089a9f750 kern_select() at kern_select+0x8ef/frame 0xfffffe0089a9f930 sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089a9f970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe0089a9fab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089a9fab0 --- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x60a4066d3ba, rsp = 0x716ead1882d8, rbp = 0x716ead188310 --- Tracing command ntpd pid 76854 tid 100344 td 0xfffff8016ea855e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a85710 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe00a5a85740 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe00a5a85790 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a857c0 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a85830 umtxq_sleep() at umtxq_sleep+0x133/frame 0xfffffe00a5a85890 do_sem2_wait() at do_sem2_wait+0x6cf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a85920 __umtx_op_sem2_wait() at __umtx_op_sem2_wait+0x76/frame 0xfffffe00a5a85970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe00a5a85ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe00a5a85ab0 --- syscall (454, FreeBSD ELF64, sys__umtx_op), rip = 0x60a4058243a, rsp = 0x716e6d187ed8, rbp = 0x716e6d187f50 --- Tracing command sh pid 3697 tid 100234 td 0xfffff8012507c5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f32f5d0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f32f600 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f32f650 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f32f680 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe008f32f6f0 kern_wait6() at kern_wait6+0x686/frame 0xfffffe008f32f780 sys_wait4() at sys_wait4+0x78/frame 0xfffffe008f32f970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f32fab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f32fab0 --- syscall (7, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_wait4), rip = 0x3b1b67f476a, rsp = 0x64a2baf38d18, rbp = 0x64a2baf38d50 --- Tracing command filterlog pid 8481 tid 100233 td 0xfffff8016e2095e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f3256e0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f325710 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f325760 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008f3257a0 _sleep() at _sleep+0x215/frame 0xfffffe008f325810 bpfread() at bpfread+0x315/frame 0xfffffe008f325860 devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe008f3258c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe008f325900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe008f325970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f325ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f325ab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x3d817aaf3da, rsp = 0x623a3db61718, rbp = 0x623a3db61750 --- Tracing command dpinger pid 35262 tid 100257 td 0xfffff8015cfea000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f397730 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f397760 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f3977b0 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f3977e0 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe008f397850 umtxq_sleep() at umtxq_sleep+0x133/frame 0xfffffe008f3978b0 do_wait() at do_wait+0x420/frame 0xfffffe008f397930 __umtx_op_wait() at __umtx_op_wait+0x78/frame 0xfffffe008f397970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f397ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f397ab0 --- syscall (454, FreeBSD ELF64, sys__umtx_op), rip = 0x26de84a6edc, rsp = 0x600a6a63ae58, rbp = 0x600a6a63aee0 --- Tracing command dpinger pid 35262 tid 100322 td 0xfffff802bd01d000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008dbda620 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008dbda650 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008dbda6a0 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008dbda6d0 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe008dbda740 sbwait() at sbwait+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe008dbda760 soreceive_generic() at soreceive_generic+0x286/frame 0xfffffe008dbda830 soreceive() at soreceive+0x44/frame 0xfffffe008dbda850 kern_recvit() at kern_recvit+0x1bf/frame 0xfffffe008dbda900 sys_recvfrom() at sys_recvfrom+0x86/frame 0xfffffe008dbda970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008dbdaab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008dbdaab0 --- syscall (29, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_recvfrom), rip = 0x26de8608bfa, rsp = 0x600a2a63ae98, rbp = 0x600a2a63aee0 --- Tracing command dpinger pid 35262 tid 100323 td 0xfffff802b70115e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008dbd0780 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008dbd07b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008dbd0800 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008dbd0840 _sleep() at _sleep+0x215/frame 0xfffffe008dbd08b0 kern_clock_nanosleep() at kern_clock_nanosleep+0x1a6/frame 0xfffffe008dbd0930 sys_nanosleep() at sys_nanosleep+0x97/frame 0xfffffe008dbd0970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008dbd0ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008dbd0ab0 --- syscall (240, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_nanosleep), rip = 0x26de85f690a, rsp = 0x600a2a439f38, rbp = 0x600a2a439f60 --- Tracing command dpinger pid 35262 tid 100324 td 0xfffff8008bbcd5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008dbbc780 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008dbbc7b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008dbbc800 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008dbbc840 _sleep() at _sleep+0x215/frame 0xfffffe008dbbc8b0 kern_clock_nanosleep() at kern_clock_nanosleep+0x1a6/frame 0xfffffe008dbbc930 sys_nanosleep() at sys_nanosleep+0x97/frame 0xfffffe008dbbc970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008dbbcab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008dbbcab0 --- syscall (240, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_nanosleep), rip = 0x26de85f690a, rsp = 0x600a2a238f18, rbp = 0x600a2a238f40 --- Tracing command dpinger pid 35262 tid 100325 td 0xfffff802bd0225e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a456f0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe00a5a45720 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe00a5a45770 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe00a5a457a0 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a45810 solisten_dequeue() at solisten_dequeue+0x72/frame 0xfffffe00a5a45860 kern_accept4() at kern_accept4+0x1d3/frame 0xfffffe00a5a45910 accept1() at accept1+0xed/frame 0xfffffe00a5a45970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe00a5a45ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe00a5a45ab0 --- syscall (541, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_accept4), rip = 0x26de85f69ea, rsp = 0x600a2a037e68, rbp = 0x600a2a037ea0 --- Tracing command sshd pid 90033 tid 100136 td 0xfffff80004f97000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe0089acd620 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe0089acd650 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe0089acd6a0 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089acd6d0 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe0089acd720 seltdwait() at seltdwait+0xbf/frame 0xfffffe0089acd750 kern_select() at kern_select+0x8ef/frame 0xfffffe0089acd930 sys_select() at sys_select+0x56/frame 0xfffffe0089acd970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe0089acdab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089acdab0 --- syscall (93, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_select), rip = 0x299e79e83ba, rsp = 0x631cfb1b1d48, rbp = 0x631cfb1b1d80 --- Tracing command getty pid 9981 tid 100102 td 0xfffff80004f8a000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe0089a406a0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe0089a406d0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe0089a40720 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089a40750 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe0089a407a0 tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x1c/frame 0xfffffe0089a407c0 ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x1d9/frame 0xfffffe0089a40820 ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x60/frame 0xfffffe0089a40860 devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe0089a408c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089a40900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe0089a40970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe0089a40ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089a40ab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x5deb2af33da, rsp = 0x6d2f9a8eb238, rbp = 0x6d2f9a8eb270 --- Tracing command getty pid 1867 tid 100256 td 0xfffff8015cb66000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f3926a0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f3926d0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f392720 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f392750 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe008f3927a0 tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x1c/frame 0xfffffe008f3927c0 ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x1d9/frame 0xfffffe008f392820 ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x60/frame 0xfffffe008f392860 devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe008f3928c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe008f392900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe008f392970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f392ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f392ab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x5a32a70d3da, rsp = 0x7a5cc9f44d78, rbp = 0x7a5cc9f44db0 --- Tracing command getty pid 92404 tid 100255 td 0xfffff80004f8a5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f38d6a0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f38d6d0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f38d720 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f38d750 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe008f38d7a0 tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x1c/frame 0xfffffe008f38d7c0 ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x1d9/frame 0xfffffe008f38d820 ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x60/frame 0xfffffe008f38d860 devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe008f38d8c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe008f38d900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe008f38d970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f38dab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f38dab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x1b44facc3da, rsp = 0x787907b42288, rbp = 0x787907b422c0 --- Tracing command getty pid 89976 tid 100254 td 0xfffff800092c1000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f3886a0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f3886d0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f388720 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f388750 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe008f3887a0 tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x1c/frame 0xfffffe008f3887c0 ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x1d9/frame 0xfffffe008f388820 ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x60/frame 0xfffffe008f388860 devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe008f3888c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe008f388900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe008f388970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f388ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f388ab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x1bfa6a4f3da, rsp = 0x788e610d2238, rbp = 0x788e610d2270 --- Tracing command getty pid 87405 tid 100243 td 0xfffff8013cadb000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f3576a0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f3576d0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f357720 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f357750 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe008f3577a0 tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x1c/frame 0xfffffe008f3577c0 ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x1d9/frame 0xfffffe008f357820 ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x60/frame 0xfffffe008f357860 devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe008f3578c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe008f357900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe008f357970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f357ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f357ab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x3a95a6563da, rsp = 0x6b6d8f1a7078, rbp = 0x6b6d8f1a70b0 --- Tracing command getty pid 84477 tid 100241 td 0xfffff8016e21c000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f34d6a0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f34d6d0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f34d720 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f34d750 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe008f34d7a0 tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x1c/frame 0xfffffe008f34d7c0 ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x1d9/frame 0xfffffe008f34d820 ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x60/frame 0xfffffe008f34d860 devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe008f34d8c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe008f34d900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe008f34d970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f34dab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f34dab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x628f68893da, rsp = 0x76456d7c6e98, rbp = 0x76456d7c6ed0 --- Tracing command getty pid 81946 tid 100149 td 0xfffff8008bbcb000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe0089b136a0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe0089b136d0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe0089b13720 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089b13750 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe0089b137a0 tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x1c/frame 0xfffffe0089b137c0 ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x1d9/frame 0xfffffe0089b13820 ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x60/frame 0xfffffe0089b13860 devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe0089b138c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089b13900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe0089b13970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe0089b13ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089b13ab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x570b280a3da, rsp = 0x786bd1bf3838, rbp = 0x786bd1bf3870 --- Tracing command getty pid 75315 tid 100092 td 0xfffff80003ad0000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e6a0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e6d0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e720 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e750 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e7a0 tty_wait() at tty_wait+0x1c/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e7c0 ttydisc_read() at ttydisc_read+0x1d9/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e820 ttydev_read() at ttydev_read+0x60/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e860 devfs_read_f() at devfs_read_f+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e8c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe0089a0e970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe0089a0eab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089a0eab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x6022b3df3da, rsp = 0x63234dba8bf8, rbp = 0x63234dba8c30 --- Tracing command cron pid 82577 tid 100096 td 0xfffff80004d35000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe0089a22780 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe0089a227b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe0089a22800 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe0089a22840 _sleep() at _sleep+0x215/frame 0xfffffe0089a228b0 kern_clock_nanosleep() at kern_clock_nanosleep+0x1a6/frame 0xfffffe0089a22930 sys_nanosleep() at sys_nanosleep+0x5f/frame 0xfffffe0089a22970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe0089a22ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089a22ab0 --- syscall (240, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_nanosleep), rip = 0x35f5e84290a, rsp = 0x68688d1220d8, rbp = 0x68688d122100 --- Tracing command flowd pid 86195 tid 100206 td 0xfffff8013caf95e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f2ce6a0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f2ce6d0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f2ce720 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f2ce750 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x154/frame 0xfffffe008f2ce7a0 seltdwait() at seltdwait+0xbf/frame 0xfffffe008f2ce7d0 kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43d/frame 0xfffffe008f2ce950 sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe008f2ce970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f2ceab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f2ceab0 --- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x36499a71c1a, rsp = 0x7f32039a7cc8, rbp = 0x7f32039a8780 --- Tracing command flowd pid 76918 tid 100127 td 0xfffff8008b91f5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe0089aa4690 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe0089aa46c0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe0089aa4710 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe0089aa4740 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe0089aa47b0 sbwait() at sbwait+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe0089aa47d0 soreceive_generic() at soreceive_generic+0x286/frame 0xfffffe0089aa48a0 soreceive() at soreceive+0x44/frame 0xfffffe0089aa48c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe0089aa4900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe0089aa4970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe0089aa4ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe0089aa4ab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x36499ac63da, rsp = 0x7f32039a7b58, rbp = 0x7f32039a7ba0 --- Tracing command monit pid 14064 tid 100210 td 0xfffff8013c16d5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f2e2780 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f2e27b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f2e2800 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008f2e2840 _sleep() at _sleep+0x215/frame 0xfffffe008f2e28b0 kern_clock_nanosleep() at kern_clock_nanosleep+0x1a6/frame 0xfffffe008f2e2930 sys_nanosleep() at sys_nanosleep+0x5f/frame 0xfffffe008f2e2970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f2e2ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f2e2ab0 --- syscall (240, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_nanosleep), rip = 0x627f585590a, rsp = 0x62c2fff18bf8, rbp = 0x62c2fff18c20 --- Tracing command monit pid 14064 tid 100354 td 0xfffff8016e8a6000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8a680 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8a6b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8a700 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8a740 _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sig_sbt+0x17a/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8a7a0 seltdwait() at seltdwait+0x72/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8a7d0 kern_poll() at kern_poll+0x43d/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8a950 sys_poll() at sys_poll+0x50/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8a970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8aab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe00a5a8aab0 --- syscall (209, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_poll), rip = 0x627f5867c1a, rsp = 0x62c2bff18f18, rbp = 0x62c2bff18f50 --- Tracing command samplicate pid 72001 tid 100203 td 0xfffff8015cb65000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf680 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf6b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf700 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf730 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf7a0 sbwait() at sbwait+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf7c0 soreceive_dgram() at soreceive_dgram+0x125/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf830 soreceive() at soreceive+0x44/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf850 kern_recvit() at kern_recvit+0x1bf/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf900 sys_recvfrom() at sys_recvfrom+0x86/frame 0xfffffe008f2bf970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f2bfab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f2bfab0 --- syscall (29, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_recvfrom), rip = 0x77d89069bfa, rsp = 0x7b711eadc008, rbp = 0x7b711eadc050 --- Tracing command daemon pid 67215 tid 100242 td 0xfffff8008bbcb5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f352730 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f352760 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f3527b0 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f3527e0 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe008f352850 pipe_read() at pipe_read+0x467/frame 0xfffffe008f3528c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe008f352900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe008f352970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f352ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f352ab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x253f80743da, rsp = 0x6534efe61f88, rbp = 0x6534efe61fc0 --- Tracing command upsmon pid 3335 tid 100240 td 0xfffff8016e21c5e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f348780 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f3487b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f348800 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008f348840 _sleep() at _sleep+0x215/frame 0xfffffe008f3488b0 kern_clock_nanosleep() at kern_clock_nanosleep+0x1a6/frame 0xfffffe008f348930 sys_nanosleep() at sys_nanosleep+0x5f/frame 0xfffffe008f348970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f348ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f348ab0 --- syscall (240, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_nanosleep), rip = 0x2b5f235690a, rsp = 0x6644d6c70718, rbp = 0x6644d6c70740 --- Tracing command upsmon pid 456 tid 100237 td 0xfffff8012508b000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f339730 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f339760 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f3397b0 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0xf/frame 0xfffffe008f3397e0 _sleep() at _sleep+0x23a/frame 0xfffffe008f339850 pipe_read() at pipe_read+0x467/frame 0xfffffe008f3398c0 dofileread() at dofileread+0x95/frame 0xfffffe008f339900 sys_read() at sys_read+0xc1/frame 0xfffffe008f339970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f339ab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f339ab0 --- syscall (3, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_read), rip = 0x2b5f23bd3da, rsp = 0x6644d6c70728, rbp = 0x6644d6c70760 --- Tracing command suricata pid 78992 tid 100231 td 0xfffff8016e20a000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f31b780 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f31b7b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f31b800 sleepq_timedwait_sig() at sleepq_timedwait_sig+0x14/frame 0xfffffe008f31b840 _sleep() at _sleep+0x215/frame 0xfffffe008f31b8b0 kern_clock_nanosleep() at kern_clock_nanosleep+0x1a6/frame 0xfffffe008f31b930 sys_nanosleep() at sys_nanosleep+0x97/frame 0xfffffe008f31b970 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x364/frame 0xfffffe008f31bab0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0x101/frame 0xfffffe008f31bab0 --- syscall (240, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_nanosleep), rip = 0x3e6a800990a, rsp = 0x605d429cae68, rbp = 0x605d429cae90 --- Tracing command suricata pid 78992 tid 100261 td 0xfffff8016e8a65e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x64a/frame 0xfffffe008f3ab680 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xe2/frame 0xfffffe008f3ab6b0 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x425/frame 0xfffffe008f3ab700 sleepq_timedwait_sig() atconfig.txt0600001121013715755256 7546 ustarrootwheeloptions CONFIG_AUTOGENERATED ident SMP machine amd64 cpu HAMMER makeoptions WITH_CTF=1 options PAX_JAIL_SUPPORT options PAX_CONTROL_EXTATTR options PAX_CONTROL_ACL_OVERRIDE_SUPPORT options PAX_CONTROL_ACL options PAX_INSECURE_MODE options PAX_SEGVGUARD options PAX_HARDENING options PAX_ASLR options PAX options TCP_SIGNATURE options PPS_SYNC options MROUTING options IPSTEALTH options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE options IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT options GEOM_UZIP options GEOM_MIRROR options GEOM_ELI options GEOM_BDE options DDB options EVDEV_SUPPORT options XENHVM options USB_DEBUG options ATH_ENABLE_11N options AH_AR5416_INTERRUPT_MITIGATION options AH_SUPPORT_AR5416 options IEEE80211_SUPPORT_MESH options IEEE80211_AMPDU_AGE options IEEE80211_DEBUG options SC_PIXEL_MODE options VESA options PCI_IOV options PCI_HP options ACPI_DMAR options EARLY_AP_STARTUP options SMP options NETDUMP options ZSTDIO options GZIO options EKCD options KDB_TRACE options KDB options RCTL options RACCT_DEFAULT_TO_DISABLED options RACCT options INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE options DDB_CTF options KDTRACE_HOOKS options KDTRACE_FRAME options MAC options CAPABILITIES options CAPABILITY_MODE options AUDIT options HWPMC_HOOKS options KBD_INSTALL_CDEV options PRINTF_BUFR_SIZE=128 options _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING options SYSVSEM options SYSVMSG options SYSVSHM options STACK options KTRACE options SCSI_DELAY=5000 options COMPAT_FREEBSD11 options COMPAT_FREEBSD10 options COMPAT_FREEBSD9 options COMPAT_FREEBSD7 options COMPAT_FREEBSD6 options COMPAT_FREEBSD5 options COMPAT_FREEBSD4 options COMPAT_FREEBSD32 options EFIRT options GEOM_LABEL options GEOM_RAID options PSEUDOFS options PROCFS options CD9660 options MSDOSFS options NFS_ROOT options NFSLOCKD options NFSD options NFSCL options MD_ROOT options QUOTA options UFS_GJOURNAL options UFS_DIRHASH options UFS_ACL options SOFTUPDATES options FFS options SCTP options TCP_RFC7413 options TCP_HHOOK options TCP_BLACKBOX options TCP_OFFLOAD options IPSEC_SUPPORT options IPSEC options INET6 options INET options VIMAGE options PREEMPTION options NUMA options SCHED_ULE options NEW_PCIB options GEOM_PART_GPT options GEOM_PART_MBR options GEOM_PART_EBR_COMPAT options GEOM_PART_EBR options GEOM_PART_BSD device isa device mem device io device uart_ns8250 device cpufreq device acpi device pci device fdc device ahci device ata device mvs device siis device ahc device ahd device esp device hptiop device isp device mpt device mps device mpr device sym device trm device isci device ocs_fc device scbus device ch device da device sa device cd device pass device ses device amr device arcmsr device ciss device dpt device hptmv device hptnr device hptrr device hpt27xx device iir device ips device mly device twa device smartpqi device tws device aac device aacp device aacraid device ida device mfi device mlx device mrsas device pmspcv device twe device nvme device nvd device atkbdc device atkbd device psm device kbdmux device vga device splash device sc device vt device vt_vga device vt_efifb device agp device cbb device pccard device cardbus device uart device ppc device ppbus device lpt device ppi device puc device iflib device em device ix device ixv device ixl device iavf device vmx device bxe device de device le device ti device txp device vx device miibus device ae device age device alc device ale device bce device bfe device bge device cas device dc device et device fxp device gem device hme device jme device lge device msk device nfe device nge device pcn device re device rl device sf device sge device sis device sk device ste device stge device tl device tx device vge device vr device wb device xl device wlan device wlan_wep device wlan_ccmp device wlan_tkip device wlan_amrr device an device ath device ath_pci device ath_hal device ath_rate_sample device ipw device iwi device iwn device malo device mwl device ral device wi device wpi device crypto device loop device random device padlock_rng device rdrand_rng device ether device vlan device tun device md device gif device firmware device bpf device uhci device ohci device ehci device xhci device usb device ukbd device umass device sound device snd_cmi device snd_csa device snd_emu10kx device snd_es137x device snd_hda device snd_ich device snd_via8233 device mmc device mmcsd device sdhci device virtio device virtio_pci device vtnet device virtio_blk device virtio_scsi device virtio_balloon device hyperv device xenpci device netmap device evdev device uinput device xz device bwi device bwn device rum device run device u3g device uark device uath device uftdi device umct device umodem device upgt device uplcom device ural device urtw device uvisor device uvscom device zyd device wlan_acl device wlan_xauth device speaker msgbuf.txt0600005366113715755256 7604 ustarrootwheel---<>--- Copyright (c) 2013-2019 The HardenedBSD Project. Copyright (c) 1992-2019 The FreeBSD Project. Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation. FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p7-HBSD #3 5742b25c4(master)-dirty: Thu Aug 6 16:17:42 PDT 2020 root@sunnyvalley12.localdomain:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/SMP amd64 FreeBSD clang version 8.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_801/final 366581) (based on LLVM 8.0.1) VT(efifb): resolution 640x480 HardenedBSD: initialize and check features (__HardenedBSD_version 1200059 __FreeBSD_version 1201000). CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31220 @ 3.10GHz (3093.04-MHz K8-class CPU) Origin="GenuineIntel" Id=0x206a7 Family=0x6 Model=0x2a Stepping=7 Features=0xbfebfbff Features2=0x1fbae3ff AMD Features=0x28100800 AMD Features2=0x1 Structured Extended Features3=0x9c000000 XSAVE Features=0x1 VT-x: PAT,HLT,MTF,PAUSE,EPT,UG,VPID TSC: P-state invariant, performance statistics real memory = 17179869184 (16384 MB) avail memory = 16585383936 (15817 MB) Event timer "LAPIC" quality 600 ACPI APIC Table: FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs FreeBSD/SMP: 1 package(s) x 4 core(s) random: unblocking device. ioapic0 irqs 0-23 on motherboard Launching APs: 2 1 3 Timecounter "TSC-low" frequency 1546519668 Hz quality 1000 wlan: mac acl policy registered random: entropy device external interface kbd0 at kbdmux0 module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (vesa, 0xffffffff812507c0, 0) error 19 000.000054 [4335] netmap_init netmap: loaded module [ath_hal] loaded nexus0 efirtc0: on motherboard efirtc0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 1.000000s cryptosoft0: on motherboard acpi0: on motherboard acpi0: Power Button (fixed) cpu0: on acpi0 hpet0: iomem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff on acpi0 Timecounter "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 950 Event timer "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 550 Event timer "HPET1" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 440 Event timer "HPET2" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 440 Event timer "HPET3" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 440 Event timer "HPET4" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 440 atrtc0: port 0x70-0x77 irq 8 on acpi0 atrtc0: Warning: Couldn't map I/O. atrtc0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 1.000000s Event timer "RTC" frequency 32768 Hz quality 0 attimer0: port 0x40-0x43,0x50-0x53 irq 0 on acpi0 Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0 Event timer "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 100 Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 900 acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x408-0x40b on acpi0 pcib0: port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0 pci0: on pcib0 pcib1: at device 1.0 on pci0 pci1: on pcib1 igb0: mem 0xc5400000-0xc54fffff,0xc550c000-0xc550ffff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci1 igb0: Using 1024 TX descriptors and 1024 RX descriptors igb0: Using 4 RX queues 4 TX queues igb0: Using MSI-X interrupts with 5 vectors <6>igb0: Ethernet address: a0:36:9f:28:d0:d0 <6>igb0: netmap queues/slots: TX 4/1024, RX 4/1024 igb1: mem 0xc5300000-0xc53fffff,0xc5508000-0xc550bfff irq 17 at device 0.1 on pci1 igb1: Using 1024 TX descriptors and 1024 RX descriptors igb1: Using 4 RX queues 4 TX queues igb1: Using MSI-X interrupts with 5 vectors <6>igb1: Ethernet address: a0:36:9f:28:d0:d1 <6>igb1: netmap queues/slots: TX 4/1024, RX 4/1024 igb2: mem 0xc5200000-0xc52fffff,0xc5504000-0xc5507fff irq 18 at device 0.2 on pci1 igb2: Using 1024 TX descriptors and 1024 RX descriptors igb2: Using 4 RX queues 4 TX queues igb2: Using MSI-X interrupts with 5 vectors <6>igb2: Ethernet address: a0:36:9f:28:d0:d2 <6>igb2: netmap queues/slots: TX 4/1024, RX 4/1024 igb3: mem 0xc5100000-0xc51fffff,0xc5500000-0xc5503fff irq 19 at device 0.3 on pci1 igb3: Using 1024 TX descriptors and 1024 RX descriptors igb3: Using 4 RX queues 4 TX queues igb3: Using MSI-X interrupts with 5 vectors <6>igb3: Ethernet address: a0:36:9f:28:d0:d3 <6>igb3: netmap queues/slots: TX 4/1024, RX 4/1024 ehci0: mem 0xc5606000-0xc56063ff irq 20 at device 26.0 on pci0 usbus0: EHCI version 1.0 usbus0 on ehci0 usbus0: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0 pcib2: at device 28.0 on pci0 pci2: on pcib2 bce0: mem 0xc0000000-0xc1ffffff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci2 miibus0: on bce0 brgphy0: PHY 1 on miibus0 brgphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-master, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, auto, auto-flow <6>bce0: Using defaults for TSO: 65518/35/2048 <6>bce0: Ethernet address: d0:67:e5:ee:6b:90 bce0: <6>bce0: link state changed to DOWN ASIC (0x57092008); Rev (C0); Bus (PCIe x4, 2.5Gbps); B/C (5.2.3); Bufs (RX:2;TX:2;PG:8); Flags (SPLT|MSI|MFW); MFW (NCSI 2.0.11) Coal (RX:6,6,18,18; TX:20,20,80,80) bce1: mem 0xc2000000-0xc3ffffff irq 17 at device 0.1 on pci2 miibus1: on bce1 brgphy1: PHY 1 on miibus1 brgphy1: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-master, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, auto, auto-flow <6>bce1: Using defaults for TSO: 65518/35/2048 <6>bce1: Ethernet address: d0:67:e5:ee:6b:91 bce1: <6>bce1: link state changed to DOWN ASIC (0x57092008); Rev (C0); Bus (PCIe x4, 2.5Gbps); B/C (5.2.3); Bufs (RX:2;TX:2;PG:8); Flags (SPLT|MSI|MFW); MFW (NCSI 2.0.11) Coal (RX:6,6,18,18; TX:20,20,80,80) ehci1: mem 0xc5605000-0xc56053ff irq 23 at device 29.0 on pci0 usbus1: EHCI version 1.0 usbus1 on ehci1 usbus1: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0 pcib3: at device 30.0 on pci0 pci3: on pcib3 vgapci0: mem 0xc4000000-0xc47fffff,0xc5000000-0xc5003fff,0xc4800000-0xc4ffffff irq 19 at device 3.0 on pci3 vgapci0: Boot video device isab0: at device 31.0 on pci0 isa0: on isab0 ahci0: port 0x2048-0x204f,0x2054-0x2057,0x2040-0x2047,0x2050-0x2053,0x2020-0x203f mem 0xc5604000-0xc56047ff irq 19 at device 31.2 on pci0 ahci0: AHCI v1.30 with 6 3Gbps ports, Port Multiplier not supported ahcich0: at channel 0 on ahci0 ahcich4: at channel 4 on ahci0 ahcich5: at channel 5 on ahci0 ahciem0: at channel 2147483647 on ahci0 device_attach: ahciem0 attach returned 6 acpi_tz0: on acpi0 acpi_syscontainer0: on acpi0 acpi_syscontainer1: on acpi0 uart0: <16550 or compatible> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on acpi0 uart1: <16550 or compatible> port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on acpi0 orm0: at iomem 0xc0000-0xc7fff pnpid ORM0000 on isa0 est0: on cpu0 Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec ugen1.1: at usbus1 ugen0.1: at usbus0 uhub0: on usbus1 uhub1: on usbus0 ada0 at ahcich0 bus 0 scbus0 target 0 lun 0 ada0: ACS-4 ATA SATA 3.x device ada0: Serial Number S59WNE0M917031W ada0: 300.000MB/s transfers (SATA 2.x, UDMA6, PIO 512bytes) ada0: Command Queueing enabled ada0: 238475MB (488397168 512 byte sectors) Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/gpt/rootfs [rw]... cd0 at ahcich4 bus 0 scbus1 target 0 lun 0 cd0: Removable CD-ROM SCSI device cd0: Serial Number 11101313113738 cd0: 150.000MB/s transfers (SATA 1.x, UDMA5, ATAPI 12bytes, PIO 8192bytes) cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present - tray closed WARNING: / was not properly dismounted <118>Mounting filesystems... <118>tunefs: soft updates remains unchanged as enabled <118>tunefs: file system reloaded <118>tunefs: issue TRIM to the disk remains unchanged as enabled <118>tunefs: file system reloaded <118>** /dev/gpt/rootfs <118>** Last Mounted on / <118>** Root file system <118>** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=4414170 (41792 should be 41664) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INODE 4414170: FILE SIZE 21336408 BEYOND END OF ALLOCATED FILE, SIZE SHOULD BE 21299200 <118>ADJUST? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=4414233 (3115712 should be 3115584) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INODE 4414233: FILE SIZE 1594799236 BEYOND END OF ALLOCATED FILE, SIZE SHOULD BE 1594753024 <118>ADJUST? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=8988690 (40 should be 0) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=8988691 (8 should be 0) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=8988741 (48 should be 0) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=8988774 (8 should be 0) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=8988775 (40 should be 0) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=8988777 (8 should be 0) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=8988778 (32 should be 0) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=8988779 (16 should be 0) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=8988780 (16 should be 0) <118>CORRECT? yes <118> <118>** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered <118>** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity <118>** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts <118>UNREF FILE I=8988773 OWNER=root MODE=100600 <118>SIZE=0 MTIME=Aug 15 07:46 2020 <118>RECONNECT? yes <118> <118>UNREF FILE I=8988774 OWNER=root MODE=100600 <118>SIZE=0 MTIME=Aug 15 07:46 2020 <118>RECONNECT? yes <118> <118>UNREF FILE I=8988775 OWNER=root MODE=100600 <118>SIZE=0 MTIME=Aug 15 07:46 2020 <118>RECONNECT? yes <118> <118>UNREF FILE I=8988777 OWNER=root MODE=100600 <118>SIZE=0 MTIME=Aug 15 07:46 2020 <118>RECONNECT? yes <118> <118>UNREF FILE I=8988778 OWNER=root MODE=100600 <118>SIZE=0 MTIME=Aug 15 07:46 2020 <118>RECONNECT? yes <118> <118>UNREF FILE I=8988779 OWNER=root MODE=100600 <118>SIZE=0 MTIME=Aug 15 07:46 2020 <118>RECONNECT? yes <118> <118>UNREF FILE I=8988780 OWNER=root MODE=100600 <118>SIZE=0 MTIME=Aug 15 07:46 2020 <118>RECONNECT? yes <118> <118>UNREF FILE I=13884312 OWNER=root MODE=100644 <118>SIZE=614400 MTIME=Aug 15 07:46 2020 <118>RECONNECT? yes <118> <118>** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups <118>FREE BLK COUNT(S) WRONG IN SUPERBLK <118>SALVAGE? yes <118> <118>SUMMARY INFORMATION BAD <118>SALVAGE? yes <118> <118>BLK(S) MISSING IN BIT MAPS <118>SALVAGE? yes <118> <118>75098 files, 1486706 used, 55356873 free (8777 frags, 6918512 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation) <118> <118>***** FILE SYSTEM STILL DIRTY ***** <118> <118>***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED ***** <118> <118>***** PLEASE RERUN FSCK ***** ugen1.2: at usbus1 uhub2 on uhub0 uhub2: on usbus1 ugen0.2: at usbus0 uhub3 on uhub1 uhub3: on usbus0 <118>** /dev/gpt/rootfs <118>** Last Mounted on / <118>** Root file system <118>** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes <118>** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames uhub3: 6 ports with 6 removable, self powered uhub2: 6 ports with 6 removable, self powered <118>** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity <118>** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts <118>** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups <118>75098 files, 1486706 used, 55356873 free (8777 frags, 6918512 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation) <118> <118>***** FILE SYSTEM MARKED CLEAN ***** ugen1.3: at usbus1 uhub4 on uhub2 uhub4: on usbus1 uhub4: MTT enabled ugen0.3: at usbus0 ukbd0 on uhub3 ukbd0: on usbus0 kbd1 at ukbd0 <118>Setting hostuuid: 4c4c4544-0042-3110-8031-b4c04f485331. <118>Setting hostid: 0xa869d650. <118>Configuring vt: blanktime. uhub4: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered <118>Configuring crash dump device: /dev/gpt/swapfs <118>savecore 39115 - - reboot after panic: page fault <118>savecore 39115 - - writing core to /var/crash/textdump.tar.1 <118>swapon: adding /dev/gpt/swapfs as swap device <118>.ELF ldconfig path: /lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/ipsec /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.32/mach/CORE <118>32-bit compatibility ldconfig path: <118>done. <118>>>> Invoking early script 'update' <118>>>> Invoking early script 'configd' <118>Starting configd. <118>>>> Invoking early script 'templates' <118>Generating configuration: OK <118>>>> Invoking early script 'backup' <118>>>> Invoking backup script 'captiveportal' <118>>>> Invoking backup script 'dhcpleases' <118>>>> Invoking backup script 'duid' <118>>>> Invoking backup script 'netflow' <118>>>> Invoking backup script 'rrd' <118>>>> Invoking early script 'carp' <118>CARP event system: OK <118>Launching the init system...done. <118>Initializing...........done. <6>igb0: link state changed to UP <6>igb3: link state changed to UP <118>Starting device manager... ums0 on uhub3 ums0: on usbus0 ums0: 3 buttons and [Z] coordinates ID=0 <118>done. <118>Configuring login behaviour...done. <118>Configuring loopback interface... <6>lo0: link state changed to UP <118>done. <118>Configuring kernel modules... aesni0: on motherboard coretemp0: on cpu0 <118>done. <118>Setting up extended sysctls...done. <118>Setting timezone...done. <118>Writing firmware setting...done. <118>Writing trust files...done. <118>Setting hostname: redacted <118>Generating /etc/hosts...done. <118>Configuring system logging...done. <118>Configuring loopback interface...done. <118>Creating wireless clone interfaces...done. <118>Configuring LAGG interfaces...done. <118>Configuring VLAN interfaces... <6>igb0: link state changed to DOWN <6>vlan0: changing name to 'igb0_vlan150' <6>vlan1: changing name to 'igb0_vlan20' <118>done. <118>Configuring Guest interface...done. <118>Configuring LAN interface...done. <118>Configuring ModemAccess interface... <6>igb3: link state changed to DOWN <118>done. <118>Configuring Restricted interface...done. <118>Configuring WAN interface... WARNING: attempt to domain_add(netgraph) after domainfinalize() <6>ng0: changing name to 'pppoe0' <118>done. <118>Configuring GIF interfaces (1)...done. <118>Configuring GIF interfaces (2)...done. <118>Configuring TunnelBroker interface... <6>gif0: link state changed to DOWN <118>done. <118>Creating IPsec VTI instances...done. <118>Creating OpenVPN instances...done. <118>Generating /etc/resolv.conf...done. <118>Configuring firewall........ <6>igb0: link state changed to UP <6>igb0_vlan20: link state changed to UP <6>igb0_vlan150: link state changed to UP <6>igb3: link state changed to UP <118>done. <118>Starting PFLOG...done. <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode enabled <118>Configuring OpenSSH...done. <118>Starting web GUI...done. <118>Configuring CRON...done. <118>Setting up routes...done. <118>Generating /etc/hosts...done. <118>Starting DHCPv4 service...done. <118>Starting router advertisement service...done. <118>Starting Unbound DNS...done. <118>Setting up gateway monitors...done. <118>Configuring firewall........done. <118>Starting PFLOG... <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode disabled <118>done. <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode enabled <118>Configuring IPsec VPN...done. <118>Syncing OpenVPN settings...done. <118>Configuring dynamic DNS clients... <118>Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/etc/inc/plugins.inc.d/dyndns/phpDynDNS.inc on line 813 <118>done. <118>Starting NTP service...deferred. <118>Starting Unbound DNS...done. <118>Generating RRD graphs...done. <118>Starting power daemon...done. <118>Configuring system logging...done. <118>>>> Invoking start script 'newwanip' <118>Reconfiguring IPv4 on pppoe0: <6>gif0: link state changed to DOWN <6>gif0: link state changed to UP <6>gif0: link state changed to DOWN <6>gif0: link state changed to UP <6>gif0: link state changed to DOWN <6>gif0: link state changed to UP <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode disabled <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode enabled <118>OK <118>>>> Invoking start script 'freebsd' <118>Starting vnstat. <118>Starting suricata. <118>15/8/2020 -- 07:49:44 - <Info> - Including configuration file installed_rules.yaml. <118>15/8/2020 -- 07:49:44 - <Info> - Configuration node 'rule-files' redefined. <118>15/8/2020 -- 07:49:44 - <Info> - Including configuration file custom.yaml. <118>Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.4 <118>Error: no UPS definitions found in ups.conf <118>/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nut: WARNING: failed precmd routine for nut <118>Starting nut_upsmon. <118>Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.7.4 <118>kill: No such process <118>UPS: ups@redacted (slave) (power value 1) <118>Using power down flag file /etc/killpower <118>setup igb0_vlan150 <118>setup igb0 <118>setup gif0 <118>ngctl: send msg: No such file or directory <118>error gif0: cannot create netflow node for gif0 <118>setup igb0_vlan20 <118>error : interface opt4 not found <118>setup pppoe0 [egress only] <118>ngctl: send msg: No such file or directory <118>error pppoe0: cannot create netflow node for pppoe0 <118>error : interface opt5 not found <118>Starting monit. <118>Starting Monit 5.27.0 daemon with http interface at /var/run/monit.sock <118>Starting flowd_aggregate. <118>Starting flowd. ipfw2 (+ipv6) initialized, divert loadable, nat loadable, default to accept, logging disabled DUMMYNET 0xfffff800030613c0 with IPv6 initialized (100409) load_dn_sched dn_sched FIFO loaded load_dn_sched dn_sched QFQ loaded load_dn_sched dn_sched RR loaded load_dn_sched dn_sched WF2Q+ loaded load_dn_sched dn_sched PRIO loaded load_dn_sched dn_sched FQ_CODEL loaded load_dn_sched dn_sched FQ_PIE loaded load_dn_aqm dn_aqm CODEL loaded load_dn_aqm dn_aqm PIE loaded <118>pf disabled <118>pf enabled <118>Firewall rules loaded. <118>>>> Invoking start script 'carp' <118>>>> Invoking start script 'cron' <118>Starting Cron: OK <118>>>> Invoking start script 'beep' <118>Root file system: /dev/gpt/rootfs <118>Sat Aug 15 07:49:46 CDT 2020 <118> <118>*** redacted: OPNsense 20.7.1 (amd64/OpenSSL) *** <118> <118> Guest (igb0_vlan150) -> v4: redacted <118> v6: redacted <118> LAN (igb0) -> v4: redacted <118> v6: redacted <118> ModemAccess (igb3) -> v4: redacted <118> Restricted (igb0_vlan20) -> v4: redacted <118> v6: redacted <118> TunnelBroker (gif0) -> <118> WAN (pppoe0) -> v4/PPPoE: redacted <118> redacted <6>igb0: permanently promiscuous mode enabled <6>igb0: link state changed to DOWN <6>igb0_vlan20: link state changed to DOWN <6>igb0_vlan150: link state changed to DOWN 844.696659 [1130] generic_netmap_attach Emulated adapter for pppoe0 created (prev was NULL) 844.696754 [1035] generic_netmap_dtor Emulated netmap adapter for pppoe0 destroyed <6>pppoe0: permanently promiscuous mode enabled 844.699712 [1130] generic_netmap_attach Emulated adapter for pppoe0 created (prev was NULL) 844.699938 [ 320] generic_netmap_register Emulated adapter for pppoe0 activated <6>igb0: link state changed to UP <6>igb0_vlan20: link state changed to UP <6>igb0_vlan150: link state changed to UP <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode disabled <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode enabled <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode disabled <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode enabled <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode disabled <6>pflog0: promiscuous mode enabled Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode cpuid = 0; apic id = 00 fault virtual address = 0x360 fault code = supervisor read data, page not present instruction pointer = 0x20:0xffffffff80e01917 stack pointer = 0x28:0xfffffe00004849b0 frame pointer = 0x28:0xfffffe0000484a10 code segment = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b = DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1 processor eflags = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0 current process = 12 (swi1: netisr 0) trap number = 12 panic: page fault cpuid = 0 time = 1597495982 __HardenedBSD_version = 1200059 __FreeBSD_version = 1201000 version = FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p7-HBSD #3 5742b25c4(master)-dirty: Thu Aug 6 16:17:42 PDT 2020 root@sunnyvalley12.localdomain:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/SMP KDB: stack backtrace: db_trace_self_wrapper() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe0000484660 vpanic() at vpanic+0x1a2/frame 0xfffffe00004846b0 panic() at panic+0x43/frame 0xfffffe0000484710 trap_fatal() at trap_fatal+0x39c/frame 0xfffffe0000484770 trap_pfault() at trap_pfault+0x49/frame 0xfffffe00004847d0 trap() at trap+0x29f/frame 0xfffffe00004848e0 calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe00004848e0 --- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff80e01917, rsp = 0xfffffe00004849b0, rbp = 0xfffffe0000484a10 --- swi_net() at swi_net+0x147/frame 0xfffffe0000484a10 ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0x1d4/frame 0xfffffe0000484a70 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x83/frame 0xfffffe0000484ab0 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0000484ab0 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- KDB: enter: panic panic.txt0600001213715755256 7151 ustarrootwheelpage faultversion.txt06000023713715755256 7635 ustarrootwheelFreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p7-HBSD #3 5742b25c4(master)-dirty: Thu Aug 6 16:17:42 PDT 2020 root@sunnyvalley12.localdomain:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/SMP