Caveat for the Pagodo -p option with Kali's Mozilla or Firefox --------------------------------------------------------------- Just wanted to offer a shout-out to Kali (Linux) users, which by default uses Firefox as its default the Pagodo -p parameter, -->try using socks5 rather than socks5h, and it will "work" - given that Pagodo utilises Mozilla browser agent (in this case) to perform its Google searches. My thoughts: It seems that Firefox / Mozilla does not support socks5h. See the attached file "Caveat for the Pagodo -p option wit.txt" for my reasoning, background and example Background ========== 1./ Pagodo on my VM is using using User-Agent 'Mozilla/5.0 ' <======most important 2./ Socks5h not needed? see 3./ Running with socks5h does not work -I receive Google is blocking me! messsage python3 -d -g dorks/files_containing_juicy_info.dorks -p socks5h://,socks5h:// /home/kali/Downloads/pagodo/juicy_info_dorks2.txt 4./Environment Using Kali 2023 .1 102.10.0 Firefox ESR April 11, 2023 Version 102.10.0, first offered to ESR channel users on April 11, 2023 using the latest version of pagodo - as at 6th May, 2023 Using two Digital Ocean Droplets