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The tree is represented internally by the immediate dominator array. It
is sufficient to efficiently traverse it in pre- and postporder.
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satabin committed Jan 31, 2020
1 parent 4c4acd0 commit 4d83c62
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Showing 2 changed files with 192 additions and 1 deletion.
150 changes: 149 additions & 1 deletion core/src/swam/cfg/CFG.scala
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ package cfg

import syntax.Inst

import cats._
import cats.implicits._

import scala.annotation.tailrec

/** An immutable control-flow graph.
* To create a new CFG, see [[CFGBuilder]].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +59,9 @@ class CFG private[cfg] (basicBlocks: Array[BasicBlock]) {
def reversePostorder: List[Int] =
postorder(List.empty[Int])((acc, node) => :: acc)

/** Returns the immediate dominators. The result is indexed by the node identifiers. */
/** Returns the immediate dominators. The result is indexed by the node identifiers.
* Each cel in the vector contains the identifier of the immediate dominator.
def idoms: Vector[Int] = {
// cache it as it will be reused for every pass
val reversed = reversePostorder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,6 +123,147 @@ class CFG private[cfg] (basicBlocks: Array[BasicBlock]) {

/** Returns the dominator tree for this CFG.
* The tree contains the node identifiers.
def dominatorTree: DominatorTree =
new DominatorTree(idoms)


/** The dominator tree associated to a [[CFG]] which can be traversed
* in several ways.
class DominatorTree private[cfg] (idoms: Vector[Int]) {
private lazy val byParent = idoms.toList.zipWithIndex.groupMap {
case (idom, node) if idom == node =>
// the root
case (idom, _) => Some(idom)
} {
case (idom, node) if idom == node =>
// the root
(None, node)
case (idom, node) => (Some(idom), node)

/** Traverses this tree, accumulating the result through the
* function `f` in preorder.
* The second argument of `f` is the parent of the currently
* processed node, if any.
def preorder[Res](zero: Res)(f: (Res, Option[Int], Int) => Res): Res = {
def loop(acc: Res, stack: List[List[(Option[Int], Int)]]): Res =
stack match {
case Nil :: rest =>
loop(acc, rest)
case ((parent, node) :: siblings) :: rest =>
val children = byParent.getOrElse(Some(node), Nil)
loop(f(acc, parent, node), children :: siblings :: rest)
case Nil =>
loop(zero, List(List((None, idoms.size - 1))))

/** Monadicly traverses this tree, accumulating the result through the
* function `f` in preorder.
* The second argument of `f` is the parent of the currently
* processed node, if any.
* This may be used to impement short-circuit semantics.
def preorderM[F[_], Res](zero: Res)(f: (Res, Option[Int], Int) => F[Res])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Res] =
F.tailRecM((zero, List(List((Option.empty[Int], idoms.size - 1))))) {
case (acc, Nil :: rest) =>
F.pure(Left((acc, rest)))
case (acc, ((parent, node) :: siblings) :: rest) =>
f(acc, parent, node).map { acc =>
val children = byParent.getOrElse(Some(node), Nil)
Left((acc, children :: siblings :: rest))
case (acc, Nil) =>

/** Traverses this tree, accumulating the result through the
* function `f` in postorder.
* The second argument of `f` is the parent of the currently
* processed node, if any.
def postorder[Res](zero: Res)(f: (Res, Option[Int], Int) => Res): Res = {
def loop(acc: Res, stack: List[List[(Option[Int], Int)]], childrenDone: Set[Int]): Res =
stack match {
case Nil :: rest =>
loop(acc, rest, childrenDone)
case ((pair @ (parent, node)) :: siblings) :: rest =>
if (childrenDone.contains(node)) {
// children were processed, so do this node and continue to siblings
loop(f(acc, parent, node), siblings :: rest, childrenDone)
} else {
// children were not processed yet, check if any at all
byParent.get(Some(node)) match {
case Some(children) =>
// first process the children, then this node, then siblings
// next time we will encounter this node, the children will
// be processed and this node will be safe to process,
// so register this in `childrenDone`
loop(acc, children :: List(pair) :: siblings :: rest, childrenDone + node)
case None =>
// this is a leaf, process it, ad continue to siblings
loop(f(acc, parent, node), siblings :: rest, childrenDone)
case Nil =>
// start at the root
loop(zero, List(List((None, idoms.size - 1))), Set.empty)

/** Monadicly traverses this tree, accumulating the result through the
* function `f` in postorder.
* The second argument of `f` is the parent of the currently
* processed node, if any.
* This may be used to impement short-circuit semantics.
def postorderM[F[_], Res](zero: Res)(f: (Res, Option[Int], Int) => F[Res])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Res] =
F.tailRecM((zero, List(List((Option.empty[Int], idoms.size - 1))), Set.empty[Int])) {
case (acc, Nil :: rest, childrenDone) =>
F.pure(Left((acc, rest, childrenDone)))
case (acc, ((pair @ (parent, node)) :: siblings) :: rest, childrenDone) =>
if (childrenDone.contains(node)) {
// children were processed, so do this node and continue to siblings
f(acc, parent, node).map { acc =>
Left((acc, siblings :: rest, childrenDone))
} else {
// children were not processed yet, check if any at all
byParent.get(Some(node)) match {
case Some(children) =>
// first process the children, then this node, then siblings
// next time we will encounter this node, the children will
// be processed and this node will be safe to process,
// so register this in `childrenDone`
F.pure(Left((acc, children :: List(pair) :: siblings :: rest, childrenDone + node)))
case None =>
// this is a leaf, process it, ad continue to siblings
f(acc, parent, node).map { acc =>
Left((acc, siblings :: rest, childrenDone))
case (acc, Nil, _) =>


case class BasicBlock(id: Int, name: String, stmts: List[Inst], jump: Option[Jump])(val predecessors: List[Int]) {
Expand Down
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions core/test/src/swam/cfg/DominatorTreeTests.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package swam
package cfg

import cats.implicits._

import utest._

object DominatorTreeTests extends TestSuite {

def block(id: Int): BasicBlock =
BasicBlock(id, s"B$id", Nil, None)(Nil)

val idoms = Vector(8, 8, 0, 0, 3, 3, 1, 6, 8)
val tree = new DominatorTree(idoms)

val expectedPostorder = List(2, 4, 5, 3, 0, 7, 6, 1, 8)
val expectedPreorder = List(8, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 7)

def tests: Tests = Tests {

test("postorder") {
val postorder = tree.postorder(List.empty[Int])((acc, _, node) => node :: acc).reverse
assert(postorder == expectedPostorder)

test("postorderM") {
val postorder = tree.postorderM(List.empty[Int])((acc, _, node) => (node :: acc).some).map(_.reverse)
assert(postorder == Some(expectedPostorder))

test("preorder") {
val preorder = tree.preorder(List.empty[Int])((acc, _, node) => node :: acc).reverse
assert(preorder == expectedPreorder)

test("preorderM") {
val preorder = tree.preorderM(List.empty[Int])((acc, _, node) => (node :: acc).some).map(_.reverse)
assert(preorder == Some(expectedPreorder))



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