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Thinh Le thinhlpg
Hello :3



SF Bay Area

Yilun Zhang zhangyilun

Mozilla Ontario, Canada

Pilar pilarcode
I am passionate about innovation and enjoy working with AI teams to make a positive impact on global problems.⚡

GFT Spain

Rituparn Shukla shuklarituparn
Амбассадор VK 💙 | 3 КУРС ФПМИ МФТИ


fullstack dev
Ian Ianmello10
Software Developer
Horus m1911star
Looking for something interesting


chris mckenzie kristopolous
Likes long walks on the beach, looking for someone with a sense of humor and doesn't kiss on the first date.

International Workingmen's Association Palms, Los Angeles, CA

Marcus S. Abildskov marcus-sa
Each step of our journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowds and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.
pasdepseudo pasdepseud0
Tech Enthusiast, I like to eat my code in spaghetti, just as I like to arrange my cables in spaghetti, perfect method to obfuscate and secure env. (i'm kidding)

n/a localisation: between two nodes

xu0o0 haoqixu
Open Source enthusiast. #SRE #DevOps #DX #o11y #Infra

Beijing, China

Minju Kim MinjuKim0217
Smart ICT Convergence, Konkuk University

Seoul, South Korea


freelancer Ho Chi Minh

Alexandre "Lekler" Rodrigues Lekler
Um autista formado em Gestão de TI e estudando Economia.


BronzwikGk bronzwikgk
leading a kick-ass lean team @shunyadotek. With focus on Product Research & Design, workflows & bench-marking.

@shunyadotek sunnySideDown

Sajit Magesh maverickOG
wanna-be coder.


Koyilbek Valiev Valiev-Koyiljon
Passionate AI Engineer on a mission to harness the power of neural networks and tackle real-world challenges. Let's innovate and build groundbreaking solutions

South Korea

Ahmed Tadde ahmedtadde
Software Engineer

Washington, D.C

Harsh Patel hp2413

University at Buffalo SUNY Bay Area, CA

Sloane Ortel srvo
Mostly lurk. Chief Investment Officer at Ethical Capital.

Ethical Capital Utah

HSY suzhouhesuyang

NUIST Nanjing, China

Andre Gaio andregaio
Computer Vision and Deep Learning Engineer

United Kingdom

Thierry Santos 0xthierry
senior software engineer | helping companies, build, launch and monitor LLMs applications

@meistrari sao paulo