WIZnet WIZ550io #4133
Replies: 1 comment
Posted at 2014-04-09 by Pat Sorry, and to follow up, any ideas why this code does not work ? It's the CC3000 code transplanted (which does work when the CC3000 is behaving). The .248 address is pingable, but port 80 is not there (I did a port scan). No errors reported ..
Posted at 2014-04-09 by Pat Oh dear. All sorts of oddities ... On a high proportion of occasions now when I issue eth.setIP() I see a single DHCP_DISCOVER message, and then a few seconds later the USB connection to the Espruino drops (COM port gone, warble from computer). Tried on a couple of different boards. Repeatable. Strange ! Began to suspect USB cable, but happens on several different ones. On some (rare) occasions I get a successful DHCP round trip
but a strange mac address (ending 01:01) In fact, I have wireshark running to monitor what I think is the correct mac address (00:08:dc:1d:4c:33) and there is no DHCP to be seen. Is it all happening on that 01:01 address ?? Stuck again. Any ideas? Posted at 2014-04-09 by @gfwilliams I'm really not sure about the DHCP - could be be that it starts off in the wrong subnet/gateway? You could try setting it up to something basic first. Also, not that it matters I guess but I'd try doing:
Did you get an HTTP get working first, so you know if it's connecting properly? I'm pretty sure I did something almost identical when testing and that worked fine. Posted at 2014-04-09 by Pat This code ..
works once and the console fills up with the HTML returned. If you try to run again, you get
So sort of heading in the right direction. Totally mystified by the DHCP behaviour really. Can't persuade the server code to work at all. Posted at 2014-04-10 by Pat Well, the good news is that this has been running now for 20 hours or so (continuous ping) without a blip :) Still getting DHCP funnies, the Socket error -7 above and unable to create a server, though ... Posted at 2014-04-10 by @gfwilliams Strange about the server. The Socket error -7 is something I was hoping WIZnet would get back to me on - but if you wait 30 seconds between GETs you shouldn't have a problem. Posted at 2014-04-10 by Pat Hi, is the server thing likely to be me doing something wrong? Ditto DHCP .. or is it possible there are some bugs lurking. On the Socket error -7 front, it is only apparent if I execute the whole script again. If I just run the http.get onwards it will work a number of times and eventually give up with an ERROR: No free sockets found, at which point my COM port disconnects, I get the disconnect warble from my PC. Have to Reset or Power Off/On at that point. Perplexed. Posted at 2014-04-10 by @gfwilliams Hmm. Could you be doing subsequent HTTP GETs before the last ones have finished? I don't know about the DHCP - when I tested it, it worked (as did servers). I guess it's possible that something has regressed recently :( Posted at 2014-04-15 by io2work I am not having any luck with the WIZ550io myself. The DHCP deal with eth.setIP() seems to mostly work (although the MAC address is never correct) but it does grab a valid IP, and set the Subnet, Gateway & DNS appropriately. I can then ping it without issue. If I use a port scanner, I can see that port 80 is open right after I flash code to the Espruino but if I scan a couple of times the port will eventually be closed and if I actually try and point a browser to the IP the port will close immediately. If I try to use another port, such as 8080, it will never show up as open. I've been trying to use the simple code below without success?
If I try to do an http.get I just get the "Socket error -7" message. I have two duplicate setups and I get the same results with both. I've been using the latest binary located at http://www.espruino.com/binaries/git/commit_date/2014-04-14%2019:20:19%20+0100/espruino_1v62_espruino_1r3_wiznet.bin Any ideas? Posted at 2014-04-16 by @gfwilliams I'm afraid I don't have much of an idea - that does look correct though. I'll take another look at it - however I'm really busy getting stuff ready for the Maker Faire, so probably won't get a chance for the next 2 weeks I'm afraid. Posted at 2014-04-16 by Pat Hi, well you got further than me on the DHCP front. I'll have another go. But I never got the server working, in fact I was never sure I got port 80 open at all, but will take a look again. Posted at 2014-04-16 by io2work I don't believe I ever got the server working either... port 80 seems to be open by default right after I send code to the Espruino... even if I have my code set to listen on another port such as 8080 (like in my example) it will be port 80 that is open temporarily? Basically, the WIZ550io is pretty much useless with the Espruino as-is... which is a bummer for me because it is the last piece of the puzzle for my project I am working on. Posted at 2014-04-16 by Pat Ditto. A real shame, as it looked so promising. I had actually been trying to get the CC3000 working, which it sort of did, but was very unreliable. However, the server code did work (when the CC3000 was working). Posted at 2014-04-16 by Sacha Rock solid Ethernet/Wifi communication with support for nativ sockets as we have in the arduino world as an example is something i miss too. I hope that Gordon will find the time to improve this. Sacha Posted at 2014-04-16 by @gfwilliams Yes, I will try and sort this out - however I'm a little overworked at the moment ;) In the mean time if anyone wants to help out, that'd be appreciated... By the way, I'd be interested to know how stable CC3000 in Arduino really is - they're using the CC3000 driver almost as-is, which means that any communications issue or lockup in the CC3000 will cause the Arduino to freeze completely. Posted at 2014-04-16 by Pat I still cannot get DHCP to behave .. this code
Works up to a point. If I execute the get 6 times (one after another) .. manually .. so I wait for the get to complete .. they all work and pull the html back correctly. The 7th time (always) I get "ERROR: No Free Sockets Found" and about 5 seconds later, the Espruino COM port disconnects from the PC. Have to reboot. I sometimes see a huge number of SPI TimeOut on TX messages before the COM port dies, but most often not. Posted at 2014-04-16 by DrAzzy I thought this used to be more reliable... Recently, I remember a few issues with SPI (the one that was discovered with the PCD8544 on hardware SPI vs software SPI) - Were those issues deep enough into the Espruino code that they could have effected communication with Wiznet/CC3000? (ie, i'm wondering, could the problems we see now be a result of previous hacks to try to make it work before the SPI issue had been discovered) Posted at 2014-04-17 by Pat Hmm, don't know. There are definitely occasions (like this) where something very bad happens that I presume is causing a significant crash on the Espruino to the point where the COM port disconnects. Posted at 2014-04-17 by @gfwilliams The SPI issues were at the JavaScript API level, and CC3000/WIZnet are one step lower than that - so there shouldn't have been an issue. I know about the GET issue on WIZnet (it was reported elsewhere) - it's because it's trying to find a free 'socket'. The WIZnet chip has 8, and they should be free after a GET completes. Did you do the GETs in quick succession? I was pretty sure I tested it, but I probably did so with maybe a minute between each GET - with that kind of delay the socket probably would have timed out and returned to its original state. Posted at 2014-04-17 by Pat Yes, I did do them one after another. I'll try with a longer gap and report back ! Posted at 2014-04-17 by Pat I think the general thing is, I'm keen to get a really rock-solid CC3000/Wiznet (or something else totally) talking to the network. Posted at 2014-04-17 by @gfwilliams I know... Believe me, I want that too! It's frustrating about the DHCP + Server issues, because that worked fine for me last time. Perhaps I tested server, and DHCP, but not both at the same time. WIZnet themselves said they'd give it a try and would contribute any changes they came up with, so I wasn't giving the W5500 huge priority... However it looks like they've forgotten about it now so I'll have to do it :( I'd thought that the eventual CC3000 hang was due to some issues I'd had with the internal timer, but it seems not. That one's especially frustrating because I tend to have to leave it running for hours on a debugger before the problem manifests itself. Posted at 2014-04-17 by Pat Gordon, I am so sorry to add to the pressure :( I wish I knew enough/was smart enough to actually help fix the problem, but I'm afraid my Rocket Scientist days are long gone ! The CC3000 is better now, but still crashy. It may be that a firmware upgrade would help, but the process is hideous and I have not attempted it. Perhaps I'll just have a few strong coffees and go for it ! Posted at 2014-04-17 by @gfwilliams Well, 99% of people are going to use the old firmware, so I need to be able to support it reliably. Whatever happens, power cycling the CC3000 should be able to bring it back to life - so there's definitely a bug in Espruino somewhere if it hangs. It will get done eventually - but probably not this or next week given how much is going on! I'm surprised that the Watchdog timer didn't manage to fix the reliability issues when enabled though? That should have reset Espruino at a very low level if anything bad happened. Posted at 2014-04-17 by DrAzzy I've got a clone of the Arduino board they mentioned in that scary CC3000 upgrade thread in the mail for the purpose of trying to update the firmware on the CC3000. I'll report back when I get it and have done so. Posted at 2014-04-18 by Pat Interesting thing today. DHCP has worked a few times (Not aware of changing anything) , but there is a mystery .. I get back
The mac address is the mystery .. the WizNet board is actually 00-08-dc-1d-4c-33 (or at least that is what is printed on the sticker on the board). The 02-08-09-ee-00-08 address does actually show up in the ARP table on my PC against However if I do set the IP/DNS/Gateway explicitly, I get the address on the sticker. Any idea where 02-08-09-ee-00-08 is coming from ? Thanks. Posted at 2014-04-18 by Pat A bit more. The server also popped into life, but I could never connect to it. Repeated port scans showed port 80 coming and going, but eventually just going away. I am wondering if there is a timing/signaling problem now ? I do see the following from time to time ... (truncated, there are a lot of the SPI errors)
Posted at 2014-04-20 by @gfwilliams It's possible that Espruino isn't getting the original MAC address before setting it (and that the new MAC address is just whatever was in Espruino's memory at that time). When I get time to start looking at it again after next week I'll try and sort that out. Posted at 2014-04-22 by Sacha I follow the tessel blog. There you can read that they are working on: 'Improving Wireless communications' It could be that tessel has also some difficulties with the C3300. Best regards Sacha Posted at 2014-04-27 by mgg1010 Guys I've been playing with Wiznet, and I get the same problems - if I try HTTP transactions more frequently than every 30s, I get "socket error -7" However, for the record, I've also seen other errors including - "no free sockets" and "SPI communications error" Gordon - if you do some work on this, I'm very happy to test it Martin Posted at 2014-05-06 by patmolloy Well, something magical has happen on 1.63 Wiznet .. this code now works perfectly ! I can switch the onboard leds on and off from a little web page !
Posted at 2014-05-06 by mgg1010 Not for me :( But your example is different to mine - you're creating one server socket and responding to events. I'm creating multiple sockets, and the problem is that they never get closed. I'd expect your case to work, I think. Posted at 2014-05-06 by Pat Well, this is a big step forward for me .. I could not get it to work at all before ! BTW user6988 is really me. I logged in wrongly ! Can you share your code and let me have a go ? Posted at 2014-05-06 by mgg1010 Hi @pat I've been discussing separately with @gfwilliams - we can see that something isn't closing sockets. @gfwilliams believes this is a bug in Wiznet's code, and he's asked them to check it out - I suspect it's more on the Espruino side. I've been studing the network code over the weekend, and I have some theories, but I'm generally very busy. My current experience is that it doesn't let go of sockets even if I give it a couple of minutes. @gfwilliams has suggested this may depend on the server I'm talking to My code is a bit long and cluttered with other stuff. I'll try to get a smaller test program to show the problem more specifically and upload that soon. @gfwilliams has also suggested a few other things to try. Thanks :) Posted at 2014-05-06 by @gfwilliams So just to clear up: For the 1v62 release I did some work on WIZnet - specifically improving the HTTP server stability and making sure that using There's still:
WIZnet have offered to look into those so I'm just waiting for their response. I'm not saying this is a WIZnet chip issue or a problem with their code. I'm sending 'closesocket' requests to the WIZnet chip and the socket state isn't changing to 'closed'. It's probably unread data or something and I fully expect WIZnet to know what the problem is within a few minutes - so as being as they offered the help, I'm taking them up on it :) Posted at 2014-05-06 by mgg1010 Sorry if I misrepresented you - I was trying to save you typing time, but it clearly didn't work :( If Wiznet get there first, great - if not, I'll make a test program to explore the repeated POST issue in more detail. Martin Posted at 2014-05-06 by @gfwilliams Thanks! Sorry - just didn't want to sound like WIZnet was at fault here - it's definitely something Espruino is doing :) Posted at 2014-05-06 by mgg1010 Ah - I guess I assumed it was their issue because they were looking at it - my misake! Posted at 2014-05-06 by Pat It died after a bit, actually. Will play a bit more !
Still pingable, though. Posted at 2014-05-06 by @gfwilliams Hmm - were you reading really often? I set it up serving a webpage with meta refresh, and it seemed to be ok... Posted at 2014-05-06 by Pat No, quite the opposite. I have rebooted and am giving it another shot. Kept pinging all the time with no issues. The issue seems to be repeatable to some degree - quick refreshes and clicks on the various links will eventually provoke the error, but I cannot see any pattern to it so far :( Posted at 2014-05-06 by Pat Well, definitely repeatable .. no real pattern to it that I can see, but after some amount of time that error is provoked. An eth.setIP() fixes it. Posted at 2014-05-06 by @gfwilliams Thanks - that's very interesting. So you don't have to do anything to the HTTP server - you just Posted at 2014-05-06 by Pat Yes, have tried this several times. Just doing the setIP revives it ! Posted at 2014-05-06 by Pat And poof, suddenly it does not any more ! Posted at 2014-05-06 by Pat Attempting to re-load all of the code gave ...
Posted at 2014-05-06 by io2work I have also had some success with the http server, but I am definitely having the DNS issue as described by @gfwilliams above. Additionally, it is still not always properly reading the WIZnet MAC address for me... the last two sets of HEX digits are sometimes wrong such as right now where it reads 00:08:dc:1d:a2:ff but it is actually marked 00:08:dc:1d:4f:44. If I completely disconnect both the USB power cable and the network jack and then plug everything back in, it will generally start off by reading it properly. Posted at 2014-05-07 by Pat Yeah .. well, we're definitely heading in the right direction. Wrinkles remain. The goal of rock solid Ethernet support remains. Would love to think that the CC3000 would behave at some point, but WIZnet seems a more achievable goal in the short term. I'll have a play today with various things that I could not get to work before. For example, I could never get DHCP to work at all previously. And I would get totally random MAC addresses ! Posted at 2014-05-07 by @gfwilliams @pat - yes, DHCP is definitely something that should be fixed now :) Yes, hopefully this will get sorted soon. I added some extra checks for the 4101 case in CC3000, but haven't yet managed to trap a proper crash to I'm not sure if that fixes it or not. Posted at 2014-05-07 by io2work FYI, DNS seems to work within our LAN but it does not work outside of our LAN. Posted at 2014-05-07 by @gfwilliams What happens when DHCP fails? does it output anything? Posted at 2014-05-08 by Pat This seems to work ok for me .. with this code for example ..
So I get back the contents of whatever page I specify .. http://www.bbc.co.uk here Though it only works once unless I reboot in between .. executing the same code twice gives me a "ERROR: Socket error -7 while sending" Posted at 2014-05-08 by Pat A bit more, if I just execute the http.get it works fine. Eventually I get an ERROR: No sockets found (or somesuch) [There is another thread on this - the sockets do close after a time and there is a limit of 8 (?) open at any one time ... so leaving a time gap between the gets would solve this] .. but once I get the error I then get a nasty bunch of this ..
followed by the ESPRUINO disconnecting itself from the COM port. BUT for me, the extenal DNS resolution is working just fine :) Posted at 2014-05-08 by mgg1010 Pat OK, my understanding The timeout error happens because the WebIDE gets annoyed that Espruino is busy, and sends a ctrl-c, which breaks Espurino out of comms and causes the error. Ideally Gordon should give us a webide option to delay the ctrl-c The Wiznet subsystem (i.e. wiznet+espruino) has at least two known problems: the -7 error and the out of sockets error. The -7 error means "socket has wrong state" - internally we're trying to do something on a socket that is closed. I don't yet know why. Gordon has said that if you delay between GETS you don't run out of sockets, but I've not seen this - if I do repeated POSTS with a 2-minute delay I still run out after 8 POSTS. When I have time, I'm still digging into this - I've got Espruino building and I've added logging to the code, but I've not quite got to the point where it's telling me anything useful... Martin Posted at 2014-05-08 by Pat Thanks Martin, I am afraid my rocket scientist days are behind me .. happy to help test, but afraid I can offer little help in dealing with the guts of Espruino ! Pat Posted at 2014-05-08 by @gfwilliams @mgg1010 - thanks for looking into this!
Or it's possible that we're trying to 'open' a socket that is still open... Posted at 2014-05-09 by mgg1010 After a big of slogging, I think I may have fixed Wiznet. (OK, a bit optimistic, but it looks more reliable now in my testing :) I found three bugs
I've submitted a pull request - hopefully Gordon can review and include these fixes in a future build - assuming I've not got anything wrong! Martin Posted at 2014-05-10 by Pat Hi Martin, Impressed :) Thanks ever so much .. look forward to having a crack at testing in due course ! Pat Posted at 2014-05-12 by @gfwilliams I just pulled the changes in, and it's now been automatically built: http://www.espruino.com/binaries/git/commits/0d59179f1a98fb09b1d0c29945b40ae20142b759/ Thanks again Martin - it's really appreciated :) Posted at 2014-05-12 by io2work Things are definitely working better... but I am still having issues with http.get(). I am attempting to do an http.get() to a Google Apps Content Service... this is what gets returned from the GET:
I know the content service works because you can just copy and paste that url in any browser and it will log the data in my Google Spreadsheet as expected. Is it an issue with it being https? This is the link to the live Google Spreadsheet if anyone wants to play with it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YM2-_LCWUR0dYllsRMAn_6B5OKLXD7_vVnABzJUqnMg/edit?usp=sharing The data gets logged in the "Data" sheet. Posted at 2014-05-12 by DrAzzy Yeah, HTTPS is not supported - if the link it's trying to go to is HTTPS, that's definitely the problem. I'd assume the espruino is ignoring the https, and sending a normal request to the same address - which responds with an attempt to redirect it to an https link. Neither Wiznet nor the CC3000 support HTTPS - (though rumor has it that both TI and Wiznet are planning to release a product in the future that does). Posted at 2014-05-12 by Pat Much better I think. My -7 error and out of sockets seem better/fixed, but I am still seeing
when I repeatedly click on the various buttons created by this code
I am using a little chrome extension called iMacros to record a set of clicks on the page and then run in a loop. Posted at 2014-05-12 by @gfwilliams Does it recover afterwards, or does it just die? Posted at 2014-05-12 by Pat The Espruino console stays alive and responsive. Pings work all the time, even when the connection is refused. My macro runs continuously until I get the error (I cannot see any pattern as to which iteration it fails on - The macro is just hitting each of the 8 links on the page in sequence, over and over). When it eventually fails, issuing a eth.setIP() fixed it on the first 15 or so occasions (I did not count, but I can if helpful). After the 15th (or whatever it was) eth.setIP() does not revive it, but loading the whole script again does. The good news it that none of this is causing the Espruino to crash or drop the COM port. Posted at 2014-05-12 by DrAzzy Could it be that the macro is just hitting it too fast, and it can't keep up with it and is getting confused as a result of that? Posted at 2014-05-12 by Pat Yes, possibly. I'll see if I can put some pauses in to slow it down. Having said that, before using the macro thing I was just doing it manually, and this too would eventually provoke the problem. But I was being nasty and clicking fast on links and/or refresh. Posted at 2014-05-12 by Pat So, I put a 1 second delay after each hitting each link. Error apparent still. But after a variable number of iterations again :( Posted at 2014-05-13 by @gfwilliams Hmm - I know I managed to cause problems by basically holding down F5 to refresh... I'm not sure quite why it happens - my guess is that somehow the socket loses the 'listen' state. I might be able to add something that'll check and then re-initialise it though. Posted at 2014-05-13 by Pat Evidence of what is going on is tricky. I am not convinced it is (only) a timing problem. I put a 5 second delay after each link click and ran the macro .. it managed 31 complete iterations before returning the 10061 error. Next time, only 8 iterations. On the other hand, it could still be a timing issue. I don't think this test can properly point us in one direction or the other to be honest. Posted at 2014-05-15 by @gfwilliams I've just committed some changes (b63a4f2970faaf853b43746515b6cbe46cb8cbb1) that should sort out the server stability (at least they do for me). If you do requests very quickly, the W5500 will start rejecting them (as it is only handling one request at a time at the moment) - however you can now completely thrash it, and once you slow back down it'll stay working. Note: the WIZnet build isn't there yet - the build system broke recently. It should be up in an hour or two though. Posted at 2014-05-15 by Pat Fantastic :) Am away from my playroom all day today, but will give it a shot tonight. Under light load, it all seems very stable now to me .. have been running all week without a blip. Posted at 2014-05-15 by @gfwilliams Great! I think I fixed some outstanding CC3000 problems too - I've been running that for 48 hours without a problem as well (it still keeps needing resets, but Espruino does recover). Posted at 2014-05-15 by Pat Excellent. Will have a crack at the CC3000 too then. That's where I started before the WIZ550io ! Posted at 2014-05-18 by Pat Well :) I have run my little macro script, with 1 seconds delays between all the clicks, and it has made it through 200 full iterations three times now without a single issue. I would say this is done ! Fantastic stuff. Having rock solid internet on Espruino is just great. On to the CC3000 .. Posted at 2014-05-20 by mgg1010 Glad to hear it's looking good :) Been busy at work recently... Posted at 2014-05-23 by Pat The CC3000 is behaving very nicely now too, even under some stress. Has been running for the last few days with no issues at all :) Posted at 2014-07-29 by possmann Do I understand this right now, that only the CC3000 work's fine and the WIZ550io has actually problems? My first try today with the WIZnet library failed so far :-( DHCP dosen't work, http.get() doesn't work and http.createServer() neither. :-( Posted at 2014-07-29 by DrAzzy I have had no problems with the wiz550io (since the big wiznet fixes a while back), ave have found it more reliable than the cc3k. I was working with a build of the firmware from last week, and server worked fine. There was an issue with get, but that should be fixed now. Someone else was having trouble making dhcp work recently, but said it worked when he specified the IP Posted at 2014-07-30 by @gfwilliams I've just wired this up and tried again with 1v69. Everything still works perfectly for me - DHCP, http get, server, etc. What exactly fails when you do And does What is the IP range on your network? The chip automatically sets its IP to on bootup, and I wonder whether if you're outside of the 192.168 range, the netmask might stop DHCP from working properly. You could try manually setting the IP to something in your range with something like Posted at 2014-07-30 by patmolloy Ditto. All working for me and definitely more reliable than cc3k IMO. You do have to use the special WZZnet build, though. Could that be the problem ? Posted at 2014-07-30 by possmann Ok, i tried everything again. At first i flash the espruino with this the newest version
For information: my home network setup works with 192.168.1.x range. My Synology has normally the ip address, but i read your advice with the default chip address and change it to I guess now, there are no collisions anymore. Well, first step: this is the output for getIP()
so, i tried to connect the DHCP with eth.setIP(); after 5 minutes no response in the WEBIDE, just a blinking cursor after. Next step: reset the espruino board and try to set a fix IP (
This works, eth.getIP() returns a good looking json object. Now, it's possible to ping the ip from my terminal:
Fine, now a http.get(); request to my local webserver with default port 80
Again no response after this comment. Just a blinking cursor on my WEBIDE. Also to set the ip to and eth.setIP(); doesn't work. I'm out of idea's :-( ps: i add also my wire configuration. the picture is little taken from the side, so it looks shifted, but the cables are set by B2-B5 on the espruino board. Attachments: Posted at 2014-07-30 by DrAzzy This sounds silly - but the link lights are on, right? Posted at 2014-07-30 by @gfwilliams Other thing is - that's not the same WIZnet board that I have here :) Do you have a link to where you bought it from? The board I have says 'WIZ550io Ver 1.0' on it. Posted at 2014-07-30 by @gfwilliams Just to add - looks a lot like the rev 1.1 : http://www.wiznet.co.kr/Sub_Modules/en/product/Product_Detail.asp?cate1=&cate2=&cate3=&pid=1196 @drazzy, which one do you have? I wonder if WIZnet have changed something between revisions :( Posted at 2014-07-30 by DrAzzy I have the 1.0 Posted at 2014-07-30 by possmann @drazzy: yes, the link lights works perfectly. They are flashing, if a ping occurs. generally it's really hard with my espruino start :-) Two tries, two problems,.. buuuuuut JS > cpp :-) Posted at 2014-07-30 by DrAzzy You're saying the link lights actually react to pings, despite that you're not successfully setting the IP address? That's strange indeed! Check your router (usually they provide a way to list connected clients) and see if the WizNET adapter is listed (look for the MAC address)... that'd help narrow down what's going on - though I'm not sure if it's actionable. Also - Have you checked that those connections are all okay? ? Sometimes those breadboards are flaky. Posted at 2014-07-30 by possmann BTW: thanks for all this response :-) @drazzy: if i set the ip manually, i can ping this ip address. This works as describe above. Unfortunately, my home router (apple airport extreme) doesn't show the client connections or don't find it yet. But after set the ip manually, i can create a routing table and the device is listed:
So i test now another breadboard, same issue. Posted at 2014-07-30 by DrAzzy Only thing I can think of is that Wiznet must have changed something in v1.1 that broke the drivers in the Espruino :-( Posted at 2014-07-31 by @gfwilliams I've just fired off an e-mail to WIZnet and we'll see if they can think of anything. @possmann it's a shame you're having problems, but you are trying to do something quite advanced with it. I guess if you were just using normal SPI/Serial/etc you wouldn't be having a great deal of trouble. Unfortunately if WIZnet change the way their board works and don't tell me there's very little I can do until I know about it :( Posted at 2014-07-31 by possmann No problem! Thanks for all the help and response. And i know, it's not easy for you to handle all these things. I will wait and hope for good news. Posted at 2014-08-12 by possmann
@gfwilliams: do you have an update or feedback from wiznet? Posted at 2014-08-12 by @gfwilliams Thanks for reminding me about this... I never did get a reply to the e-mail. I've just prodded him again and posted on their forum Posted at 2014-08-13 by javakys Hello Guys, Anyway, let me tell what the difference is between Rev 1.0 and 1.1 of WIZ550io. I am thinking why WIZ550io didn't work properly.
And for the second issue.
Please try to solve IP conflict first. This is more easy issue. Let me know your test result. Thank you. James. Posted at 2014-08-13 by @gfwilliams @javakys yes, I remember! thanks replying here... As I understand it, @possmann has already changed his Synology's IP address to so there shouldn't be a conflict... It's good to know that there is no real difference in the boards. I only blamed the board because we have two users here (I'm afraid I can't remember the second one) with rev 1.1 that are having problems - and everyone's rev 1.0 seems to work fine. It may just be a coincidence though... I guess any WIZX550io that gets bought now will be a rev 1.1, so it's likely that anyone now having problems will be having them with a rev 1.1 Posted at 2014-08-13 by javakys Humm... Posted at 2014-08-13 by @gfwilliams Wow, thanks for ordering one! I'm sure we can wait :) I don't suppose Joachim left you with one? I think I gave you one (or two) of the prototypes, and he should have a bunch of his own now because he bought the big starter kit on KickStarter... Posted at 2014-08-13 by 4jochen Hello Gordon, Thanks for your nice work on the Ethernet I/F using our Hardwired TCP/IP Chip / Module. Posted at 2014-08-14 by @gfwilliams Thanks - e-mail sent. Hopefully we'll get this sorted soon! Posted at 2014-08-22 by javakys Hello possmann, I did some test with two kind of WIZ550io modules and Espruino board but both worked well without any problem. I downloaded the latest firmware, http://www.espruino.com/binaries/espruino_1v69_espruino_1r3_wiznet.bin, onto espruino. I think there is no fault in not only WIZ550io Rev 1.0 but alse Rev 1.1, and Espruino's ethernet library.
I'm suspicious of above result. There may be something wrong in the interface of WIZ550io and epruino board. Thank you. James. Posted at 2014-08-22 by possmann
I hope we're not talking past each other. DHCP connection doesn't work. A static ip definition with Well, i give this issue another try this weekend, but I guess I can not handle an oscilloscope :-) Nevertheless, I try my best to find a way for debugging. Posted at 2014-08-26 by user47955 Just got my WIZnet modules from DigiKey and mostly working. DHCP is fine. However getting: ERROR: Socket error -7 while sending This is normally after doing a few http.get() requests. I have spaced the get requests 30 seconds apart but still getting them unfortunately. Running eth.setIP() does seem to help though and get it back working, for at least 1 request. Sometimes will then work for 2 or 3 requests but normally only 1. Posted at 2014-08-27 by user7064 1v70
why? Posted at 2014-08-27 by possmann Ok, i had not much time for a extensive test. I just set up all pins and connection from the scratch and retry the main features again. (same network / router configuration like before)
The result was the same like my first documentation. At the moment, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. After my holidays i give that another with new network and router configuration. Additionally a friend of mine will take a look at my configuration. I'll keep you up to date @user47955: which revision do you have? Posted at 2014-08-27 by user47955 @possmann I am using 1v69 Posted at 2014-08-27 by user47955 Interestingly if I use a Windows DNS server on my network it all seems to work without issue. If using a Linux DNS server on my network then I get the errors and timeouts after the first successful http.get(). The Linux DNS server is used for all the other clients on the network without issue. Posted at 2014-08-27 by user47955 OK maybe not. Just set it back to use the Linux server DNS and it is working fine now. Not having to call the eth.setIP() after each http.get() call either. Strange. Posted at 2014-08-27 by DrAzzy The fact that you're getting things like { "ip": "" } makes me think that when data is being read from the WizNET550io or processed, it's off by a byte (since most home routers start IP addresses with 192.168.1...) Posted at 2014-08-27 by @gfwilliams @javakys thanks for checking this out. Sorry for the delay - I have been (in fact still am) on holiday. @possmann I think @drazzy is right. It sounds like a really strange wiring issue. If there was some problem with MISO but not MOSI it could explain some of the behaviour - specifically why setIP worked but nothing else did. Posted at 2014-08-29 by javakys @gfwilliams and @drazzy, I think it is a timing issue. When reading, possmann wrote,
I think that WIZ550io sent back 1, 2, 3, 192, 168, 1, 2 in decimal sequentially but MCU returned a user 4 bytes from 3, not 192 by unknown fault, This is the reason why I'm saying it may be timing issue. WIZ550io has a tiny MCU inside to intialize W5500 with real MAC address and default IP address. @possmann I recommend you connect your WIZ550io's RDY pin to espruino's any GPIO pin and do ether.getIP() or ether.setIP() after its value turns to '1' @gfwilliams Can you send me your ethernet dirver code for W5500? It may be helpful for me to find the reason of this problem. Thank you. Posted at 2014-08-29 by @gfwilliams Thanks... Could it be that the SPI baud rate is too high? It doesn't explain why it fails for @possmann but works for so many others though. Driver code is here: https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/tree/master/libs/network/wiznet Posted at 2014-09-12 by @gfwilliams @javakys @possmann I just came across exactly this problem, with exactly the same output from The problem was that the CS pin wasn't connected and was just floating! @possmann, please can you check that the CS pin (pin 6 on the W5500 module) is connected to pin B2 on Espruino? If it is, can you try connecting it to an LED instead and test it with And just to confirm - having tested both revisions of the board (WIZnet kindly sent me some of the new revision) they behave identically. Posted at 2014-09-15 by possmann @ALL: thanks for your feedback... now, i'm back from italy and ready for further tests (fully recovered and relaxed) :-) I will give you feedback during this week. I hope the next tests are successfully. Posted at 2014-10-03 by possmann So, sorry for the late answer. I tested some issues.
I check the RDY pin, but after the value was '1', nothing changed. DHCP is still not working. At the moment, i'm not able to set a static ip address at this place (university network), but i will test it at home again.
I test the B2 pin with a LED and it works well. So the connection is definitively ok. Well, i don't know how i get this module to getting work. Any other suggestions? Test issues? Posted at 2014-10-03 by @gfwilliams I'd be pretty sure it was a CS pin issue now, as I managed to get the exact same behaviour with that... Maybe you could check that Pin 6 on J1 of the WIZnet board can be changed by manually sending values to B2, just to really make sure there isn't some connection issue? Otherwise I guess after all that it might be possible that your WIZnet board has some problem... Did you ever have it working with any other MCU boards? |
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Posted at 2014-04-09 by Pat
Have given up on the CC3000 for now, just cannot get it to behave nicely for a decent extended period. Received a WIZ550io today and am running against the 1.61 Wiznet build.
Basically working, but I cannot get eth.setIP() to DHCP nicely ..
I see ..
After this, I see ..
I am 100% sure my DHCP is working, so am a bit lost. Resetting the board and executing the following code works fine ..
and I then see
So my question is, where could the problem be ?
ARP -A on my (sorry, um, Windows) PC shows .. 00-08-dc-1d-4c-33 dynamic
So that mac address is being seen, but those DHCP_DISCOVER requests are not working for reasons I don't follow yet.
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