gps issue #4326
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Posted at 2021-11-26 by @gfwilliams Is this Bangle.js 2? There have been a few posts about this but it can take ages to get a fix the first time. There are some things we can do to help with that (setting time, rough location and loading AGPS data from website) but right now those aren't implemented. I know you said you waited an hour - was that with the watch with a clear view of the sky and with the GPS app on? If you're wearing it and moving around - especially around town - then that's going to slow it down a lot. Posted at 2021-11-29 by user137174 I have exactly the same problem, time is set, accurate within a couple of seconds. Bangle left on table in middle of a relatively large garden, with a clear view of the sky. GPS set to on using Bangle.GPSPower(1), Bangle.getGPSFix() ran every 5 minutes or so, after 1 hr all data is NaN, time undefined and 0 satellites. Not sure how to set location and/or AGPS data. Any help or ideas welcomed. Posted at 2021-12-01 by HughB @user137174 - have you tried GPSinfo or GPStouch. If you use GPStouch - you should see the timestamp from the GPS start coming back and set on the lower part of the display. If the time stays at 00:00:00 then the GPS is not responding and sending GPS fix events to the Bangle. I have experienced a day when I could not get a fix outside. If you type the 2 bits of code below into the IDE you can see if they GPS is responding.
Posted at 2021-12-01 by Paladin316 In regards to the GPS issue, how do you even turn it on or off? I don’t see anything in settings to do this. I uploaded both the GPS touch App and the GPS widget to my watch. I turned on the GPS in the GPS touch app, but the never get any satellites. The widget also never shows that the GPS is even on. Posted at 2021-12-01 by Paladin316 Ok, never mind my issue. I just got it working. I think using the GPS Time app helped get my GPS tracking up to date. So to speak. Posted at 2021-12-01 by HughB Is GPS touch working for you now that you have got a first fix ? I dont think GPStime does very much more than switch on the GPS, wait for a fix and then set the clock on the bangle from the timestamp in the GPS fix data. Posted at 2021-12-01 by HughB Have started a GPS issues page in the wiki at: Posted at 2021-12-01 by user137174 @hughb Posted at 2021-12-02 by user137174 OK, update is that the Bangle has been outside for over 24 hours, still no fix, no time and satellites found. I am of the opinion that the Bangle is defective, not sure what else I can try. Attachments: Posted at 2021-12-03 by @gfwilliams Ok - and the Bangle was definitely outside with the GPS on for all of that time? Because I'd actually expect the battery to run down if GPS is on for 24 hours and it's not externally powered. It is possible there's a GPS issue in which case I'd replace the watch for you, but I'd just like to check. Also hopefully in a month or so I should get the the AGPS and general GPS configuration situation improved Posted at 2021-12-03 by user137174 @gfwilliams If there is further checking I can do, then that’s OK, if you wish I can wait till the AGPS is online. To be honest I am out of country for a few months so sending watches, back and forth from next weekend will be a little difficult. Regards, Attachments: Posted at 2021-12-03 by @allObjects Could it be that some electro smog is messing with the GPS receiver? I know: Attachments: Posted at 2021-12-04 by user137174 Hi, Initial testing was carried out without a table or power, these were only added later to extend the time to get a possible lock. Also I have no problem with other devices getting good signals in the same area, on the same table. Though I have never needed to power them externally. So pretty unlikely. Posted at 2021-12-13 by @gfwilliams Hi Mick, Sorry for the delay - and thanks for doing such detailed testing with it! As you say, that lack of GPS sensitivity is definitely not normal. While it seems there are some software tweaks that'll drastically improve the GPS (not just AGPS) I'm not convinced they will help in your case if it can't get a lock or even the time after 24 hours. I'm totally out of Black watches to send you a replacement at the moment, but should get more at the end of the year and could get something out to you in January (although I appreciate with you moving around it's a bit of a pain). Posted at 2021-12-21 by user137993 I have an issue with GPS as well. I have a lot of trouble getting a fix. The only times that I was able to get a fix:
I can’t seem to get a fix in a city when walking even though I had a fix while driving along the same roads with the same weather conditions. Posted at 2021-12-21 by HilmarSt I've found a GPS issue on Bangle.js 2, many "unusual" NMEA messages - not starting with $GP are sent by the GPS receiver.
See also Posted at 2021-12-21 by HughB Interesting. I have found for Bangle 2 you have to be still in a built up area. I was out walking the other day and could not get a fix at all when walking. I put the bangle on top of my dashboard when I was changing out my boots and within 1 minute the GPStouch App buzzed to say I had got a fix. Posted at 2021-12-21 by myownself From the datasheet @fanoush provided in another thread: Attachments: Posted at 2021-12-22 by HilmarSt I've created a pull request espruino/BangleApps#1167 for the "GPS Info" App that adds the number of satellites in view. On my Bangle 2 I only get a fix with at least 10 satellites in view, which I've never seen indoor (around 5 in view). If a fix "from outside" is available, it continuous working indoor. Posted at 2021-12-23 by HughB That makes sense, is it possible to adjust the necessary PDOP? Posted at 2021-12-23 by HilmarSt For everyone with GPS issues who is able to download Apps via IDE, I did a quick & dirty hack: To use my attached code, do the following steps:
The downloaded accellog.?.csv should contain something like this:
If anyone has severy problems with GPS reception, post the .csv here (please not more than ~80 lines) and I will have a look at it. Attachments: Posted at 2021-12-25 by ber Here the Banglejs2 I have, also has GPS problems: a) Getting a fix is hard. Running for about 3.5 hours, I've got the fix only after 2.5 hours or so. b) The accurracy of the track is lower than expected. I've used GPS Recorder with 3 seconds intervall and I have sometimes been ten meters or more off. The GPS on the Banglejs1 was much more reliable (yes, I know a different chipset). Posted at 2021-12-25 by Numerist I'm still having almost no problem getting a GPS fix with my Bangle.js 1. With the 2 I hadn't been able to get a fix until I took HughB's suggestion and laid the watch on something outdoors, keeping it still for about 5 minutes. Then I got a fix, wth 5 satellites. Posted at 2022-01-10 by Numerist Problem with GPS: I have a clock face that's almost identical on Bangle.js 1 and 2. Version 1 keeps good time. Version 2 gets ahead by 4 or 5 seconds a day. Both attempt to use GPS time. On rebooting Version 1, I get a notice that GPS time is being used. On Version 2, no notice of that. I'm using the app GPS Time with the following custom boot code:
Should a reboot message appear on Version 2 that GPS time is being used? (Javascript is mostly foreign to me; the custom boot code is mostly Gordon's but for the whole watch the code was created by someone else.) The watch face code and/or the custom boot code won't run in the emulator for Bangle.js 2, giving the follow error: Uncaught ReferenceError: "BTN3" is not defined There is of course no BTN3 in the code itself. Posted at 2022-01-10 by HughB This could be differences in firmware between your Bangle 1 and Bangle 2 - rather than related to the code above. What versions of firware are you using. I seem to remember that using GPS time was taken out of the firmware or bootcode on Bangle 2. Posted at 2022-01-10 by Numerist 2v11 in Bangle 2. I've tried putting the bootcode into the actual watch face code, with the same result. If GPS time is not in firmware, does that mean it can't be accessed at all for registering time in the watch? Posted at 2022-01-11 by @gfwilliams
No... In fact it shouldn't appear on Bangle.js 1 either if everything is up to date? Since the firmware was modified to persist time between reboots I removed the GPS time code since it really wasn't needed. The only time the time would be lost is when the battery ran flat, and at that point the GPS would lose time too Posted at 2022-01-11 by Numerist Everything's up to date. Apparently running on GPS time, then, watch 1 keeps fairly good time but watch 2 races ahead. Is there a fundamental difference I'm missing? Is the set GPS time perhaps not registering in Bangle.js 2? Posted at 2022-01-12 by @gfwilliams
I'm not sure what you mean. By default, GPS time is now not used at all (but to be fair it was never used before unless your clock wasn't set). If you want to actually update from GPS time then you'll need to modify the code you posted above so the checks like Posted at 2022-01-13 by Numerist The code below takes out the checks mentioned above. The watch (Dozenal Time 2 on Bangle.js 2) still gains 4+ seconds a day. (Bangle.js 1 does not.) Can it be determined from this whether it is reading GPS time, continually? Must the GPS be acquired and set before the watch face is uploaded? The reverse? Does it matter? I apologize once again for not being a scripter. Most of the rest of the watch code was written by a person who left the project. A little of the most obvious javascript I understand, but that's all.
Posted at 2022-01-14 by @gfwilliams You could add some But... you really need to have made sure the GPS has a fix first. If the GPS hasn't got any GPS time yet then it's not going to be able to update the time Posted at 2022-01-14 by Numerist Thanks. Setting the watch down to be stationary outdoors fixes the fix problem, so to speak! The watch still gains, possibly not at a continuous rate. After setting GPS Time last night, this morning it may have gained 2+ seconds, and after a total of about 24 hours, it has gained 4+ seconds. Does that suggest anything? Rebooting the next day put the watch 15 seconds behind. Reloading the watch script fixed that. Why this is happening, I don't know, because it isn't happening now with Bangle.js 1. Posted at 2022-01-18 by @gfwilliams I'm not sure. I guess there's also the question of whether the GPS has accurate timekeeping when it can't see the satellites. It may be that it is less accurate than the Bangle.
If you fully reboot the watch then yes, the time will end up behind. The RTC stops when Bangle.js isn't running, so there's nothing we can do. Honestly it was a massive effort even to make it keep the current time. Same for entering the bootloader... Posted at 2022-01-19 by Numerist
Posted at 2022-01-19 by HughB Different GPS chips, yes, a whole different set of issues, most of which we won't notice, some we will. Posted at 2022-01-19 by Numerist For watch 2 I'd like to know a way to invoke GPS time that is likely to work and is necessarily different from what I had in watch 1. Of course, GPS time needs to work on watch 2 indoors with no satellite, after an outdoor connection. Is that possible? Posted at 2022-02-28 by ber To follow up, with AGPS and GPS I'm getting a fix, so that problem is solved for good. However precision is still bad. A lot more than the sprecified 2.5m. In at least four attempts. Posted at 2022-02-28 by @gfwilliams
Where is 2.5m mentioned? Seems to say:
So I wouldn't expect to get double that accuracy from the Bangle I'm afraid. Posted at 2022-03-24 by user137174 Hi Gordon, Posted at 2022-03-24 by @gfwilliams Hi Mick, sure - I'll drop you an email now |
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Posted at 2021-11-26 by TMQcard
Hi, I am in Ireland. I tried every GPS app. it never showed me the GPS data. (Don't think it's prefix issue as I have waited for hours)
When I tried the GPS Info app, I found there is 0 satellite.
I wonder if it is the watch's GPS hardware issue or I just cannot use GPS as there is really 0 satellite in Ireland
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